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perf-sampler from group com.imperva.sampler (version 1.0.0)

Group: com.imperva.sampler Artifact: perf-sampler
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Download perf-sampler.jar (1.0.0)

Artifact perf-sampler
Group com.imperva.sampler
Version 1.0.0

gene-mapper-experimental-base from group de.julielab (version 1.0.0)

This project has a lot of business classes to work with genes and related named entities. Genes are part of a GeneDocument and may have gold IDs as well as mapped/predicted IDs. Another large part are species because most (all?) gene ID databases are species specific. So there are also classes or members to represent species mentions and the assignment of species IDs (taxonomy IDs) to genes. There is little to no business logic herein. This project is only useful as building block in other projects dealing with species assignment, gene ID mapping or similar efforts.

Group: de.julielab Artifact: gene-mapper-experimental-base
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Download gene-mapper-experimental-base.jar (1.0.0)

Artifact gene-mapper-experimental-base
Group de.julielab
Version 1.0.0
Last update 03. December 2022
Organization JULIE Lab Jena, Germany
URL Not specified
License BSD-2-Clause
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies commons-lang3, commons-text, julielab-java-utilities, slf4j-api, lucene-analyzers-common, guava, julielab-ranklib-mallet, jcore-mallet-2.0.9, libsvm, spark-core, guice, julie-xml-tools, julielab-entity-evaluator, ehcache, cache-api, annotations, commons-codec, commons-io, junit-jupiter-engine, assertj-core, com.wcohen.secondstring,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

conjunctiveRule from group (version 1.0.4)

This class implements a single conjunctive rule learner that can predict for numeric and nominal class labels. A rule consists of antecedents "AND"ed together and the consequent (class value) for the classification/regression. In this case, the consequent is the distribution of the available classes (or mean for a numeric value) in the dataset. If the test instance is not covered by this rule, then it's predicted using the default class distributions/value of the data not covered by the rule in the training data.This learner selects an antecedent by computing the Information Gain of each antecendent and prunes the generated rule using Reduced Error Prunning (REP) or simple pre-pruning based on the number of antecedents. For classification, the Information of one antecedent is the weighted average of the entropies of both the data covered and not covered by the rule. For regression, the Information is the weighted average of the mean-squared errors of both the data covered and not covered by the rule. In pruning, weighted average of the accuracy rates on the pruning data is used for classification while the weighted average of the mean-squared errors on the pruning data is used for regression.

Group: Artifact: conjunctiveRule
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Download conjunctiveRule.jar (1.0.4)

Artifact conjunctiveRule
Version 1.0.4
Last update 29. April 2014
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies weka-dev,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

oneClassClassifier from group (version 1.0.4)

Performs one-class classification on a dataset. Classifier reduces the class being classified to just a single class, and learns the datawithout using any information from other classes. The testing stage will classify as 'target'or 'outlier' - so in order to calculate the outlier pass rate the dataset must contain informationfrom more than one class. Also, the output varies depending on whether the label 'outlier' exists in the instances usedto build the classifier. If so, then 'outlier' will be predicted, if not, then the label willbe considered missing when the prediction does not favour the target class. The 'outlier' classwill not be used to build the model if there are instances of this class in the dataset. It cansimply be used as a flag, you do not need to relabel any classes. For more information, see: Kathryn Hempstalk, Eibe Frank, Ian H. Witten: One-Class Classification by Combining Density and Class Probability Estimation. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases and 19th European Conference on Machine Learning, ECMLPKDD2008, Berlin, 505--519, 2008.

Group: Artifact: oneClassClassifier
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Download oneClassClassifier.jar (1.0.4)

Artifact oneClassClassifier
Version 1.0.4
Last update 14. May 2013
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies weka-dev,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

msdk-db-mona from group io.github.msdk (version 0.0.27)

MassBank of America (MoNA), is an auto curating repository for storing, comparing and querying mass spectra of chemical compounds. It is metadata centric and it was designed to allow easy integration into other tools by utilize its REST based application programming interface. At the current time it contains over 200k predicted and 40k unique experimental mass spectra and their associated metadata. The predicted spectra were obtained by utilizing the lipid blast library and the experimental spectra were acquired from 30 different facilities all over the world, including several major research facilities in the United States and Japan. MoNA is utilizing the InChI Key as unique identifier for chemicals and is designed for easy scalability and expendability. This is realized by utilizing common applications like nginx, grails, AngularJS, postgresSQL and tomcat. MoNA is currently integrated in applications like MSDial, BinBase, MZMine and the statistics package R. This was accomplished by utilizing its REST based API, which is also utilized by its main AngularJS based web interface. We consider MoNA to be highly useful for crosslinking mass spectra in publications, identification of unknowns and integration in data acquisition software. This package provides you with access to the REST api of the main MoNA installation.

Group: io.github.msdk Artifact: msdk-db-mona
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Download msdk-db-mona.jar (0.0.27)

Artifact msdk-db-mona
Group io.github.msdk
Version 0.0.27
Last update 28. July 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies msdk-datamodel, minimal-json, commons-lang, jersey-media-json-jackson, jersey-client,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

msdk-mona from group io.github.msdk (version 0.0.1)

MassBank of America (MoNA), is an auto curating repository for storing, comparing and querying mass spectra of chemical compounds. It is metadata centric and it was designed to allow easy integration into other tools by utilize its REST based application programming interface. At the current time it contains over 200k predicted and 40k unique experimental mass spectra and their associated metadata. The predicted spectra were obtained by utilizing the lipid blast library and the experimental spectra were acquired from 30 different facilities all over the world, including several major research facilities in the United States and Japan. MoNA is utilizing the InChI Key as unique identifier for chemicals and is designed for easy scalability and expendability. This is realized by utilizing common applications like nginx, grails, AngularJS, postgresSQL and tomcat. MoNA is currently integrated in applications like MSDial, BinBase, MZMine and the statistics package R. This was accomplished by utilizing its REST based API, which is also utilized by its main AngularJS based web interface. We consider MoNA to be highly useful for crosslinking mass spectra in publications, identification of unknowns and integration in data acquisition software. This package provides you with access to the REST api of the main MoNA installation.

Group: io.github.msdk Artifact: msdk-mona
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Download msdk-mona.jar (0.0.1)

Artifact msdk-mona
Group io.github.msdk
Version 0.0.1
Last update 24. November 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies msdk-datamodel, minimal-json, commons-lang, jersey-media-json-jackson, jersey-client,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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