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sshapi-maverick-16 from group com.sshtools (version 1.1.2)

This version uses the Mavenized 1.6/1.7 branch of Maverick. It will probably eventually become the default Maverick provider implementation, but until such a time it will be a separate module. Using this version we pull the Maverick jars from the SSHTools repository and build directly Maverick is the definitive solution for total SSH compatibility on the Java™ platform. The library is designed to support SSH1 and SSH2 using any version of the Java Development Kit from 1.1 and above, and the API is also now J2ME-ready1 in anticipation of the new breed of interconnected mobile devices Downloads and more information about Maverick may be found at This library is the provider bridge for SSHAPI.

Group: com.sshtools Artifact: sshapi-maverick-16
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Artifact sshapi-maverick-16
Group com.sshtools
Version 1.1.2
Last update 16. August 2018
Organization not specified
URL ${scmWebRoot}/${project.artifactId}/
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies sshapi-core, maverick, maverick-agent, commons-logging, oro,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

zip from group io.github.tsabirgaliev (version 1.0.0.Beta3)

The Java JDK includes various means of creating/consuming compressed files. What is missing is easy way of creating lazy streamed zip archive, in spirit of This implementation relies on the fact that the PKZIP specification allows archiving data streams of sizes not known upfront. This implies that the archives produced will be readable only by tools aware of this trick. Notably, is OK with that, so we use it to test compatibility.

Group: io.github.tsabirgaliev Artifact: zip
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Artifact zip
Group io.github.tsabirgaliev
Version 1.0.0.Beta3
Last update 20. March 2017
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rat-lib from group (version 0.5.1)

Release Audit Tool (RAT) is a tool to improve accuracy and efficiency when checking releases. It is heuristic in nature: making guesses about possible problems. It will produce false positives and cannot find every possible issue with a release. It's reports require interpretation. In response to demands from project quality tool developers, RAT is available as a library suitable for inclusion in tools. This POM describes that library. Note that binary compatibility is not gauranteed between 0.x releases.

Group: Artifact: rat-lib
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Artifact rat-lib
Version 0.5.1
Last update 26. June 2007
Organization not specified
License The Apache License Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies commons-collections, commons-lang,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08 from group edu.cornell.library.scholars (version 1.1.1)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.8 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.8. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.8 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.8 does not have a "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package (just for compatibility with the 1.9 version), modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because VIVO 1.8 is not available as a Maven package, we have extracted the class files, JARed them up, and stored them in a file-based repository within this project. But that doesn't include any transitive dependencies, so any package that this code requires must be explicitly listed as a dependency. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Group: edu.cornell.library.scholars Artifact: data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08
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Artifact data-distribution-api-vivo_1_08
Group edu.cornell.library.scholars
Version 1.1.1
Last update 25. April 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies vivo_classes, jena-core, jena-arq, commons-logging, commons-io, commons-lang, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

clirr-maven-plugin from group (version 1.0.1)

This is a specialized version of the Clirr Maven Plugin. It adds capabilities for excluding specific error types, as well as separating code into three, rather than two, subgroups: Internal code (no checks) Externally invoked code (Annotated with an "externally invoked" annotation, same as Externally implemented, but adding methods to interfaces and abstract classes is allowed) Externally implemented code (Assumed default. Full backwards compatibility required *unless* an interface is annotated with a defined adaptor annotation, in which case full backwards compatibility is required for the adaptor class, but the rules of @ExternallyInvoked apply to the interface itself) Clirr is a tool that checks Java libraries for binary and source compatibility with older releases. Basically you give it two sets of jar files and Clirr dumps out a list of changes in the public API. The clirr-maven-plugin can be configured to break the build, if it detects incompatible api changes. In a continuous integration process, the clirr-maven-plugin can automatically prevent accidental introduction of binary or source compatibility problems. Additionally, the plugin can generate a report as part of the generated site.

Group: Artifact: clirr-maven-plugin
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Artifact clirr-maven-plugin
Version 1.0.1
Last update 09. November 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies clirr-core, bcel-findbugs, maven-artifact, maven-model, maven-plugin-api, maven-project, doxia-decoration-model, doxia-module-xhtml, doxia-sink-api, doxia-site-renderer, maven-reporting-api, plexus-i18n, plexus-utils, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ironpdf from group com.ironsoftware (version 2024.4.1)

IronPDF Java library offers an extensive compatibility range, making it a go-to solution for a wide array of developers. It fully supports JVM languages like Java, Scala, and Kotlin, making it incredibly versatile. This Java PDF library is also compatible with Java 8 and above, providing optimum performance across multiple platforms. It's been designed with a wide range of users in mind Here's a look at what it supports: JVM Languages: Java, Scala, Kotlin.Platforms: Java 8 and above.Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, AWS.IDEs: Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse. You can deploy IronPDF Java across various platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, and AWS. It is also fully compatible with popular IDEs like Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, facilitating smooth project development and management. Your pom.xml file is essentially the backbone of your project when you're using Maven. It's here where you introduce new dependencies that you wish to include. To make IronPDF Java package a part of your Maven project, you simply need to add the following snippets to your pom.xml: Remember to replace '20xx.xx.xxxx' with the latest version of IronPDF. IronPDF Java simplifies the process of creating PDF files. Convert HTML files, HTML strings, or URLs directly to new PDF documents in a few lines of code. The variety of file formats it handles is vast, as it can even transform images into PDF documents and vice versa. Need to use base 64 encoding, base URLs, or custom file paths? No problem! IronPDF Java has got you coveredFor more detail about installing and using IronPDF Java. When you run your project for the first time post-integration, IronPDF's engine binaries will automatically be downloaded. The engine starts its journey when you call any IronPDF function for the first time and takes a breather when your application is either closed or enters an idle state. It is not an open source java PDF library but here's the best part - IronPDF Java is offering a 30-day free trial. So, why wait? Give it a go and boost your PDF operations today.

Group: com.ironsoftware Artifact: ironpdf
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Artifact ironpdf
Group com.ironsoftware
Version 2024.4.1
Last update 17. April 2024
Organization Iron Software
License Proprietary License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3, grpc-netty-shaded, grpc-protobuf, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, javax.annotation-api, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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