Download JAR files tagged by structure with all dependencies
git-commit-id-plugin from group at.molindo (version 2.1.10-alpha-1)
git-commit-id-plugin is a plugin quite similar to for example but as buildnumber
only supports svn (which is very sad) and cvs (which is even more sad).
This plugin makes basic repository information available through maven resources. This can be used to display
"what version is this?" or "who has deployed this and when, from which branch?" information at runtime - making
it easy to find things like "oh, that isn't deployed yet, I'll test it tomorrow" and making both testers and
developers life easier.
The data currently exported is like this (that's the end effect from the GitRepositoryState Bean):
"branch" : "testing-maven-git-plugin",
"commitTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:16:26 CET",
"commitId" : "787e39f61f99110e74deed68ab9093088d64b969",
"commitUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
"commitUserEmail" : "[email protected]",
"commitMessageFull" : "releasing my fun plugin :-) + fixed some typos + cleaned up directory structure + added
license etc",
"commitMessageShort" : "releasing my fun plugin :-)",
"buildTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:17:53 CET",
"buildUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
"buildUserEmail" : "[email protected]"
Note that the data is exported via maven resource filtering and is really easy to use with spring -
which I've explained in detail in this readme
Artifact git-commit-id-plugin
Group at.molindo
Version 2.1.10-alpha-1
Last update 28. December 2015
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-project, jackson-databind, guice, joda-time, guava, annotations, org.eclipse.jgit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group at.molindo
Version 2.1.10-alpha-1
Last update 28. December 2015
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-project, jackson-databind, guice, joda-time, guava, annotations, org.eclipse.jgit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
EasyConfig from group (version 0.1)
EasyConfig provides simple way to overview and apply settings to file or folder based collections of files.
Synonyms to "setting" are property, attribute, value while throughout application "setting" is used.
The settings are groupped in "configuration" that is collection of settings from various sources.
Main design concepts are:
* minimalistic way to describe configuration
* pluggable support for data types (validation), setting sources, source handlers
Sample use case:
An application is deployed in multiple locations.
We need to quickly check key settings/parameters and optionally modify some of them.
These values are located in different places:
- in files directly in file structure
- in files inside archive files (optionally nested archives)
- values in DB tables
- values accessible via URLs
- other sources (just guessed: SSH/telnet connection+some command(s), UPnP devices, proprietary protocols, etc)
We gather info from any supported (extendable) source and can modify and apply changes if supported by source
(e.g. we can't update value that is count of rows in DB table, but we can read that value).
Artifact EasyConfig
Version 0.1
Last update 01. February 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 0.1
Last update 01. February 2013
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
xapi-gwt-parent from group net.wetheinter (version 0.5)
This is the main aggregator for all gwt submodules.
All gwt-specific code resides here.
Submodules should avoid inheriting from each other unless necessary.
This goes for maven structure and gwt.xml structure.
The super module is where our jre emulation layer and super-source live;
all modules should inherit super, and a minimum of other modules.
Some modules, like injection, are fulfilling an api in the core module,
and should be accessed only through core service interfaces.
Other modules, like reflection, are capable of being standalone inherits,
but can benefit from core utilities like injection,
so, two (or more) .gwt.xml modules may be provided.
As XApi nears 1.0, all submodules will be routinely stitched together into
an uber-jar, in order to have a single jar with a single gwt module
that can provide all of the services at once.
Internal projects will never use the uber jar, to help maintain modularity,
but external projects that want to use more than one service
will certainly prefer inheriting one artifact, instead of twelve.
When distributed in uber-jar format, it will likely be necessary for
either the uber jar, or just xapi-gwt-api.jar to appear before gwt-dev
on your compile-time classpath. If using gwt-maven-plugin, the
gwtFirstOnClasspath option may become problematic. If so, we will provide
a forked gwt-plugin to make sure our compiler enhancements are included in
the build process.
There is also work going on to make a super-source-everything plugin,
which will use maven to find source files, and generate synthetic .gwt.xml
for you, as part of an effort to create a wholly unified programming
environment. In addition to java-to-javascript, we intend to compile
java-to-java and possibly other languages, like go; imagine implementing
gwt deferred binding to eliminate cross-platform differences between
server environments, or operating systems, or versions of a platform,
or anywhere else a core api needs to bind to multiple implementations,
depending on the runtime environment.
Group: net.wetheinter Artifact: xapi-gwt-parent
Show all versions
Show all versions
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact xapi-gwt-parent
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.5
Last update 30. May 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.5
Last update 30. May 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer_2.10 from group (version 2.4.20)
Pact consumer
Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API.
Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one of the test framework specific projects. If your favourite
framework is not implemented, this module should give you all the hooks you need.
Provides a DSL for use with Java to build consumer pacts.
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer_2.11`
## DSL Usage
Example in a JUnit test:
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class PactTest {
public void testPact() {
PactFragment pactFragment = ConsumerPactBuilder
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request to say Hello")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
VerificationResult result = pactFragment.runConsumer(config, new TestRun() {
public void run(MockProviderConfig config) {
Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
expectedResponse.put("hello", "harry");
try {
assertEquals(new ProviderClient(config.url()).hello("{\"name\": \"harry\"}"),
} catch (IOException e) {}
if (result instanceof PactError) {
throw new RuntimeException(((PactError)result).error());
assertEquals(ConsumerPactTest.PACT_VERIFIED, result);
The DSL has the following pattern:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.given("a certain state on the provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.uponReceiving("another request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
You can define as many interactions as required. Each interaction starts with `uponReceiving` followed by `willRespondWith`.
The test state setup with `given` is a mechanism to describe what the state of the provider should be in before the provider
is verified. It is only recorded in the consumer tests and used by the provider verification tasks.
### Building JSON bodies with PactDslJsonBody DSL
The body method of the ConsumerPactBuilder can accept a PactDslJsonBody, which can construct a JSON body as well as
define regex and type matchers.
For example:
PactDslJsonBody body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.numberValue("age", 100)
#### DSL Matching methods
The following matching methods are provided with the DSL. In most cases, they take an optional value parameter which
will be used to generate example values (i.e. when returning a mock response). If no example value is given, a random
one will be generated.
| method | description |
| string, stringValue | Match a string value (using string equality) |
| number, numberValue | Match a number value (using Number.equals)\* |
| booleanValue | Match a boolean value (using equality) |
| stringType | Will match all Strings |
| numberType | Will match all numbers\* |
| integerType | Will match all numbers that are integers (both ints and longs)\* |
| decimalType | Will match all real numbers (floating point and decimal)\* |
| booleanType | Will match all boolean values (true and false) |
| stringMatcher | Will match strings using the provided regular expression |
| timestamp | Will match string containing timestamps. If a timestamp format is not given, will match an ISO timestamp format |
| date | Will match string containing dates. If a date format is not given, will match an ISO date format |
| time | Will match string containing times. If a time format is not given, will match an ISO time format |
| ipAddress | Will match string containing IP4 formatted address. |
| id | Will match all numbers by type |
| hexValue | Will match all hexadecimal encoded strings |
| uuid | Will match strings containing UUIDs |
_\* Note:_ JSON only supports double precision floating point values. Depending on the language implementation, they
may parsed as integer, floating point or decimal numbers.
#### Ensuring all items in a list match an example (2.2.0+)
Lots of the time you might not know the number of items that will be in a list, but you want to ensure that the list
has a minimum or maximum size and that each item in the list matches a given example. You can do this with the `arrayLike`,
`minArrayLike` and `maxArrayLike` functions.
| function | description |
| `eachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `maxArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `minArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
This will ensure that the users list is never empty and that each user has an identifier that is a number and a name that is a string.
#### Matching JSON values at the root (Version 3.2.2/2.4.3+)
For cases where you are expecting basic JSON values (strings, numbers, booleans and null) at the root level of the body
and need to use matchers, you can use the `PactDslJsonRootValue` class. It has all the DSL matching methods for basic
values that you can use.
For example:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for a basic JSON value")
#### Root level arrays that match all items (version 2.2.11+)
If the root of the body is an array, you can create PactDslJsonArray classes with the following methods:
| function | description |
| `arrayEachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `arrayMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `arrayMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
.date("clearedDate", "mm/dd/yyyy", date)
.stringType("status", "STATUS")
.decimalType("amount", 100.0)
This will then match a body like:
[ {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
} ]
#### Matching arrays of arrays (version 3.2.12/2.4.14+)
For the case where you have arrays of arrays (GeoJSON is an example), the following methods have been provided:
| function | description |
| `eachArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example |
| `eachArrayWithMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no bigger than the provided max |
| `eachArrayWithMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no smaller than the provided min |
For example (with GeoJSON structure):
new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachArrayLike("coordinates") // coordinates is an array of arrays
This generated the following JSON:
"features": [
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [[-7.55717, 49.766896]],
"type": "Point"
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "prop0": "value0" }
"type": "FeatureCollection"
and will be able to match all coordinates regardless of the number of coordinates.
#### Matching any key in a map (3.3.1/2.5.0+)
The DSL has been extended for cases where the keys in a map are IDs. For an example of this, see
[#313]( In this case you can use the `eachKeyLike` method, which takes an
example key as a parameter.
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachKeyLike("001", // key like an id mapped to a matcher
.eachKeyLike("001-A") // key like an id where the value is matched by the following example
.stringType("description", "Some Description")
.eachKeyMappedToAnArrayLike("001") // key like an id mapped to an array where each item is matched by the following example
.id("someId", 23456L)
For an example, have a look at [WildcardKeysTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/
**NOTE:** The `eachKeyLike` method adds a `*` to the matching path, so the matching definition will be applied to all keys
of the map if there is not a more specific matcher defined for a particular key. Having more than one `eachKeyLike` condition
applied to a map will result in only one being applied when the pact is verified (probably the last).
### Matching on paths (version 2.1.5+)
You can use regular expressions to match incoming requests. The DSL has a `matchPath` method for this. You can provide
a real path as a second value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+") // or .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+", "/transaction/1234567890")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
### Matching on headers (version 2.2.2+)
You can use regular expressions to match request and response headers. The DSL has a `matchHeader` method for this. You can provide
an example header value to use when generating requests and responses, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchHeader("testreqheader", "test.*value")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.matchHeader("Location", ".*/hello/[0-9]+", "/hello/1234")
### Matching on query parameters (version 3.3.7+)
You can use regular expressions to match request query parameters. The DSL has a `matchQuery` method for this. You can provide
an example value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchQuery("a", "\\d+", "100")
.matchQuery("b", "[A-Z]", "X")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer_2.10
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-matchers_2.10, groovy-all, diffutils, automaton, httpclient, jackson-databind, generex, unfiltered-netty-server_2.10, dispatch-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-matchers_2.10, groovy-all, diffutils, automaton, httpclient, jackson-databind, generex, unfiltered-netty-server_2.10, dispatch-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)
Pact consumer
Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API.
Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one of the test framework specific projects. If your favourite
framework is not implemented, this module should give you all the hooks you need.
Provides a DSL for use with Java to build consumer pacts.
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer_2.11`
## DSL Usage
Example in a JUnit test:
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class PactTest {
public void testPact() {
RequestResponsePact pact = ConsumerPactBuilder
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request to say Hello")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
PactVerificationResult result = runConsumerTest(pact, config, new PactTestRun() {
public void run(@NotNull MockServer mockServer) throws IOException {
Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
expectedResponse.put("hello", "harry");
assertEquals(expectedResponse, new ConsumerClient(mockServer.getUrl()).post("/hello",
"{\"name\": \"harry\"}", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
if (result instanceof PactVerificationResult.Error) {
throw new RuntimeException(((PactVerificationResult.Error)result).getError());
assertEquals(PactVerificationResult.Ok.INSTANCE, result);
The DSL has the following pattern:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.given("a certain state on the provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.uponReceiving("another request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
You can define as many interactions as required. Each interaction starts with `uponReceiving` followed by `willRespondWith`.
The test state setup with `given` is a mechanism to describe what the state of the provider should be in before the provider
is verified. It is only recorded in the consumer tests and used by the provider verification tasks.
### Building JSON bodies with PactDslJsonBody DSL
The body method of the ConsumerPactBuilder can accept a PactDslJsonBody, which can construct a JSON body as well as
define regex and type matchers.
For example:
PactDslJsonBody body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.numberValue("age", 100)
#### DSL Matching methods
The following matching methods are provided with the DSL. In most cases, they take an optional value parameter which
will be used to generate example values (i.e. when returning a mock response). If no example value is given, a random
one will be generated.
| method | description |
| string, stringValue | Match a string value (using string equality) |
| number, numberValue | Match a number value (using Number.equals)\* |
| booleanValue | Match a boolean value (using equality) |
| stringType | Will match all Strings |
| numberType | Will match all numbers\* |
| integerType | Will match all numbers that are integers (both ints and longs)\* |
| decimalType | Will match all real numbers (floating point and decimal)\* |
| booleanType | Will match all boolean values (true and false) |
| stringMatcher | Will match strings using the provided regular expression |
| timestamp | Will match string containing timestamps. If a timestamp format is not given, will match an ISO timestamp format |
| date | Will match string containing dates. If a date format is not given, will match an ISO date format |
| time | Will match string containing times. If a time format is not given, will match an ISO time format |
| ipAddress | Will match string containing IP4 formatted address. |
| id | Will match all numbers by type |
| hexValue | Will match all hexadecimal encoded strings |
| uuid | Will match strings containing UUIDs |
| includesStr | Will match strings containing the provided string |
| equalsTo | Will match using equals |
| matchUrl | Defines a matcher for URLs, given the base URL path and a sequence of path fragments. The path fragments could be
strings or regular expression matchers |
_\* Note:_ JSON only supports double precision floating point values. Depending on the language implementation, they
may parsed as integer, floating point or decimal numbers.
#### Ensuring all items in a list match an example (2.2.0+)
Lots of the time you might not know the number of items that will be in a list, but you want to ensure that the list
has a minimum or maximum size and that each item in the list matches a given example. You can do this with the `arrayLike`,
`minArrayLike` and `maxArrayLike` functions.
| function | description |
| `eachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `maxArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `minArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
This will ensure that the users list is never empty and that each user has an identifier that is a number and a name that is a string.
#### Matching JSON values at the root (Version 3.2.2/2.4.3+)
For cases where you are expecting basic JSON values (strings, numbers, booleans and null) at the root level of the body
and need to use matchers, you can use the `PactDslJsonRootValue` class. It has all the DSL matching methods for basic
values that you can use.
For example:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for a basic JSON value")
#### Root level arrays that match all items (version 2.2.11+)
If the root of the body is an array, you can create PactDslJsonArray classes with the following methods:
| function | description |
| `arrayEachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `arrayMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `arrayMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
.date("clearedDate", "mm/dd/yyyy", date)
.stringType("status", "STATUS")
.decimalType("amount", 100.0)
This will then match a body like:
[ {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
} ]
#### Matching arrays of arrays (version 3.2.12/2.4.14+)
For the case where you have arrays of arrays (GeoJSON is an example), the following methods have been provided:
| function | description |
| `eachArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example |
| `eachArrayWithMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no bigger than the provided max |
| `eachArrayWithMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no smaller than the provided min |
For example (with GeoJSON structure):
new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachArrayLike("coordinates") // coordinates is an array of arrays
This generated the following JSON:
"features": [
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [[-7.55717, 49.766896]],
"type": "Point"
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "prop0": "value0" }
"type": "FeatureCollection"
and will be able to match all coordinates regardless of the number of coordinates.
#### Matching any key in a map (3.3.1/2.5.0+)
The DSL has been extended for cases where the keys in a map are IDs. For an example of this, see
[#313]( In this case you can use the `eachKeyLike` method, which takes an
example key as a parameter.
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachKeyLike("001", // key like an id mapped to a matcher
.eachKeyLike("001-A") // key like an id where the value is matched by the following example
.stringType("description", "Some Description")
.eachKeyMappedToAnArrayLike("001") // key like an id mapped to an array where each item is matched by the following example
.id("someId", 23456L)
For an example, have a look at [WildcardKeysTest](../pact-jvm-consumer-junit/src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/
**NOTE:** The `eachKeyLike` method adds a `*` to the matching path, so the matching definition will be applied to all keys
of the map if there is not a more specific matcher defined for a particular key. Having more than one `eachKeyLike` condition
applied to a map will result in only one being applied when the pact is verified (probably the last).
**Further Note: From version 3.5.22 onwards pacts with wildcards applied to map keys will require the Java system property
"pact.matching.wildcard" set to value "true" when the pact file is verified.**
### Matching on paths (version 2.1.5+)
You can use regular expressions to match incoming requests. The DSL has a `matchPath` method for this. You can provide
a real path as a second value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+") // or .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+", "/transaction/1234567890")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
### Matching on headers (version 2.2.2+)
You can use regular expressions to match request and response headers. The DSL has a `matchHeader` method for this. You can provide
an example header value to use when generating requests and responses, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchHeader("testreqheader", "test.*value")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.matchHeader("Location", ".*/hello/[0-9]+", "/hello/1234")
### Matching on query parameters (version 3.3.7+)
You can use regular expressions to match request query parameters. The DSL has a `matchQuery` method for this. You can provide
an example value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchQuery("a", "\\d+", "100")
.matchQuery("b", "[A-Z]", "X")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
# Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
# Having values injected from provider state callbacks (3.6.11+)
You can have values from the provider state callbacks be injected into most places (paths, query parameters, headers,
bodies, etc.). This works by using the V3 spec generators with provider state callbacks that return values. One example
of where this would be useful is API calls that require an ID which would be auto-generated by the database on the
provider side, so there is no way to know what the ID would be beforehand.
The following DSL methods allow you to set an expression that will be parsed with the values returned from the provider states:
For JSON bodies, use `valueFromProviderState`.<br/>
For headers, use `headerFromProviderState`.<br/>
For query parameters, use `queryParameterFromProviderState`.<br/>
For paths, use `pathFromProviderState`.
For example, assume that an API call is made to get the details of a user by ID. A provider state can be defined that
specifies that the user must be exist, but the ID will be created when the user is created. So we can then define an
expression for the path where the ID will be replaced with the value returned from the provider state callback.
.pathFromProviderState("/api/users/${id}", "/api/users/100")
You can also just use the key instead of an expression:
.valueFromProviderState('userId', 'userId', 100) // will look value using userId as the key
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-matchers_2.12, diffutils, automaton, httpclient, json, netty-handler, httpmime, unfiltered-netty-server_2.12, fluent-hc, scala-java8-compat_2.12, groovy-json,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies pact-jvm-model, pact-jvm-matchers_2.12, diffutils, automaton, httpclient, json, netty-handler, httpmime, unfiltered-netty-server_2.12, fluent-hc, scala-java8-compat_2.12, groovy-json,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer from group (version 4.0.10)
Pact consumer
Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API.
Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one of the test framework specific projects. If your favourite
framework is not implemented, this module should give you all the hooks you need.
Provides a DSL for use with Java to build consumer pacts.
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer`
## DSL Usage
Example in a JUnit test:
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class PactTest {
public void testPact() {
RequestResponsePact pact = ConsumerPactBuilder
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request to say Hello")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
PactVerificationResult result = runConsumerTest(pact, config, new PactTestRun() {
public void run(@NotNull MockServer mockServer) throws IOException {
Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
expectedResponse.put("hello", "harry");
assertEquals(expectedResponse, new ConsumerClient(mockServer.getUrl()).post("/hello",
"{\"name\": \"harry\"}", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
if (result instanceof PactVerificationResult.Error) {
throw new RuntimeException(((PactVerificationResult.Error)result).getError());
assertEquals(PactVerificationResult.Ok.INSTANCE, result);
The DSL has the following pattern:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.given("a certain state on the provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.uponReceiving("another request for something")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
You can define as many interactions as required. Each interaction starts with `uponReceiving` followed by `willRespondWith`.
The test state setup with `given` is a mechanism to describe what the state of the provider should be in before the provider
is verified. It is only recorded in the consumer tests and used by the provider verification tasks.
### Building JSON bodies with PactDslJsonBody DSL
The body method of the ConsumerPactBuilder can accept a PactDslJsonBody, which can construct a JSON body as well as
define regex and type matchers.
For example:
PactDslJsonBody body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.numberValue("age", 100)
#### DSL Matching methods
The following matching methods are provided with the DSL. In most cases, they take an optional value parameter which
will be used to generate example values (i.e. when returning a mock response). If no example value is given, a random
one will be generated.
| method | description |
| string, stringValue | Match a string value (using string equality) |
| number, numberValue | Match a number value (using Number.equals)\* |
| booleanValue | Match a boolean value (using equality) |
| stringType | Will match all Strings |
| numberType | Will match all numbers\* |
| integerType | Will match all numbers that are integers (both ints and longs)\* |
| decimalType | Will match all real numbers (floating point and decimal)\* |
| booleanType | Will match all boolean values (true and false) |
| stringMatcher | Will match strings using the provided regular expression |
| timestamp | Will match string containing timestamps. If a timestamp format is not given, will match an ISO timestamp format |
| date | Will match string containing dates. If a date format is not given, will match an ISO date format |
| time | Will match string containing times. If a time format is not given, will match an ISO time format |
| ipAddress | Will match string containing IP4 formatted address. |
| id | Will match all numbers by type |
| hexValue | Will match all hexadecimal encoded strings |
| uuid | Will match strings containing UUIDs |
| includesStr | Will match strings containing the provided string |
| equalsTo | Will match using equals |
| matchUrl | Defines a matcher for URLs, given the base URL path and a sequence of path fragments. The path fragments could be
strings or regular expression matchers |
_\* Note:_ JSON only supports double precision floating point values. Depending on the language implementation, they
may parsed as integer, floating point or decimal numbers.
#### Ensuring all items in a list match an example (2.2.0+)
Lots of the time you might not know the number of items that will be in a list, but you want to ensure that the list
has a minimum or maximum size and that each item in the list matches a given example. You can do this with the `arrayLike`,
`minArrayLike` and `maxArrayLike` functions.
| function | description |
| `eachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `maxArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `minArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
This will ensure that the users list is never empty and that each user has an identifier that is a number and a name that is a string.
#### Matching JSON values at the root
For cases where you are expecting basic JSON values (strings, numbers, booleans and null) at the root level of the body
and need to use matchers, you can use the `PactDslJsonRootValue` class. It has all the DSL matching methods for basic
values that you can use.
For example:
.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.uponReceiving("a request for a basic JSON value")
#### Root level arrays that match all items
If the root of the body is an array, you can create PactDslJsonArray classes with the following methods:
| function | description |
| `arrayEachLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example |
| `arrayMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max |
| `arrayMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min |
For example:
.date("clearedDate", "mm/dd/yyyy", date)
.stringType("status", "STATUS")
.decimalType("amount", 100.0)
This will then match a body like:
[ {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
}, {
"clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
"status" : "C",
"amount" : 15.0
} ]
#### Matching arrays of arrays
For the case where you have arrays of arrays (GeoJSON is an example), the following methods have been provided:
| function | description |
| `eachArrayLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example |
| `eachArrayWithMaxLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no bigger than the provided max |
| `eachArrayWithMinLike` | Ensure that each item in the array is an array that matches the provided example and the array is no smaller than the provided min |
For example (with GeoJSON structure):
new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachArrayLike("coordinates") // coordinates is an array of arrays
This generated the following JSON:
"features": [
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [[-7.55717, 49.766896]],
"type": "Point"
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "prop0": "value0" }
"type": "FeatureCollection"
and will be able to match all coordinates regardless of the number of coordinates.
#### Matching any key in a map
The DSL has been extended for cases where the keys in a map are IDs. For an example of this, see
[#313]( In this case you can use the `eachKeyLike` method, which takes an
example key as a parameter.
For example:
DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()
.eachKeyLike("001", // key like an id mapped to a matcher
.eachKeyLike("001-A") // key like an id where the value is matched by the following example
.stringType("description", "Some Description")
.eachKeyMappedToAnArrayLike("001") // key like an id mapped to an array where each item is matched by the following example
.id("someId", 23456L)
For an example, have a look at [WildcardKeysTest](../pact-jvm-consumer-junit/src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/
**NOTE:** The `eachKeyLike` method adds a `*` to the matching path, so the matching definition will be applied to all keys
of the map if there is not a more specific matcher defined for a particular key. Having more than one `eachKeyLike` condition
applied to a map will result in only one being applied when the pact is verified (probably the last).
**Further Note: From version 3.5.22 onwards pacts with wildcards applied to map keys will require the Java system property
"pact.matching.wildcard" set to value "true" when the pact file is verified.**
### Matching on paths
You can use regular expressions to match incoming requests. The DSL has a `matchPath` method for this. You can provide
a real path as a second value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+") // or .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+", "/transaction/1234567890")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
### Matching on headers
You can use regular expressions to match request and response headers. The DSL has a `matchHeader` method for this. You can provide
an example header value to use when generating requests and responses, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchHeader("testreqheader", "test.*value")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
.matchHeader("Location", ".*/hello/[0-9]+", "/hello/1234")
### Matching on query parameters
You can use regular expressions to match request query parameters. The DSL has a `matchQuery` method for this. You can provide
an example value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one
from the regular expression.
For example:
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("a test interaction")
.matchQuery("a", "\\d+", "100")
.matchQuery("b", "[A-Z]", "X")
.body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
.body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
# Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
# Having values injected from provider state callbacks (3.6.11+)
You can have values from the provider state callbacks be injected into most places (paths, query parameters, headers,
bodies, etc.). This works by using the V3 spec generators with provider state callbacks that return values. One example
of where this would be useful is API calls that require an ID which would be auto-generated by the database on the
provider side, so there is no way to know what the ID would be beforehand.
The following DSL methods allow you to set an expression that will be parsed with the values returned from the provider states:
For JSON bodies, use `valueFromProviderState`.<br/>
For headers, use `headerFromProviderState`.<br/>
For query parameters, use `queryParameterFromProviderState`.<br/>
For paths, use `pathFromProviderState`.
For example, assume that an API call is made to get the details of a user by ID. A provider state can be defined that
specifies that the user must be exist, but the ID will be created when the user is created. So we can then define an
expression for the path where the ID will be replaced with the value returned from the provider state callback.
.pathFromProviderState("/api/users/${id}", "/api/users/100")
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies diffutils, automaton, httpclient, json, netty-handler, httpmime, fluent-hc, pact-jvm-core-model, pact-jvm-core-matchers,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies diffutils, automaton, httpclient, json, netty-handler, httpmime, fluent-hc, pact-jvm-core-model, pact-jvm-core-matchers,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
Pact consumer
Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API.
Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one of the test framework specific projects above.
If your favourite framework is not implemented, this module should give you all the hooks you need.
Please let us know if you build one and we'll link to you from the main page.
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies unfiltered-netty-server_2.11, diffutils, scala-library, pact-jvm-model_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, dispatch-core_2.11, pact-jvm-matchers_2.11, automaton, json4s-jackson_2.11, scala-xml_2.11, scala-logging-slf4j_2.11, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies unfiltered-netty-server_2.11, diffutils, scala-library, pact-jvm-model_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, dispatch-core_2.11, pact-jvm-matchers_2.11, automaton, json4s-jackson_2.11, scala-xml_2.11, scala-logging-slf4j_2.11, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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