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closure-compiler-linter from group (version v20200830)

Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs. This binary checks for style issues such as incorrect or missing JSDoc usage, and missing goog.require() statements. It does not do more advanced checks such as typechecking.

Group: Artifact: closure-compiler-linter
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Artifact closure-compiler-linter
Version v20200830
Last update 31. August 2020
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ratchet-android from group com.virgilsecurity (version 0.1.4)

Virgil Security is presenting an implementation of the [Double Ratchet]( algorithm, which is used by parties to exchange encrypted messages based on a shared secret key. The implementation includes: - **Virgil Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) service** – a standalone web-service that is dedicated to managing one-time keys and long-time keys that are based on their Identity Public Keys (public keys that are contained in user cards published on Virgil Cards service); - **Ratchet SDK** – interacts with PFS service for publishing and managing one-time keys and long-time keys and interacts with Virgil Cards service for retrieving user's indentity cards which the OTK and LTK are based on. The parties derive new keys for every Double Ratchet message so that previous private keys cannot be calculated from new ones. The parties that participate in the communication also send Diffie-Hellman public values attached to their messages. The results of Diffie-Hellman calculations are mixed into the derived keys so that the new private keys cannot be calculated from the previous ones.

Group: com.virgilsecurity Artifact: ratchet-android
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Artifact ratchet-android
Group com.virgilsecurity
Version 0.1.4
Last update 21. May 2020
Organization not specified
License Virgil Security, Inc. license
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies ratchet, sdk-android, crypto-android, ratchet-android,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ratchet from group com.virgilsecurity (version 0.1.4)

Virgil Security is presenting an implementation of the [Double Ratchet]( algorithm, which is used by parties to exchange encrypted messages based on a shared secret key. The implementation includes: - **Virgil Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) service** – a standalone web-service that is dedicated to managing one-time keys and long-time keys that are based on their Identity Public Keys (public keys that are contained in user cards published on Virgil Cards service); - **Ratchet SDK** – interacts with PFS service for publishing and managing one-time keys and long-time keys and interacts with Virgil Cards service for retrieving user's indentity cards which the OTK and LTK are based on. The parties derive new keys for every Double Ratchet message so that previous private keys cannot be calculated from new ones. The parties that participate in the communication also send Diffie-Hellman public values attached to their messages. The results of Diffie-Hellman calculations are mixed into the derived keys so that the new private keys cannot be calculated from the previous ones.

Group: com.virgilsecurity Artifact: ratchet
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Artifact ratchet
Group com.virgilsecurity
Version 0.1.4
Last update 21. May 2020
Organization not specified
License Virgil Security, Inc. license
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies crypto, sdk, ratchet,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jadex-xml from group org.activecomponents.jadex (version 3.0.117)

Jadex XML is an XML data binding framework for Java and also for other representations. The main idea of Jadex XML is that neither the XML-Schema on the one side nor the Java classes on the other side should define other binding. Instead, a separate mapping between both is used as a mediation. This allows designing the XML representation independent of the Java side but still being able to connect both as desired. This idea was first put forward by the JiBX data binding framework. Jadex XML pushes it further by combining it with the configuration by exception principle. The framework can detect obvious correspondences between both sides automatically and only needs configuration information when translations are necessary. The configuration information is currently specified directly in form of Java configuration classes.

Group: org.activecomponents.jadex Artifact: jadex-xml
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Artifact jadex-xml
Group org.activecomponents.jadex
Version 3.0.117
Last update 10. May 2020
Organization not specified
License GPL-3.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jadex-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

infinispan-spring from group org.infinispan (version 8.2.12.Final)

The Infinispan Spring Integration project provides Spring integration for Infinispan, a high performance distributed cache. Its primary features are * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager, Spring's central caching abstraction, backed by Infinispan's EmbeddedCacheManager. To be used if your Spring-powered application and Infinispan are colocated, i.e. running within the same VM. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by Infinispan's RemoteCacheManager. To bes used if your Spring-powered application accesses Infinispan remotely, i.e. over the network. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by a CacheContainer reference. To be used if your Spring- powered application needs access to a CacheContainer defined outside the application (e.g. retrieved from JNDI) * Spring namespace support allowing shortcut definitions for all the components above In addition, Infinispan Spring Integration offers various FactoryBeans for facilitating creation of Infinispan core classes - Cache, CacheManager, ... - within a Spring context.

Group: org.infinispan Artifact: infinispan-spring
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Artifact infinispan-spring
Group org.infinispan
Version 8.2.12.Final
Last update 07. January 2020
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies spring-context, infinispan-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider from group biz.aQute (version 2.2.0)

A plugin for the Apache Felix Webconsole. When installed, this bundle will add a tab on the Web Console that provides a graphic overview of the OSGi framework, including services, bundles, and components. Colors are used to encode the different states. Bundles are shown to be started, stopped, starting, resolved, and installed. Services are shown to be used, looked for, or registered in the air. Components can be seen to be operating or not satisfied. Most objects have a tooltip with extra information and all objects can be clicked upon. Hovering over a bundle or service shows only the conenections to/from the component. The display updates every 5 seconds to provide a continuous view on the operations of the framework it runs on.

Group: biz.aQute Artifact: osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
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Artifact osgi.enroute.webconsole.xray.provider
Group biz.aQute
Version 2.2.0
Last update 06. January 2020
Organization OSGi Alliance
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

json from group (version 62)

JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format. See The files in this package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java. It also includes the capability to convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL. This is a reference implementation. There is a large number of JSON packages in Java. Perhaps someday the Java community will standardize on one. Until then, choose carefully. The license includes this restriction: "The software shall be used for good, not evil." If your conscience cannot live with that, then choose a different package.

Group: Artifact: json
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Artifact json
Version 62
Last update 24. November 2019
Organization not specified
License The JSON License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

WSClient from group org.simple4j (version 1.1.2)

This is a simple Web Service Client library to call wide variety of web service behind HTTP. In theory it can support any interface or payload. On the request side, to convert java object to HTTP request components (URL, headers, body), templating is used which allows it to call XML, JSON, SOAP, REST or anyother custom interface. On the response side, it uses pluggable parser and a mapper to only extract the fields that are of interest for the client program. The parser currently supports JSON and XML and returns a collections tree.

Group: org.simple4j Artifact: WSClient
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Artifact WSClient
Group org.simple4j
Version 1.1.2
Last update 21. November 2019
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies commons-beanutils, httpclient, httpcore, slf4j-api, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

kernel-osx from group net.sf.sf3jswing (version 1.3.22)

Group: net.sf.sf3jswing Artifact: kernel-osx
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Artifact kernel-osx
Group net.sf.sf3jswing
Version 1.3.22
Last update 08. October 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies AppleJavaExtensions, quaqua-laf-nofile, appbundler,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

kernel-core from group net.sf.sf3jswing (version 1.3.22)

Group: net.sf.sf3jswing Artifact: kernel-core
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Artifact kernel-core
Group net.sf.sf3jswing
Version 1.3.22
Last update 08. October 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ${project.parent.artifactId}-${platformModule}, junit-dep, commons-codec, commons-httpclient, commons-io, httpcore-nio, commons-logging, httpcore, ant-contrib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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