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generator from group org.jaxsb (version 3.0.0)

The JAX-SB Generator is a comprehensive framework to facilitate the use of XML in software languages such as Java. This framework intends to provide tools that will allow a developer to easily integrate XML interoperability, bind XML Schemas, and analyze XML Schemas for use with any software. Currently there is only one language and one application that is supported: XML Binding in Java. Next on the agenda is the development of analysis tools for XML Schema Documents. For instance, imagine a tool that will allow you to determine whether an XSD complies to best-practices. This tool will: 1) produce warnings for structures that do not comply to best-practices, 2) tell the developer whether the logical structure can be transformed linearly to a form that complies to best-practices, and 3) to automatically produce an XSD that maintains the logical structure of the original document but now fully complies to best-practices. This is just one of many tools that will be available shortly. In the meantime, check out the binding application.

Group: org.jaxsb Artifact: generator
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Download generator.jar (3.0.0)

Artifact generator
Group org.jaxsb
Version 3.0.0
Last update 27. February 2024
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies google-java-format, guava, io, jci, runtime,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

zookeeper-recipes from group io.streamnative (version

1) This module contains various Zookeeper recipe implementations. 2) The recipe directory name should specify the name of the recipe you are implementing - eg. zookeeper-recipes-lock. 3) It would be great if you can provide both the java and c recipes for the zookeeper recipes. C recipes go in to zookeeper-recipes/zookeeper-recipes-[recipe-name]/src/c Java implementation goes into zookeeper-recipes/zookeeper-recipes-[recipe-name]/src/java. 4) The recipes hold high standards like our zookeeper c/java libraries, so make sure that you include some unit testing with both the c and java recipe code. 5) Also, please name your c client public methods as zkr_recipe-name_methodname (eg. zkr_lock_lock in zookeeper-recipes-lock/src/c) 6) To run the c tests in all the recipes, - make sure the main zookeeper c libraries in zookeeper-client-c are compiled. Run autoreconf -if;./configure; make. The libraries will be installed in {top}/src/c/.libs. - run autoreconf if;./configure;make run-check in zookeeper-recipes/$recipename/src/c

Group: io.streamnative Artifact: zookeeper-recipes
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Artifact zookeeper-recipes
Group io.streamnative
Last update 28. January 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies zookeeper,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

de.huxhorn.lilith from group de.huxhorn.lilith (version 8.3.0)

Lilith is a logging and access event viewer for the Logback logging framework. It has features comparable to Chainsaw, a logging event viewer for log4j. This means that it can receive logging events from remote applications using Logback as their logging backend. It uses files to buffer the received events locally, so it is possible to keep vast amounts of logging events at your fingertip while still being able to check only the ones you are really interested in by using filtering conditions.

Group: de.huxhorn.lilith Artifact: de.huxhorn.lilith
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Download de.huxhorn.lilith.jar (8.3.0)

Artifact de.huxhorn.lilith
Group de.huxhorn.lilith
Version 8.3.0
Last update 11. December 2021
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License v3 (GPL)
Dependencies amount 51
Dependencies commons-io,, de.huxhorn.sulky.swing,, de.huxhorn.sulky.conditions, de.huxhorn.sulky.codec, de.huxhorn.sulky.codec.filebuffer, de.huxhorn.sulky.sounds-api, de.huxhorn.lilith.engine, de.huxhorn.lilith.prefs, glazedlists_java15, de.huxhorn.sulky.sounds-impl-jlayer, de.huxhorn.sulky.buffers, de.huxhorn.lilith.3rdparty.flyingsaucer.core-renderer, de.huxhorn.sulky.tasks, de.huxhorn.sulky.buffers.table, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.appender.multiplex-classic-xml, httpclient, logback-access, httpcore, de.huxhorn.lilith.jul.xml.receiver, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.appender.multiplex-classic, de.huxhorn.lilith.jul-slf4j-handler, de.huxhorn.lilith.log4j.xml, de.huxhorn.lilith.json-logging, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.appender.multiplex-access, de.huxhorn.lilith.3rdparty.macify, de.huxhorn.lilith.jul.xml-import, de.huxhorn.lilith.jul.xml, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.logging-adapter, logback-core, de.huxhorn.lilith.3rdparty.junique, de.huxhorn.lilith.xml-logging, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.producer.classic, slf4j-api,, de.huxhorn.sulky.buffers.filtering, jcommander,, de.huxhorn.lilith.conditions, de.huxhorn.sulky.logging, servlet-api, groovy, de.huxhorn.lilith.3rdparty.rrd4j, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.producer.access, de.huxhorn.sulky.formatting, de.huxhorn.lilith.logback.appender.multiplex-classic-json, de.huxhorn.lilith.log4j.producer, commons-lang, logback-classic, de.huxhorn.lilith.3rdparty.jmdns,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

MavenParent from group com.salesforce.maven (version 2.0.1)

This project provides the best of maven easily consumable a maven parent project, called MavenParent. With this project you get: Checkstyle and PMD checks that will work by default in eclipse with m2e-code-quality. OWASP vulnerability checks of your dependencies. Easy application of BSD-3 clause license to all your code with mycila-license plugin. The ability to easily enforce semantic version on a jar project with japicmp. Prevent duplicates on your classpath with basepom's duplicate-finder. All of the above can be configured or disabled easily with properties, just check their docs, except takari. A whole slew of pretty maven reports including the above are generated in the maven site. The ability to easily deploy to oss nexus, and publish maven generated sites back to github's sites pages.

Group: com.salesforce.maven Artifact: MavenParent
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Artifact MavenParent
Group com.salesforce.maven
Version 2.0.1
Last update 23. April 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

MantisIntegration from group eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration (version 1.8.3)

<p>Integrate the Mantis bugtracker system into netbeans</p> <p>Note for installation - to make the "Add patch" and "Checking" comment functions work correctly the mantis system has to configured correctly please check these options, if you encounter problems:</p> <ul> <li>source_control_notes_view_status (default private, integer value 10 -> public)</li> <li>source_control_set_resolution_to (integer value 80->resolved, 90->closed)</li> <li>source_control_set_status_to (20->fixed)</li> </ul> <p>If a self-signed SSL certificate or an invalid certificate need to be accepted, please install the module "SSL Certificate Exception".</p>

Group: eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration Artifact: MantisIntegration
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Download MantisIntegration.jar (1.8.3)

Artifact MantisIntegration
Group eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration
Version 1.8.3
Last update 05. July 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies org-openide-util-lookup, org-openide-util, org-openide-awt, org-openide-windows, org-openide-nodes, org-openide-modules, org-openide-dialogs, axis-jaxrpc, axis, commons-discovery, axis-wsdl4j, swingx-graphics, swingx-core, swingx-mavensupport, org-openide-filesystems, org-netbeans-modules-bugtracking, stringtotime, jakarta.xml.soap-api, jaxb-runtime, jakarta.xml.bind-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ignifera_2.12 from group com.github.norwae (version 1.1.0)

Adds promotheus statistics export and collection for akka http routes. The library collects http result codes, timings, and requests in flight. It additionally optionally exposes some basic akka statistics.

Group: com.github.norwae Artifact: ignifera_2.12
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Download ignifera_2.12.jar (1.1.0)

Artifact ignifera_2.12
Group com.github.norwae
Version 1.1.0
Last update 22. August 2018
Organization com.github.norwae
License BSD 2-Clause
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies scala-library, akka-actor_2.12, akka-stream_2.12, akka-http-core_2.12, akka-http_2.12, simpleclient, simpleclient_hotspot, simpleclient_common,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

kpi4j from group com.kpi4j (version 0.0.2-beta)

This is an open source library that allows generating performance indicators easily for java based application. This library is configurable through an xml file (similar to log4j) in order to define the performance object types, dimensions, counters, the output format and statistics generation periodicity. Those statistics can be saved as a file (xml/json) or injected directly in a database. Then they can be correlated and analyzed through any Business Intelligence solution in order to check the application performance and quality: number of transactions, ratio of successful and failure ...

Group: com.kpi4j Artifact: kpi4j
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Artifact kpi4j
Group com.kpi4j
Version 0.0.2-beta
Last update 19. February 2016
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies xml-apis, log4j, cron4j, mysql-connector-java,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

quality-test from group net.sf.qualitycheck (version 1.3)

The goal of quality-test is to provide a small Java library for basic code quality checks within unit tests. It is discouraged to use quality-test in production code. The checks provided in this library are designed to be used in unit-tests. The checks and utilities provided in this package check static properties of classes, for example whether classes are marked final or constructors are private. Additionally, there are utils to give additional code coverage for private constructors. Quality-Test often can be used together with Google Reflections ( to perform checks such as, assure that every class in package *.dto.* is final or make sure that no class in the package *.controller.* contains any non-final static variables.

Group: net.sf.qualitycheck Artifact: quality-test
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Download quality-test.jar (1.3)

Artifact quality-test
Group net.sf.qualitycheck
Version 1.3
Last update 01. August 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies quality-check, jsr305, guava, commons-logging, junit, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, powermock-module-junit4, powermock-api-easymock, easymock, cglib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

quality-check from group net.sf.qualitycheck (version 1.3)

The goal of quality-check is to provide a small Java library for basic runtime code quality checks. It provides similar features to org.springframework.util.Assert or without the need to include big libraries or frameworks such as Spring or Guava. The package quality-check tries to replace these libraries and provide all the basic code quality checks you need. The checks provided here are typically used to validate method parameters and detect errors during runtime. To detect errors before runtime we use JSR-305 Annotations. With these annotations you are able to detect possible bugs earlier. For more informations look at FindBugs™ JSR-305 support.

Group: net.sf.qualitycheck Artifact: quality-check
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Download quality-check.jar (1.3)

Artifact quality-check
Group net.sf.qualitycheck
Version 1.3
Last update 01. August 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies jsr305, commons-logging, junit, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

quality-parent from group net.sf.qualitycheck (version 1.3)

The goal of quality-check is to provide a small Java library for basic runtime code quality checks. It provides similar features to org.springframework.util.Assert or without the need to include big libraries or frameworks such as Spring or Guava. The package quality-check tries to replace these libraries and provide all the basic code quality checks you need. The checks provided here are typically used to validate method parameters and detect errors during runtime. To detect errors before runtime we use JSR-305 Annotations. With these annotations you are able to detect possible bugs earlier. For more informations look at FindBugs™ JSR-305 support.

Group: net.sf.qualitycheck Artifact: quality-parent
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Artifact quality-parent
Group net.sf.qualitycheck
Version 1.3
Last update 01. August 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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