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beehive-jdbc-control from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)

Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-jdbc-control
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Artifact beehive-jdbc-control
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, beehive-jdbc-mapper, xbean,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

beehive-ejb-control from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)

Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-ejb-control
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Artifact beehive-ejb-control
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, netui-compiler, geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

beehive-netui-core from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)

Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-netui-core
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Artifact beehive-netui-core
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies beehive-controls, commons-discovery, commons-el, commons-logging, struts, log4j, commons-codec, myfaces-jsf-api, jsp-api, servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

beehive-netui-compiler from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)

Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-netui-compiler
Show all versions Show documentation Show source 

Artifact beehive-netui-compiler
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies beehive-controls,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

superpom from group it.tidalwave.superpom (version 5.2)

[![Build Status](]( The super POM for all Tidalwave projects. It is not designed for being used by others, as it contains some corporate-specific configurations, but its ancestor [TheseFooolishThings SuperPOM]( has been designed to be reusable. Please have a look at it. This super POM adds to its ancestor: + some Tidalwave variables that refers to the issue tracker, continuous integration system, etc...; + the definitions of versions of a number of commonly used libraries and their dependency management: * [AspectJ]( * [Hamcrest Matchers]( * [JSR 330]( * [Jakarta XML Binding (JAXB)]( * [Spotbugs annotations]( * [JUnit]( * [Logback]( * [Lombok]( * [SLF4J]( * [Spring 5]( * [TestNG]( + the definition for Tidalwave 3rd party repository (stuff that is not available on Maven Central); + a profile for using the [TheseFoolishThings]( Event Bus (```it.tidalwave-spring-messagebus-v1```); + profiles for the [Mycila License plugin](; + configuration of the UMLGraphDoc maven plugin; + the configuration for the TheseFoolishThings TestNG listener (which provides enhanced test logging); + definitions of some custom javadoc tags; + a blacklist for some old artifacts; + some other minor customisations.

Group: it.tidalwave.superpom Artifact: superpom
Show all versions 
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact superpom
Group it.tidalwave.superpom
Version 5.2
Last update 01. May 2023
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

netbeans-textlint from group com.junichi11.netbeans.modules (version 1.1.0)

This plugin provides support for textlint. <h3>What&rsquo;s the textlint?</h3> <p>See <a href=""></a></p> <h3>Usage</h3> <h4>Install textlint and rules</h4> <p>Of course, it assumes that nodejs and npm are installed.</p> <p>e.g.</p> <pre><code>$ mkdir txtlint $ cd txtlint $ npm init $ npm install textlint --save-dev $ npm install textlint-rule-max-ten textlint-rule-spellcheck-tech-word textlint-rule-no-mix-dearu-desumasu --save-dev </code></pre> <h4>Create .textlintrc</h4> <pre><code>$ touch .textlintrc </code></pre> <pre><code class="json">{ &quot;rules&quot;: { &quot;max-ten&quot;: { &quot;max&quot;: 3 }, &quot;spellcheck-tech-word&quot;: true, &quot;no-mix-dearu-desumasu&quot;: true } } </code></pre> <p>You can also set parameters to Options (see below).</p> <h4>Set textlint and .textlintrc paths</h4> <p>Set paths to the Options (see below).</p> <p>e.g.</p> <ul> <li>textlint Path: /path/to/txtlint/node_modules/.bin/textlint (textlint.cmd in Windows)</li> <li>.textlintrc Path: /path/to/textlint/.textlintrc</li> </ul> <h4>Open Action Items window</h4> <ul> <li>Click Window > Action Items.</li> <li>Click &ldquo;Show action items for currently edited file only&rdquo; icon.</li> <li>Open your markdown or text file.</li> </ul> <h3>Options</h3> <p>Tools > Options > Editor > textlint</p> <ul> <li>textlint Path: Absolute path to textlint</li> <li>.textlintrc Path: Absolute path to .textlintrc</li> <li>Options : You can set options for the textlint command</li> <li>Enable in HTML files: To use the html plugin, you can check this</li> <li>Refresh on Save: To scan the document on save, you can check this (Checked by default)</li> <li>Show Annotations: To show annotations in the glyph gutter, you can check this (Checked by default)</li> </ul> <h3>Actions</h3> <h4>Fix</h4> <p>You have to save your file before you run this action.<br/> If there is a fixable rule&rsquo;s error, you can fix it. Right-click an item > Click <code>Fix</code>.<br/> To refresh items, your document is saved once.</p> <h4>Fix All</h4> <p>You have to save your file before you run this action.<br/> If there are fixable rule&rsquo;s errors, you can fix them. Right-click an item > Click <code>Fix All</code>.<br/> This action runs <code>textlint --fix</code> command.</p> <h4>Refresh</h4> <p>You can refresh results forcibly by the following action: Right-click your editor > Click "textlint Refresh".</p> <p>You can also set the shortcut key(Tools > Options > Keymap). </p> <h3>NOTE</h3> <ul> <li>The plugin scans only current file.</li> <li>The plugin does not refresh results automatically. Please save your file or run the refresh action.</li> <li>Use <code>UTF-8</code> as file encoding and <code>LF</code> as line endings.</li> <li>This plugin may not work properly in Windows. (Please try to check above.)</li> <li>If you cannot get expected results, just try to run the <code>textlint</code> commands once in your CLI.</li> </ul>

Group: com.junichi11.netbeans.modules Artifact: netbeans-textlint


Artifact netbeans-textlint
Group com.junichi11.netbeans.modules
Version 1.1.0
Last update 21. June 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 23
Dependencies commons-lang3, gson, org-netbeans-api-annotations-common, org-netbeans-spi-tasklist, org-openide-filesystems, org-openide-util-lookup, org-netbeans-modules-extexecution, org-netbeans-modules-extexecution-base, org-openide-windows, org-openide-io, org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib2, org-openide-text, org-netbeans-modules-csl-api, org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib, org-openide-loaders, org-openide-dialogs, org-openide-util, org-openide-nodes, org-openide-util-ui, org-netbeans-modules-options-api, org-openide-awt, org-openide-filesystems-nb, org-netbeans-api-progress,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring from group (version 4.0.10)

# Pact Spring/JUnit5 Support This module extends the base [Pact JUnit5 module](../pact-jvm-provider-junit5). See that for more details. For writing Spring Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider. To use it, add the `@Provider` and `@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 5 test), then add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationSpringProvider.class)` that takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in your test template method. For example: ```java @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT) @Provider(&quot;Animal Profile Service&quot;) @PactBroker public class ContractVerificationTest { @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationSpringProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } } ``` You will now be able to setup all the required properties using the Spring context, e.g. creating an application YAML file in the test resources: ```yaml pactbroker: host: auth: username: broker-user password: broker.password ``` You can also run pact tests against `MockMvc` without need to spin up the whole application context which takes time and often requires more additional setup (e.g. database). In order to run lightweight tests just use `@WebMvcTest` from Spring and `MockMvcTestTarget` as a test target before each test. For example: ```java @WebMvcTest @Provider(&quot;myAwesomeService&quot;) @PactBroker class ContractVerificationTest { @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } @BeforeEach void before(PactVerificationContext context) { context.setTarget(new MockMvcTestTarget(mockMvc)); } } ``` You can also use `MockMvcTestTarget` for tests without spring context by providing the controllers manually. For example: ```java @Provider(&quot;myAwesomeService&quot;) @PactFolder(&quot;pacts&quot;) class MockMvcTestTargetStandaloneMockMvcTestJava { @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } @BeforeEach void before(PactVerificationContext context) { MockMvcTestTarget testTarget = new MockMvcTestTarget(); testTarget.setControllers(new DataResource()); context.setTarget(testTarget); } @RestController static class DataResource { @GetMapping(&quot;/data&quot;) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) void getData(@RequestParam(&quot;ticketId&quot;) String ticketId) { } } } ``` **Important:** Since `@WebMvcTest` starts only Spring MVC components you can&apos;t use `PactVerificationSpringProvider` and need to fallback to `PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider`

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring
Show all versions Show documentation Show source 

Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jsgen from group com.github.jochenw (version 1.2)

Jsgen is a Java Source Generation Framework: That means, it should be a valuable tool, if you intend to write a custom generator for Java sources. As such, it is the successor of a previous framework, called JaxMeJS ( The predecessor came into being as a standalone project. It was incorporated into the bigger JaxMe project, when the latter was adopted by the Apache Webservices project. And it was buried as part of the bigger project, when the latter was moved to the Apache Attic ( That was fine for quite some time, because the latest released version (JaxMeJS 0.5.2) did its job quite well. Over the years, however, the Java language has evolved, and the lack of support for features like Generics, or Annotations, became a burden. Hence the Successor: Jsgen picks up, where JaxMeJS ended. It is, however, a complete rewrite with several additional features, that the author considers to be important for modern Java applications: 1. It supports Generics. 2. It supports Annotations. 3. The builder pattern has been adopted. Almost all important classes are implemented as builders. This should make writing the actual source generators much more concise, and maintainable, than it used to be before. 4. The code style is configurable. Code styles allow you to concentrate on the actual work. The resulting Jave source will look nicely formatted, anyways. As of this writing, you can select between two builtin code styles: - The default code style is basically the authors personal free style, roughly comparable to the default code style of the Eclipse Java IDE. - As an alternative, there is also a Maven code style, which is widely used in the Open Source communities. Compared to the default style, it is less concise, if not even a bit verbose. On the other hand, it is widely adopted by projects in the vicinity of {{{}Apache Maven}}. 5. Import lists are created, and sorted, automatically.

Group: com.github.jochenw Artifact: jsgen
Show documentation Show source 

Artifact jsgen
Group com.github.jochenw
Version 1.2
Last update 10. November 2019
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jsr305,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)

# Pact Junit 5 Extension ## Overview For writing Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider. To use it, add the `@Provider` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 4 test), then add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class)` that takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in your test template method. For example: ```java @Provider(&quot;myAwesomeService&quot;) @PactFolder(&quot;pacts&quot;) public class ContractVerificationTest { @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } } ``` For details on the provider and pact source annotations, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs. ## Test target You can set the test target (the object that defines the target of the test, which should point to your provider) on the `PactVerificationContext`, but you need to do this in a before test method (annotated with `@BeforeEach`). There are three different test targets you can use: `HttpTestTarget`, `HttpsTestTarget` and `AmpqTestTarget`. For example: ```java @BeforeEach void before(PactVerificationContext context) { context.setTarget(HttpTestTarget.fromUrl(new URL(myProviderUrl))); // or something like // context.setTarget(new HttpTestTarget(&quot;localhost&quot;, myProviderPort, &quot;/&quot;)); } ``` ## Provider State Methods Provider State Methods work in the same way as with JUnit 4 tests, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs. ## Modifying the requests before they are sent **Important Note:** You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests! Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can&apos;t be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Http and Https test targets support injecting the request that will executed into the test template method. You can then add things to the request before calling the `verifyInteraction()` method. For example to add a header: ```java @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void testTemplate(PactVerificationContext context, HttpRequest request) { // This will add a header to the request request.addHeader(&quot;X-Auth-Token&quot;, &quot;1234&quot;); context.verifyInteraction(); } ``` ## Objects that can be injected into the test methods You can inject the following objects into your test methods (just like the `PactVerificationContext`). They will be null if injected before the supported phase. | Object | Can be injected from phase | Description | | ------ | --------------- | ----------- | | PactVerificationContext | @BeforeEach | The context to use to execute the interaction test | | Pact | any | The Pact model for the test | | Interaction | any | The Interaction model for the test | | HttpRequest | @TestTemplate | The request that is going to be executed (only for HTTP and HTTPS targets) | | ProviderVerifier | @TestTemplate | The verifier instance that is used to verify the interaction |

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11
Show all versions Show documentation Show source 

Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)

# Pact Spring/JUnit runner ## Overview Library provides ability to play contract tests against a provider using Spring &amp; JUnit. This library is based on and references the JUnit package, so see the [Pact JUnit 4](../pact-jvm-provider-junit) or [Pact JUnit 5](../pact-jvm-provider-junit5) providers for more details regarding configuration using JUnit. Supports: - Standard ways to load pacts from folders and broker - Easy way to change assertion strategy - Spring Test MockMVC Controllers and ControllerAdvice using MockMvc standalone setup. - MockMvc debugger output - Multiple @State runs to test a particular Provider State multiple times - **** custom annotation - before each interaction that requires a state change, all methods annotated by `@State` with appropriate the state listed will be invoked. **NOTE:** For publishing provider verification results to a pact broker, make sure the Java system property `pact.provider.version` is set with the version of your provider. ## Example of MockMvc test ```java @RunWith(RestPactRunner.class) // Custom pact runner, child of PactRunner which runs only REST tests @Provider(&quot;myAwesomeService&quot;) // Set up name of tested provider @PactFolder(&quot;pacts&quot;) // Point where to find pacts (See also section Pacts source in documentation) public class ContractTest { //Create an instance of your controller. We cannot autowire this as we&apos;re not using (and don&apos;t want to use) a Spring test runner. @InjectMocks private AwesomeController awesomeController = new AwesomeController(); //Mock your service logic class. We&apos;ll use this to create scenarios for respective provider states. @Mock private AwesomeBusinessLogic awesomeBusinessLogic; //Create an instance of your controller advice (if you have one). This will be passed to the MockMvcTarget constructor to be wired up with MockMvc. @InjectMocks private AwesomeControllerAdvice awesomeControllerAdvice = new AwesomeControllerAdvice(); //Create a new instance of the MockMvcTarget and annotate it as the TestTarget for PactRunner @TestTarget public final MockMvcTarget target = new MockMvcTarget(); @Before //Method will be run before each test of interaction public void before() { //initialize your mocks using your mocking framework MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); //configure the MockMvcTarget with your controller and controller advice target.setControllers(awesomeController); target.setControllerAdvice(awesomeControllerAdvice); } @State(&quot;default&quot;, &quot;no-data&quot;) // Method will be run before testing interactions that require &quot;default&quot; or &quot;no-data&quot; state public void toDefaultState() { target.setRunTimes(3); //let&apos;s loop through this state a few times for a 3 data variants when(awesomeBusinessLogic.getById(any(UUID.class))) .thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.ONE)) .thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.TWO)) .thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.THREE)); } @State(&quot;error-case&quot;) public void SingleUploadExistsState_Success() { target.setRunTimes(1); //tell the runner to only loop one time for this state //you might want to throw exceptions to be picked off by your controller advice when(awesomeBusinessLogic.getById(any(UUID.class))) .then(i -&gt; { throw new NotCoolException(i.getArgumentAt(0, UUID.class).toString()); }); } } ``` ## Using a Spring runner (version 3.5.7+) You can use `SpringRestPactRunner` instead of the default Pact runner to use the Spring test annotations. This will allow you to inject or mock spring beans. For example: ```java @RunWith(SpringRestPactRunner.class) @Provider(&quot;pricing&quot;) @PactBroker(protocol = &quot;https&quot;, host = &quot;${pactBrokerHost}&quot;, port = &quot;443&quot;, authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = &quot;${pactBrokerUser}&quot;, password = &quot;${pactBrokerPassword}&quot;)) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT) public class PricingServiceProviderPactTest { @MockBean private ProductClient productClient; // This will replace the bean with a mock in the application context @TestTarget @SuppressWarnings(value = &quot;VisibilityModifier&quot;) public final Target target = new HttpTarget(8091); @State(&quot;Product X010000021 exists&quot;) public void setupProductX010000021() throws IOException { reset(productClient); ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder() .withProductCode(&quot;X010000021&quot;); when(productClient.fetch((Set&lt;String&gt;) argThat(contains(&quot;X010000021&quot;)), any())).thenReturn(product); } @State(&quot;the product code X00001 can be priced&quot;) public void theProductCodeX00001CanBePriced() throws IOException { reset(productClient); ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder() .withProductCode(&quot;X00001&quot;); when(productClient.find((Set&lt;String&gt;) argThat(contains(&quot;X00001&quot;)), any())).thenReturn(product); } } ``` ### Using Spring Context Properties (version 3.5.14+) From version 3.5.14 onwards, the SpringRestPactRunner will look up any annotation expressions (like `${pactBrokerHost}`) above) from the Spring context. For Springboot, this will allow you to define the properties in the application test properties. For instance, if you create the following `application.yml` in the test resources: ```yaml pactbroker: host: &quot;; port: &quot;443&quot; protocol: &quot;https&quot; auth: username: &quot;&lt;your broker username&gt;&quot; password: &quot;&lt;your broker password&gt;&quot; ``` Then you can use the defaults on the `@PactBroker` annotation. ```java @RunWith(SpringRestPactRunner.class) @Provider(&quot;My Service&quot;) @PactBroker( authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = &quot;${pactbroker.auth.username}&quot;, password = &quot;${pactbroker.auth.password}&quot;) ) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) public class PactVerificationTest { ``` ### Using a random port with a Springboot test (version 3.5.14+) If you use a random port in a springboot test (by setting `SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT`), you can use the `SpringBootHttpTarget` which will get the application port from the spring application context. For example: ```java @RunWith(SpringRestPactRunner.class) @Provider(&quot;My Service&quot;) @PactBroker @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) public class PactVerificationTest { @TestTarget public final Target target = new SpringBootHttpTarget(); } ```

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12
Show all versions Show documentation Show source 

Artifact pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.12, spring-boot-starter-test, spring-webmvc, javax.servlet-api, jackson-datatype-joda,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

Page 236 from 238 (items total 2375)

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