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autocomplete from group com.fifesoft (version 3.3.1)

AutoComplete is a library allowing you to add IDE-like auto-completion (aka "code completion" or "Intellisense") to any Swing JTextComponent. Special integration is added for RSyntaxTextArea, since this feature is commonly needed when editing source code. Features include: Drop-down completion choice list. Optional companion "description" window, complete with full HTML support and navigable with hyperlinks. Optional parameter completion assistance for functions and methods, ala Eclipse and NetBeans. Completion information is typically specified in an XML file, but can even be dynamic.

Group: com.fifesoft Artifact: autocomplete
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Download autocomplete.jar (3.3.1)

Artifact autocomplete
Group com.fifesoft
Version 3.3.1
Last update 14. January 2023
Organization not specified
License BSD-3-Clause
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies rsyntaxtextarea,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

zookeeper-recipes from group io.streamnative (version

1) This module contains various Zookeeper recipe implementations. 2) The recipe directory name should specify the name of the recipe you are implementing - eg. zookeeper-recipes-lock. 3) It would be great if you can provide both the java and c recipes for the zookeeper recipes. C recipes go in to zookeeper-recipes/zookeeper-recipes-[recipe-name]/src/c Java implementation goes into zookeeper-recipes/zookeeper-recipes-[recipe-name]/src/java. 4) The recipes hold high standards like our zookeeper c/java libraries, so make sure that you include some unit testing with both the c and java recipe code. 5) Also, please name your c client public methods as zkr_recipe-name_methodname (eg. zkr_lock_lock in zookeeper-recipes-lock/src/c) 6) To run the c tests in all the recipes, - make sure the main zookeeper c libraries in zookeeper-client-c are compiled. Run autoreconf -if;./configure; make. The libraries will be installed in {top}/src/c/.libs. - run autoreconf if;./configure;make run-check in zookeeper-recipes/$recipename/src/c

Group: io.streamnative Artifact: zookeeper-recipes
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Artifact zookeeper-recipes
Group io.streamnative
Last update 28. January 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies zookeeper,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

zello-channel-sdk from group com.zello (version 0.5.2)

The Zello Channels SDK allows you to integrate Zello push-to-talk into your own application. The SDK communicates with a Zello server over a web socket connection using a JSON-based protocol, and offers a simple API to send and receive audio, images, and text over Zello channels. Supported features include: Send voice messages from the device microphone Play incoming voice messages through the device speaker Send voice messages from your own audio code, e.g. from a file Receive voice message data with your own audio code with optional pass-through to the device speaker Send and recieve text messages Send and receive images Send the device's current location, and receive location messages from other users The protocol specification is also available if you prefer to develop your own client in-house.

Group: com.zello Artifact: zello-channel-sdk
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Artifact zello-channel-sdk
Group com.zello
Version 0.5.2
Last update 29. April 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

suji from group com.github.jikyo (version 0.0.5)

Suji is a converter library from Japanese number notation to numerical value, and from numerical notation to Japanese Kansuji notation. Converter.values(src) to convert from Japanese number notation to numerical value: Japanese number notation can include Kansuji. The String "1つの価格が二兆30万五千十7円になります。" will be converted to two BigDecimal, 1 and 2000000005017. And also, 打率は三割二部五厘です。 will be a 0.325. The return value is a list of Suji Numeral objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Numeral object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a BigDecimal instance of a numerical value for the number notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Converter.kansujis(src) to convert from numeric notation to Japanese Kansuji notation: The String 20兆30万五千十7円になります。 will be converted to the Kansuji string, 二十兆三十万五千十七. The boolean flag one is interpreted as whether to display the first character 一 or not. The output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', true) will be converted to 一千万, and the output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', false) will be converted to 千万. Note that kansujis does not support numerical notation after the decimal point. If the input string is 32.01, the output will 三十二, not 三十二割一厘. The return value is a list of Kansuji objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Kansuji object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a String instance of a Kansuji notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Suji is a one-pass parser. That is, Suji parse a source text from the head to the end only once.

Group: com.github.jikyo Artifact: suji
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Download suji.jar (0.0.5)

Artifact suji
Group com.github.jikyo
Version 0.0.5
Last update 04. September 2020
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

protempa from group org.eurekaclinical (version 5.2-Alpha-2)

Protempa supports the construction of software systems for querying clinical databases, summarizing patient data, detecting clinically significant data patterns in groups of patients or individual patients, and extract, transform and load (ETL). Its special feature, temporal abstraction, supports queries and summarization of data in terms of temporal patterns. Temporal patterns enable robust querying and extraction of clinical history. These patterns include frequencies (at least two, three, etc. of some event or observation); sequences (chemotherapy followed by surgery within 180 days, a hospital encounter followed by another hospital encounter within 30 days); and overlaps (falling platelet counts in the setting of HELLP syndrome).

Group: org.eurekaclinical Artifact: protempa
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Artifact protempa
Group org.eurekaclinical
Version 5.2-Alpha-2
Last update 11. August 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

javautil from group org.eurekaclinical (version 4.5)

JavaUtil is a utility library to speed the development of Java software. We developed it over multiple years during our internal development efforts, and it has reached a point of stability where we have decided to make it available to the outside world. The JavaUtil package aims to fill in the gaps of the Apache Commons and similar utility libraries out there. Features include convenience classes for string, collections, arrays, dates, iterators, colors, logging, unit testing, a little bit of basic statistics, database queries, caching and more.

Group: org.eurekaclinical Artifact: javautil
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Download javautil.jar (4.5)

Artifact javautil
Group org.eurekaclinical
Version 4.5
Last update 11. August 2020
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

classdep from group (version 3.1.0)

Tool used to analyze a set of classes and determine on what other classes they directly or indirectly depend. Typically this tool is used to compute the necessary and sufficient set of classes to include in a JAR file, for use in the class path of a client or service, or for use in the codebase of a client or service. The tool starts with a set of "root" classes and recursively computes a dependency graph, finding all of the classes referenced directly by the root classes, finding all of the classes referenced in turn by those classes, and so on, until no new classes are found or until classes that are not of interest are found. The normal output of the tool is a list of all of the classes in the dependency graph. The output from this command can be used as input to the jar tool, to create a JAR file containing precisely those classes.

Group: Artifact: classdep
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Download classdep.jar (3.1.0)

Artifact classdep
Version 3.1.0
Last update 04. January 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies asm, asm-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ignifera_2.12 from group com.github.norwae (version 1.1.0)

Adds promotheus statistics export and collection for akka http routes. The library collects http result codes, timings, and requests in flight. It additionally optionally exposes some basic akka statistics.

Group: com.github.norwae Artifact: ignifera_2.12
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Download ignifera_2.12.jar (1.1.0)

Artifact ignifera_2.12
Group com.github.norwae
Version 1.1.0
Last update 22. August 2018
Organization com.github.norwae
License BSD 2-Clause
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies scala-library, akka-actor_2.12, akka-stream_2.12, akka-http-core_2.12, akka-http_2.12, simpleclient, simpleclient_hotspot, simpleclient_common,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jet from group edu.nyu (version 1.9.0)

Information extraction is the process of identifying specified classes of entities, relations, and events in natural language text – creating structured data from unstructured input. JET, the Java Extraction Toolkit, developed at New York University over the past fifteen years, provides a rich set of tools for research and education in information extraction from English text. These include standard language processing tools such as a tokenizer, sentence segmenter, part-of-speech tagger, name tagger, regular-expression pattern matcher, and dependency parser. Also provided are relation and event extractors based on the specifications of the U.S. Government's ACE [Automatic Content Extraction] program. The program is provided under an Apache 2.0 license.

Group: edu.nyu Artifact: jet
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Download jet.jar (1.9.0)

Artifact jet
Group edu.nyu
Version 1.9.0
Last update 21. June 2016
Organization New York University
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies opennlp-maxent, jyaml, trove4j, jwnl, commons-logging, joda-time, pnuts, mallet, mallet.fst, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, fanseparser, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

quality-check from group net.sf.qualitycheck (version 1.3)

The goal of quality-check is to provide a small Java library for basic runtime code quality checks. It provides similar features to org.springframework.util.Assert or without the need to include big libraries or frameworks such as Spring or Guava. The package quality-check tries to replace these libraries and provide all the basic code quality checks you need. The checks provided here are typically used to validate method parameters and detect errors during runtime. To detect errors before runtime we use JSR-305 Annotations. With these annotations you are able to detect possible bugs earlier. For more informations look at FindBugs™ JSR-305 support.

Group: net.sf.qualitycheck Artifact: quality-check
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Download quality-check.jar (1.3)

Artifact quality-check
Group net.sf.qualitycheck
Version 1.3
Last update 01. August 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies jsr305, commons-logging, junit, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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