bibliothek.gui.dock.util.DockUtilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Bibliothek - DockingFrames
* Library built on Java/Swing, allows the user to "drag and drop"
* panels containing any Swing-Co
import java.awt.EventQueue;
mponent the developer likes to add.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Benjamin Sigg
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Benjamin Sigg
* [email protected]
* CH - Switzerland
package bibliothek.gui.dock.util;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import bibliothek.gui.DockController;
import bibliothek.gui.DockStation;
import bibliothek.gui.DockTheme;
import bibliothek.gui.DockUI;
import bibliothek.gui.Dockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.DockElement;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.DockElementRepresentative;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.layout.DockableProperty;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PerspectiveDockable;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PerspectiveElement;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.perspective.PerspectiveStation;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.station.LayoutLocked;
import bibliothek.gui.dock.title.DockTitle;
import bibliothek.util.Path;
* A list of methods which can be used for different purposes. Methods
* related to the {@link DockTheme} can be found in {@link DockUI}.
* @author Benjamin Sigg
public class DockUtilities {
* A visitor used to visit the nodes of a dock-tree.
* @author Benjamin Sigg
public static abstract class DockVisitor{
* Invoked to visit dockable
* @param dockable the visited element
public void handleDockable( Dockable dockable ){ /* do nothing */ }
* Invoked to visit station
* @param station the visited element
public void handleDockStation( DockStation station ){ /* do nothing */ }
/** whether {@link DockUtilities#checkLayoutLocked()} is enabled */
private static boolean checkLayoutLock = true;
* Visits dockable
and all its children.
* @param dockable the first element to visit
* @param visitor a delegate
public static void visit( Dockable dockable, DockVisitor visitor ){
visitDockable( dockable, visitor );
* Visits station
and all its children.
* @param station the first element to visit
* @param visitor a delegate
public static void visit( DockStation station, DockVisitor visitor ){
Dockable dockable = station.asDockable();
if( dockable != null )
visitDockable( dockable, visitor );
visitStation( station, visitor );
* Visits element
and all its children.
* @param element the first element to visit
* @param visitor a delegate
public static void visit( DockElement element, DockVisitor visitor ){
Dockable dockable = element.asDockable();
if( dockable != null )
visitDockable( dockable, visitor );
DockStation station = element.asDockStation();
if( station != null ){
visitStation( station, visitor );
* Visits dockable
and all its children.
* @param dockable the first element to visit
* @param visitor a delegate
private static void visitDockable( Dockable dockable, DockVisitor visitor ){
visitor.handleDockable( dockable );
DockStation station = dockable.asDockStation();
if( station != null )
visitStation( station, visitor );
* Visits station
and all its children.
* @param station the first element to visit
* @param visitor a delegate
private static void visitStation( DockStation station, DockVisitor visitor ){
visitor.handleDockStation( station );
Dockable[] children = new Dockable[ station.getDockableCount() ];
for( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ){
children[i] = station.getDockable( i );
for( Dockable child : children ){
visitDockable( child, visitor );
* Lists all {@link Dockable}s in the tree under root
* @param root the root of a tree of elements
* @param includeRoot whether root
should be in the resulting
* list as well
* @return the list of found {@link Dockable}s, might be empty but not null
public static List listDockables( final DockElement root, final boolean includeRoot ){
final List list = new ArrayList();
visit( root, new DockVisitor(){
public void handleDockable( Dockable dockable ) {
if( includeRoot || dockable != root ){
list.add( dockable );
return list;
* Tells whether child
is identical with ancestor
* or a child of ancestor
* @param ancestor an element
* @param child another element
* @return true
if ancestor
is a parent of or
* identical with child
public static boolean isAncestor( DockElement ancestor, DockElement child ){
if( ancestor == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "ancestor must not be null" );
if( child == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "child must not be null" );
Dockable dockable = child.asDockable();
DockStation station = null;
while( dockable != null ){
if( ancestor == dockable )
return true;
station = dockable.getDockParent();
dockable = station == null ? null : station.asDockable();
return station == ancestor;
* Tells whether child
is identical with ancestor
* or a child of ancestor
* @param ancestor an element
* @param child another element
* @return true
if ancestor
is a parent of or
* identical with child
public static boolean isAncestor( PerspectiveElement ancestor, PerspectiveElement child ){
if( ancestor == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "ancestor must not be null" );
if( child == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "child must not be null" );
PerspectiveDockable dockable = child.asDockable();
PerspectiveStation station = null;
while( dockable != null ){
if( ancestor == dockable )
return true;
station = dockable.getParent();
dockable = station == null ? null : station.asDockable();
return station == ancestor;
* Searches the station which is an ancestor of element
* and has no parent.
* @param element the element whose oldest parent is searched
* @return the root, may be null
if element has no parent
public static DockStation getRoot( DockElement element ){
Dockable dockable = element.asDockable();
if( dockable == null )
return element.asDockStation();
DockStation parent = dockable.getDockParent();
if( parent == null )
return element.asDockStation();
while( true ){
dockable = parent.asDockable();
if( dockable == null || dockable.getDockParent() == null )
return parent;
parent = dockable.getDockParent();
* Searches the one {@link Dockable} that is either subchild
or a parent
* of subchild
and whose parent is parent
* @param parent the parent of the result
* @param subchild a direct or indirect child of parent
* @return the child or null
if subchild is no child of parent
public static Dockable getDirectChild( DockStation parent, Dockable subchild ){
DockStation subparent = subchild.getDockParent();
while( subparent != null ){
if( subparent == parent ){
return subchild;
subchild = subparent.asDockable();
subparent = subchild == null ? null : subchild.getDockParent();
return null;
* Creates a copy of root
and sets property
* as the successor of the very last element in the property chain beginning
* at root
* @param root the root of the chain, can be null
* @param property the new last element of the chain
* @return the root of the new chain
public static DockableProperty append( DockableProperty root, DockableProperty property ){
if( root == null )
return property;
root = root.copy();
getLastProperty( root ).setSuccessor( property );
return root;
* Gets the last successor in the property chain beginning at property
* @param property the start of the chain
* @return the end of the chain
public static DockableProperty getLastProperty( DockableProperty property ){
while( property.getSuccessor() != null )
property = property.getSuccessor();
return property;
* Gets a {@link DockableProperty} which describes the path from the
* {@link #getRoot(DockElement) root} to dockable
* @param dockable a Dockable whose location is searched
* @return the properties or null
if dockable
* has no parent
public static DockableProperty getPropertyChain( Dockable dockable ){
DockStation station = getRoot( dockable );
if( station == null || station == dockable )
return null;
return getPropertyChain( station, dockable );
* Creates a {@link DockableProperty} describing the path from
* ground
to dockable
* @param ground the base of the property
* @param dockable an indirect child of ground
* @return a property for the path ground
to dockable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if ground
is not an
* ancestor of dockable
public static DockableProperty getPropertyChain( DockStation ground, Dockable dockable ){
if( ground == dockable )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ground and dockable are the same" );
DockStation parent = dockable.getDockParent();
DockableProperty property = parent.getDockableProperty( dockable, dockable );
Dockable child = dockable;
while( true ){
if( parent == ground )
return property;
child = parent.asDockable();
if( child == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The chain is not complete" );
parent = child.getDockParent();
if( parent == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The chain is not complete" );
DockableProperty temp = parent.getDockableProperty( child, dockable );
temp.setSuccessor( property );
property = temp;
* Creates a {@link DockableProperty} describing the path from
* ground
to dockable
* @param ground the base of the property
* @param dockable an indirect child of ground
* @return a property for the path ground
to dockable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if ground
is not an
* ancestor of dockable
public static DockableProperty getPropertyChain( PerspectiveStation ground, PerspectiveDockable dockable ){
if( ground == dockable )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ground and dockable are the same" );
PerspectiveStation parent = dockable.getParent();
DockableProperty property = parent.getDockableProperty( dockable, dockable );
PerspectiveDockable child = dockable;
while( true ){
if( parent == ground )
return property;
child = parent.asDockable();
if( child == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The chain is not complete" );
parent = child.getParent();
if( parent == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The chain is not complete" );
DockableProperty temp = parent.getDockableProperty( child, dockable );
temp.setSuccessor( property );
property = temp;
* Searches a {@link Component} which is {@link Component#isShowing() showing}
* and has something to do with dockable
* This method first checks {@link Dockable} and {@link DockTitle}s, then it checks
* all {@link DockElementRepresentative}s.
* @param dockable a Dockable for which a Component has to be found
* @return a showing component or null
public static Component getShowingComponent( Dockable dockable ){
Component component = dockable.getComponent();
if( !component.isShowing() ){
for( DockTitle title : dockable.listBoundTitles() ){
component = title.getComponent();
if( component.isShowing() )
if( !component.isShowing() ){
DockController controller = dockable.getController();
if( controller != null ){
for( DockElementRepresentative item : controller.getRepresentatives( dockable )){
if( item.getComponent().isShowing() ){
component = item.getComponent();
if( component.isShowing() )
return component;
return null;
* Ensures that newChild
has no parent, and that there will
* be no cycle when newChild
is added to newParent
* @param newParent the element that becomes parent of newChild
* @param newChild the element that becomes child of newParent
* @throws NullPointerException if either newParent
or newChild
is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there would be a cycle introduced
* @throws IllegalStateException if the old parent of newChild
does not
* allow to remove its child
public static void ensureTreeValidity( DockStation newParent, Dockable newChild ){
if( newParent == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "parent must not be null" );
if( newChild == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "child must not be null" );
DockStation oldParent = newChild.getDockParent();
// check no self reference
if( newChild == newParent )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "child and parent are the same" );
// check no cycles
if( isAncestor( newChild, newParent )){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "can't create a cycle" );
// remove old parent
if( oldParent != null ){
if( oldParent != newParent && !oldParent.canDrag( newChild ))
throw new IllegalStateException( "old parent of child does not want do release the child" );
oldParent.drag( newChild );
* Ensures that newChild
has either no parent or newParent
as parent, and that there will
* be no cycle when newChild
is added to newParent
* @param newParent the element that becomes parent of newChild
* @param newChild the element that becomes child of newParent
* @throws NullPointerException if either newParent
or newChild
is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there would be a cycle introduced
* @throws IllegalStateException if the old parent of newChild
does not
* allow to remove its child
public static void ensureTreeValidity( PerspectiveStation newParent, PerspectiveDockable newChild ){
if( newParent == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "parent must not be null" );
if( newChild == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "child must not be null" );
PerspectiveStation oldParent = newChild.getParent();
// check no self reference
if( newChild == newParent )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "child and parent are the same" );
// check no cycles
if( isAncestor( newChild, newParent )){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "can't create a cycle" );
// remove old parent
if( oldParent != null && oldParent != newParent ){
oldParent.remove( newChild );
* Gets a "disabled" icon according to the current look and feel.
* @param parent the component on which the icon will be painted, can be null
* @param icon an icon or null
* @return a disabled version of icon
or null
public static Icon disabledIcon( JComponent parent, Icon icon ){
if( icon == null )
return null;
Icon result = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getDisabledIcon( parent, icon );
if( result != null )
return result;
if( parent != null ){
int width = icon.getIconWidth();
int height = icon.getIconHeight();
if( width > 0 && height > 0 ){
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage( width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );
Graphics g = image.createGraphics();
icon.paintIcon( parent, g, 0, 0 );
icon = new ImageIcon( image );
result = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getDisabledIcon( parent, icon );
if( result != null )
return result;
return icon;
* Transforms icon
into an image.
* @param icon some icon
* @return the image of the icon or null
public static Image iconImage( Icon icon ){
if( icon instanceof ImageIcon )
return ((ImageIcon)icon).getImage();
return null;
* Loads a map of icons.
* @param list a path to a property-file containing key-path-pairs.
* @param path the base path to the icons, will be added before any
* path of the property file, can be null
* @param loader used to transform paths into urls.
* @return the map of {@link Icon}s, the map can be empty if no icons were found
* @see Properties#load(InputStream)
public static Map loadIcons( String list, String path, ClassLoader loader ){
return loadIcons( list, path, null, loader );
* Loads a map of icons.
* @param list a path to a property-file containing key-path-pairs.
* @param path the base path to the icons, will be added before any
* path of the property file, can be null
* @param ignore keys that are already present in ignore
are not loaded, can be null
* @param loader used to transform paths into urls.
* @return the map of {@link Icon}s, the map can be empty if no icons were found
* @see Properties#load(InputStream)
public static Map loadIcons( String list, String path, Set ignore, ClassLoader loader ){
InputStream in = loader.getResourceAsStream( list );
if( in == null )
return new HashMap();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load( in );
int index = list.lastIndexOf( '/' );
if( index > 0 ){
if( path == null ){
path = list.substring( 0, index+1 );
path = list.substring( 0, index+1 ) + path;
Map result = new HashMap();
for( Map.Entry
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