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jmockit-coverage from group org.jmockit (version 1.23)

JMockit Coverage is a code coverage tool with several metrics (line, path, data) capable of generating HTML reports. It is designed with ease of use in mind, avoiding the need for complex configuration. Instead, smart (but overridable) defaults are employed, such as the selection of which classes to consider for coverage, and where to find sources files for report generation.

Group: org.jmockit Artifact: jmockit-coverage
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Artifact jmockit-coverage
Group org.jmockit
Version 1.23
Last update 24. April 2016
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-provider-sbt_2.10 from group (version 2.0.2)

Pact sbt plugin =============== The sbt plugin adds an sbt task for running all provider pacts against a running server. To use the pact sbt plugin, add the following to your project/plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("com.dius" %% "pact-jvm-provider-sbt" % "2.0.2") and the following to your build.sbt PactJvmPlugin.pactSettings The new task added is verifyPacts Two new keys are added to configure this task: pactConfig is the location of your pact-config json file (defaults to "pact-config.json" in the classpath root) pactRoot is the root folder of your pact json files (defaults to "pacts"), all .json files in root and sub folders will be executed

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-sbt_2.10
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Artifact pact-jvm-provider-sbt_2.10
Version 2.0.2
Last update 07. August 2014
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies scala-logging-slf4j_2.10, sbt, json4s-native_2.10, slf4j-api, dispatch-core_2.10, unfiltered-netty-server_2.10, json4s-jackson_2.10, pact-jvm-provider_2.10, scala-library,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jmockit-coverage from group com.googlecode.jmockit (version 0.999.26)

JMockit Coverage is a code coverage tool with several metrics (line, path, data) capable of generating HTML reports. It is designed with ease of use in mind, avoiding the need for complex configuration. Instead, smart (but overridable) defaults are employed, such as the selection of which classes to consider for coverage, and where to find sources files for report generation.

Group: com.googlecode.jmockit Artifact: jmockit-coverage
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Artifact jmockit-coverage
Group com.googlecode.jmockit
Version 0.999.26
Last update 09. March 2014
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jmockit-coverage from group (version 0.999.25)

JMockit Coverage is a code coverage tool with several metrics (line, path, data) capable of generating HTML reports. It is designed with ease of use in mind, avoiding the need for complex configuration. Instead, smart (but overridable) defaults are employed, such as the selection of which classes to consider for coverage, and where to find sources files for report generation.

Group: Artifact: jmockit-coverage
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Artifact jmockit-coverage
Version 0.999.25
Last update 17. January 2014
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

default-value-plugin from group org.andromda.thirdparty.jaxb2_commons (version 1.1)

This is an XJC plugin to set default values in the XJC generated classes based on the default attribute to <xs:element>. Note that JAXB handles defaults for <xs:attribute> natively, so this plugin is not necessary for an attribute default. The plugin is particularly useful while generating Value Objects for a user interface from an XML schema. User interface tags such as the Struts HTML tags use reflection on bean properties to render themselves, so it is often useful to have a set of sensible defaults set in the Java Beans mapping to the user interface themselves.

Group: org.andromda.thirdparty.jaxb2_commons Artifact: default-value-plugin
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Artifact default-value-plugin
Group org.andromda.thirdparty.jaxb2_commons
Version 1.1
Last update 29. April 2010
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jaxb-impl, jaxb-xjc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pojava from group edu.utah.bmi.pojava (version 3.0.9)

POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates. It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed. This is a forked version edited by Jianlin

Group: edu.utah.bmi.pojava Artifact: pojava
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Artifact pojava
Group edu.utah.bmi.pojava
Version 3.0.9
Last update 15. November 2020
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

datetime from group edu.utah.bmi.pojava (version 3.0.4)

POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates. It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed. This is a forked version edited by Jianlin

Group: edu.utah.bmi.pojava Artifact: datetime
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Artifact datetime
Group edu.utah.bmi.pojava
Version 3.0.4
Last update 28. April 2018
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

datetime from group org.pojava (version 3.0.2)

POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates. It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed.

Group: org.pojava Artifact: datetime
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Artifact datetime
Group org.pojava
Version 3.0.2
Last update 04. June 2015
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

org.pojava.datetime from group org.pojava (version 3.0.0)

POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates. It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed. The net effect the default parser for a server in Paris would have a different automatic configuration from a server in New York. Throw a random local date at either, and it'll parse it as expected. If your server supports customers from multiple locales and time zones, then each can be specified when parsing a date/time to resolve any ambiguities.

Group: org.pojava Artifact: org.pojava.datetime
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Artifact org.pojava.datetime
Group org.pojava
Version 3.0.0
Last update 11. March 2014
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

pact-jvm-server_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)

Pact server =========== The pact server is a stand-alone interactions recorder and verifier, aimed at clients that are non-JVM or non-Ruby based. The pact client for that platform will need to be implemented, but it only be responsible for generating the `JSON` interactions, running the tests and communicating with the server. The server implements a `JSON` `REST` Admin API with the following endpoints. / -&gt; For diagnostics, currently returns a list of ports of the running mock servers. /create -&gt; For initialising a test server and submitting the JSON interactions. It returns a port /complete -&gt; For finalising and verifying the interactions with the server. It writes the `JSON` pact file to disk. ## Running the server ### Versions 2.2.6+ Pact server takes the following parameters: ``` Usage: pact-jvm-server [options] [port] port port to run on (defaults to 29999) --help prints this usage text -h &lt;value&gt; | --host &lt;value&gt; host to bind to (defaults to localhost) -l &lt;value&gt; | --mock-port-lower &lt;value&gt; lower bound to allocate mock ports (defaults to 20000) -u &lt;value&gt; | --mock-port-upper &lt;value&gt; upper bound to allocate mock ports (defaults to 40000) -d | --daemon run as a daemon process -v &lt;value&gt; | --pact-version &lt;value&gt; pact version to generate for (2 or 3) -k &lt;value&gt; | --keystore-path &lt;value&gt; Path to keystore -p &lt;value&gt; | --keystore-password &lt;value&gt; Keystore password -s &lt;value&gt; | --ssl-port &lt;value&gt; Ssl port the mock server should run on. lower and upper bounds are ignored --debug run with debug logging ``` ### Using trust store 3.4.0+ Trust store can be used. However, it is limited to a single port for the time being. ### Prior to version 2.2.6 Pact server takes one optional parameter, the port number to listen on. If not provided, it will listen on 29999. It requires an active console to run. ### Using a distribution archive You can download a [distribution from maven central]( There is both a ZIP and TAR archive. Unpack it to a directory of choice and then run the script in the bin directory. ### Building a distribution bundle You can build an application bundle with gradle by running (for 2.11 version): $ ./gradlew :pact-jvm-server_2.11:installdist This will create an app bundle in `build/2.11/install/pact-jvm-server_2.11`. You can then execute it with: $ java -jar pact-jvm-server/build/2.10/install/pact-jvm-server_2.11/lib/pact-jvm-server_2.11-3.2.11.jar or with the generated bundle script file: $ pact-jvm-server/build/2.11/install/pact-jvm-server_2.11/bin/pact-jvm-server_2.11 By default will run on port `29999` but a port number can be optionally supplied. ### Running it with docker You can use a docker image to execute the mock server as a docker container. $ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 20000-20010:20000-20010 uglyog/pact-jvm-server This will run the main server on port 8080, and each created mock server on ports 20000-20010. You can map the ports to any you require. ## Life cycle The following actions are expected to occur * The client calls `/create` to initialise a server with the expected `JSON` interactions and state * The admin server will start a mock server on a random port and return the port number in the response * The client will execute its interaction tests against the mock server with the supplied port * Once finished, the client will call `/complete&apos; on the Admin API, posting the port number * The pact server will verify the interactions and write the `JSON` `pact` file to disk under `/target` * The mock server running on the supplied port will be shutdown. ## Endpoints ### /create The client will need `POST` to `/create` the generated `JSON` interactions, also providing a state as a query parameter and a path. For example: POST http://localhost:29999/create?state=NoUsers&amp;path=/sub/ref/path &apos;{ &quot;provider&quot;: { &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Animal_Service&quot;}, ... }&apos; This will create a new running mock service provider on a randomly generated port. The port will be returned in the `201` response: { &quot;port&quot; : 34423 } But you can also reference the path from `/sub/ref/path` using the server port. The service will not strip the prefix path, but instead will use it as a differentiator. If your services do not have differences in the prefix of their path, then you will have to use the port method. ### /complete Once the client has finished running its tests against the mock server on the supplied port (in this example port `34423`) the client will need to `POST` to `/complete` the port number of the mock server that was used. For example: POST http://localhost:29999/complete &apos;{ &quot;port&quot; : 34423 }&apos; This will cause the Pact server to verify the interactions, shutdown the mock server running on that port and writing the pact `JSON` file to disk under the `target` directory. ### / The `/` endpoint is for diagnostics and to check that the pact server is running. It will return all the currently running mock servers port numbers. For example: GET http://localhost:29999/ &apos;{ &quot;ports&quot;: [23443,43232] }&apos;

Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-server_2.12
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Artifact pact-jvm-server_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies pact-jvm-consumer_2.12, logback-core, logback-classic, scopt_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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