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org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.ErrorMessages_sl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Serializer to write out XML, HTML etc. as a stream of characters from an input DOM or from input SAX events.

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * $Id: 1225426 2011-12-29 04:13:08Z mrglavas $

package org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

 * @author Morten Jorgensen
public class ErrorMessages_sl extends ListResourceBundle {

 * XSLTC compile-time error messages.
 * General notes to translators and definitions:
 *   1) XSLTC is the name of the product.  It is an acronym for "XSLT Compiler".
 *      XSLT is an acronym for "XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations".
 *   2) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
 *      into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
 *      stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
 *   3) A template is a component of a stylesheet that is used to match a
 *      particular portion of an input document and specifies the form of the
 *      corresponding portion of the output document.
 *   4) An axis is a particular "dimension" in a tree representation of an XML
 *      document; the nodes in the tree are divided along different axes.
 *      Traversing the "child" axis, for instance, means that the program
 *      would visit each child of a particular node; traversing the "descendant"
 *      axis means that the program would visit the child nodes of a particular
 *      node, their children, and so on until the leaf nodes of the tree are
 *      reached.
 *   5) An iterator is an object that traverses nodes in a tree along a
 *      particular axis, one at a time.
 *   6) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
 *      modifier on the tag.  For example, in 
 *      "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
 *      the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
 *   7) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
 *      a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
 *      attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
 *      namespace.
 *   8) DOM is an acronym for Document Object Model.  It is a tree
 *      representation of an XML document.
 *      SAX is an acronym for the Simple API for XML processing.  It is an API
 *      used inform an XML processor (in this case XSLTC) of the structure and
 *      content of an XML document.
 *      Input to the stylesheet processor can come from an XML parser in the
 *      form of a DOM tree or through the SAX API.
 *   9) DTD is a document type declaration.  It is a way of specifying the
 *      grammar for an XML file, the names and types of elements, attributes,
 *      etc.
 *  10) XPath is a specification that describes a notation for identifying
 *      nodes in a tree-structured representation of an XML document.  An
 *      instance of that notation is referred to as an XPath expression.
 *  11) Translet is an invented term that refers to the class file that contains
 *      the compiled form of a stylesheet.

    // These message should be read from a locale-specific resource bundle
    /** Get the lookup table for error messages.
     * @return The message lookup table.
    public Object[][] getContents()
      return new Object[][] {
        "V isti datoteki je dolo\u010denih ve\u010d slogovnih datotek."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * template.  The same name was used on two different templates in the
         * same stylesheet.
        "Predloga ''{0}'' je \u017ee dolo\u010dena v tej slogovni datoteki."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * template.  A reference to the template name was encountered, but the
         * template is undefined.
        "Predloga ''{0}'' ni dolo\u010dena v tej slogovni datoteki."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a variable
         * that was defined more than once.
        "Spremenljivka ''{0}'' je ve\u010dkrat dolo\u010dena znotraj istega obsega."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a variable
         * or parameter.  A reference to the variable or parameter was found,
         * but it was never defined.
        "Spremenljivka ali parameter ''{0}'' je nedolo\u010den."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "class" here refers to a Java class.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a class to be loaded, but it could
         * not be found.  The substitution text is the name of the class.
        "Ni mogo\u010de najti razreda ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
         * the substitution text, but it could not be found.  "public" is the
         * Java keyword.
        "Zunanje metode ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de najti (mora biti javna)."},

         * Note to translators:  The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
         * Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
         * the substitution text, but no method with the required types of
         * arguments or return type could be found.
        "Ni mogo\u010de pretvoriti argumenta / tipa vrnitve v klicu metode ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The file or URI named in the substitution text
         * is missing.
        "Datoteke ali URI-ja ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de najti."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is displayed when the URI
         * mentioned in the substitution text is not well-formed syntactically.
        "Neveljaven URI ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The file or URI named in the substitution text
         * exists but could not be opened.
        "Datoteke ali URI-ja ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de odpreti."},

         * Note to translators:  and  are
         * keywords that should not be translated.
        "Pri\u010dakovan element  ali ."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
         * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
         * text is the name of the prefix.
        "Predpona imenskega prostora ''{0}'' ni dolo\u010dena."},

         * Note to translators:  The Java function named in the stylesheet could
         * not be found.
        "Klica funkcije ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de razre\u0161iti."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a
         * function.  A literal string here means a constant string value.
        "Argument za ''{0}'' mora biti dobesedni niz."},

         * Note to translators:  This message indicates there was a syntactic
         * error in the form of an XPath expression.  The substitution text is
         * the expression.
        "Napaka pri raz\u010dlenjevanju izraza XPath ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  An element in the stylesheet requires a
         * particular attribute named by the substitution text, but that
         * attribute was not specified in the stylesheet.
        "Manjka zahtevani atribut ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  This message indicates that a character not
         * permitted in an XPath expression was encountered.  The substitution
         * text is the offending character.
        "Neveljavni znak ''{0}'' v izrazu XPath."},

         * Note to translators:  A processing instruction is a mark-up item in
         * an XML document that request some behaviour of an XML processor.  The
         * form of the name of was invalid in this case, and the substitution
         * text is the name.
        "Neveljavno ime ''{0}'' za navodila za obdelavo."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
         * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
         * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
         * specifies the name of the attribute.
        "Atribut ''{0}'' zunaj elementa."},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute that wasn't recognized was
         * specified on an element in the stylesheet.  The attribute is named
         * by the substitution
         * text.
        "Neveljaven atribut ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "import" and "include" are keywords that should
         * not be translated.  This messages indicates that the stylesheet
         * named in the substitution text imported or included itself either
         * directly or indirectly.
        "Kro\u017eni uvoz/vklju\u010ditev. Slogovna datoteka ''{0}'' je \u017ee nalo\u017eena."},

         * Note to translators:  A result-tree fragment is a portion of a
         * resulting XML document represented as a tree.  "" is a
         * keyword and should not be translated.
        "Ne morem razvrstiti fragmentov drevesa rezultatov (elementi  so prezrti). Pri pripravi drevesa rezultatov morate razvrstiti vozli\u0161\u010da."},

         * Note to translators:  A name can be given to a particular style to be
         * used to format decimal values.  The substitution text gives the name
         * of such a style for which more than one declaration was encountered.
        "Decimalno oblikovanje ''{0}'' je \u017ee dolo\u010deno."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet version named in the
         * substitution text is not supported.
        "XSL razli\u010dice ''{0}'' XSLTC ne podpira."},

         * Note to translators:  The definitions of one or more variables or
         * parameters depend on one another.
        "Sklic na kro\u017eno spremenljivko/parameter v ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The operator in an expresion with two operands was
         * not recognized.
        "Neznan operator za binarni izraz."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is produced if a reference to a
         * function has too many or too few arguments.
        "Neveljavni argument(i) za klic funkcije."},

         * Note to translators:  "document()" is the name of function and must
         * not be translated.  A node-set is a set of the nodes in the tree
         * representation of an XML document.
        "Drugi argument funkcije document() mora biti skupina vozli\u0161\u010d."},

         * Note to translators:  "" and "" are keywords
         * and should not be translated.  This message describes a syntax error
         * in the stylesheet.
        "Zahtevan vsaj en element  v ."},

         * Note to translators:  "" and "" are
         * keywords and should not be translated.  This message describes a
         * syntax error in the stylesheet.
        "Dovoljen samo en element  v ."},

         * Note to translators:  "" and "" are
         * keywords and should not be translated.  This message describes a
         * syntax error in the stylesheet.
        " lahko uporabljamo samo znotraj ."},

         * Note to translators:  "" and "" are keywords
         * and should not be translated.  This message describes a syntax error
         * in the stylesheet.
        " lahko uporabljamo samo znotraj ."},

         * Note to translators:  "", "" and
         * "" are keywords and should not be translated.  This
         * message describes a syntax error in the stylesheet.
        "V  sta dovoljena samo elementa  in ."},

         * Note to translators:  "" and "name" are keywords
         * that should not be translated.
        "V  manjka atribut 'name'."},

         * Note to translators:  An element in the stylesheet contained an
         * element of a type that it was not permitted to contain.
        "Neveljavni podrejeni element."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet tried to create an element with
         * a name that was not a valid XML name.  The substitution text contains
         * the name.
        "Elementa ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de poklicati"},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet tried to create an attribute
         * with a name that was not a valid XML name.  The substitution text
         * contains the name.
        "Atributa ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de poklicati"},

         * Note to translators:  The children of the outermost element of a
         * stylesheet are referred to as top-level elements.  No text should
         * occur within that outermost element unless it is within a top-level
         * element.  This message indicates that that constraint was violated.
         * "" is a keyword that should not be translated.
        "Tekstovni podatki zunaj elementa na najvi\u0161ji ravni ."},

         * Note to translators:  JAXP is an acronym for the Java API for XML
         * Processing.  This message indicates that the XML parser provided to
         * XSLTC to process the XML input document had a configuration problem.
        "Raz\u010dlenjevalnik JAXP ni pravilno konfiguriran"},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text names the internal error
         * encountered.
        "Nepopravljiva XSLTC-notranja napaka: ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained an element that was
         * not recognized as part of the XSL syntax.  The substitution text
         * gives the element name.
        "Nepodprt XSL element ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The stylesheet referred to an extension to the
         * XSL syntax and indicated that it was defined by XSLTC, but XSTLC does
         * not recognized the particular extension named.  The substitution text
         * gives the extension name.
        "Neprepoznana pripona XSLTC ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
         * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.  XSLTC is able to detect that in this
         * case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be
         * declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration
         * for that namespace was seen.
        "Vhodni dokument ni slogovna datoteka (v korenskem elementu ni naveden imenski prostor XSL)."},

         * Note to translators:  XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document
         * with the name specified by the substitution text.
        "Cilja slogovne datoteke ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de najti."},

         * Note to translators:  This message represents an internal error in
         * condition in XSLTC.  The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC
         * that is missing some functionality.
        "Ni izvedeno: ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
         * was not, in fact, a stylesheet.
        "Vhodni dokument ne vsebuje slogovne datoteke XSL."},

         * Note to translators:  The element named in the substitution text was
         * encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized.
        "Elementa ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de raz\u010dleniti"},

         * Note to translators:  "use", "", "node", "node-set", "string"
         * and "number" are keywords in this context and should not be
         * translated.  This message indicates that the value of the "use"
         * attribute was not one of the permitted values.
        "Atribut uporabe za  mora biti vozli\u0161\u010de, skupina vozli\u0161\u010d, niz ali \u0161tevilka."},

         * Note to translators:  An XML document can specify the version of the
         * XML specification to which it adheres.  This message indicates that
         * the version specified for the output document was not valid.
        "Razli\u010dica izhodnega dokumenta XML mora biti 1.0"},

         * Note to translators:  The operator in a comparison operation was
         * not recognized.
        "Neznan operator za relacijski izraz"},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute set defines as a set of XML
         * attributes that can be added to an element in the output XML document
         * as a group.  This message is reported if the name specified was not
         * used to declare an attribute set.  The substitution text is the name
         * that is in error.
        "Poskus uporabe neobstoje\u010de skupine atributov ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The term "attribute value template" is a term
         * defined by XSLT which describes the value of an attribute that is
         * determined by an XPath expression.  The message indicates that the
         * expression was syntactically incorrect; the substitution text
         * contains the expression that was in error.
        "Predloge vrednosti atributa ''{0}'' ni mogo\u010de raz\u010dleniti."},

         * Note to translators:  ???
        "V podpisu za razred ''{0}'' je neznan podatkovni tip."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text refers to data types.
         * The message is displayed if a value in a particular context needs to
         * be converted to type {1}, but that's not possible for a value of
         * type {0}.
        "Ni mogo\u010de pretvoriti podatkovnega tipa ''{0}'' v ''{1}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "Templates" is a Java class name that should
         * not be translated.
        "Te Templates ne vsebujejo veljavne definicije razreda translet."},

         * Note to translators:  "Templates" is a Java class name that should
         * not be translated.
        "Te predloge ne vsebujejo razreda z imenom ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a class.
        "Ni mogo\u010de nalo\u017eiti razreda transleta ''{0}''."},

        "Razred transleta je nalo\u017een, vendar priprava primerka transleta ni mogo\u010da."},

         * Note to translators:  "ErrorListener" is a Java interface name that
         * should not be translated.  The message indicates that the user tried
         * to set an ErrorListener object on object of the class named in the
         * substitution text with "null" Java value.
        "Poskus nastavitve ErrorListener za ''{0}'' na null"},

         * Note to translators:  StreamSource, SAXSource and DOMSource are Java
         * interface names that should not be translated.
        "XSLTC podpira samo StreamSource, SAXSource in DOMSource"},

         * Note to translators:  "Source" is a Java class name that should not
         * be translated.  The substitution text is the name of Java method.
        "Predmet Source, ki je bil podan z ''{0}'', nima vsebine."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that XSLTC failed to
         * compile the stylesheet into a translet (class file).
        "Ni mogo\u010de prevesti slogovne datoteke"},

         * Note to translators:  "TransformerFactory" is a class name.  In this
         * context, an attribute is a property or setting of the
         * TransformerFactory object.  The substitution text is the name of the
         * unrecognised attribute.  The method used to retrieve the attribute is
         * "getAttribute", so it's not clear whether it would be best to
         * translate the term "attribute".
        "TransformerFactory ne prepozna atributa ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "setResult()" and "startDocument()" are Java
         * method names that should not be translated.
        "Klic za setResult() mora biti izveden pred klicem startDocument()."},

         * Note to translators:  "Transformer" is a Java interface name that
         * should not be translated.  A Transformer object should contained a
         * reference to a translet object in order to be used for
         * transformations; this message is produced if that requirement is not
         * met.
        "Transformer ne vsebuje enkapsuliranih translet objektov."},

         * Note to translators:  The XML document that results from a
         * transformation needs to be sent to an output handler object; this
         * message is produced if that requirement is not met.
        "Za rezultat transformacije ni izhodne obravnave."},

         * Note to translators:  "Result" is a Java interface name in this
         * context.  The substitution text is a method name.
        "Rezultat, ki je bil posredovan ''{0}'', je neveljaven."},

         * Note to translators:  "Transformer" is a Java interface name.  The
         * user's program attempted to access an unrecognized property with the
         * name specified in the substitution text.  The method used to retrieve
         * the property is "getOutputProperty", so it's not clear whether it
         * would be best to translate the term "property".
        "Poskus dostopa do neveljavne lastnosti (property) Transformer ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  SAX2DOM is the name of a Java class that should
         * not be translated.  This is an adapter in the sense that it takes a
         * DOM object and converts it to something that uses the SAX API.
        "Ni mogo\u010de ustvariti adapterja SAX2DOM: ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "" is a Java method name.
         * "systemId" is an XML term that is short for "system identification".
        "Klic brez predhodne nastavitve systemId."},

        { ErrorMsg.ER_RESULT_NULL,
            "Rezultat naj ne bi bil NULL"},

         * Note to translators:  This message indicates that the value argument
         * of setParameter must be a valid Java Object.
        "Vrednost parametra {0} mora biti veljaven javanski objekt"},

        "Mo\u017enost -i mora biti uporabljena skupaj z mo\u017enostjo -o."},

         * Note to translators:  This message contains usage information for a
         * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line.  The message is
         * formatted for presentation in English.  The strings ,
         * , etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
         * be translated - the argument  refers to a Java package, so
         * it should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
         * documentation.
        "SYNOPSIS\n   java org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Compile [-o ]\n      [-d ] [-j  ] [-p ]\n      [-n] [-x] [-u] [-v] [-h] {  | -i }\n\nOPTIONS\n   -o     dodeli ime  generiranemu\n                  transletu.  Ime transleta se po privzetih nastavitvah\n                 izpelje iz imena .  Pri prevajanju\n                  ve\u010d slogovnih datotek je ta mo\u017enost prezrta.\n   -d  dolo\u010di ciljno mapo za translet\n   -j    zdru\u017ei razrede translet v datoteko jar\n       pod imenom, dolo\u010denim z \n   -p    dolo\u010di predpono imena paketa vsem generiranim\n               razredom translet.\n   -n             omogo\u010da vrivanje predlog (v povpre\u010dju bolj\u0161e privzeto\n                      obna\u0161anje).\n   -x             vklopi dodatna izhodna sporo\u010dila za iskanje napak\n   -u             prevede argumente  kot URL-je\n   -i             prisili prevajalnik k branju slogovne datoteke iz stdin\n   -v             natisne razli\u010dico prevajalnika\n   -h             natisne ta stavek za uporabo\n"},

         * Note to translators:  This message contains usage information for a
         * means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line.  The message is
         * formatted for presentation in English.  The strings ,
         * , etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
         * be translated - the argument  refers to a Java class, so it
         * should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
         * documentation.
        "SYNOPSIS \n   java org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Transform [-j ]\n      [-x] [-n ] {-u  | }\n       [= ...]\n\n   uporablja translet  za pretvorbo dokumenta XML \n   navedenega kot . Translet  je ali v\n   uporabnikovem CLASSPATH ali v izbirno navedeni datoteki .\nOPTIONS\n   -j     dolo\u010di datoteko jar, iz katere bo nalo\u017een translet\n   -x               vklopi dodatna sporo\u010dila za iskanje napak\n   n   -krat po\u017eene preoblikovanje in\n                   prika\u017ee informacije profiliranja\n   -u  dolo\u010di vhodni dokument XML za URL\n"},

         * Note to translators:  "", "" and
         * "" are keywords that should not be translated.
         * The message indicates that an xsl:sort element must be a child of
         * one of the other kinds of elements mentioned.
        " je mogo\u010de uporabljati samo znotraj  ali ."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that the encoding
         * requested for the output document was on that requires support that
         * is not available from the Java Virtual Machine being used to execute
         * the program.
        "Ta JVM ne podpira izhodnega kodiranja ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The message indicates that the XPath expression
         * named in the substitution text was not well formed syntactically.
        "Napaka v sintaksi v ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a Java
         * class.  The term "constructor" here is the Java term.  The message is
         * displayed if XSLTC could not find a constructor for the specified
         * class.
        "Ni mogo\u010de najti zunanjega konstruktorja ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  "static" is the Java keyword.  The substitution
         * text is the name of a function.  The first argument of that function
         * is not of the required type.
        "Prvi argument nestati\u010dne (non-static) javanske funkcije ''{0}'' ni veljaven sklic na objekt."},

         * Note to translators:  An XPath expression was not of the type
         * required in a particular context.  The substitution text is the
         * expression that was in error.
        "Napaka pri preverjanju tipa izraza ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  An XPath expression was not of the type
         * required in a particular context.  However, the location of the
         * problematic expression is unknown.
        "Napaka pri preverjanju tipa izraza na neznani lokaciji."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a command-
         * line option that was not recognized.
        "Mo\u017enost ukazne vrstice ''{0}'' ni veljavna."},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a command-
         * line option.
        "Mo\u017enosti ukazne vrstice ''{0}'' manjka zahtevani argument."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "OPOZORILO:  ''{0}''\n       :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "OPOZORILO:  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "USODNA NAPAKA:  ''{0}''\n           :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "USODNA NAPAKA:  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text contains two error
         * messages.  The spacing before the second substitution text indents
         * it the same amount as the first in English.
        "USODNA NAPAKA:  ''{0}''\n     :{1}"},

         * Note to translators:  This message is used to indicate the severity
         * of another message.  The substitution text is an error message.
        "NAPAKA:  ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  The substitution text is the name of a class.
        "Pretvorba z uporabo transleta ''{0}'' "},

         * Note to translators:  The first substitution is the name of a class,
         * while the second substitution is the name of a jar file.
        "Pretvorba z uporabo transleta ''{0}'' iz datoteke jar ''{1}''"},

         * Note to translators:  "TransformerFactory" is the name of a Java
         * interface and must not be translated.  The substitution text is
         * the name of the class that could not be instantiated.
        "Ni mogo\u010de ustvariti primerka razreda TransformerFactory ''{0}''."},

         * Note to translators:  This message is produced when the user
         * specified a name for the translet class that contains characters
         * that are not permitted in a Java class name.  The substitution
         * text "{0}" specifies the name the user requested, while "{1}"
         * specifies the name the processor used instead.
         "Imena ''{0}'' ni bilo mogo\u010de uporabiti kot ime razreda translet, saj vsebuje znake, ki v imenu javanskega razreda niso dovoljeni.  Uporabljeno je bilo ime ''{1}''."},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the error messages are collected together and displayed beneath
         * this message.
        "Napake prevajalnika:"},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the warning messages are collected together and displayed
         * beneath this message.
        "Opozorila prevajalnika:"},

         * Note to translators:  The following message is used as a header.
         * All the error messages that are produced when the stylesheet is
         * applied to an input document are collected together and displayed
         * beneath this message.  A 'translet' is the compiled form of a
         * stylesheet (see above).
        "Napake transleta:"},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute whose value is constrained to
         * be a "QName" or a list of "QNames" had a value that was incorrect.
         * 'QName' is an XML syntactic term that must not be translated.  The
         * substitution text contains the actual value of the attribute.
        "Atribut, katerega vrednost mora biti vrednost QName ali s presledki lo\u010den seznam vrednosti Qname, je imel vrednost ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute whose value is required to
         * be an "NCName".
         * 'NCName' is an XML syntactic term that must not be translated.  The
         * substitution text contains the actual value of the attribute.
        "Atribut, katerega vrednost mora biti NCName, je imel vrednost ''{0}''"},

         * Note to translators:  An attribute with an incorrect value was
         * encountered.  The permitted value is one of the literal values
         * "xml", "html" or "text"; it is also permitted to have the form of
         * a QName that is not also an NCName.  The terms "method",
         * "xsl:output", "xml", "html" and "text" are keywords that must not
         * be translated.  The term "qname-but-not-ncname" is an XML syntactic
         * term.  The substitution text contains the actual value of the
         * attribute.
        "Atribut metode elementa  je imel vrednost ''{0}''.  Vrednost mora biti ena izmed ''xml'', ''html'', ''text'', ali qname-but-not-ncname (qname, vendar pa ne ncname)"},

        "Ime funkcije ne sme biti null v TransformerFactory.getFeature(Ime niza)."},

        "Ime funkcije ne sme biti null v TransformerFactory.getFeature(Ime niza, boolova vrednost)."},

        "Ni mogo\u010de nastaviti funkcije ''{0}'' v tem TransformerFactory."}



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