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google-cloud-profiler from group (version 2.41.0)

is a statistical, low-overhead profiler that continuously gathers CPU usage and memory-allocation information from your production applications. It attributes that information to the application's source code, helping you identify the parts of the application consuming the most resources, and otherwise illuminating the performance characteristics of the code.

Group: Artifact: google-cloud-profiler
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Artifact google-cloud-profiler
Version 2.41.0
Last update 04. April 2024
Organization Google LLC
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 41
Dependencies grpc-api, jsr305, error_prone_annotations, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, api-common, auto-value-annotations, javax.annotation-api, j2objc-annotations, protobuf-java, proto-google-common-protos, proto-google-cloud-profiler-v2, guava, failureaccess, listenablefuture, checker-qual, gax, google-auth-library-credentials, opencensus-api, grpc-context, google-auth-library-oauth2-http, opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-context, gax-grpc, grpc-inprocess, grpc-core, grpc-alts, grpc-grpclb, conscrypt-openjdk-uber, grpc-auth, grpc-netty-shaded, gax-httpjson, gson, google-http-client, httpclient, commons-codec, httpcore, opencensus-contrib-http-util, google-http-client-gson, protobuf-java-util, threetenbp,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

google-cloud-gke-connect-gateway from group (version 0.42.0)

Connect Gateway API builds on the power of fleets to let Anthos users connect to and run commands against registered Anthos clusters in a simple, consistent, and secured way, whether the clusters are on Google Cloud, other public clouds, or on premises, and makes it easier to automate DevOps processes across all your clusters.

Group: Artifact: google-cloud-gke-connect-gateway
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Artifact google-cloud-gke-connect-gateway
Version 0.42.0
Last update 04. April 2024
Organization Google LLC
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 39
Dependencies grpc-api, jsr305, error_prone_annotations, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, api-common, auto-value-annotations, javax.annotation-api, j2objc-annotations, protobuf-java, proto-google-common-protos, proto-google-cloud-gke-connect-gateway-v1beta1, guava, failureaccess, listenablefuture, checker-qual, gax, google-auth-library-credentials, threetenbp, opencensus-api, grpc-context, google-auth-library-oauth2-http, google-http-client, httpclient, commons-codec, httpcore, opencensus-contrib-http-util, google-http-client-gson, gson, opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-context, gax-grpc, grpc-inprocess, grpc-core, grpc-alts, grpc-grpclb, conscrypt-openjdk-uber, grpc-auth, grpc-netty-shaded,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

google-cloud-cloudcommerceconsumerprocurement from group (version 0.39.0)

Group: Artifact: google-cloud-cloudcommerceconsumerprocurement
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google-cloud-artifact-registry from group (version 1.40.0)

provides a single place for your organization to manage container images and language packages (such as Maven and npm). It is fully integrated with Google Cloud's tooling and runtimes and comes with support for native artifact protocols. This makes it simple to integrate it with your CI/CD tooling to set up automated pipelines.

Group: Artifact: google-cloud-artifact-registry
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Artifact google-cloud-artifact-registry
Version 1.40.0
Last update 04. April 2024
Organization Google LLC
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 43
Dependencies grpc-api, jsr305, error_prone_annotations, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, api-common, auto-value-annotations, javax.annotation-api, j2objc-annotations, protobuf-java, proto-google-common-protos, proto-google-cloud-artifact-registry-v1, proto-google-cloud-artifact-registry-v1beta2, guava, failureaccess, listenablefuture, checker-qual, gax, google-auth-library-credentials, opencensus-api, grpc-context, google-auth-library-oauth2-http, opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-context, gax-grpc, grpc-inprocess, grpc-core, grpc-alts, grpc-grpclb, conscrypt-openjdk-uber, grpc-auth, grpc-netty-shaded, gax-httpjson, gson, google-http-client, httpclient, commons-codec, httpcore, opencensus-contrib-http-util, google-http-client-gson, protobuf-java-util, threetenbp, proto-google-iam-v1,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

flowman-spark-dependencies from group com.dimajix.flowman (version 1.2.0-synapse3.3-spark3.3-hadoop3.3)

Group: com.dimajix.flowman Artifact: flowman-spark-dependencies
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Artifact flowman-spark-dependencies
Group com.dimajix.flowman
Version 1.2.0-synapse3.3-spark3.3-hadoop3.3

SHAFT_ENGINE from group io.github.shafthq (version 8.2.20240402)

SHAFT is a unified test automation engine. Powered by best-in-class frameworks, SHAFT provides a wizard-like syntax to drive your automation efficiently, maximize your ROI, and minimize your learning curve. Stop reinventing the wheel. Upgrade now!

Group: io.github.shafthq Artifact: SHAFT_ENGINE
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Group io.github.shafthq
Version 8.2.20240402
Last update 02. April 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 49
Dependencies testng, junit-jupiter, junit-platform-launcher, allure-junit5, selenium-java, java-client, webdrivermanager, cucumber-java, cucumber-testng, cucumber-picocontainer, poi, poi-ooxml, allure-testng, allure-java-commons, allure-cucumber7-jvm, aspectjweaver, allure-rest-assured, pdfbox, rest-assured, json-simple, json-path, jsonassert, mime-util, json-schema-validator, jackson-datatype-jdk8, eyes-images-java4, opencv, healenium-web, selenium-shutterbug, jsch, mysql-connector-j, mssql-jdbc, postgresql, db2jcc, jave-all-deps, video-recorder-testng, log4j-slf4j2-impl, log4j-core, log4j-1.2-api, log4j-api, guava, lombok, tink, tink-awskms, tink-gcpkms, snakeyaml, owner-java8, jacoco-maven-plugin, jsoup,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin from group it.serendigity.maven.plugins (version 1.2.1)

A Maven 3.x plugin to inspect the lifecycle of your project. The plugin provides goals aimed at helping to inspect your project lifecycle phases and if a plugin-goal is executed and when. It includes the ability to list all plugin-goal mapping to executed phases and group the execution plan result by lifecycle/phases/plugin/goal

Group: it.serendigity.maven.plugins Artifact: lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin
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Artifact lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin
Group it.serendigity.maven.plugins
Version 1.2.1
Last update 30. March 2024
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-core, maven-plugin-annotations, maven-shared-utils, maven-reporting-impl, maven-reporting-api, commons-lang3, commons-beanutils, equalsverifier,
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okta-sdk-impl from group com.okta.sdk (version 16.0.0)

The Okta Java SDK core implementation .jar is used at runtime to support API invocations. This implementation jar should be a runtime dependency only and should NOT be depended on at compile time by your code. The implementations within this jar can change at any time without warning - use it with runtime scope only.

Group: com.okta.sdk Artifact: okta-sdk-impl
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Artifact okta-sdk-impl
Group com.okta.sdk
Version 16.0.0
Last update 29. March 2024
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies okta-sdk-api, slf4j-api, httpclient5, okta-config-check, jackson-databind, snakeyaml, bcprov-jdk18on, bcpkix-jdk18on, jjwt-api, guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

merchant-checkout-sdk from group com.hubtel (version 1.0.4)

The Kotlin Android Checkout Library is a convenient and easy-to-use library that simplifies the process of implementing a checkout flow in your Android application. It provides a set of classes and methods to help you create and manage a checkout intent, handle the checkout result, and retrieve important information about the transaction.

Group: com.hubtel Artifact: merchant-checkout-sdk
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Artifact merchant-checkout-sdk
Group com.hubtel
Version 1.0.4
Last update 26. March 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 23
Dependencies appcompat, material, legacy-support-v4, recyclerview, cardview, vectordrawable, lifecycle-viewmodel-compose, lifecycle-runtime-ktx, runtime-livedata, activity-compose, ui, material, ui-tooling-preview, ui-util, paging-compose, coil-compose, coil-gif, navigation-compose, hilt-navigation-compose, retrofit, accompanist-navigation-material, timber, kotlin-stdlib-jdk8,
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citrus-quarkus from group org.citrusframework (version 4.2.0)

Adds Citrus support to your Quarkus tests. Citrus is an Open Source Java integration testing framework supporting a wide range of message protocols and data formats (Kafka, Http REST, JMS, TCP/IP, SOAP, FTP/SFTP, XML, Json, and more)

Group: org.citrusframework Artifact: citrus-quarkus
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Artifact citrus-quarkus
Group org.citrusframework
Version 4.2.0
Last update 25. March 2024
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies citrus-base, quarkus-arc, quarkus-test-common,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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