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parent from group org.apache.sis (version 1.4)

Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications. SIS provides data structures for geographic features and associated metadata along with methods to manipulate those data structures. The library is an implementation of GeoAPI 3.0.2 interfaces and can be used for desktop or server applications. The SIS metadata module forms the base of the library and enables the creation of metadata objects which comply with the ISO 19115 international standard. The SIS referencing module enable the construction of geodetic data structures for geospatial referencing as defined by ISO 19111 standard, along with the associated operations which enable the transformation of coordinates between different reference systems. The SIS storage modules provide a common approach to the reading and writing of metadata, features and coverages applicable to simple imagery as to many dimensional data structures.

Group: org.apache.sis Artifact: parent
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Artifact parent
Group org.apache.sis
Version 1.4
Last update 06. October 2023
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

org.semanticweb.hermit from group net.sourceforge.owlapi (version

HermiT is reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more. This is the maven build of HermiT and is designed for people who wish to use HermiT from within the OWL API. It is now versioned in the main HermiT version repository, although not officially supported by the HermiT developers. The version number of this package is a composite of the HermiT version and a value representing the OWLAPI release it is compatible with. Note that the group id for the upstream HermiT is com.hermit-reasoner, while this fork is released under net.sourceforge.owlapi. This fork exists to allow HermiT users to use newer OWLAPI versions than the ones supported by the original HermiT codebase. This package includes the Jautomata library (, and builds with it directly. This library appears to be no longer under active development, and so a "fork" seems appropriate. No development is intended or anticipated on this code base.

Group: net.sourceforge.owlapi Artifact: org.semanticweb.hermit
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Artifact org.semanticweb.hermit
Group net.sourceforge.owlapi
Last update 18. February 2020
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies commons-logging, owlapi-distribution, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton, java-getopt, trove4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rush from group edu.utah.bmi.nlp (version 3.0)

RuSH is an efficient, reliable, and easy adaptable rule-based sentence segmentation solution. It is specifically designed to handle the telegraphic written text in clinical note. It leverages a nested hash table to execute simultaneous rule processing, which reduces the impact of the rule-base growth on execution time and eliminates the effect of rule order on accuracy. If you wish to cite RuSH in a publication, please use: Jianlin Shi ; Danielle Mowery ; Kristina M. Doing-Harris ; John F. Hurdle.RuSH: a Rule-based Segmentation Tool Using Hashing for Extremely Accurate Sentence Segmentation of Clinical Text. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016: 1587. The full text can be found at: This version allows defining section scopes for sentence segmentation.

Group: edu.utah.bmi.nlp Artifact: rush
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Artifact rush
Group edu.utah.bmi.nlp
Version 3.0
Last update 10. February 2018
Organization The Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah
License The Apache Software License, Version 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies nlp-core, fastner, junit-repeat-rule,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rush from group edu.utah.bmi (version 1.0)

RuSH is an efficient, reliable, and easy adaptable rule-based sentence segmentation solution. It is specifically designed to handle the telegraphic written text in clinical note. It leverages a nested hash table to execute simultaneous rule processing, which reduces the impact of the rule-base growth on execution time and eliminates the effect of rule order on accuracy. If you wish to cite RuSH in a publication, please use: Jianlin Shi ; Danielle Mowery ; Kristina M. Doing-Harris ; John F. Hurdle.RuSH: a Rule-based Segmentation Tool Using Hashing for Extremely Accurate Sentence Segmentation of Clinical Text. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016: 1587. The full text can be found at:

Group: edu.utah.bmi Artifact: rush
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Artifact rush
Group edu.utah.bmi
Version 1.0
Last update 23. April 2017
Organization The Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah
License The Apache Software License, Version 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies uimaj-core, uimaj-tools, uimaj-document-annotation, uimafit-core, uimaj-examples, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

HermiT from group com.github.ansell.hermit (version

HermiT is reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more. This is the maven build of HermiT and is designed for people who wish to use HermiT from within the OWL API. It is not officially supported by the HermiT development team, but was built initially for use with the Clojure-OWL library. It is built using the HermiT source tree without modification. There have been some additions to the test source tree to account for differences between the maven and ant environment; these are small and (hopefully) maintainable. The version number of this package is a composite of the HermiT version and an value representing releases of this packaged version. So, is the first release of the mavenized version of HermiT based on the 1.3.7 release of HermiT. This package includes the Jautomata library (, and builds with it directly. This library appears to be no longer under active development, and so a "fork" seems appropriate. No development is intended or anticipated on this code base.

Group: com.github.ansell.hermit Artifact: HermiT
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Artifact HermiT
Group com.github.ansell.hermit
Last update 03. September 2013
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies owlapi-api, owlapi-impl, owlapi-parsers, owlapi-rio, sesame-rio-turtle, sesame-rio-ntriples, sesame-rio-rdfxml, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

toolbox-utils from group de.uni_leipzig.asv.toolbox (version 1.0)

ASV Toolbox is a modular collection of tools for the exploration of written language data. They work either on word lists or text and solve several linguistic classification and clustering tasks. The topics covered contain language detection, POS-tagging, base form reduction, named entity recognition, and terminology extraction. On a more abstract level, the algorithms deal with various kinds of word similarity, using pattern based and statistical approaches. The collection can be used to work on large real world data sets as well as for studying the underlying algorithms. The ASV Toolbox can work on plain text files and connect to a MySQL database. While it is especially designed to work with corpora of the Leipzig Corpora Collection, it can easily be adapted to other sources.

Group: de.uni_leipzig.asv.toolbox Artifact: toolbox-utils
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Artifact toolbox-utils
Group de.uni_leipzig.asv.toolbox
Version 1.0
Last update 13. August 2013
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

raceSearch from group (version 1.0.2)

Races the cross validation error of competing attribute subsets. Use in conjuction with a ClassifierSubsetEval. RaceSearch has four modes: forward selection races all single attribute additions to a base set (initially no attributes), selects the winner to become the new base set and then iterates until there is no improvement over the base set. Backward elimination is similar but the initial base set has all attributes included and races all single attribute deletions. Schemata search is a bit different. Each iteration a series of races are run in parallel. Each race in a set determines whether a particular attribute should be included or not---ie the race is between the attribute being "in" or "out". The other attributes for this race are included or excluded randomly at each point in the evaluation. As soon as one race has a clear winner (ie it has been decided whether a particular attribute should be inor not) then the next set of races begins, using the result of the winning race from the previous iteration as new base set. Rank race first ranks the attributes using an attribute evaluator and then races the ranking. The race includes no attributes, the top ranked attribute, the top two attributes, the top three attributes, etc. It is also possible to generate a raked list of attributes through the forward racing process. If generateRanking is set to true then a complete forward race will be run---that is, racing continues until all attributes have been selected. The order that they are added in determines a complete ranking of all the attributes. Racing uses paired and unpaired t-tests on cross-validation errors of competing subsets. When there is a significant difference between the means of the errors of two competing subsets then the poorer of the two can be eliminated from the race. Similarly, if there is no significant difference between the mean errors of two competing subsets and they are within some threshold of each other, then one can be eliminated from the race.

Group: Artifact: raceSearch
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Artifact raceSearch
Version 1.0.2
Last update 26. April 2012
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies weka-dev, classifierBasedAttributeSelection,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ironpdf from group com.ironsoftware (version 2024.4.1)

IronPDF Java library offers an extensive compatibility range, making it a go-to solution for a wide array of developers. It fully supports JVM languages like Java, Scala, and Kotlin, making it incredibly versatile. This Java PDF library is also compatible with Java 8 and above, providing optimum performance across multiple platforms. It's been designed with a wide range of users in mind Here's a look at what it supports: JVM Languages: Java, Scala, Kotlin.Platforms: Java 8 and above.Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, AWS.IDEs: Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse. You can deploy IronPDF Java across various platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, and AWS. It is also fully compatible with popular IDEs like Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, facilitating smooth project development and management. Your pom.xml file is essentially the backbone of your project when you're using Maven. It's here where you introduce new dependencies that you wish to include. To make IronPDF Java package a part of your Maven project, you simply need to add the following snippets to your pom.xml: Remember to replace '20xx.xx.xxxx' with the latest version of IronPDF. IronPDF Java simplifies the process of creating PDF files. Convert HTML files, HTML strings, or URLs directly to new PDF documents in a few lines of code. The variety of file formats it handles is vast, as it can even transform images into PDF documents and vice versa. Need to use base 64 encoding, base URLs, or custom file paths? No problem! IronPDF Java has got you coveredFor more detail about installing and using IronPDF Java. When you run your project for the first time post-integration, IronPDF's engine binaries will automatically be downloaded. The engine starts its journey when you call any IronPDF function for the first time and takes a breather when your application is either closed or enters an idle state. It is not an open source java PDF library but here's the best part - IronPDF Java is offering a 30-day free trial. So, why wait? Give it a go and boost your PDF operations today.

Group: com.ironsoftware Artifact: ironpdf
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Artifact ironpdf
Group com.ironsoftware
Version 2024.4.1
Last update 17. April 2024
Organization Iron Software
License Proprietary License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3, grpc-netty-shaded, grpc-protobuf, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, javax.annotation-api, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring from group (version 4.0.10)

# Pact Spring/JUnit5 Support This module extends the base [Pact JUnit5 module](../pact-jvm-provider-junit5). See that for more details. For writing Spring Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider. To use it, add the `@Provider` and `@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 5 test), then add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationSpringProvider.class)` that takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in your test template method. For example: ```java @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT) @Provider("Animal Profile Service") @PactBroker public class ContractVerificationTest { @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationSpringProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } } ``` You will now be able to setup all the required properties using the Spring context, e.g. creating an application YAML file in the test resources: ```yaml pactbroker: host: auth: username: broker-user password: broker.password ``` You can also run pact tests against `MockMvc` without need to spin up the whole application context which takes time and often requires more additional setup (e.g. database). In order to run lightweight tests just use `@WebMvcTest` from Spring and `MockMvcTestTarget` as a test target before each test. For example: ```java @WebMvcTest @Provider("myAwesomeService") @PactBroker class ContractVerificationTest { @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } @BeforeEach void before(PactVerificationContext context) { context.setTarget(new MockMvcTestTarget(mockMvc)); } } ``` You can also use `MockMvcTestTarget` for tests without spring context by providing the controllers manually. For example: ```java @Provider("myAwesomeService") @PactFolder("pacts") class MockMvcTestTargetStandaloneMockMvcTestJava { @TestTemplate @ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class) void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) { context.verifyInteraction(); } @BeforeEach void before(PactVerificationContext context) { MockMvcTestTarget testTarget = new MockMvcTestTarget(); testTarget.setControllers(new DataResource()); context.setTarget(testTarget); } @RestController static class DataResource { @GetMapping("/data") @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) void getData(@RequestParam("ticketId") String ticketId) { } } } ``` **Important:** Since `@WebMvcTest` starts only Spring MVC components you can't use `PactVerificationSpringProvider` and need to fallback to `PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider`

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring
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Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5-spring
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)

pact-jvm-consumer-junit5 ======================== JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests ## Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * group-id = `` * artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12` * version-id = `3.5.x` ## Usage ### 1. Add the Pact consumer test extension to the test class. To write Pact consumer tests with JUnit 5, you need to add `@ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt)` to your test class. This replaces the `PactRunner` used for JUnit 4 tests. The rest of the test follows a similar pattern as for JUnit 4 tests. ```java @ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt.class) class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest { ``` ### 2. create a method annotated with `@Pact` that returns the interactions for the test For each test (as with JUnit 4), you need to define a method annotated with the `@Pact` annotation that returns the interactions for the test. ```java @Pact(provider="test_provider", consumer="test_consumer") public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) { return builder .given("test state") .uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest test interaction") .path("/") .method("GET") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"responsetest\": true}") .toPact(); } ``` ### 3. Link the mock server with the interactions for the test with `@PactTestFor` Then the final step is to use the `@PactTestFor` annotation to tell the Pact extension how to setup the Pact test. You can either put this annotation on the test class, or on the test method. For examples see [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ and [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy). The `@PactTestFor` annotation allows you to control the mock server in the same way as the JUnit 4 `PactProviderRule`. It allows you to set the hostname to bind to (default is `localhost`) and the port (default is to use a random port). You can also set the Pact specification version to use (default is V3). ```java @ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt.class) @PactTestFor(providerName = "ArticlesProvider", port = "1234") public class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest { ``` **NOTE on the hostname**: The mock server runs in the same JVM as the test, so the only valid values for hostname are: | hostname | result | | -------- | ------ | | `localhost` | binds to the address that localhost points to (normally the loopback adapter) | | `` or `::1` | binds to the loopback adapter | | host name | binds to the default interface that the host machines DNS name resolves to | | `` or `::` | binds to the all interfaces on the host machine | #### Matching the interactions by provider name If you set the `providerName` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the first method with a `@Pact` annotation with the same provider name will be used. See [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ for an example. #### Matching the interactions by method name If you set the `pactMethod` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the method with the provided name will be used (it still needs a `@Pact` annotation). See [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy) for an example. ### Injecting the mock server into the test You can get the mock server injected into the test method by adding a `MockServer` parameter to the test method. ```java @Test void test(MockServer mockServer) { HttpResponse httpResponse = Request.Get(mockServer.getUrl() + "/articles.json").execute().returnResponse(); assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(equalTo(200))); } ``` This helps with getting the base URL of the mock server, especially when a random port is used. ## Unsupported The current implementation does not support tests with multiple providers. This will be added in a later release.

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.11
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Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-consumer_2.11, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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