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xyz.block.ftl.v1.ftl.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 0.368.1
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syntax = "proto3";

package xyz.block.ftl.v1;

import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "xyz/block/ftl/v1/schema/schema.proto";

option go_package = ";ftlv1";
option java_multiple_files = true;

message PingRequest {}
message PingResponse {
  // If present, the service is not ready to accept requests and this is the
  // reason.
  optional string not_ready = 1;

message ModuleContextRequest {
  string module = 1;

message ModuleContextResponse {
  message Ref {
    optional string module = 1;
    string name = 2;

  enum DBType {
    POSTGRES = 0;

  message DSN {
    string name = 1;
    DBType type = 2;
    string dsn = 3;

  string module = 1;
  map configs = 2;
  map secrets = 3;
  repeated DSN databases = 4;

message Metadata {
  message Pair {
    string key = 1;
    string value = 2;
  repeated Pair values = 1;

message CallRequest {
  Metadata metadata = 1;

  schema.Ref verb = 2;
  bytes body = 3;

message CallResponse {
  message Error {
    string message = 1;
    optional string stack = 2;
    // TODO: Richer error type.

  oneof response {
    bytes body = 1;
    Error error = 2;

message AcquireLeaseRequest {
  string module = 1;
  repeated string key = 2;
  google.protobuf.Duration ttl = 3;

message AcquireLeaseResponse {}

message SendFSMEventRequest {
  schema.Ref fsm = 1;
  string instance = 2;
  schema.Type event = 3;
  bytes body = 4;

message SendFSMEventResponse {}

message PublishEventRequest {
  schema.Ref topic = 1;
  bytes body = 2;
  // Only verb name is included because this verb will be in the same module as topic
  string caller = 3;

message PublishEventResponse {}

// VerbService is a common interface shared by multiple services for calling Verbs.
service VerbService {
  // Ping service for readiness.
  rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
    option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;

  // Issue a synchronous call to a Verb.
  rpc Call(CallRequest) returns (CallResponse);

// ModuleService is the service that modules use to interact with the Controller.
service ModuleService {
  // Ping service for readiness.
  rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
    option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;

  // Get configuration state for the module
  rpc GetModuleContext(ModuleContextRequest) returns (stream ModuleContextResponse);

  // Acquire (and renew) a lease for a deployment.
  // Returns ResourceExhausted if the lease is held.
  rpc AcquireLease(stream AcquireLeaseRequest) returns (stream AcquireLeaseResponse);

  // Send an event to an FSM.
  rpc SendFSMEvent(SendFSMEventRequest) returns (SendFSMEventResponse);

  // Set the next event for an FSM.
  rpc SetNextFSMEvent(SendFSMEventRequest) returns (SendFSMEventResponse);

  // Publish an event to a topic.
  rpc PublishEvent(PublishEventRequest) returns (PublishEventResponse);

enum DeploymentChangeType {

message GetSchemaRequest {}
message GetSchemaResponse {
  schema.Schema schema = 1;

message PullSchemaRequest {}
message PullSchemaResponse {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  string module_name = 2;
  // For deletes this will not be present.
  optional schema.Module schema = 4;
  // If true there are more schema changes immediately following this one as part of the initial batch.
  // If false this is the last schema change in the initial batch, but others may follow later.
  bool more = 3;
  DeploymentChangeType change_type = 5;

message GetArtefactDiffsRequest {
  repeated string client_digests = 1;
message GetArtefactDiffsResponse {
  repeated string missing_digests = 1;
  // Artefacts that the client already has, and their path+executable status.
  repeated DeploymentArtefact client_artefacts = 2;

message UploadArtefactRequest {
  bytes content = 1;
message UploadArtefactResponse {
  bytes digest = 2;

message DeploymentArtefact {
  string digest = 1;
  string path = 2;
  bool executable = 3;

message CreateDeploymentRequest {
  schema.Module schema = 1;
  repeated DeploymentArtefact artefacts = 2;
  // Runner labels required to run this deployment.
  optional google.protobuf.Struct labels = 3;
message CreateDeploymentResponse {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  // Currently active deployment for this module, if any.
  optional string active_deployment_key = 2;

message GetDeploymentArtefactsRequest {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  repeated DeploymentArtefact have_artefacts = 2;
message GetDeploymentArtefactsResponse {
  DeploymentArtefact artefact = 1;
  bytes chunk = 2;

message GetDeploymentRequest {
  string deployment_key = 1;
message GetDeploymentResponse {
  schema.Module schema = 1;
  repeated DeploymentArtefact artefacts = 2;

message RegisterRunnerRequest {
  string key = 1;
  string endpoint = 2;
  string deployment = 3;
  google.protobuf.Struct labels = 5;

message RegisterRunnerResponse {}

message UpdateDeployRequest {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  int32 min_replicas = 2;
message UpdateDeployResponse {}

message ReplaceDeployRequest {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  int32 min_replicas = 2;
message ReplaceDeployResponse {}

message StreamDeploymentLogsRequest {
  string deployment_key = 1;
  optional string request_key = 2;
  google.protobuf.Timestamp time_stamp = 3;
  int32 log_level = 4;
  map attributes = 5;
  string message = 6;
  optional string error = 7;
message StreamDeploymentLogsResponse {}

message StatusRequest {}
message StatusResponse {
  message Controller {
    string key = 1;
    string endpoint = 2;
    string version = 3;
  repeated Controller controllers = 1;

  message Runner {
    string key = 1;
    repeated string languages = 2;
    string endpoint = 3;
    optional string deployment = 5;
    google.protobuf.Struct labels = 6;
  repeated Runner runners = 2;

  message Deployment {
    string key = 1;
    string language = 2;
    string name = 3;
    int32 min_replicas = 4;
    int32 replicas = 7;
    google.protobuf.Struct labels = 5;
    schema.Module schema = 6;
  repeated Deployment deployments = 3;

  message IngressRoute {
    string deployment_key = 1;
    schema.Ref verb = 2;
    string method = 3;
    string path = 4;
  repeated IngressRoute ingress_routes = 4;

  message Route {
    string module = 1;
    string deployment = 2;
    string endpoint = 3;
  repeated Route routes = 5;

message ProcessListRequest {}
message ProcessListResponse {
  message ProcessRunner {
    string key = 1;
    string endpoint = 2;
    google.protobuf.Struct labels = 3;
  message Process {
    string deployment = 1;
    int32 min_replicas = 2;
    google.protobuf.Struct labels = 3;
    optional ProcessRunner runner = 4;
  repeated Process processes = 1;

message ResetSubscriptionRequest {
  schema.Ref subscription = 1;
message ResetSubscriptionResponse {}

service ControllerService {
  // Ping service for readiness.
  rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
    option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;

  // List "processes" running on the cluster.
  rpc ProcessList(ProcessListRequest) returns (ProcessListResponse);

  rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse);

  // Get list of artefacts that differ between the server and client.
  rpc GetArtefactDiffs(GetArtefactDiffsRequest) returns (GetArtefactDiffsResponse);

  // Upload an artefact to the server.
  rpc UploadArtefact(UploadArtefactRequest) returns (UploadArtefactResponse);

  // Create a deployment.
  rpc CreateDeployment(CreateDeploymentRequest) returns (CreateDeploymentResponse);

  // Get the schema and artefact metadata for a deployment.
  rpc GetDeployment(GetDeploymentRequest) returns (GetDeploymentResponse);

  // Stream deployment artefacts from the server.
  // Each artefact is streamed one after the other as a sequence of max 1MB
  // chunks.
  rpc GetDeploymentArtefacts(GetDeploymentArtefactsRequest) returns (stream GetDeploymentArtefactsResponse);

  // Register a Runner with the Controller.
  // Each runner issue a RegisterRunnerRequest to the ControllerService
  // every 10 seconds to maintain its heartbeat.
  rpc RegisterRunner(stream RegisterRunnerRequest) returns (RegisterRunnerResponse);

  // Update an existing deployment.
  rpc UpdateDeploy(UpdateDeployRequest) returns (UpdateDeployResponse);

  // Gradually replace an existing deployment with a new one.
  // If a deployment already exists for the module of the new deployment,
  // it will be scaled down and replaced by the new one.
  rpc ReplaceDeploy(ReplaceDeployRequest) returns (ReplaceDeployResponse);

  // Stream logs from a deployment
  rpc StreamDeploymentLogs(stream StreamDeploymentLogsRequest) returns (StreamDeploymentLogsResponse);

  // Get the full schema.
  rpc GetSchema(GetSchemaRequest) returns (GetSchemaResponse);

  // Pull schema changes from the Controller.
  // Note that if there are no deployments this will block indefinitely, making it unsuitable for
  // just retrieving the schema. Use GetSchema for that.
  rpc PullSchema(PullSchemaRequest) returns (stream PullSchemaResponse);

  // Reset the cursor for a subscription to the head of its topic.
  rpc ResetSubscription(ResetSubscriptionRequest) returns (ResetSubscriptionResponse);

message ConfigRef {
  optional string module = 1;
  string name = 2;

enum ConfigProvider {
  // Write values inline in the configuration file.

  // Print configuration as environment variables.

  // Use the database as a configuration store.
  CONFIG_DB = 2;

message ListConfigRequest {
  optional string module = 1;
  optional bool include_values = 2;
  optional ConfigProvider provider = 3;
message ListConfigResponse {
  message Config {
    string refPath = 1;
    optional bytes value = 2;
  repeated Config configs = 1;

message GetConfigRequest {
  ConfigRef ref = 1;
message GetConfigResponse {
  bytes value = 1;

message SetConfigRequest {
  optional ConfigProvider provider = 1;
  ConfigRef ref = 2;
  bytes value = 3;
message SetConfigResponse {}

message UnsetConfigRequest {
  optional ConfigProvider provider = 1;
  ConfigRef ref = 2;
message UnsetConfigResponse {}

enum SecretProvider {
  // Write values inline in the configuration file.

  // Print configuration as environment variables.

  // Write to the system keychain.

  // Store a secret in the 1Password vault.
  SECRET_OP = 3;

  // Store a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager.

message ListSecretsRequest {
  optional string module = 1;
  optional bool include_values = 2;
  optional SecretProvider provider = 3;
message ListSecretsResponse {
  message Secret {
    string refPath = 1;
    optional bytes value = 2;
  repeated Secret secrets = 1;

message GetSecretRequest {
  ConfigRef ref = 1;
message GetSecretResponse {
  bytes value = 1;

message SetSecretRequest {
  optional SecretProvider provider = 1;
  ConfigRef ref = 2;
  bytes value = 3;
message SetSecretResponse {}

message UnsetSecretRequest {
  optional SecretProvider provider = 1;
  ConfigRef ref = 2;
message UnsetSecretResponse {}

// AdminService is the service that provides and updates admin data. For example,
// it is used to encapsulate configuration and secrets.
service AdminService {
  rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
    option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;

  // List configuration.
  rpc ConfigList(ListConfigRequest) returns (ListConfigResponse);

  // Get a config value.
  rpc ConfigGet(GetConfigRequest) returns (GetConfigResponse);

  // Set a config value.
  rpc ConfigSet(SetConfigRequest) returns (SetConfigResponse);

  // Unset a config value.
  rpc ConfigUnset(UnsetConfigRequest) returns (UnsetConfigResponse);

  // List secrets.
  rpc SecretsList(ListSecretsRequest) returns (ListSecretsResponse);

  // Get a secret.
  rpc SecretGet(GetSecretRequest) returns (GetSecretResponse);

  // Set a secret.
  rpc SecretSet(SetSecretRequest) returns (SetSecretResponse);

  // Unset a secret.
  rpc SecretUnset(UnsetSecretRequest) returns (UnsetSecretResponse);

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