Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018 ABSA Group Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{HasComponentAttributes, PropertyMetadata}
object HyperConformanceAttributes {
// Configuration keys expected to be set up when running Conformance as a Transformer component for Hyperdrive
val restApiUriKey = ""
val restApiUriRetryCountKey = ""
val restApiAvailabilitySetupKey = ""
val restApiOptionallyRetryableExceptions = ""
val restApiCredentialsFileKey = ""
val restApiAuthKeytabKey = ""
val menasBaseUris = "enceladus.menas.uri"
val datasetNameKey = ""
val datasetVersionKey = "dataset.version"
val reportDateKey = ""
val reportVersionKey = "report.version"
val reportVersionColumnKey = "report.version.column"
val eventTimestampColumnKey = "event.timestamp.column"
val eventTimestampPatternKey = "event.timestamp.pattern"
trait HyperConformanceAttributes extends HasComponentAttributes {
import HyperConformanceAttributes._
override def getName: String = "HyperConformance"
override def getDescription: String = "Dynamic Conformance - a transformer component for Hyperdrive"
override def getProperties: Map[String, PropertyMetadata] = Map(
restApiUriKey ->
PropertyMetadata("REST API URL", Some("E.g. http://localhost:8080/rest_api"), required = true),
restApiUriRetryCountKey ->
PropertyMetadata("REST API URL retry count",
Some("How many times a call to REST API URL should be retried after failure before proceeding to the next URL. E.g. 2"),
required = false),
restApiAvailabilitySetupKey ->
PropertyMetadata("The setup type of REST API URLs",
Some("""Either "roundrobin" (default) or "fallback", affects in which order the URls are picked up for use. """ +
"Round-robin - start from random, fallback - start from first"),
required = false),
restApiOptionallyRetryableExceptions ->
PropertyMetadata("Rest API optionally retryable HTTP exceptions",
"""List of HTTP status codes that are allowed to be retryable. """ +
s"""Currently we support these: ${mapIntToOptionallyRetryableException.keys.mkString("[", ", ", "]")} """ +
"""(retry count is specified by `menasUriRetryCountKey` attribute, see its description for more details.)"""
required = false),
menasBaseUris ->
PropertyMetadata("Menas (Enceladus UI) URL(s)", Some("E.g. http://localhost:8080/menas"), required = true),
datasetNameKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Dataset name", None, required = true),
datasetVersionKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Dataset version", None, required = true),
reportDateKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Report date", Some("The current date is used by default"), required = false),
reportVersionColumnKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Report version column", Some("Taken from another column"), required = false),
reportVersionKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Report version", Some("Will be determined automatically by default if not specified"), required = false),
eventTimestampColumnKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Event timestamp column",
Some("If specified, the column will be used to generate 'enceladus_info_date'"),
required = false),
eventTimestampPatternKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Event timestamp pattern",
Some("If the event timestamp column is string, the pattern is used to parse it (default is 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z''"),
required = false),
restApiCredentialsFileKey ->
PropertyMetadata("REST API credentials file", Some("Relative or absolute path to the file on local FS or HDFS"), required = false),
restApiAuthKeytabKey ->
PropertyMetadata("Keytab", Some("Relative or absolute path to the file on local FS or HDFS"), required = false)
override def getExtraConfigurationPrefix: Option[String] = None