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osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider from group biz.aQute (version 2.2.0)

A plugin for the Apache Felix Webconsole. When installed, this bundle will add a tab on the Web Console that provides a graphic overview of the OSGi framework, including services, bundles, and components. Colors are used to encode the different states. Bundles are shown to be started, stopped, starting, resolved, and installed. Services are shown to be used, looked for, or registered in the air. Components can be seen to be operating or not satisfied. Most objects have a tooltip with extra information and all objects can be clicked upon. Hovering over a bundle or service shows only the conenections to/from the component. The display updates every 5 seconds to provide a continuous view on the operations of the framework it runs on.

Group: biz.aQute Artifact: osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
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Artifact osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
Group biz.aQute
Version 2.2.0
Last update 06. January 2020
Organization OSGi Alliance
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ijp-toolkit_2.11 from group net.sf.ij-plugins (version 2.1.2)

<html>IJ Plugins Toolkit is a set of ImageJ plugins grouped into:<ul> <li>3D IO - import and export of data in 3D formats.</li> <li>3D Toolkit - operations on stacks interpreted as 3D images, including morphological operations.</li> <li>Color - color space conversion, color edge detection (color and multi-band images).</li> <li>Filters - fast median filters and various anisotropic diffusion filters.</li> <li>Graphics - Texture Synthesis - A plugin to perform texture synthesis using the image quilting algorithm of Efros and Freeman.</li> <li>Segmentation - image segmentation through clustering, thresholding, and region growing.</li></ul></html>

Group: net.sf.ij-plugins Artifact: ijp-toolkit_2.11
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Artifact ijp-toolkit_2.11
Group net.sf.ij-plugins
Version 2.1.2
Last update 17. September 2019
Organization net.sf.ij-plugins
License LGPL-2.1
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies scala-library, commons-math3, jgoodies-binding, ij,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ijp-toolkit_2.10 from group net.sf.ij-plugins (version 2.1.2)

<html>IJ Plugins Toolkit is a set of ImageJ plugins grouped into:<ul> <li>3D IO - import and export of data in 3D formats.</li> <li>3D Toolkit - operations on stacks interpreted as 3D images, including morphological operations.</li> <li>Color - color space conversion, color edge detection (color and multi-band images).</li> <li>Filters - fast median filters and various anisotropic diffusion filters.</li> <li>Graphics - Texture Synthesis - A plugin to perform texture synthesis using the image quilting algorithm of Efros and Freeman.</li> <li>Segmentation - image segmentation through clustering, thresholding, and region growing.</li></ul></html>

Group: net.sf.ij-plugins Artifact: ijp-toolkit_2.10
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Artifact ijp-toolkit_2.10
Group net.sf.ij-plugins
Version 2.1.2
Last update 17. September 2019
Organization net.sf.ij-plugins
License LGPL-2.1
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies scala-library, commons-math3, jgoodies-binding, ij,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

version-edit-plugin from group com.soerensen.maven.plugins (version 0.0.1)

This tool allows setting the version number of a specified dependency in a given Maven pom.xml file. All original comments and formatting will be kept. Usage example: mvn com.soerensen.maven.plugins:version-edit-plugin:1.0.1:setDependencyVersion -DpomFile="pom.xml" -Dgavtc="commons-io:commons-io:4.8.0" mvn com.soerensen.maven.plugins:version-edit-plugin:0.0.1:setPropertyDependencyVersion -DpropertyFile="" -Dkey="junit_junit" -Dvalue="24.0.0" gavtc -> groupId:artifactId:version:type*:classifier* * optional Extra property: - noBackupFile (default:false), used to ignore the creation of a backup file.

Group: com.soerensen.maven.plugins Artifact: version-edit-plugin
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Artifact version-edit-plugin
Group com.soerensen.maven.plugins
Version 0.0.1
Last update 29. April 2019
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider from group org.osgi (version 2.1.0)

A plugin for the Apache Felix Webconsole. When installed, this bundle will add a tab on the Web Console that provides a graphic overview of the OSGi framework, including services, bundles, and components. Colors are used to encode the different states. Bundles are shown to be started, stopped, starting, resolved, and installed. Services are shown to be used, looked for, or registered in the air. Components can be seen to be operating or not satisfied. Most objects have a tooltip with extra information and all objects can be clicked upon. Hovering over a bundle or service shows only the conenections to/from the component. The display updates every 5 seconds to provide a continuous view on the operations of the framework it runs on.

Group: org.osgi Artifact: osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
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Artifact osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
Group org.osgi
Version 2.1.0
Last update 26. September 2018
Organization OSGi Alliance
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

imagej-maven-plugin from group net.imagej (version 0.7.1)

A plugin helping with installing ImageJ 1.x plugins and dependencies. In ImageJ 1.x, .jar files containing an underscore are automatically scanned for classes whose names contain underscores. Every such class is considered to be a plugin. That is not true, however, for jai_codec.jar's classes. Therefore, Fiji introduced the split between plugins/ and jars/, where third-party libraries are expected to live in jars/. ImageJ2 uses the same structure since it is backwards compatible.

Group: net.imagej Artifact: imagej-maven-plugin
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Artifact imagej-maven-plugin
Group net.imagej
Version 0.7.1
Last update 11. September 2018
Organization ImageJ
License Simplified BSD License
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies maven-artifact, maven-compat, maven-core, maven-model, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, maven-artifact-transfer, maven-common-artifact-filters, plexus-interpolation, plexus-utils, scijava-common,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

madura-rules from group (version 3.3.5)

This is a plugin to Madura Objects. It provides a rules/constraint engine to assist with validation, deriving new values from user inputs (eg total of invoices entered on this customer) an manipulating metadata (eg because the amount is above X we make some field readonly). Note that the Java that is using the monitored objects is quite unaware of the rules layer implemented here. That means you can change rules without having to go back to your Java code, and it also means you don't have to wonder if everything implemented the same rules. Anything using that Java object has the rules (unless you turn them all off).

Group: Artifact: madura-rules
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Artifact madura-rules
Version 3.3.5
Last update 01. April 2018
Organization Prometheus Consulting
License The GNU General Public License v3.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies madura-objects, madura-utils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

compress-maven-plugin from group com.github.eliayng (version 1.0.2)

配置监控信息,在web.xml中添加 <filter> <description>拦截获取js与css过滤</description> <filter-name>MergeFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.njzxw.filter.MergeFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <!-- js合并输出路径 --> <param-name>jsDir</param-name> <param-value>${js.path}</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <!-- css合并输出路径 --> <param-name>cssDir</param-name> <param-value>${css.path}</param-value> </init-param> </filter> 同时添加一个合并js\css对应一个merge.xml,最好放置在同级,如: <merge> <group name="sss" > <js path="js/common/common.js" /> <js path="js/common/index.js" /> <css path="css/common/animate.css" /> <css path="css/common/normalize.css" /> </group> </merge> 访问项目:xxx/sss.js xxx/sss.css 同时配合maven插件: compress-maven-plugin结合使用: <plugin> <groupId>com.github.eliayng</groupId> <artifactId>compress-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>compile</phase> <goals> <goal>compress</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <skip>${skipCompress}</skip> <poolNum>50</poolNum> <jsOutDir>${jsOutDir}</jsOutDir> <cssOutDir>${cssOutDir}</cssOutDir> <!--是否监控编译class文件--> <isCompressClass>true</isCompressClass> <!-- 是否复制资源文件 --> <isResourcesCopy>true</isResourcesCopy> </configuration> </plugin>

Group: com.github.eliayng Artifact: compress-maven-plugin
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Artifact compress-maven-plugin
Group com.github.eliayng
Version 1.0.2
Last update 03. August 2017
Organization not specified
License The Eliayng License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, maven-project, yuicompressor, closure-compiler,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jaxb-booleangetter-plugin from group com.github.sanity4j (version 1.0)

JAXB 2.1.x XJC Boolean-Getter Plugin This plugin causes getter methods for Boolean Objects to be called "getXX" instead of "isXX". Downloaded from,r=1.1/jaxb2-commons/www/boolean-getter/index.html on 18/03/10 Yiannis Paschalidis Sanity4J was created to simplify running multiple static code analysis tools on the Java projects. It provides a single entry point to run all the selected tools and produce a consolidated report, which presents all findings in an easily accessible manner.

Group: com.github.sanity4j Artifact: jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
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Artifact jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
Group com.github.sanity4j
Version 1.0
Last update 24. May 2017
Organization The Sanity4J project
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jaxb-xjc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

easy-config-core from group com.socialbakers.easy-config (version 0.5.7)

Group: com.socialbakers.easy-config Artifact: easy-config-core
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Artifact easy-config-core
Group com.socialbakers.easy-config
Version 0.5.7
Last update 28. April 2017
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies slf4j-api, commons-io, commons-lang3, freemarker, jdom, commons-beanutils, guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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