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rouplex-platform-jaxrs-client from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-jaxrs-client
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Artifact rouplex-platform-jaxrs-client
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies javax.annotation-api,, rouplex-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform-jersey from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-jersey
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Artifact rouplex-platform-jersey
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies rouplex-commons, rouplex-platform, rouplex-platform-jaxrs, javax.servlet-api, jersey-server, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, swagger-jersey2-jaxrs, swagger-ui,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform-jaxrs from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-jaxrs
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Artifact rouplex-platform-jaxrs
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies javax.annotation-api,,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform-tcp from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-tcp
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Artifact rouplex-platform-tcp
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies rouplex-niossl, rouplex-commons, rouplex-platform,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform
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Artifact rouplex-platform
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies rouplex-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform-parent from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

A platform for discovery and communication between various parts of a distributed service or application. At its minimum, the platform is a library which can be used to serialize and deserialize application constructs into payloads which it can then send to and receive from remote endpoints. For now it supports TCP and HTTP communication protocols with WebSockets coming soon. It supports raw byte streams via TCP, as well as application/json via JAX-RS as serialization protocols. It offers plain or SSL/TLS communication for security of your data in transit. For now it is only available in Java, with bindings for other languages coming soon. The communication pattern is request-reply, with fail fast semantics, and with service consumers (clients) knowing beforehand the coordinates of the service providers (servers). The TCP communication protocol offers blocking/unblocking/asynchronous flavors whereas the rest are only blocking for now. Coming soon, the platform will provide a Discovery Service to facilitate the registration of the service providers (servers) and service consumers (clients). In this case, the callers don't need to resolve or even balance their calls towards various endpoints, since the Platform handles this tasks. In this case, the pub/sub communication pattern will also be available (coming soon) with at-most-once delivery guarantees. We intend to provide a Security Service for managing the keys/and certificates of various services as well as Metrics and Logging services (coming soon).

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-parent
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Artifact rouplex-platform-parent
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
License FreeBSD
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-commons from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-commons
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Artifact rouplex-commons
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

rouplex-platform-tcp-instrumentor from group org.rouplex (version 1.0.4)

Group: org.rouplex Artifact: rouplex-platform-tcp-instrumentor
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Artifact rouplex-platform-tcp-instrumentor
Group org.rouplex
Version 1.0.4
Last update 20. December 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies rouplex-platform-tcp, aspectjrt, metrics-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)

Pact provider ============= sub project of The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances. Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality. ### Provider State Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state. Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts) The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending: POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" } ### An example of running provider verification with junit This example uses Groovy, JUnit 4 and Hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification. As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test. **Warning:** It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test) ```groovy class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest { @ClassRule public static TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>( TestDropwizardApplication.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("dropwizard/test-config.yaml")) private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider private static Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> testConsumerPact private static ConsumerInfo consumer @BeforeClass static void setupProvider() { serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App") serviceProvider.setProtocol("http") serviceProvider.setHost("localhost") serviceProvider.setPort(8080) serviceProvider.setPath("/") consumer = new ConsumerInfo() consumer.setName("test_consumer") consumer.setPactSource(new UrlSource( ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest.getResource("/pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json").toString())) testConsumerPact = PactReader.loadPact(consumer.getPactSource()) as Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> } @Test void runConsumerPacts() { // grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer Interaction interaction = testConsumerPact.interactions.get(0) // setup the verifier ProviderVerifier verifier = setupVerifier(interaction, serviceProvider, consumer) // setup any provider state // setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(serviceProvider, new HttpClientFactory()) Map<String, Object> failures = new HashMap<>() verifier.verifyResponseFromProvider(serviceProvider, interaction, interaction.getDescription(), failures, client) if (!failures.isEmpty()) { verifier.displayFailures(failures) } // Assert all good assertThat(failures, is(empty())) } private ProviderVerifier setupVerifier(Interaction interaction, ProviderInfo provider, ConsumerInfo consumer) { ProviderVerifier verifier = new ProviderVerifier() verifier.initialiseReporters(provider) verifier.reportVerificationForConsumer(consumer, provider) if (!interaction.getProviderStates().isEmpty()) { for (ProviderState providerState: interaction.getProviderStates()) { verifier.reportStateForInteraction(providerState.getName(), provider, consumer, true) } } verifier.reportInteractionDescription(interaction) return verifier } } ``` ### An example of running provider verification with spock This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification. Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service. This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature ```groovy class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification { @ClassRule @Shared TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(TestDropwizardApplication, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('dropwizard/test-config.yaml')) @Shared ProviderInfo serviceProvider ProviderVerifier verifier def setupSpec() { serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App') serviceProvider.protocol = 'http' = 'localhost' serviceProvider.port = 8080 serviceProvider.path = '/' serviceProvider.hasPactWith('zoo_app') { pactSource = new FileSource(new File(ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json'))) } } def setup() { verifier = new ProviderVerifier() } def cleanup() { // cleanup provider state // ie. db.truncateAllTables() } def cleanupSpec() { // cleanup provider } @Unroll def "Provider Pact - With Consumer #consumer"() { expect: verifyConsumerPact(consumer).empty where: consumer << serviceProvider.consumers } private Map verifyConsumerPact(ConsumerInfo consumer) { Map failures = [:] verifier.initialiseReporters(serviceProvider) verifier.runVerificationForConsumer(failures, serviceProvider, consumer) if (!failures.empty) { verifier.displayFailures(failures) } failures } } ```

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider_2.12
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Artifact pact-jvm-provider_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-pact-broker, pact-jvm-matchers_2.12, commons-io, jansi, httpclient, reflections, pact-jvm-support, scala-java8-compat_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider from group (version 4.0.10)

Pact provider ============= sub project of The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances. Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality. ### Provider State Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state. Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts) The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending: POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" } ### An example of running provider verification with junit This example uses Groovy, JUnit 4 and Hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification. As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test. **Warning:** It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test) ```groovy class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest { @ClassRule public static final TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>( TestDropwizardApplication, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('dropwizard/test-config.yaml')) private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider private static Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> testConsumerPact private static ConsumerInfo consumer @BeforeClass static void setupProvider() { serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App') serviceProvider.setProtocol('http') serviceProvider.setHost('localhost') serviceProvider.setPort(8080) serviceProvider.setPath('/') consumer = new ConsumerInfo() consumer.setName('test_consumer') consumer.setPactSource(new UrlSource( ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest.getResource('/pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json').toString())) testConsumerPact = DefaultPactReader.INSTANCE.loadPact(consumer.getPactSource()) as Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> } @Test void runConsumerPacts() { // grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer Interaction interaction = testConsumerPact.interactions.get(0) // setup the verifier ProviderVerifier verifier = setupVerifier(interaction, serviceProvider, consumer) // setup any provider state // setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(serviceProvider, new HttpClientFactory()) Map<String, Object> failures = new HashMap<>() verifier.verifyResponseFromProvider(serviceProvider, interaction, interaction.getDescription(), failures, client) // normally assert all good, but in this example it will fail assertThat(failures, is(not(empty()))) verifier.displayFailures(failures) } private ProviderVerifier setupVerifier(Interaction interaction, ProviderInfo provider, ConsumerInfo consumer) { ProviderVerifier verifier = new ProviderVerifier() verifier.initialiseReporters(provider) verifier.reportVerificationForConsumer(consumer, provider, new UrlSource('http://example.example')) if (!interaction.getProviderStates().isEmpty()) { for (ProviderState providerState: interaction.getProviderStates()) { verifier.reportStateForInteraction(providerState.getName(), provider, consumer, true) } } verifier.reportInteractionDescription(interaction) return verifier } } ``` ### An example of running provider verification with spock This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification. Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service. This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature ```groovy class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification { @ClassRule @Shared TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(TestDropwizardApplication, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('dropwizard/test-config.yaml')) @Shared ProviderInfo serviceProvider ProviderVerifier verifier def setupSpec() { serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App') serviceProvider.protocol = 'http' = 'localhost' serviceProvider.port = 8080 serviceProvider.path = '/' serviceProvider.hasPactWith('zoo_app') { consumer -> consumer.pactSource = new FileSource(new File(ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json'))) } } def setup() { verifier = new ProviderVerifier() } def cleanup() { // cleanup provider state // ie. db.truncateAllTables() } def cleanupSpec() { // cleanup provider } @Unroll def "Provider Pact - With Consumer #consumer"() { expect: !verifyConsumerPact(consumer).empty where: consumer << serviceProvider.consumers } private Map verifyConsumerPact(ConsumerInfo consumer) { Map failures = [:] verifier.initialiseReporters(serviceProvider) verifier.runVerificationForConsumer(failures, serviceProvider, consumer) if (!failures.empty) { verifier.displayFailures(failures) } failures } } ```

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider
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Artifact pact-jvm-provider
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, jansi, httpclient, pact-jvm-core-model, pact-jvm-core-pact-broker, pact-jvm-core-matchers, pact-jvm-core-support, arrow-core-extensions,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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