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import io.ktor.client.features.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.*
import xyz.cssxsh.arknights.*
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.time.*
import java.time.format.*
import java.util.*
const val BLOG_API = ""
const val CONTENT_API = ""
private fun File.readMicroBlogHistory(type: BlogUser): List {
if (exists().not()) return emptyList()
return if (type == BlogUser.PICTURE) {
} else {
read>(type).data().cards.mapNotNull { }
private fun File.readMicroBlogPicture(type: BlogUser): List {
val map = mutableMapOf()
val epoch = 515483463L
// XXX
fun timestamp(id: Long): Long = (id shr 22) + epoch
for (new in read>(type).data().blogs) {
map.compute( { _, old ->
old?.copy(pictures = + ?: new
return {
it.copy(created = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp(, it.created.offset))
private suspend fun getLongTextContent(id: Long): String {
val json = Downloader.useHttpClient { client ->
lateinit var builder: HttpRequestBuilder
client.get(CONTENT_API) {
parameter("id", id)
builder = this
}.also {
if ("请求超时" in it) throw HttpRequestTimeoutException(builder)
if ("登录注册更精彩" in it) throw IllegalStateException("登陆锁定")
if ("打开微博客户端,查看全文" in it) throw IllegalStateException("微博客户端锁定")
val content = CustomJson.decodeFromString>(json).data().content
return content.replace(" ", "\n").remove(SIGN)
class MicroBlogData(override val dir: File, override val types: Set = BlogUser.values().toSet()) :
GameDataDownloader {
val arknights get() = dir.readMicroBlogHistory(BlogUser.ARKNIGHTS)
val byproduct get() = dir.readMicroBlogHistory(BlogUser.BYPRODUCT)
val historicus get() = dir.readMicroBlogHistory(BlogUser.HISTORICUS)
val mounten get() = dir.readMicroBlogHistory(BlogUser.MOUNTEN)
val picture get() = dir.readMicroBlogHistory(BlogUser.PICTURE)
val all get() = (types - BlogUser.PICTURE).flatMap { dir.readMicroBlogHistory(it) }
enum class BlogUser(val id: Long) : GameDataType {
PICTURE(6279793937) {
override val path: String = "BlogPicture(${id}).json"
override val url: Url = Url("$BLOG_API?containerid=107803$id")
override val duration: Long = 5_000L
override val path = "Blog(${id}).json"
override val url = Url("$BLOG_API?containerid=107603$id")
private val ImageServer = listOf("wx1", "wx2", "wx3", "wx4")
internal val ImageExtensions = mapOf(
ContentType.Image.JPEG to "jpg",
ContentType.Image.GIF to "gif",
ContentType.Image.PNG to "png",
internal fun extension(pid: String) = ImageExtensions.values.first { it.startsWith(pid[21]) }
internal fun image(pid: String) = Url("https://${ImageServer.random()}${pid}.${extension(pid)}")
val MicroBlog.images get() = { image(pid = it) }
val MicroBlog.content get() = raw ?: text.replace(" ", "\n").remove(SIGN)
val MicroBlog.url get() = Url("${user?.id ?: "detail"}/${bid.ifBlank { id }}")
suspend fun MicroBlog.content(): String = if (isLongText) getLongTextContent(id = id) else content
private fun = requireNotNull(data) { message }
private data class Temp(
val `data`: T?,
val message: String = "",
val ok: Int
private data class WeiboData(
val cards: List = emptyList(),
private data class Card(
val blog: MicroBlog? = null,
data class MicroBlog(
val created: OffsetDateTime =,
val id: Long,
val bid: String = "",
val isLongText: Boolean = false,
val pictures: Set = emptySet(),
val raw: String? = null,
val retweeted: MicroBlog? = null,
val text: String = "",
val user: MicroBlogUser? = null,
data class MicroBlogUser(
val avatar: String,
val description: String,
val id: Long,
val name: String
object WeiboDateTimeSerializer : KSerializer {
private val formatter: DateTimeFormatter =
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("E MMM d HH:mm:ss Z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH)
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor =
PrimitiveSerialDescriptor(OffsetDateTime::class.qualifiedName!!, PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): OffsetDateTime =
OffsetDateTime.parse(decoder.decodeString(), formatter)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: OffsetDateTime) =
data class LongTextContent(
val content: String,
val ok: Int,
private val PictureData.blogs get() = cards.flatMap { }.flatMap { }.map { }
private data class PictureData(
val cards: List = emptyList()
private data class PictureCard(
val group: List = emptyList()
private data class PictureCardGroup(
val pictures: List = emptyList()
private data class PictureItem(
val blog: MicroBlog,