xyz.cssxsh.bilibili.BiliClient.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package xyz.cssxsh.bilibili
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.okhttp.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.compression.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.cookies.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import xyz.cssxsh.bilibili.api.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
open class BiliClient(private val timeout: Long = 15_000L) : Closeable {
companion object {
val Json = Json {
prettyPrint = true
ignoreUnknownKeys = System.getProperty(JSON_IGNORE, "true").toBoolean()
isLenient = true
coerceInputValues = true
val DefaultIgnore: suspend (Throwable) -> Boolean = { it is IOException }
internal fun getMixinKey(ae: String): String {
val oe = arrayOf(46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49, 33, 9, 42, 19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12, 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40, 61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60, 51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62, 11, 36, 20, 34, 44, 52)
return buildString {
for (i in oe) {
if (length >= 32) break
override fun close() = clients.forEach { it.close() }
protected open val ignore: suspend (exception: Throwable) -> Boolean = DefaultIgnore
val storage = AcceptAllCookiesStorage()
val AcceptAllCookiesStorage.container: MutableList by reflect()
val salt: CompletableFuture = CompletableFuture()
protected open fun client() = HttpClient(OkHttp) {
defaultRequest {
header(HttpHeaders.Origin, SPACE)
header(HttpHeaders.Referrer, SPACE)
expectSuccess = true
install(ContentNegotiation) {
json(json = Json)
install(HttpTimeout) {
socketTimeoutMillis = timeout
connectTimeoutMillis = timeout
requestTimeoutMillis = null
install(HttpCookies) {
storage = [email protected]
install(UserAgent) {
agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
engine {
config {
hostnameVerifier { _, _ -> true }
// XXX okhttp3.internal.http2.StreamResetException
// XXX unexpected end of stream with Protocol.HTTP_1_1
// protocols(listOf(Protocol.HTTP_1_1))
protected open val clients = MutableList(3) { client() }
protected open var index = 0
protected open val mutex = BiliApiMutex(10 * 1000L)
suspend fun useHttpClient(block: suspend (HttpClient, BiliApiMutex) -> T): T = supervisorScope {
var cause: Throwable? = null
while (isActive) {
try {
return@supervisorScope block(clients[index], mutex)
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
cause = throwable
if (isActive && ignore(throwable)) {
index = (index + 1) % clients.size
} else {
throw throwable
throw CancellationException(null, cause)
suspend fun salt(): String {
val body = useHttpClient { http, _ ->
val data = body.getValue("data") as JsonObject
val images = Json.decodeFromJsonElement(data.getValue("wbi_img"))
val a = images.imgUrl.substringAfter("wbi/").substringBefore(".")
val b = images.subUrl.substringAfter("wbi/").substringBefore(".")
val key = getMixinKey(a + b)
return key