Download JAR files tagged by convert with all dependencies from group org.everit.osgi.bundles (version 1.0.0-v20140107)
JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format.
The files in this package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java.
It also includes the capability to convert between JSON and XML, HTTP
headers, Cookies, and CDL.
This is a reference implementation. There is a large number of JSON packages
in Java. Perhaps someday the Java community will standardize on one. Until
then, choose carefully.
The license includes this restriction: "The software shall be used for good,
not evil." If your conscience cannot live with that, then choose a different
The package compiles on Java 1.2 thru Java 1.4.
Group: org.everit.osgi.bundles Artifact:
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
Group org.everit.osgi.bundles
Version 1.0.0-v20140107
Last update 14. February 2014
Organization not specified
License The JSON License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.everit.osgi.bundles
Version 1.0.0-v20140107
Last update 14. February 2014
Organization not specified
License The JSON License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
rome from group rome (version 1.0)
All Roads Lead to ROME. ROME is a set of Atom/RSS Java utilities that make it
easy to work in Java with most syndication formats. Today it accepts all flavors of RSS
(0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0 and 2.0), Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0 feeds. Rome includes
a set of parsers and generators for the various flavors of feeds, as well as converters
to convert from one format to another. The parsers can give you back Java objects that
are either specific for the format you want to work with, or a generic normalized
SyndFeed object that lets you work on with the data without bothering about the
underlying format.
Artifact rome
Group rome
Version 1.0
Last update 20. May 2010
Organization Sun Microsystems
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jdom,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group rome
Version 1.0
Last update 20. May 2010
Organization Sun Microsystems
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jdom,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
rome from group (version 1.0.0)
All Roads Lead to ROME. ROME is a set of Atom/RSS Java utilities that make it
easy to work in Java with most syndication formats. Today it accepts all flavors of RSS
(0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0 and 2.0), Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0 feeds. Rome includes
a set of parsers and generators for the various flavors of feeds, as well as converters
to convert from one format to another. The parsers can give you back Java objects that
are either specific for the format you want to work with, or a generic normalized
SyndFeed object that lets you work on with the data without bothering about the
underlying format.
Artifact rome
Version 1.0.0
Last update 17. April 2010
Organization ROME Project
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jdom,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.0.0
Last update 17. April 2010
Organization ROME Project
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jdom,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
nekodtd from group nekohtml (version 0.1.11)
NekoDTD is a configuration that parses Document Type Definition (DTD) files and converts the information into an XML document. This representation can then be processed using standard XML processors and applications to perform grammar analysis, convert the DTD into other grammar formats, etc. For example, using an XSLT stylesheet, the XML representation of the DTD can be converted to an equivalent XML Schema or Relax NG grammar. The NekoDTD parser configuration is written using the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) that is the foundation of the Xerces2 implementation. This enables you to use NekoDTD with existing XNI tools without modification or rewriting code.
Artifact nekodtd
Group nekohtml
Version 0.1.11
Last update 03. July 2006
Organization not specified
License The CyberNeko Software License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies xercesImpl, xml-apis,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group nekohtml
Version 0.1.11
Last update 03. July 2006
Organization not specified
License The CyberNeko Software License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies xercesImpl, xml-apis,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
nsgaii from group com.debacharya (version 3.2.0)
A NSGA-II implementation using Java. This implementation of NSGA-II algorithm is in pure reference to the
original published paper. This is not an effort to convert the originally implemented C code in Java.
The original C code by the authors has not be referred to while writing this implementation.
This is a fully customizable implementation of the NSGA-II algorithm, made as generic as possible.
This documentation assumes you have basic understanding of the NSGA-II algorithm. Apart from the core concepts
of the algorithm, everything else in this package can be implemented as per the user's choice and plugged
into the algorithm dynamically. Since NSGA-II is more like a set of protocols to follow as an algorithm rather
than a concrete implementation of every aspect, this package has been re-written from scratch keeping complete
customizability in mind. Apart from the core concepts of the algorithm, everything is considered to be a plugin
external to the algorithm that can be implemented by the user and dynamically plugged into the algorithm during
runtime as needed. This opens up the possibility of the package to be used simply as a PoC or be converted into
something much more complex according to the users needs.
Artifact nsgaii
Group com.debacharya
Version 3.2.0
Last update 23. March 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jfreechart, jcommon,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.debacharya
Version 3.2.0
Last update 23. March 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jfreechart, jcommon,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jburg from group net.sourceforge.jburg (version 1.10.3)
A bottom-up rewrite machine is a compiler construction tool that is often used in the compiler's back end to
convert a tree-structured representation of a program into machine code -- or, in Java's case, bytecode.
JBurg can also be used as a general-purpose dynamic programming engine. JBurg is descended from iburg-class
BURGs, described in Fraser, Hanson, and Proebsting's paper, "Engineering a Simple, Efficient Code Generator
JBurg brings similar O(N) minimum-cost tree rewriting capabilities to Java, and also allows the programmer to
specify transitions between non-terminal states, that are significantly more powerful than iburg's transitive
closures: JBurg transformation rules allow the transformation to inject additional program logic, which makes
a JBurg specification more like a grammar than like a list of pattern-matching rules.
Artifact jburg
Group net.sourceforge.jburg
Version 1.10.3
Last update 24. February 2016
Organization not specified
License Common Public License Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sourceforge.jburg
Version 1.10.3
Last update 24. February 2016
Organization not specified
License Common Public License Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
JSONXML from group (version 2.0b)
JSONXML project is library used to parse/format tree-like object structures in most popular text formats: XML and JSON.
For parsing it accepts "" and return java object.
For formatting it accepts java object and "".
Object is generally structure that contains Map and/or List elements.
Map is ordered set of named items. List is set of unnamed items.
Reflection may be used to convert objects into set of maps/lists and vice versa.
JSON parser is implemented explicitly.
XML parser is based on SAX parser and applies only certain rules for result.
Library is designed to allow various entry points for variable decisions depending on end use needs.
1. Formats - formats are used to enable locale-specific parsing/formatting of numbers and dates.
2. ReflectiveBuilder - enables reflection. Default implementation uses getters/setters only.
3. ObjectsRegistry - used to keep track of parsed or formatted objects and allow
resolvable references in formatted (text) form.
Artifact JSONXML
Version 2.0b
Last update 25. October 2011
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.0b
Last update 25. October 2011
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
groupdocs-editor from group com.groupdocs (version 17.9)
GroupDocs.Editor for Java is a powerful document editing API using HTML.
API can be used with any external, opensource or paid HTML editor.
Editor API will process to load documents, convert it to HTML, provide HTML to external UI and then save HTML to original document after manipulation.
It can also be used to generate different PDF files, Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX), Excel spreadsheets (XLS, XSLSX), PowerPoint presentations (PPT, PPTX) and TXT documents.
Manipulate Using HTML:
Load Document
Edit content using HTML
Edit styles
Perform Editor operations
Convert back to supported file
Document Editor is a computer program for editing HTML, the markup of a webpage.
Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality.
For example, many HTML editors handle not only HTML, but also related technologies such as CSS, XML and JavaScript or ECMAScript.
In some cases they also manage communication with remote web servers via FTP and WebDAV, and version control systems such as Subversion or Git.
Many word processing, graphic design and page layout programs that are not dedicated to web design, such as Microsoft Word or Quark XPress, also have the ability to function as HTML editors.
Artifact groupdocs-editor
Group com.groupdocs
Version 17.9
Last update 10. January 2018
Organization not specified
License GroupDocs License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.groupdocs
Version 17.9
Last update 10. January 2018
Organization not specified
License GroupDocs License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
straightedge from group com.massisframework (version 0.8)
Includes 2 main parts:
- Path finding through 2D polygons using the A star algorithm and navigation-mesh generation
Field of vision / shadows / line of sight / lighting.
The basic polygon and point classes are the KPolygon and KPoint.
KPolygon contains a list of KPoints for vertices as well as a center (centroid), area, and radius (circular bound or distance from center to furthest point).
KPolygon was born out of the need for a more game-oriented and flexible polygon class than the Path2D class in the standard Java library. KPolygon implements java.awt.geom.Shape so it can be easily drawn and filled by Java2D's Graphics2D object.
- This API provides path-finding and field-of-vision. For other complex geometric operations such as buffering (fattening and shrinking) and constructive area geometry (intersections and unions) it is recommended to use the excellent Java Topology Suite (JTS). The standard Java2D library also provides the Area class which can be used for some constructive area geometry operations. Note that there is a utility class PolygonConverter that can quickly convert KPolygons to JTS polygons and vice versa.
Artifact straightedge
Group com.massisframework
Version 0.8
Last update 21. December 2015
Organization not specified
License New BSD License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jts,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.massisframework
Version 0.8
Last update 21. December 2015
Organization not specified
License New BSD License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jts,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ironpdf from group com.ironsoftware (version 2024.11.4)
IronPDF Java library offers an extensive compatibility range, making it a go-to solution for a wide array of developers. It fully supports JVM languages like Java, Scala, and Kotlin, making it incredibly versatile. This Java PDF library is also compatible with Java 8 and above, providing optimum performance across multiple platforms. It's been designed with a wide range of users in mind Here's a look at what it supports: JVM Languages: Java, Scala, Kotlin.Platforms: Java 8 and above.Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, AWS.IDEs: Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse. You can deploy IronPDF Java across various platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure, and AWS. It is also fully compatible with popular IDEs like Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, facilitating smooth project development and management. Your pom.xml file is essentially the backbone of your project when you're using Maven. It's here where you introduce new dependencies that you wish to include. To make IronPDF Java package a part of your Maven project, you simply need to add the following snippets to your pom.xml: Remember to replace '20xx.xx.xxxx' with the latest version of IronPDF. IronPDF Java simplifies the process of creating PDF files. Convert HTML files, HTML strings, or URLs directly to new PDF documents in a few lines of code. The variety of file formats it handles is vast, as it can even transform images into PDF documents and vice versa. Need to use base 64 encoding, base URLs, or custom file paths? No problem! IronPDF Java has got you coveredFor more detail about installing and using IronPDF Java. When you run your project for the first time post-integration, IronPDF's engine binaries will automatically be downloaded. The engine starts its journey when you call any IronPDF function for the first time and takes a breather when your application is either closed or enters an idle state. It is not an open source java PDF library but here's the best part - IronPDF Java is offering a 30-day free trial. So, why wait? Give it a go and boost your PDF operations today.
Artifact ironpdf
Group com.ironsoftware
Version 2024.11.4
Last update 05. December 2024
Organization Iron Software
License Proprietary License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3, grpc-netty-shaded, grpc-protobuf, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, javax.annotation-api, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.ironsoftware
Version 2024.11.4
Last update 05. December 2024
Organization Iron Software
License Proprietary License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3, grpc-netty-shaded, grpc-protobuf, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, javax.annotation-api, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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