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authzforce-pdp-ext-json-path from group org.ow2.authzforce (version 1.0.0)

AuthzForce PDP extensions for JSON value processing, in particular JSONPath evaluation; it provides the XACML datatype 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:datatype:json' for JSON object/array values, and XACML functions that evaluate a JSON path (second parameter of standard string datatype) against an input JSON object/array (first parameter of datatype 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:datatype:json') and return the result of this evaluation. The return datatype depends on the actual function used: 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:function:string-from-json-path' returns a bag of strings, 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:function:integer-from-json-path' returns a bag of integers, 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:function:double-from-json-path' returns a bag of doubles, 'urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:function:boolean-from-json-path' returns a bag of booleans.

Group: org.ow2.authzforce Artifact: authzforce-pdp-ext-json-path
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Artifact authzforce-pdp-ext-json-path
Group org.ow2.authzforce
Version 1.0.0
Last update 22. May 2024
Organization not specified
URL ${project.url}
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies authzforce-ce-core-pdp-api, json-path,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

common.jboolexpr from group com.linkare (version 2.0.2)

Project, initially inspired in the open source project JBooleanExpression, located in, which is a simple Java API to evaluate a Boolean String Expression like "!true&&false||true" (parse a Boolean String Expression to a boolean primitive type). The build system of this project was changed to Maven and a new operation (XOR) was also included.

Group: com.linkare Artifact: common.jboolexpr
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Download common.jboolexpr.jar (2.0.2)

Artifact common.jboolexpr
Group com.linkare
Version 2.0.2
Last update 06. March 2021
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License, Version 3.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

oodt-xmlquery from group org.apache.oodt (version 1.0)

This component provides a way to express queries in a generic manner. Its centerpiece is a class called XMLQuery that uses boolean postfix expressions to capture the domain, range, and constraint of a query, regardless of the source of the query (SQL, keyword query, etc.). It can also encapsulate the results of a query. It's used by many other components as the standard way to pass a query and its results between servers, clients, nodes, and other components.

Group: org.apache.oodt Artifact: oodt-xmlquery
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Download oodt-xmlquery.jar (1.0)

Artifact oodt-xmlquery
Group org.apache.oodt
Version 1.0
Last update 21. June 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies oodt-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

easy-config-maven-plugin from group com.socialbakers (version 0.4.2)

Maven plugin for small application config support. Allows you to define configuration for your application at one place and generate config files and java class. Configuration can be instantiate by var args, file config or environment variables or combination of all.

Group: com.socialbakers Artifact: easy-config-maven-plugin
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Download easy-config-maven-plugin.jar (0.4.2)

Artifact easy-config-maven-plugin
Group com.socialbakers
Version 0.4.2
Last update 25. August 2014
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, freemarker, jdom, commons-lang3, commons-beanutils, slf4j-api, core, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

suji from group com.github.jikyo (version 0.0.5)

Suji is a converter library from Japanese number notation to numerical value, and from numerical notation to Japanese Kansuji notation. Converter.values(src) to convert from Japanese number notation to numerical value: Japanese number notation can include Kansuji. The String "1つの価格が二兆30万五千十7円になります。" will be converted to two BigDecimal, 1 and 2000000005017. And also, 打率は三割二部五厘です。 will be a 0.325. The return value is a list of Suji Numeral objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Numeral object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a BigDecimal instance of a numerical value for the number notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Converter.kansujis(src) to convert from numeric notation to Japanese Kansuji notation: The String 20兆30万五千十7円になります。 will be converted to the Kansuji string, 二十兆三十万五千十七. The boolean flag one is interpreted as whether to display the first character 一 or not. The output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', true) will be converted to 一千万, and the output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', false) will be converted to 千万. Note that kansujis does not support numerical notation after the decimal point. If the input string is 32.01, the output will 三十二, not 三十二割一厘. The return value is a list of Kansuji objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Kansuji object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a String instance of a Kansuji notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Suji is a one-pass parser. That is, Suji parse a source text from the head to the end only once.

Group: com.github.jikyo Artifact: suji
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Download suji.jar (0.0.5)

Artifact suji
Group com.github.jikyo
Version 0.0.5
Last update 04. September 2020
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jaxb-booleangetter-plugin from group com.github.sanity4j (version 1.0)

JAXB 2.1.x XJC Boolean-Getter Plugin This plugin causes getter methods for Boolean Objects to be called "getXX" instead of "isXX". Downloaded from,r=1.1/jaxb2-commons/www/boolean-getter/index.html on 18/03/10 Yiannis Paschalidis Sanity4J was created to simplify running multiple static code analysis tools on the Java projects. It provides a single entry point to run all the selected tools and produce a consolidated report, which presents all findings in an easily accessible manner.

Group: com.github.sanity4j Artifact: jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
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Artifact jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
Group com.github.sanity4j
Version 1.0
Last update 24. May 2017
Organization The Sanity4J project
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jaxb-xjc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

easy-config-core from group com.socialbakers.easy-config (version 0.5.7)

Group: com.socialbakers.easy-config Artifact: easy-config-core
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Download easy-config-core.jar (0.5.7)

Artifact easy-config-core
Group com.socialbakers.easy-config
Version 0.5.7
Last update 28. April 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies slf4j-api, commons-io, commons-lang3, freemarker, jdom, commons-beanutils, guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

easy-config from group com.socialbakers.easy-config (version 0.5.7)

Maven plugin for small application config support. Allows you to define configuration for your application at one place and generate config files and java class. Configuration can be instantiate by var args, file config or environment variables or combination of all. ISSUES: -v potomkovi mam rucne psanou pomocnou property, ta se nesmi dostat do property descriptoru, pak je tam s klicem null -pokud reloadArgs byposition vrati null, vyhodit hned vyjimku - confDef = byOrder.get(iPos++); TODO: - boolean opts -- is/get -- option without value true - make def enum public - static instance to access from everywhere without pass an instance -static enum Def -more executions with different configuration has conflict in options and names

Group: com.socialbakers.easy-config Artifact: easy-config
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There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact easy-config
Group com.socialbakers.easy-config
Version 0.5.7
Last update 28. April 2017
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jaxb-booleangetter-plugin from group net.sf.sanity4j (version 1.0)

JAXB 2.1.x XJC Boolean-Getter Plugin This plugin causes getter methods for Boolean Objects to be called "getXX" instead of "isXX". Downloaded from,r=1.1/jaxb2-commons/www/boolean-getter/index.html on 18/03/10 Yiannis Paschalidis Sanity4J was created to simplify running multiple static code analysis tools on the Java projects. It provides a single entry point to run all the selected tools and produce a consolidated report, which presents all findings in an easily accessible manner.

Group: net.sf.sanity4j Artifact: jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
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Artifact jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
Group net.sf.sanity4j
Version 1.0
Last update 02. April 2013
Organization The Sanity4J project
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jaxb-xjc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-consumer_2.10 from group (version 2.4.20)

Pact consumer ============= Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API. Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one of the test framework specific projects. If your favourite framework is not implemented, this module should give you all the hooks you need. Provides a DSL for use with Java to build consumer pacts. ## Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * group-id = `` * artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer_2.11` ## DSL Usage Example in a JUnit test: ```java import; import; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class PactTest { @Test public void testPact() { PactFragment pactFragment = ConsumerPactBuilder .consumer("Some Consumer") .hasPactWith("Some Provider") .uponReceiving("a request to say Hello") .path("/hello") .method("POST") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") .toFragment(); MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault(); VerificationResult result = pactFragment.runConsumer(config, new TestRun() { @Override public void run(MockProviderConfig config) { Map expectedResponse = new HashMap(); expectedResponse.put("hello", "harry"); try { assertEquals(new ProviderClient(config.url()).hello("{\"name\": \"harry\"}"), expectedResponse); } catch (IOException e) {} } }); if (result instanceof PactError) { throw new RuntimeException(((PactError)result).error()); } assertEquals(ConsumerPactTest.PACT_VERIFIED, result); } } ``` The DSL has the following pattern: ```java .consumer("Some Consumer") .hasPactWith("Some Provider") .given("a certain state on the provider") .uponReceiving("a request for something") .path("/hello") .method("POST") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") .uponReceiving("another request for something") .path("/hello") .method("POST") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") . . . .toFragment() ``` You can define as many interactions as required. Each interaction starts with `uponReceiving` followed by `willRespondWith`. The test state setup with `given` is a mechanism to describe what the state of the provider should be in before the provider is verified. It is only recorded in the consumer tests and used by the provider verification tasks. ### Building JSON bodies with PactDslJsonBody DSL The body method of the ConsumerPactBuilder can accept a PactDslJsonBody, which can construct a JSON body as well as define regex and type matchers. For example: ```java PactDslJsonBody body = new PactDslJsonBody() .stringType("name") .booleanType("happy") .hexValue("hexCode") .id() .ipAddress("localAddress") .numberValue("age", 100) .timestamp(); ``` #### DSL Matching methods The following matching methods are provided with the DSL. In most cases, they take an optional value parameter which will be used to generate example values (i.e. when returning a mock response). If no example value is given, a random one will be generated. | method | description | |--------|-------------| | string, stringValue | Match a string value (using string equality) | | number, numberValue | Match a number value (using Number.equals)\* | | booleanValue | Match a boolean value (using equality) | | stringType | Will match all Strings | | numberType | Will match all numbers\* | | integerType | Will match all numbers that are integers (both ints and longs)\* | | decimalType | Will match all real numbers (floating point and decimal)\* | | booleanType | Will match all boolean values (true and false) | | stringMatcher | Will match strings using the provided regular expression | | timestamp | Will match string containing timestamps. If a timestamp format is not given, will match an ISO timestamp format | | date | Will match string containing dates. If a date format is not given, will match an ISO date format | | time | Will match string containing times. If a time format is not given, will match an ISO time format | | ipAddress | Will match string containing IP4 formatted address. | | id | Will match all numbers by type | | hexValue | Will match all hexadecimal encoded strings | | uuid | Will match strings containing UUIDs | _\* Note:_ JSON only supports double precision floating point values. Depending on the language implementation, they may parsed as integer, floating point or decimal numbers. #### Ensuring all items in a list match an example (2.2.0+) Lots of the time you might not know the number of items that will be in a list, but you want to ensure that the list has a minimum or maximum size and that each item in the list matches a given example. You can do this with the `arrayLike`, `minArrayLike` and `maxArrayLike` functions. | function | description | |----------|-------------| | `eachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example | | `maxArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max | | `minArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min | For example: ```java DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody() .minArrayLike("users") .id() .stringType("name") .closeObject() .closeArray(); ``` This will ensure that the users list is never empty and that each user has an identifier that is a number and a name that is a string. #### Matching JSON values at the root (Version 3.2.2/2.4.3+) For cases where you are expecting basic JSON values (strings, numbers, booleans and null) at the root level of the body and need to use matchers, you can use the `PactDslJsonRootValue` class. It has all the DSL matching methods for basic values that you can use. For example: ```java .consumer("Some Consumer") .hasPactWith("Some Provider") .uponReceiving("a request for a basic JSON value") .path("/hello") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body(PactDslJsonRootValue.integerType()) ``` #### Root level arrays that match all items (version 2.2.11+) If the root of the body is an array, you can create PactDslJsonArray classes with the following methods: | function | description | |----------|-------------| | `arrayEachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example | | `arrayMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max | | `arrayMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min | For example: ```java PactDslJsonArray.arrayEachLike() .date("clearedDate", "mm/dd/yyyy", date) .stringType("status", "STATUS") .decimalType("amount", 100.0) .closeObject() ``` This will then match a body like: ```json [ { "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015", "status" : "C", "amount" : 15.0 }, { "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015", "status" : "C", "amount" : 15.0 }, { "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015", "status" : "C", "amount" : 15.0 } ] ``` #### Matching arrays of arrays (version 3.2.12/2.4.14+) For the case where you have arrays of arrays (GeoJSON is an example), the following methods have been provided: | function | description | |----------|-------------| | `eachArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example | | `eachArrayWithMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no bigger than the provided max | | `eachArrayWithMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no smaller than the provided min | For example (with GeoJSON structure): ```java new PactDslJsonBody() .stringType("type","FeatureCollection") .eachLike("features") .stringType("type","Feature") .object("geometry") .stringType("type","Point") .eachArrayLike("coordinates") // coordinates is an array of arrays .decimalType(-7.55717) .decimalType(49.766896) .closeArray() .closeArray() .closeObject() .object("properties") .stringType("prop0","value0") .closeObject() .closeObject() .closeArray() ``` This generated the following JSON: ```json { "features": [ { "geometry": { "coordinates": [[-7.55717, 49.766896]], "type": "Point" }, "type": "Feature", "properties": { "prop0": "value0" } } ], "type": "FeatureCollection" } ``` and will be able to match all coordinates regardless of the number of coordinates. #### Matching any key in a map (3.3.1/2.5.0+) The DSL has been extended for cases where the keys in a map are IDs. For an example of this, see [#313]( In this case you can use the `eachKeyLike` method, which takes an example key as a parameter. For example: ```java DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody() .object("one") .eachKeyLike("001", // key like an id mapped to a matcher .closeObject() .object("two") .eachKeyLike("001-A") // key like an id where the value is matched by the following example .stringType("description", "Some Description") .closeObject() .closeObject() .object("three") .eachKeyMappedToAnArrayLike("001") // key like an id mapped to an array where each item is matched by the following example .id("someId", 23456L) .closeObject() .closeArray() .closeObject(); ``` For an example, have a look at [WildcardKeysTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/ **NOTE:** The `eachKeyLike` method adds a `*` to the matching path, so the matching definition will be applied to all keys of the map if there is not a more specific matcher defined for a particular key. Having more than one `eachKeyLike` condition applied to a map will result in only one being applied when the pact is verified (probably the last). ### Matching on paths (version 2.1.5+) You can use regular expressions to match incoming requests. The DSL has a `matchPath` method for this. You can provide a real path as a second value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one from the regular expression. For example: ```java .given("test state") .uponReceiving("a test interaction") .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+") // or .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+", "/transaction/1234567890") .method("POST") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") ``` ### Matching on headers (version 2.2.2+) You can use regular expressions to match request and response headers. The DSL has a `matchHeader` method for this. You can provide an example header value to use when generating requests and responses, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one from the regular expression. For example: ```java .given("test state") .uponReceiving("a test interaction") .path("/hello") .method("POST") .matchHeader("testreqheader", "test.*value") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") .matchHeader("Location", ".*/hello/[0-9]+", "/hello/1234") ``` ### Matching on query parameters (version 3.3.7+) You can use regular expressions to match request query parameters. The DSL has a `matchQuery` method for this. You can provide an example value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one from the regular expression. For example: ```java .given("test state") .uponReceiving("a test interaction") .path("/hello") .method("POST") .matchQuery("a", "\\d+", "100") .matchQuery("b", "[A-Z]", "X") .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}") ```

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer_2.10
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Download pact-jvm-consumer_2.10.jar (2.4.20)

Artifact pact-jvm-consumer_2.10
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-matchers_2.10, groovy-all, diffutils, automaton, httpclient, jackson-databind, generex, unfiltered-netty-server_2.10, dispatch-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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