Download JAR files tagged by http with all dependencies
ooxml-security from group org.apache.poi (version 1.1)
XmlBeans generated from various supplied xsds for encryption and signing:
Artifact ooxml-security
Group org.apache.poi
Version 1.1
Last update 24. December 2015
Organization Apache Software Foundation
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies xmlbeans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.poi
Version 1.1
Last update 24. December 2015
Organization Apache Software Foundation
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies xmlbeans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
hbase from group co.cask.hbase (version
HBase is the <a href=""&rt;Hadoop</a&rt; database. Use it when you need
random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data.
This project's goal is the hosting of very large tables -- billions of rows X millions of columns -- atop clusters
of commodity hardware.
Artifact hbase
Group co.cask.hbase
Last update 14. November 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 34
Dependencies metrics-core, guava, commons-cli, commons-configuration, high-scale-lib, commons-codec, commons-httpclient, commons-io, commons-lang, commons-logging, log4j, avro, avro-ipc, zookeeper, libthrift, jruby-complete, jetty, jetty-util, jsp-2.1, jsp-api-2.1, servlet-api-2.5, jackson-core-asl, jackson-mapper-asl, jackson-jaxrs, jackson-xc, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, jamon-runtime, protobuf-java, jersey-core, jersey-json, jersey-server, jaxb-api, stax-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group co.cask.hbase
Last update 14. November 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 34
Dependencies metrics-core, guava, commons-cli, commons-configuration, high-scale-lib, commons-codec, commons-httpclient, commons-io, commons-lang, commons-logging, log4j, avro, avro-ipc, zookeeper, libthrift, jruby-complete, jetty, jetty-util, jsp-2.1, jsp-api-2.1, servlet-api-2.5, jackson-core-asl, jackson-mapper-asl, jackson-jaxrs, jackson-xc, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, jamon-runtime, protobuf-java, jersey-core, jersey-json, jersey-server, jaxb-api, stax-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
stubby4j from group by.stub (version 3.3.0)
HTTP stub server written in Java with embedded Jetty
Artifact stubby4j
Group by.stub
Version 3.3.0
Last update 03. November 2015
Organization ThoughtWorks
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group by.stub
Version 3.3.0
Last update 03. November 2015
Organization ThoughtWorks
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
awake-file-server from group org.awake-file (version 3.1)
Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include
powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism.
Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows
to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.
Artifact awake-file-server
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, commons-fileupload, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, commons-fileupload, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
awake-file-client from group org.awake-file (version 3.1)
Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include
powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism.
Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows
to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.
Artifact awake-file-client
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.1
Last update 22. October 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies json-simple, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
java-flac-encoder from group net.sourceforge.javaflacencoder (version 0.3.7)
javaFlacEncoder is a pure java implementation of a FLAC encoder library. It is designed to allow third-party java applications to enable flac encoding without resorting to use of JNI or scripted file conversions. Additionally, a basic console wav->flac encoding tool is included as part of this package.
Original project can be found here:
Group: net.sourceforge.javaflacencoder Artifact: java-flac-encoder
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact java-flac-encoder
Group net.sourceforge.javaflacencoder
Version 0.3.7
Last update 10. October 2015
Organization not specified
License GNU LGPL(v2.1)
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sourceforge.javaflacencoder
Version 0.3.7
Last update 10. October 2015
Organization not specified
License GNU LGPL(v2.1)
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
aludratest from group org.aludratest (version 3.0.2)
Test automation framework providing seamless integration of selenium based web GUI tests,
file and stream content, and protocols.
It enforces a unified programming model for testing different technologies: Web GUI including AJAX (using Selenium),
HTML, XML, EDIFACT, Flat File, CSV/TSV, protocols like HTTP, JMS, FTP, SFTP, Network Shares.
The framework is extensible via a flexible service API.
Artifact aludratest
Group org.aludratest
Version 3.0.2
Last update 24. July 2015
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 22
Dependencies junit, slf4j-api, databene-formats, databene-commons, dom4j, jaxen, xom, plexus-container-default, plexus-component-annotations, edifatto, selenium-java, selenium-java-client-driver, jtidy, commons-vfs2, commons-net, jsch, velocity, joda-time, pmd, jms-api, xml-apis, rhino,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.aludratest
Version 3.0.2
Last update 24. July 2015
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 22
Dependencies junit, slf4j-api, databene-formats, databene-commons, dom4j, jaxen, xom, plexus-container-default, plexus-component-annotations, edifatto, selenium-java, selenium-java-client-driver, jtidy, commons-vfs2, commons-net, jsch, velocity, joda-time, pmd, jms-api, xml-apis, rhino,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
butor-acl from group com.butor (version 1.0.0)
butor-realm from group com.butor (version 1.0.0)
awake-file from group org.awake-file (version 3.0)
Awake FILE is a secure Open Source framework that allows to program very easily file uploads/downloads and RPC through http. File transfers include
powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism.
Security has been taken into account from the design: server side allows
to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files and to secure the RPC calls.
Artifact awake-file
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.0
Last update 30. March 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies json-simple, commons-codec, commons-fileupload, commons-logging, httpclient, httpmime, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.awake-file
Version 3.0
Last update 30. March 2015
Organization KawanSoft
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies json-simple, commons-codec, commons-fileupload, commons-logging, httpclient, httpmime, gson, commons-lang3, commons-io, jsch,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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