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pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
# Pact Junit 5 Extension
## Overview
For writing Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with
the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider.
To use it, add the `@Provider` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 4 test), then
add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class)` that
takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in
your test template method.
For example:
public class ContractVerificationTest {
void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) {
For details on the provider and pact source annotations, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
## Test target
You can set the test target (the object that defines the target of the test, which should point to your provider) on the
`PactVerificationContext`, but you need to do this in a before test method (annotated with `@BeforeEach`). There are three
different test targets you can use: `HttpTestTarget`, `HttpsTestTarget` and `AmpqTestTarget`.
For example:
void before(PactVerificationContext context) {
context.setTarget(HttpTestTarget.fromUrl(new URL(myProviderUrl)));
// or something like
// context.setTarget(new HttpTestTarget("localhost", myProviderPort, "/"));
## Provider State Methods
Provider State Methods work in the same way as with JUnit 4 tests, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
## Modifying the requests before they are sent
**Important Note:** You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Http and Https test targets support injecting the request that will executed into the test template method.
You can then add things to the request before calling the `verifyInteraction()` method.
For example to add a header:
void testTemplate(PactVerificationContext context, HttpRequest request) {
// This will add a header to the request
request.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", "1234");
## Objects that can be injected into the test methods
You can inject the following objects into your test methods (just like the `PactVerificationContext`). They will be null if injected before the
supported phase.
| Object | Can be injected from phase | Description |
| ------ | --------------- | ----------- |
| PactVerificationContext | @BeforeEach | The context to use to execute the interaction test |
| Pact | any | The Pact model for the test |
| Interaction | any | The Interaction model for the test |
| HttpRequest | @TestTemplate | The request that is going to be executed (only for HTTP and HTTPS targets) |
| ProviderVerifier | @TestTemplate | The verifier instance that is used to verify the interaction |
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)
Pact provider
sub project of
The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients
This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances.
Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality.
### Provider State
Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state.
Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts)
The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending:
POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" }
### An example of running provider verification with junit
This example uses Groovy, JUnit 4 and Hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification.
As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test.
**Warning:** It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test)
class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest {
public static TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(
TestDropwizardApplication.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("dropwizard/test-config.yaml"))
private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider
private static Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> testConsumerPact
private static ConsumerInfo consumer
static void setupProvider() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App")
consumer = new ConsumerInfo()
consumer.setPactSource(new UrlSource(
testConsumerPact = PactReader.loadPact(consumer.getPactSource()) as Pact<RequestResponseInteraction>
void runConsumerPacts() {
// grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer
Interaction interaction = testConsumerPact.interactions.get(0)
// setup the verifier
ProviderVerifier verifier = setupVerifier(interaction, serviceProvider, consumer)
// setup any provider state
// setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(serviceProvider, new HttpClientFactory())
Map<String, Object> failures = new HashMap<>()
verifier.verifyResponseFromProvider(serviceProvider, interaction, interaction.getDescription(), failures, client)
if (!failures.isEmpty()) {
// Assert all good
assertThat(failures, is(empty()))
private ProviderVerifier setupVerifier(Interaction interaction, ProviderInfo provider, ConsumerInfo consumer) {
ProviderVerifier verifier = new ProviderVerifier()
verifier.reportVerificationForConsumer(consumer, provider)
if (!interaction.getProviderStates().isEmpty()) {
for (ProviderState providerState: interaction.getProviderStates()) {
verifier.reportStateForInteraction(providerState.getName(), provider, consumer, true)
return verifier
### An example of running provider verification with spock
This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification.
Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service.
This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature
class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification {
@ClassRule @Shared
TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(TestDropwizardApplication,
ProviderInfo serviceProvider
ProviderVerifier verifier
def setupSpec() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App')
serviceProvider.protocol = 'http' = 'localhost'
serviceProvider.port = 8080
serviceProvider.path = '/'
serviceProvider.hasPactWith('zoo_app') {
pactSource = new FileSource(new File(ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json')))
def setup() {
verifier = new ProviderVerifier()
def cleanup() {
// cleanup provider state
// ie. db.truncateAllTables()
def cleanupSpec() {
// cleanup provider
def "Provider Pact - With Consumer #consumer"() {
consumer << serviceProvider.consumers
private Map verifyConsumerPact(ConsumerInfo consumer) {
Map failures = [:]
verifier.runVerificationForConsumer(failures, serviceProvider, consumer)
if (!failures.empty) {
Artifact pact-jvm-provider_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-pact-broker, pact-jvm-matchers_2.12, commons-io, jansi, httpclient, reflections, scala-java8-compat_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-pact-broker, pact-jvm-matchers_2.12, commons-io, jansi, httpclient, reflections, scala-java8-compat_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)
# Pact Junit 5 Extension
## Overview
For writing Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with
the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider.
To use it, add the `@Provider` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 4 test), then
add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class)` that
takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in
your test template method.
For example:
public class ContractVerificationTest {
void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) {
For details on the provider and pact source annotations, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
## Test target
You can set the test target (the object that defines the target of the test, which should point to your provider) on the
`PactVerificationContext`, but you need to do this in a before test method (annotated with `@BeforeEach`). There are three
different test targets you can use: `HttpTestTarget`, `HttpsTestTarget` and `AmpqTestTarget`.
For example:
void before(PactVerificationContext context) {
context.setTarget(HttpTestTarget.fromUrl(new URL(myProviderUrl)));
// or something like
// context.setTarget(new HttpTestTarget("localhost", myProviderPort, "/"));
**Note for Maven users:** If you use Maven to run your tests, you will have to make sure that the Maven Surefire plugin is at least
version 2.22.1 uses an isolated classpath.
For example, configure it by adding the following to your POM:
## Provider State Methods
Provider State Methods work in the same way as with JUnit 4 tests, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
### Using multiple classes for the state change methods
If you have a large number of state change methods, you can split things up by moving them to other classes. You will
need to specify the additional classes on the test context in a `Before` method. Do this with the `withStateHandler`
or `setStateHandlers` methods. See [StateAnnotationsOnAdditionalClassTest](pact-jvm-provider-junit5/src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/provider/junit5/ for an example.
## Modifying the requests before they are sent
**Important Note:** You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Http and Https test targets support injecting the request that will executed into the test template method.
You can then add things to the request before calling the `verifyInteraction()` method.
For example to add a header:
void testTemplate(PactVerificationContext context, HttpRequest request) {
// This will add a header to the request
request.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", "1234");
## Objects that can be injected into the test methods
You can inject the following objects into your test methods (just like the `PactVerificationContext`). They will be null if injected before the
supported phase.
| Object | Can be injected from phase | Description |
| ------ | --------------- | ----------- |
| PactVerificationContext | @BeforeEach | The context to use to execute the interaction test |
| Pact | any | The Pact model for the test |
| Interaction | any | The Interaction model for the test |
| HttpRequest | @TestTemplate | The request that is going to be executed (only for HTTP and HTTPS targets) |
| ProviderVerifier | @TestTemplate | The verifier instance that is used to verify the interaction |
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.12
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies pact-jvm-support, pact-jvm-provider_2.12, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies pact-jvm-support, pact-jvm-provider_2.12, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-junit5 from group (version 4.0.10)
# Pact Junit 5 Extension
## Overview
For writing Pact verification tests with JUnit 5, there is an JUnit 5 Invocation Context Provider that you can use with
the `@TestTemplate` annotation. This will generate a test for each interaction found for the pact files for the provider.
To use it, add the `@Provider` and one of the pact source annotations to your test class (as per a JUnit 4 test), then
add a method annotated with `@TestTemplate` and `@ExtendWith(PactVerificationInvocationContextProvider.class)` that
takes a `PactVerificationContext` parameter. You will need to call `verifyInteraction()` on the context parameter in
your test template method.
For example:
public class ContractVerificationTest {
void pactVerificationTestTemplate(PactVerificationContext context) {
For details on the provider and pact source annotations, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
## Test target
You can set the test target (the object that defines the target of the test, which should point to your provider) on the
`PactVerificationContext`, but you need to do this in a before test method (annotated with `@BeforeEach`). There are three
different test targets you can use: `HttpTestTarget`, `HttpsTestTarget` and `AmpqTestTarget`.
For example:
void before(PactVerificationContext context) {
context.setTarget(HttpTestTarget.fromUrl(new URL(myProviderUrl)));
// or something like
// context.setTarget(new HttpTestTarget("localhost", myProviderPort, "/"));
**Note for Maven users:** If you use Maven to run your tests, you will have to make sure that the Maven Surefire plugin is at least
version 2.22.1 uses an isolated classpath.
For example, configure it by adding the following to your POM:
## Provider State Methods
Provider State Methods work in the same way as with JUnit 4 tests, refer to the [Pact junit runner](../pact-jvm-provider-junit/ docs.
### Using multiple classes for the state change methods
If you have a large number of state change methods, you can split things up by moving them to other classes. You will
need to specify the additional classes on the test context in a `Before` method. Do this with the `withStateHandler`
or `setStateHandlers` methods. See [StateAnnotationsOnAdditionalClassTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/provider/junit5/ for an example.
## Modifying the requests before they are sent
**Important Note:** You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying
the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would be
authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Http and Https test targets support injecting the request that
will executed into the test template method.
You can then add things to the request before calling the `verifyInteraction()` method.
For example to add a header:
void testTemplate(PactVerificationContext context, HttpRequest request) {
// This will add a header to the request
request.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", "1234");
## Objects that can be injected into the test methods
You can inject the following objects into your test methods (just like the `PactVerificationContext`). They will be null if injected before the
supported phase.
| Object | Can be injected from phase | Description |
| ------ | --------------- | ----------- |
| PactVerificationContext | @BeforeEach | The context to use to execute the interaction test |
| Pact | any | The Pact model for the test |
| Interaction | any | The Interaction model for the test |
| HttpRequest | @TestTemplate | The request that is going to be executed (only for HTTP and HTTPS targets) |
| ProviderVerifier | @TestTemplate | The verifier instance that is used to verify the interaction |
## Allowing the test to pass when no pacts are found to verify (version 4.0.7+)
By default, the test will fail with an exception if no pacts were found to verify. This can be overridden by adding the
`@IgnoreNoPactsToVerify` annotation to the test class. For this to work, you test class will need to be able to receive
null values for any of the injected parameters.
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit5
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit5
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies junit-jupiter-api, pact-jvm-core-support, pact-jvm-provider,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies junit-jupiter-api, pact-jvm-core-support, pact-jvm-provider,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider from group (version 4.0.10)
Pact provider
sub project of
The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients
This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances.
Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality.
### Provider State
Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state.
Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts)
The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending:
POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" }
### An example of running provider verification with junit
This example uses Groovy, JUnit 4 and Hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification.
As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test.
**Warning:** It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test)
class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderJUnitTest {
public static final TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(
TestDropwizardApplication, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('dropwizard/test-config.yaml'))
private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider
private static Pact<RequestResponseInteraction> testConsumerPact
private static ConsumerInfo consumer
static void setupProvider() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App')
consumer = new ConsumerInfo()
consumer.setPactSource(new UrlSource(
testConsumerPact = DefaultPactReader.INSTANCE.loadPact(consumer.getPactSource()) as Pact<RequestResponseInteraction>
void runConsumerPacts() {
// grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer
Interaction interaction = testConsumerPact.interactions.get(0)
// setup the verifier
ProviderVerifier verifier = setupVerifier(interaction, serviceProvider, consumer)
// setup any provider state
// setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(serviceProvider, new HttpClientFactory())
Map<String, Object> failures = new HashMap<>()
verifier.verifyResponseFromProvider(serviceProvider, interaction, interaction.getDescription(), failures, client)
// normally assert all good, but in this example it will fail
assertThat(failures, is(not(empty())))
private ProviderVerifier setupVerifier(Interaction interaction, ProviderInfo provider, ConsumerInfo consumer) {
ProviderVerifier verifier = new ProviderVerifier()
verifier.reportVerificationForConsumer(consumer, provider, new UrlSource('http://example.example'))
if (!interaction.getProviderStates().isEmpty()) {
for (ProviderState providerState: interaction.getProviderStates()) {
verifier.reportStateForInteraction(providerState.getName(), provider, consumer, true)
return verifier
### An example of running provider verification with spock
This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification.
Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service.
This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature
class ReadmeExamplePactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification {
@ClassRule @Shared
TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardConfiguration>(TestDropwizardApplication,
ProviderInfo serviceProvider
ProviderVerifier verifier
def setupSpec() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo('Dropwizard App')
serviceProvider.protocol = 'http' = 'localhost'
serviceProvider.port = 8080
serviceProvider.path = '/'
serviceProvider.hasPactWith('zoo_app') { consumer ->
consumer.pactSource = new FileSource(new File(ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath('pacts/zoo_app-animal_service.json')))
def setup() {
verifier = new ProviderVerifier()
def cleanup() {
// cleanup provider state
// ie. db.truncateAllTables()
def cleanupSpec() {
// cleanup provider
def "Provider Pact - With Consumer #consumer"() {
consumer << serviceProvider.consumers
private Map verifyConsumerPact(ConsumerInfo consumer) {
Map failures = [:]
verifier.runVerificationForConsumer(failures, serviceProvider, consumer)
if (!failures.empty) {
Artifact pact-jvm-provider
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, jansi, httpclient, pact-jvm-core-model, pact-jvm-core-pact-broker, pact-jvm-core-matchers, pact-jvm-core-support, arrow-core-extensions,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-io, jansi, httpclient, pact-jvm-core-model, pact-jvm-core-pact-broker, pact-jvm-core-matchers, pact-jvm-core-support, arrow-core-extensions,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
Pact provider
sub project of
The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients
This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances.
Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality.
### Running Pacts
Main takes 2 arguments:
The first is the root folder of your pact files
(all .json files in root and subfolders are assumed to be pacts)
The second is the location of your pact config json file.
### Pact config
The pact config is a simple mapping of provider names to endpoint url's
paths will be appended to endpoint url's when interactions are attempted
for an example see:
### Provider State
Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state.
Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts)
The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending:
POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" }
### An example of running provider verification with junit
This example uses java, junit and hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification.
As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test.
Warning: It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test)
public class PactJVMProviderJUnitTest {
public static TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardAppConfig>(DropwizardApp.class, "config.yml");
private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider;
private static Pact testConsumerPact;
public static void setupProvider() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App");
ConsumerInfo consumer = new ConsumerInfo();
consumer.setPactFile(new File("target/pacts/ping_client-ping_service.json"));
// serviceProvider.getConsumers().add(consumer);
testConsumerPact = (Pact) new PactReader().loadPact(consumer.getPactFile());
public void runConsumerPacts() {
//grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer
List<Interaction> interactions = scala.collection.JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(testConsumerPact.interactions());
Interaction interaction1 = interactions.get(0);
//setup any provider state
//setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient();
Map<String, Object> clientResponse = (Map<String, Object>) client.makeRequest();
Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) ResponseComparison.compareResponse(interaction1.response(),
clientResponse, (int) clientResponse.get("statusCode"), (Map) clientResponse.get("headers"), (String) clientResponse.get("data"));
//assert all good
assertThat(result.get("method"), is(true)); // method type matches
Map headers = (Map) result.get("headers"); //headers match
headers.forEach( (k, v) ->
assertThat(format("Header: [%s] does not match", k), v, org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo(true))
assertThat((Collection<Object>)((Map)result.get("body")).values(), org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize(0)); // empty list of body mismatches
### An example of running provider verification with spock
This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification.
Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service.
This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature
class PactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification {
@ClassRule @Shared
TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardAppConfig>(DropwizardApp.class, "config.yml");
ProviderInfo serviceProvider
Pact testConsumerPact
def setupSpec() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App")
serviceProvider.protocol = "http" = "localhost"
serviceProvider.port = 8080;
serviceProvider.path = "/"
def consumer = serviceProvider.hasPactWith("ping_consumer", {
pactFile = new File('target/pacts/ping_client-ping_service.json')
testConsumerPact = (Pact) new PactReader().loadPact(consumer.getPactFile());
def cleanup() {
//cleanup provider state
//ie. db.truncateAllTables()
def cleanupSpec() {
//cleanup provider
def "Provider Pact - With Consumer"() {
//setup provider state
// ie. db.setupRecords()
// serviceProvider.requestFilter = { req ->
// req.addHeader('Authorization', token)
// }
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(provider: serviceProvider, request: interaction.request())
Map clientResponse = (Map) client.makeRequest()
Map result = (Map) ResponseComparison.compareResponse(interaction.response(),
clientResponse, clientResponse.statusCode, clientResponse.headers,
// method matches
result.method == true
// headers all match, spock needs the size checked before
// asserting each result
if (result.headers.size() > 0) {
result.headers.each() { k, v ->
assert v == true
// empty list of body mismatches
result.body.size() == 0
interaction << scala.collection.JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(testConsumerPact.interactions())
Artifact pact-jvm-provider_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies scala-logging_2.11, diffutils, httpclient, commons-io, scalatest_2.11, scala-compiler, pact-jvm-matchers_2.11, groovy-all, jansi, reflections, http-builder, slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-model_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies scala-logging_2.11, diffutils, httpclient, commons-io, scalatest_2.11, scala-compiler, pact-jvm-matchers_2.11, groovy-all, jansi, reflections, http-builder, slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-model_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider_2.10 from group (version 2.4.20)
Pact provider
sub project of
The pact provider is responsible for verifying that an API provider adheres to a number of pacts authored by its clients
This library provides the basic tools required to automate the process, and should be usable on its own in many instances.
Framework and build tool specific bindings will be provided in separate libraries that build on top of this core functionality.
### Running Pacts
Main takes 2 arguments:
The first is the root folder of your pact files
(all .json files in root and subfolders are assumed to be pacts)
The second is the location of your pact config json file.
### Pact config
The pact config is a simple mapping of provider names to endpoint url's
paths will be appended to endpoint url's when interactions are attempted
for an example see:
### Provider State
Before each interaction is executed, the provider under test will have the opportunity to enter a state.
Generally the state maps to a set of fixture data for mocking out services that the provider is a consumer of (they will have their own pacts)
The pact framework will instruct the test server to enter that state by sending:
POST "${config.stateChangeUrl.url}/setup" { "state" : "${interaction.stateName}" }
### An example of running provider verification with junit
This example uses java, junit and hamcrest matchers to run the provider verification.
As the provider service is a DropWizard application, it uses the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service before running any test.
Warning: It only grabs the first interaction from the pact file with the consumer, where there could be many. (This could possibly be solved with a parameterized test)
public class PactJVMProviderJUnitTest {
public static TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardAppConfig>(DropwizardApp.class, "config.yml");
private static ProviderInfo serviceProvider;
private static Pact testConsumerPact;
public static void setupProvider() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App");
ConsumerInfo consumer = new ConsumerInfo();
consumer.setPactFile(new File("target/pacts/ping_client-ping_service.json"));
// serviceProvider.getConsumers().add(consumer);
testConsumerPact = (Pact) new PactReader().loadPact(consumer.getPactFile());
public void runConsumerPacts() {
//grab the first interaction from the pact with consumer
List<Interaction> interactions = scala.collection.JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(testConsumerPact.interactions());
Interaction interaction1 = interactions.get(0);
//setup any provider state
//setup the client and interaction to fire against the provider
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient();
Map<String, Object> clientResponse = (Map<String, Object>) client.makeRequest();
Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) ResponseComparison.compareResponse(interaction1.response(),
clientResponse, (int) clientResponse.get("statusCode"), (Map) clientResponse.get("headers"), (String) clientResponse.get("data"));
//assert all good
assertThat(result.get("method"), is(true)); // method type matches
Map headers = (Map) result.get("headers"); //headers match
headers.forEach( (k, v) ->
assertThat(format("Header: [%s] does not match", k), v, org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo(true))
assertThat((Collection<Object>)((Map)result.get("body")).values(), org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize(0)); // empty list of body mismatches
### An example of running provider verification with spock
This example uses groovy and spock to run the provider verification.
Again the provider service is a DropWizard application, and is using the DropwizardAppRule to startup the service.
This example runs all interactions using spocks Unroll feature
class PactJVMProviderSpockSpec extends Specification {
@ClassRule @Shared
TestRule startServiceRule = new DropwizardAppRule<DropwizardAppConfig>(DropwizardApp.class, "config.yml");
ProviderInfo serviceProvider
Pact testConsumerPact
def setupSpec() {
serviceProvider = new ProviderInfo("Dropwizard App")
serviceProvider.protocol = "http" = "localhost"
serviceProvider.port = 8080;
serviceProvider.path = "/"
def consumer = serviceProvider.hasPactWith("ping_consumer", {
pactFile = new File('target/pacts/ping_client-ping_service.json')
testConsumerPact = (Pact) new PactReader().loadPact(consumer.getPactFile());
def cleanup() {
//cleanup provider state
//ie. db.truncateAllTables()
def cleanupSpec() {
//cleanup provider
def "Provider Pact - With Consumer"() {
//setup provider state
// ie. db.setupRecords()
// serviceProvider.requestFilter = { req ->
// req.addHeader('Authorization', token)
// }
ProviderClient client = new ProviderClient(provider: serviceProvider, request: interaction.request())
Map clientResponse = (Map) client.makeRequest()
Map result = (Map) ResponseComparison.compareResponse(interaction.response(),
clientResponse, clientResponse.statusCode, clientResponse.headers,
// method matches
result.method == true
// headers all match, spock needs the size checked before
// asserting each result
if (result.headers.size() > 0) {
result.headers.each() { k, v ->
assert v == true
// empty list of body mismatches
result.body.size() == 0
interaction << scala.collection.JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(testConsumerPact.interactions())
Artifact pact-jvm-provider_2.10
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies scala-library, diffutils, httpclient, commons-io, pact-jvm-matchers_2.10, scala-compiler, scalatest_2.10, groovy-all, jansi, reflections, http-builder, slf4j-api, pact-jvm-model_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies scala-library, diffutils, httpclient, commons-io, pact-jvm-matchers_2.10, scala-compiler, scalatest_2.10, groovy-all, jansi, reflections, http-builder, slf4j-api, pact-jvm-model_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
Maven plugin to verify a provider
Maven plugin for verifying pacts against a provider.
The Maven plugin provides a `verify` goal which will verify all configured pacts against your provider.
## To Use It
### 1. Add the pact-jvm-provider-maven plugin to your `build` section of your pom file.
### 2. Define the pacts between your consumers and providers
You define all the providers and consumers within the configuration element of the maven plugin.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
<!-- Again, you can define as many consumers for each provider as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- currently supports a file path using pactFile or a URL using pactUrl -->
### 3. Execute `mvn pact:verify`
You will have to have your provider running for this to pass.
## Verifying all pact files in a directory for a provider
You can specify a directory that contains pact files, and the Pact plugin will scan for all pact files that match that
provider and define a consumer for each pact file in the directory. Consumer name is read from contents of pact file.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
### Verifying all pact files from multiple directories for a provider [3.5.18+]
If you want to specify multiple directories, you can use `pactFileDirectories`. The plugin will only fail the build if
no pact files are loaded after processing all the directories in the list.
## Enabling insecure SSL
For providers that are running on SSL with self-signed certificates, you need to enable insecure SSL mode by setting
`<insecure>true</insecure>` on the provider.
## Specifying a custom trust store
For environments that are running their own certificate chains:
`trustStore` is either relative to the current working (build) directory. `trustStorePassword` defaults to `changeit`.
NOTE: The hostname will still be verified against the certificate.
## Modifying the requests before they are sent
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would
be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Pact Maven plugin provides a request filter that can be
set to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made. This script will receive the HttpRequest
bound to a variable named `request` prior to it being executed.
// This is a Groovy script that adds an Authorization header to each request
request.addHeader('Authorization', 'oauth-token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIm...')
__*Important Note:*__ You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying
the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
## Modifying the HTTP Client Used
The default HTTP client is used for all requests to providers (created with a call to `HttpClients.createDefault()`).
This can be changed by specifying a closure assigned to createClient on the provider that returns a CloseableHttpClient.
For example:
// This is a Groovy script that will enable the client to accept self-signed certificates
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients
HttpClients.custom().setSSLHostnameVerifier(new NoopHostnameVerifier())
.setSslcontext(new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, { x509Certificates, s -> true })
## Turning off URL decoding of the paths in the pact file
By default the paths loaded from the pact file will be decoded before the request is sent to the provider. To turn this
behaviour off, set the system property `pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding` to `true`.
__*Important Note:*__ If you turn off the url path decoding, you need to ensure that the paths in the pact files are
correctly encoded. The verifier will not be able to make a request with an invalid encoded path.
## Plugin Properties
The following plugin properties can be specified with `-Dproperty=value` on the command line or in the configuration section:
|pact.showStacktrace|This turns on stacktrace printing for each request. It can help with diagnosing network errors|
|pact.showFullDiff|This turns on displaying the full diff of the expected versus actual bodies|
|pact.filter.consumers|Comma separated list of consumer names to verify|
|pact.filter.description|Only verify interactions whose description match the provided regular expression|
|pact.filter.providerState|Only verify interactions whose provider state match the provided regular expression. An empty string matches interactions that have no state|
|pact.verifier.publishResults|Publishing of verification results will be skipped unless this property is set to 'true' [version 3.5.18+]|
|pact.matching.wildcard|Enables matching of map values ignoring the keys when this property is set to 'true'|
Example in the configuration section:
## Provider States
For each provider you can specify a state change URL to use to switch the state of the provider. This URL will
receive the providerState description and parameters from the pact file before each interaction via a POST. The stateChangeUsesBody
controls if the state is passed in the request body or as query parameters.
These values can be set at the provider level, or for a specific consumer. Consumer values take precedent if both are given.
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
If the `stateChangeUsesBody` is not specified, or is set to true, then the provider state description and parameters will be sent as
JSON in the body of the request. If it is set to false, they will passed as query parameters.
As for normal requests (see Modifying the requests before they are sent), a state change request can be modified before
it is sent. Set `stateChangeRequestFilter` to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made.
#### Teardown calls for state changes
You can enable teardown state change calls by setting the property `<stateChangeTeardown>true</stateChangeTeardown>` on the provider. This
will add an `action` parameter to the state change call. The setup call before the test will receive `action=setup`, and
then a teardown call will be made afterwards to the state change URL with `action=teardown`.
## Verifying pact files from a pact broker
You can setup your build to validate against the pacts stored in a pact broker. The pact plugin will query
the pact broker for all consumers that have a pact with the provider based on its name. To use it, just configure the
`pactBrokerUrl` or `pactBroker` value for the provider with the base URL to the pact broker.
For example:
### Verifying pacts from an authenticated pact broker
If your pact broker requires authentication (basic authentication is only supported), you can configure the username
and password to use by configuring the `authentication` element of the `pactBroker` element of your provider.
For example:
#### Using the Maven servers configuration [version 3.5.6+]
From version 3.5.6, you can use the servers setup in the Maven settings. To do this, setup a server as per the
[Maven Server Settings]( Then set the server ID in the pact broker
configuration in your POM.
<serverId>test-pact-broker</serverId> <!-- This must match the server id in the maven settings -->
### Verifying pacts from an pact broker that match particular tags
If your pacts in your pact broker have been tagged, you can set the tags to fetch by configuring the `tags`
element of the `pactBroker` element of your provider.
For example:
This example will fetch and validate the pacts for the TEST and DEV tags.
## Filtering the interactions that are verified
You can filter the interactions that are run using three properties: `pact.filter.consumers`, `pact.filter.description` and `pact.filter.providerState`.
Adding `-Dpact.filter.consumers=consumer1,consumer2` to the command line or configuration section will only run the pact files for those
consumers (consumer1 and consumer2). Adding `-Dpact.filter.description=a request for payment.*` will only run those interactions
whose descriptions start with 'a request for payment'. `-Dpact.filter.providerState=.*payment` will match any interaction that
has a provider state that ends with payment, and `-Dpact.filter.providerState=` will match any interaction that does not have a
provider state.
## Not failing the build if no pact files are found [version 3.5.19+]
By default, if there are no pact files to verify, the plugin will raise an exception. This is to guard against false
positives where the build is passing but nothing has been verified due to mis-configuration.
To disable this behaviour, set the `failIfNoPactsFound` parameter to `false`.
# Verifying a message provider
The Maven plugin has been updated to allow invoking test methods that can return the message contents from a message
producer. To use it, set the way to invoke the verification to `ANNOTATED_METHOD`. This will allow the pact verification
task to scan for test methods that return the message contents.
Add something like the following to your maven pom file:
<!-- packagesToScan is optional, but leaving it out will result in the entire
test classpath being scanned. Set it to the packages where your annotated test method
can be found. -->
Now when the pact verify task is run, will look for methods annotated with `@PactVerifyProvider` in the test classpath
that have a matching description to what is in the pact file.
class ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilderTest {
@PactVerifyProvider('an order confirmation message')
String verifyMessageForOrder() {
Order order = new Order()
order.setGst(new BigDecimal('15.0'))
def message = new ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilder()
It will then validate that the returned contents matches the contents for the message in the pact file.
## Changing the class path that is scanned
By default, the test classpath is scanned for annotated methods. You can override this by setting
the `classpathElements` property:
# Publishing pact files to a pact broker
The pact maven plugin provides a `publish` mojo that can publish all pact files in a directory
to a pact broker. To use it, you need to add a publish configuration to the POM that defines the
directory where the pact files are and the URL to the pact broker.
For example:
<pactDirectory>path/to/pact/files</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
<projectVersion>1.0.100</projectVersion> <!-- Defaults to ${project.version} -->
<trimSnapshot>true</trimSnapshot> <!-- Defaults to false -->
You can now execute `mvn pact:publish` to publish the pact files.
_NOTE:_ The pact broker requires a version for all published pacts. The `publish` task will use the version of the
project by default, but can be overwritten with the `projectVersion` property. Make sure you have set one otherwise the broker will reject the pact files.
_NOTE_: By default, the pact broker has issues parsing `SNAPSHOT` versions. You can configure the publisher to
automatically remove `-SNAPSHOT` from your version number by setting `trimSnapshot` to true. This setting does not modify non-snapshot versions.
You can set any tags that the pacts should be published with by setting the `tags` list property (version 3.5.12+). A common use of this
is setting the tag to the current source control branch. This supports using pact with feature branches.
<pactDirectory>path/to/pact/files</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
<projectVersion>1.0.100</projectVersion> <!-- Defaults to ${project.version} -->
## Publishing to an authenticated pact broker
For an authenticated pact broker, you can pass in the credentials with the `pactBrokerUsername` and `pactBrokerPassword`
properties. Currently it only supports basic authentication.
For example:
#### Using the Maven servers configuration [version 3.5.6+]
From version 3.5.6, you can use the servers setup in the Maven settings. To do this, setup a server as per the
[Maven Server Settings]( Then set the server ID in the pact broker
configuration in your POM.
<pactBrokerServerId>test-pact-broker</pactBrokerServerId> <!-- This must match the server id in the maven settings -->
## Excluding pacts from being published [version 3.5.19+]
You can exclude some of the pact files from being published by providing a list of regular expressions that match
against the base names of the pact files.
For example:
pact {
publish {
pactBrokerUrl = ''
excludes = [ '.*\\-\\d+$' ] // exclude all pact files that end with a dash followed by a number in the name
<exclude>.*\\-\\d+$</exclude> <!-- exclude pact files where the name ends in a dash followed by a number -->
# Publishing verification results to a Pact Broker [version 3.5.4+]
For pacts that are loaded from a Pact Broker, the results of running the verification can be published back to the
broker against the URL for the pact. You will be able to then see the result on the Pact Broker home screen.
To turn on the verification publishing, set the system property `pact.verifier.publishResults` to `true` in the pact maven plugin, not surefire, configuration.
# Enabling other verification reports [version 3.5.20+]
By default the verification report is written to the console. You can also enable a JSON or Markdown report by setting
the `reports` configuration list.
These reports will be written to `target/reports/pact`.
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider_2.11, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, maven-core, jansi,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider_2.11, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, maven-core, jansi,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
# Pact junit runner
## Overview
Library provides ability to play contract tests against a provider service in JUnit fashionable way.
- Out-of-the-box convenient ways to load pacts
- Easy way to change assertion strategy
- **org.junit.BeforeClass**, **org.junit.AfterClass** and **org.junit.ClassRule** JUnit annotations, that will be run
once - before/after whole contract test suite.
- **org.junit.Before**, **org.junit.After** and **org.junit.Rule** JUnit annotations, that will be run before/after
each test of an interaction.
- **** custom annotation - before each interaction that requires a state change,
all methods annotated by `@State` with appropriate the state listed will be invoked. These methods must either take
no parameters or a single Map parameter.
## Example of HTTP test
@RunWith(PactRunner.class) // Say JUnit to run tests with custom Runner
@Provider("myAwesomeService") // Set up name of tested provider
@PactFolder("pacts") // Point where to find pacts (See also section Pacts source in documentation)
public class ContractTest {
// NOTE: this is just an example of embedded service that listens to requests, you should start here real service
@ClassRule //Rule will be applied once: before/after whole contract test suite
public static final ClientDriverRule embeddedService = new ClientDriverRule(8332);
@BeforeClass //Method will be run once: before whole contract test suite
public static void setUpService() {
//Run DB, create schema
//Run service
@Before //Method will be run before each test of interaction
public void before() {
// Rest data
// Mock dependent service responses
// ...
onRequestTo("/data"), giveEmptyResponse()
@State("default", "no-data") // Method will be run before testing interactions that require "default" or "no-data" state
public void toDefaultState() {
// Prepare service before interaction that require "default" state
// ...
System.out.println("Now service in default state");
@State("with-data") // Method will be run before testing interactions that require "with-data" state
public void toStateWithData(Map data) {
// Prepare service before interaction that require "with-data" state. The provider state data will be passed
// in the data parameter
// ...
System.out.println("Now service in state using data " + data);
@TestTarget // Annotation denotes Target that will be used for tests
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(8332); // Out-of-the-box implementation of Target (for more information take a look at Test Target section)
## Example of AMQP Message test
@RunWith(PactRunner.class) // Say JUnit to run tests with custom Runner
@Provider("myAwesomeService") // Set up name of tested provider
@PactBroker(host="pactbroker", port = "80")
public class ConfirmationKafkaContractTest {
@TestTarget // Annotation denotes Target that will be used for tests
public final Target target = new AmqpTarget(); // Out-of-the-box implementation of Target (for more information take a look at Test Target section)
@BeforeClass //Method will be run once: before whole contract test suite
public static void setUpService() {
//Run DB, create schema
//Run service
@Before //Method will be run before each test of interaction
public void before() {
// Message data preparation
// ...
@PactVerifyProvider('an order confirmation message')
String verifyMessageForOrder() {
Order order = new Order()
def message = new ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilder()
## Pact source
The Pact runner will automatically collect pacts based on annotations on the test class. For this purpose there are 3
out-of-the-box options (files from a directory, files from a set of URLs or a pact broker) or you can easily add your
own Pact source.
**Note:** You can only define one source of pacts per test class.
### Download pacts from a pact-broker
To use pacts from a Pact Broker, annotate the test class with `@PactBroker(host="", port = "80")`.
From _version 3.2.2/2.4.3+_ you can also specify the protocol, which defaults to "http".
The pact broker will be queried for all pacts with the same name as the provider annotation.
For example, test all pacts for the "Activity Service" in the pact broker:
@Provider("Activity Service")
@PactBroker(host = "localhost", port = "80")
public class PactJUnitTest {
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(5050);
#### _Version 3.2.3/2.4.4+_ - Using Java System properties
The pact broker loader was updated to allow system properties to be used for the hostname, port or protocol. The port
was changed to a string to allow expressions to be set.
To use a system property or environment variable, you can place the property name in `${}` expression de-markers:
@PactBroker(host="${pactbroker.hostname}", port = "80")
You can provide a default value by separating the property name with a colon (`:`):
@PactBroker(host="${pactbroker.hostname:localhost}", port = "80")
#### _Version 3.5.3+_ - More Java System properties
The default values of the `@PactBroker` annotation now enable variable interpolation.
The following keys may be managed through the environment
* ``
* `pactbroker.port`
* `pactbroker.protocol`
* `pactbroker.tags` (comma separated)
* `pactbroker.auth.scheme`
* `pactbroker.auth.username`
* `pactbroker.auth.password`
#### _Version 3.2.4/2.4.6+_ - Using tags with the pact broker
The pact broker allows different versions to be tagged. To load all the pacts:
@PactBroker(host="pactbroker", port = "80", tags = {"latest", "dev", "prod"})
The default value for tags is `latest` which is not actually a tag but instead corresponds to the latest version ignoring the tags. If there are multiple consumers matching the name specified in the provider annotation then the latest pact for each of the consumers is loaded.
For any other value the latest pact tagged with the specified tag is loaded.
Specifying multiple tags is an OR operation. For example if you specify `tags = {"dev", "prod"}` then both the latest pact file tagged with `dev` and the latest pact file taggged with `prod` is loaded.
#### _Version 3.3.4/2.4.19+_ - Using basic auth with the with the pact broker
You can use basic authentication with the `@PactBroker` annotation by setting the `authentication` value to a `@PactBrokerAuth`
annotation. For example:
@PactBroker(host = "${pactbroker.url:localhost}", port = "1234", tags = {"latest", "prod", "dev"},
authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = "test", password = "test"))
The `username` and `password` values also take Java system property expressions.
### Pact Url
To use pacts from urls annotate the test class with
@PactUrl(urls = {"http://build.server/zoo_app-animal_service.json"} )
### Pact folder
To use pacts from a resource folder of the project annotate test class with
### Custom pacts source
It's possible to use a custom Pact source. For this, implement interface ``
and annotate the test class with `@PactSource(MyOwnPactLoader.class)`. **Note:** class `MyOwnPactLoader` must have a default empty constructor or a constructor with one argument of class `Class` which at runtime will be the test class so you can get custom annotations of test class.
### Filtering the interactions that are verified [version 3.5.3+]
By default, the pact runner will verify all pacts for the given provider. You can filter the pacts and interactions by
the following methods.
#### Filtering by Consumer
You can run only those pacts for a particular consumer by adding a `@Consumer` annotation to the test class.
For example:
@Provider("Activity Service")
@Consumer("Activity Consumer")
@PactBroker(host = "localhost", port = "80")
public class PactJUnitTest {
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(5050);
#### Filtering by Provider State
You can filter the interactions that are executed by adding a `@PactFilter` annotation to your test class. The pact
filter annotation will then only verify interactions that have a matching provider state. You can provide multiple
states to match with.
For example:
@Provider("Activity Service")
@PactBroker(host = "localhost", port = "80")
@PactFilter('Activity 100 exists in the database')
public class PactJUnitTest {
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(5050);
You can also use regular expressions with the filter [version 3.5.3+]. For example:
@PactFilter('Activity \\d+ exists in the database')
public class PactJUnitTest {
### Setting the test to not fail when no pacts are found [version 3.5.3+]
By default the pact runner will fail the verification test if no pact files are found to verify. To change the
failure into a warning, add a `@IgnoreNoPactsToVerify` annotation to your test class.
## Test target
The field in test class of type `` annotated with ``
will be used for actual Interaction execution and asserting of contract.
**Note:** there must be exactly 1 such field, otherwise an `InitializationException` will be thrown.
### HttpTarget
`` - out-of-the-box implementation of ``
that will play pacts as http request and assert response from service by matching rules from pact.
_Version 3.2.2/2.4.3+_ you can also specify the protocol, defaults to "http".
### AmqpTarget
`` - out-of-the-box implementation of ``
that will play pacts as an AMQP message and assert response from service by matching rules from pact.
#### Modifying the requests before they are sent [Version 3.2.3/2.4.5+]
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would
be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The HttpTarget supports request filters by annotating methods
on the test class with `@TargetRequestFilter`. These methods must be public void methods that take a single HttpRequest
For example:
public void exampleRequestFilter(HttpRequest request) {
request.addHeader("Authorization", "OAUTH hdsagasjhgdjashgdah...");
__*Important Note:*__ You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying
the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
#### Turning off URL decoding of the paths in the pact file [version 3.3.3+]
By default the paths loaded from the pact file will be decoded before the request is sent to the provider. To turn this
behaviour off, set the system property `pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding` to `true`.
__*Important Note:*__ If you turn off the url path decoding, you need to ensure that the paths in the pact files are
correctly encoded. The verifier will not be able to make a request with an invalid encoded path.
### Custom Test Target
It's possible to use custom `Target`, for that interface `Target` should be implemented and this class can be used instead of `HttpTarget`.
# Verification Reports [versions 3.2.7/2.4.9+]
The default test behaviour is to display the verification being done to the console, and pass or fail the test via the normal
JUnit mechanism. From versions 3.2.7/2.4.9+, additional reports can be generated from the tests.
## Enabling additional reports via annotations on the test classes
A `@VerificationReports` annotation can be added to any pact test class which will control the verification output. The
annotation takes a list report types and an optional report directory (defaults to "target/pact/reports").
The currently supported report types are `console`, `markdown` and `json`.
For example:
@VerificationReports({"console", "markdown"})
public class MyPactTest {
will enable the markdown report in addition to the normal console output. And,
@VerificationReports(value = {"markdown"}, reportDir = "/myreports")
public class MyPactTest {
will disable the normal console output and write the markdown reports to "/myreports".
## Enabling additional reports via Java system properties or environment variables
The additional reports can also be enabled with Java System properties or environment variables. The following two
properties have been introduced: `pact.verification.reports` and `pact.verification.reportDir`.
`pact.verification.reports` is the comma separated list of report types to enable (e.g. `console,json,markdown`).
`pact.verification.reportDir` is the directory to write reports to (defaults to "target/pact/reports").
## Additional Reports
The following report types are available in addition to console output (`console`, which is enabled by default):
`markdown`, `json`.
You can also provide a fully qualified classname as report so custom reports are also supported.
This class must implement `` interface in order to be correct custom implementation of a report.
# Publishing verification results to a Pact Broker [version 3.5.4+]
For pacts that are loaded from a Pact Broker, the results of running the verification can be published back to the
broker against the URL for the pact. You will be able to see the result on the Pact Broker home screen. You need to
set the version of the provider that is verified using the `pact.provider.version` system property.
To enable publishing of results, set the property `pact.verifier.publishResults` to `true` [version 3.5.18+].
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider_2.11, fluent-hc, httpclient, junit, commons-lang3, jackson-databind, jool, guava-retrying, mail,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, kotlin-reflect, slf4j-api, groovy-all, kotlin-logging, scala-library, scala-logging_2.11, pact-jvm-provider_2.11, fluent-hc, httpclient, junit, commons-lang3, jackson-databind, jool, guava-retrying, mail,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.10 from group (version 2.4.20)
Maven plugin to verify a provider [version 2.1.9+]
Maven plugin for verifying pacts against a provider.
The Maven plugin provides a `verify` goal which will verify all configured pacts against your provider.
## To Use It
### 1. Add the pact-jvm-provider-maven plugin to your `build` section of your pom file.
### 2. Define the pacts between your consumers and providers
You define all the providers and consumers within the configuration element of the maven plugin.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
<!-- Again, you can define as many consumers for each provider as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- currently supports a file path using pactFile or a URL using pactUrl -->
### 3. Execute `mvn pact:verify`
You will have to have your provider running for this to pass.
## Verifying all pact files in a directory for a provider. [2.1.10+]
You can specify a directory that contains pact files, and the Pact plugin will scan for all pact files that match that
provider and define a consumer for each pact file in the directory. Consumer name is read from contents of pact file.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
## Enabling insecure SSL [version 2.2.8+]
For providers that are running on SSL with self-signed certificates, you need to enable insecure SSL mode by setting
`<insecure>true</insecure>` on the provider.
## Specifying a custom trust store [version 2.2.8+]
For environments that are running their own certificate chains:
`trustStore` is either relative to the current working (build) directory. `trustStorePassword` defaults to `changeit`.
NOTE: The hostname will still be verified against the certificate.
## Modifying the requests before they are sent
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would
be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Pact Maven plugin provides a request filter that can be
set to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made. This script will receive the HttpRequest
bound to a variable named `request` prior to it being executed.
// This is a Groovy script that adds an Authorization header to each request
request.addHeader('Authorization', 'oauth-token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIm...')
__*Important Note:*__ You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying
the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
## Modifying the HTTP Client Used [version 2.2.4+]
The default HTTP client is used for all requests to providers (created with a call to `HttpClients.createDefault()`).
This can be changed by specifying a closure assigned to createClient on the provider that returns a CloseableHttpClient.
For example:
// This is a Groovy script that will enable the client to accept self-signed certificates
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients
HttpClients.custom().setSSLHostnameVerifier(new NoopHostnameVerifier())
.setSslcontext(new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, { x509Certificates, s -> true })
## Turning off URL decoding of the paths in the pact file [version 3.3.3+]
By default the paths loaded from the pact file will be decoded before the request is sent to the provider. To turn this
behaviour off, set the system property `pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding` to `true`.
__*Important Note:*__ If you turn off the url path decoding, you need to ensure that the paths in the pact files are
correctly encoded. The verifier will not be able to make a request with an invalid encoded path.
## Plugin Properties
The following plugin properties can be specified with `-Dproperty=value` on the command line or in the configuration section:
|pact.showStacktrace|This turns on stacktrace printing for each request. It can help with diagnosing network errors|
|pact.showFullDiff|This turns on displaying the full diff of the expected versus actual bodies [version 3.3.6+]|
|pact.filter.consumers|Comma seperated list of consumer names to verify|
|pact.filter.description|Only verify interactions whose description match the provided regular expression|
|pact.filter.providerState|Only verify interactions whose provider state match the provided regular expression. An empty string matches interactions that have no state|
Example in the configuration section:
## Provider States
For each provider you can specify a state change URL to use to switch the state of the provider. This URL will
receive the providerState description from the pact file before each interaction via a POST. The stateChangeUsesBody
controls if the state is passed in the request body or as a query parameter.
These values can be set at the provider level, or for a specific consumer. Consumer values take precedent if both are given.
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
If the `stateChangeUsesBody` is not specified, or is set to true, then the provider state description will be sent as
JSON in the body of the request. If it is set to false, it will passed as a query parameter.
As for normal requests (see Modifying the requests before they are sent), a state change request can be modified before
it is sent. Set `stateChangeRequestFilter` to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made.
#### Teardown calls for state changes [version 3.2.5/2.4.7+]
You can enable teardown state change calls by setting the property `<stateChangeTeardown>true</stateChangeTeardown>` on the provider. This
will add an `action` parameter to the state change call. The setup call before the test will receive `action=setup`, and
then a teardown call will be made afterwards to the state change URL with `action=teardown`.
## Verifying pact files from a pact broker [version 3.1.1+/2.3.1+]
You can setup your build to validate against the pacts stored in a pact broker. The pact plugin will query
the pact broker for all consumers that have a pact with the provider based on its name. To use it, just configure the
`pactBrokerUrl` or `pactBroker` value for the provider with the base URL to the pact broker.
For example:
### Verifying pacts from an authenticated pact broker [version 3.3.5+]
If your pact broker requires authentication (basic authentication is only supported), you can configure the username
and password to use by configuring the `authentication` element of the `pactBroker` element of your provider.
For example:
### Verifying pacts from an pact broker that match particular tags [version 3.3.5+]
If your pacts in your pact broker have been tagged, you can set the tags to fetch by configuring the `tags`
element of the `pactBroker` element of your provider.
For example:
This example will fetch and validate the pacts for the TEST and DEV tags.
## Filtering the interactions that are verified
You can filter the interactions that are run using three properties: `pact.filter.consumers`, `pact.filter.description` and `pact.filter.providerState`.
Adding `-Dpact.filter.consumers=consumer1,consumer2` to the command line or configuration section will only run the pact files for those
consumers (consumer1 and consumer2). Adding `-Dpact.filter.description=a request for payment.*` will only run those interactions
whose descriptions start with 'a request for payment'. `-Dpact.filter.providerState=.*payment` will match any interaction that
has a provider state that ends with payment, and `-Dpact.filter.providerState=` will match any interaction that does not have a
provider state.
# Verifying a message provider [version 2.2.12+]
The Maven plugin has been updated to allow invoking test methods that can return the message contents from a message
producer. To use it, set the way to invoke the verification to `ANNOTATED_METHOD`. This will allow the pact verification
task to scan for test methods that return the message contents.
Add something like the following to your maven pom file:
<!-- packagesToScan is optional, but leaving it out will result in the entire
test classpath being scanned. Set it to the packages where your annotated test method
can be found. -->
Now when the pact verify task is run, will look for methods annotated with `@PactVerifyProvider` in the test classpath
that have a matching description to what is in the pact file.
class ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilderTest {
@PactVerifyProvider('an order confirmation message')
String verifyMessageForOrder() {
Order order = new Order()
order.setGst(new BigDecimal('15.0'))
def message = new ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilder()
It will then validate that the returned contents matches the contents for the message in the pact file.
## Changing the class path that is scanned
By default, the test classpath is scanned for annotated methods. You can override this by setting
the `classpathElements` property:
# Publishing pact files to a pact broker [version 3.2.0+]
The pact maven plugin provides a `publish` mojo that can publish all pact files in a directory
to a pact broker. To use it, you need to add a publish configuration to the POM that defines the
directory where the pact files are and the URL to the pact broker.
For example:
<pactDirectory>path/to/pact/files</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
<projectVersion>1.0.100</projectVersion> <!-- Defaults to ${project.version} -->
<trimSnapshot>true</trimSnapshot> <!-- Defaults to false -->
You can now execute `mvn pact:publish` to publish the pact files.
_NOTE:_ The pact broker requires a version for all published pacts. The `publish` task will use the version of the
project by default, but can be overwritten with the `projectVersion` property. Make sure you have set one otherwise the broker will reject the pact files.
_NOTE_: By default, the pact broker has issues parsing `SNAPSHOT` versions. You can configure the publisher to automatically remove `-SNAPSHOT` from your version number by setting `trimSnapshot` to true. This setting does not modify non-snapshot versions.
## Publishing to an authenticated pact broker [version 3.3.9+]
For an authenticated pact broker, you can pass in the credentials with the `pactBrokerUsername` and `pactBrokerPassword`
properties. Currently it only supports basic authentication.
For example:
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.10
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-maven_2.10
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-provider_2.10, groovy-all, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-provider_2.10, groovy-all, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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