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luzzu from group io.github.luzzu (version 4.0.0)

Luzzu is a Quality Assessment Framework for Linked Open Datasets. It is a generic framework based on the Dataset Quality Ontology (daQ), allowing users to define their own quality metrics. Luzzu is an integrated platform that: - assesses Linked Data quality using a library of generic and user-provided domain specific quality metrics in a scalable manner; - provides queryable quality metadata on the assessed datasets; - assembles detailed quality reports on assessed datasets. Furthermore, the infrastructure: - scales for the assessment of big datasets; - can be easily extended by the users by creating their custom and domain-specific pluggable metrics, either by employing a novel declarative quality metric specification language or conventional imperative plugins; - employs a comprehensive ontology framework for representing and exchanging all quality related information in the assessment workflow; - implements quality-driven dataset ranking algorithms facilitating use-case driven discovery and retrieval.

Group: io.github.luzzu Artifact: luzzu
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Artifact luzzu
Group io.github.luzzu
Version 4.0.0
Last update 26. October 2018
Organization ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Dependencies amount 15
Dependencies hamcrest-all, apache-jena-libs, jena-core, log4j, slf4j-api, jcl-over-slf4j, slf4j-log4j12, slf4j-jdk14, commons-collections4, jackson-core, httpclient, httpcore, httpcore-nio, httpasyncclient, httpasyncclient-cache,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08 from group edu.cornell.library.scholars (version 1.1.1)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.8 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.8. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.8 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.8 does not have a "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package (just for compatibility with the 1.9 version), modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because VIVO 1.8 is not available as a Maven package, we have extracted the class files, JARed them up, and stored them in a file-based repository within this project. But that doesn't include any transitive dependencies, so any package that this code requires must be explicitly listed as a dependency. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Group: edu.cornell.library.scholars Artifact: data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08
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Artifact data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08
Group edu.cornell.library.scholars
Version 1.1.1
Last update 25. April 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies vivo_classes, jena-core, jena-arq, commons-logging, commons-io, commons-lang, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rush from group edu.utah.bmi.nlp (version 3.0)

RuSH is an efficient, reliable, and easy adaptable rule-based sentence segmentation solution. It is specifically designed to handle the telegraphic written text in clinical note. It leverages a nested hash table to execute simultaneous rule processing, which reduces the impact of the rule-base growth on execution time and eliminates the effect of rule order on accuracy. If you wish to cite RuSH in a publication, please use: Jianlin Shi ; Danielle Mowery ; Kristina M. Doing-Harris ; John F. Hurdle.RuSH: a Rule-based Segmentation Tool Using Hashing for Extremely Accurate Sentence Segmentation of Clinical Text. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016: 1587. The full text can be found at: This version allows defining section scopes for sentence segmentation.

Group: edu.utah.bmi.nlp Artifact: rush
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Artifact rush
Group edu.utah.bmi.nlp
Version 3.0
Last update 10. February 2018
Organization The Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah
License The Apache Software License, Version 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies nlp-core, fastner, junit-repeat-rule,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

luzzu-webapp from group de.unibonn.iai.eis (version 2.0.1)

Group: de.unibonn.iai.eis Artifact: luzzu-webapp
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Artifact luzzu-webapp
Group de.unibonn.iai.eis
Version 2.0.1
Last update 09. June 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies luzzu-semantics, commons-codec, luzzu-operations, guava, jackson-mapper-asl, jackson-core-asl,
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luzzu-annotations from group de.unibonn.iai.eis (version 2.0.1)

Group: de.unibonn.iai.eis Artifact: luzzu-annotations
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Artifact luzzu-annotations
Group de.unibonn.iai.eis
Version 2.0.1
Last update 09. June 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies luzzu-semantics, luzzu-assessment, luzzu-operations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

luzzu-assessment from group de.unibonn.iai.eis (version 2.0.1)

Group: de.unibonn.iai.eis Artifact: luzzu-assessment
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Artifact luzzu-assessment
Group de.unibonn.iai.eis
Version 2.0.1
Last update 09. June 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies luzzu-semantics,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

luzzu from group de.unibonn.iai.eis (version 2.0.1)

Luzzu is a Quality Assessment Framework for Linked Open Datasets. It is a generic framework based on the Dataset Quality Ontology (daQ), allowing users to define their own quality metrics. Luzzu is an integrated platform that: - assesses Linked Data quality using a library of generic and user-provided domain specific quality metrics in a scalable manner; - provides queryable quality metadata on the assessed datasets; - assembles detailed quality reports on assessed datasets. Furthermore, the infrastructure: - scales for the assessment of big datasets; - can be easily extended by the users by creating their custom and domain-specific pluggable metrics, either by employing a novel declarative quality metric specification language or conventional imperative plugins; - employs a comprehensive ontology framework for representing and exchanging all quality related information in the assessment workflow; - implements quality-driven dataset ranking algorithms facilitating use-case driven discovery and retrieval.

Group: de.unibonn.iai.eis Artifact: luzzu
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Artifact luzzu
Group de.unibonn.iai.eis
Version 2.0.1
Last update 09. June 2017
Organization Enterprise Information Systems - University of Bonn
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies mockito-core, hamcrest-all, apache-jena-libs, log4j, slf4j-api, jcl-over-slf4j, slf4j-log4j12, slf4j-jdk14, commons-collections4, jackson-core-asl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rush from group edu.utah.bmi (version 1.0)

RuSH is an efficient, reliable, and easy adaptable rule-based sentence segmentation solution. It is specifically designed to handle the telegraphic written text in clinical note. It leverages a nested hash table to execute simultaneous rule processing, which reduces the impact of the rule-base growth on execution time and eliminates the effect of rule order on accuracy. If you wish to cite RuSH in a publication, please use: Jianlin Shi ; Danielle Mowery ; Kristina M. Doing-Harris ; John F. Hurdle.RuSH: a Rule-based Segmentation Tool Using Hashing for Extremely Accurate Sentence Segmentation of Clinical Text. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016: 1587. The full text can be found at:

Group: edu.utah.bmi Artifact: rush
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Artifact rush
Group edu.utah.bmi
Version 1.0
Last update 23. April 2017
Organization The Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah
License The Apache Software License, Version 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies uimaj-core, uimaj-tools, uimaj-document-annotation, uimafit-core, uimaj-examples, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

org.pojava.datetime from group org.pojava (version 3.0.0)

POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates. It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed. The net effect the default parser for a server in Paris would have a different automatic configuration from a server in New York. Throw a random local date at either, and it'll parse it as expected. If your server supports customers from multiple locales and time zones, then each can be specified when parsing a date/time to resolve any ambiguities.

Group: org.pojava Artifact: org.pojava.datetime
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Artifact org.pojava.datetime
Group org.pojava
Version 3.0.0
Last update 11. March 2014
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

HermiT from group com.github.ansell.hermit (version

HermiT is reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more. This is the maven build of HermiT and is designed for people who wish to use HermiT from within the OWL API. It is not officially supported by the HermiT development team, but was built initially for use with the Clojure-OWL library. It is built using the HermiT source tree without modification. There have been some additions to the test source tree to account for differences between the maven and ant environment; these are small and (hopefully) maintainable. The version number of this package is a composite of the HermiT version and an value representing releases of this packaged version. So, is the first release of the mavenized version of HermiT based on the 1.3.7 release of HermiT. This package includes the Jautomata library (, and builds with it directly. This library appears to be no longer under active development, and so a "fork" seems appropriate. No development is intended or anticipated on this code base.

Group: com.github.ansell.hermit Artifact: HermiT
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Artifact HermiT
Group com.github.ansell.hermit
Last update 03. September 2013
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies owlapi-api, owlapi-impl, owlapi-parsers, owlapi-rio, sesame-rio-turtle, sesame-rio-ntriples, sesame-rio-rdfxml, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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