dagr.tasks.vc.VarDictJava.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2016 Fulcrum Genomics LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package dagr.tasks.vc
import java.nio.file.Path
import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.CommonsDef.yieldAndThen
import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.io.{Io, PathUtil}
import dagr.core.cmdline.Pipelines
import dagr.core.config.Configuration
import dagr.core.execsystem.{Cores, Memory, ResourceSet}
import dagr.core.tasksystem.Pipes.PipeWithNoResources
import dagr.core.tasksystem._
import com.fulcrumgenomics.sopt.{arg, clp}
import dagr.tasks.DagrDef._
import dagr.tasks.DataTypes._
import dagr.tasks.misc.DeleteFiles
import dagr.tasks.picard.SortVcf
import htsjdk.samtools.{SAMReadGroupRecord, SamReaderFactory}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* The VarDictJava directory structure is assumed to be as follows:
* - Root directory: /path/to/git/VarDictJava
* - VarDict Submodule: /path/to/git/VarDictJava/VarDict
* - Startup script: /path/to/git/VarDictJava/build/install/VarDict/bin/VarDict
object VarDictJava extends Configuration {
/** Config key for the VarDictJava directory. This should be the root project directory. */
val RootDirConfigKey = "vardictjava.dir"
/** Path to the VarDictJava directory. */
val RootDir = configure[Path](RootDirConfigKey)
/** Path to the VarDictJava install directory with the VarDictJava startup script. */
val VarDictJava = RootDir.resolve("build/install/VarDict/bin/VarDict")
/** Path to the VarDict submodule with a multitude of perl and R scripts. */
val BinDir = RootDir.resolve("VarDict")
/** Path to the `testsomatic.R` script in the VarDict submodule. */
val TestSomatic = BinDir.resolve("testsomatic.R")
/** Path to the `teststrandbias.R` script in the VarDict submodule. */
val TestStrandBias = BinDir.resolve("teststrandbias.R")
/** Path to the `var2vcf_paired.pl` script in the VarDict submodule. */
val Var2VcfPaired = BinDir.resolve("var2vcf_paired.pl")
/** Path to the `var2vcf_valid.pl` script in the VarDict submodule. */
val Var2VcfValid = BinDir.resolve("var2vcf_valid.pl")
/** The default minimum allele frequency for all VarDictJava calling and filtering tools. */
val MinimumAf: Double = 0.01
/** The minimum threads for `VarDictJava`. */
val MinimumThreads: Int = 1
/** The maximum threads for `VarDictJava`. */
val MaximumThreads: Int = 32
/** The default memory for `VarDictJava`. */
val DefaultMemory: Memory = Memory("8G")
/** Plain text tumor-normal separator. */
val TumorNormalSeparator: String = "|"
/** Return the first read group in a BAM. */
private[vc] def firstReadGroup(bam: PathToBam): Option[SAMReadGroupRecord] = {
import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.CommonsDef.javaIteratorAsScalaIterator
val in = SamReaderFactory.make().open(bam)
yieldAndThen(in.getFileHeader.getReadGroups.iterator.buffered.headOption) { in.close() }
/** Return the sample name from the first read group in a BAM.
* @throws IllegalStateException When there is not a single read group in the input BAM.
* @throws IllegalStateException When there is no sample name tag in the first read group.
private[vc] def extractSampleName(bam: PathToBam): String = {
val rg = firstReadGroup(bam).getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException(s"No read groups found in BAM: $bam"))
Option(rg.getSample).getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException(s"No sample name tag found in the first read group: $rg"))
/** Validate that a string does not contain the `VarDictJava` tumor-normal separator. */
private[vc] def validateSeparatorNotIn(s: String, name: String, sep: String = TumorNormalSeparator): Unit = {
require(!s.contains(sep), s"$name must not contain '$sep': $s")
/** Runs VarDictJava to produce its intermediate tabular format. */
private class VarDictJava(tumorBam: PathToBam,
normalBam: Option[PathToBam],
bed: FilePath,
ref: PathToFasta,
tumorName: String,
minimumAf: Double = VarDictJava.MinimumAf,
includeNonPf: Boolean = false,
minimumQuality: Option[Int] = None,
maximumMismatches: Option[Int] = None,
minimumAltReads: Option[Int] = None,
pileupMode: Boolean = false,
countNsInTotalDepth: Boolean = false,
minThreads: Int = VarDictJava.MinimumThreads,
maxThreads: Int = VarDictJava.MaximumThreads,
memory: Memory = VarDictJava.DefaultMemory
) extends ProcessTask with VariableResources with PipeOut[Text] {
override def pickResources(resources: ResourceSet): Option[ResourceSet] = {
resources.subset(minCores = Cores(minThreads), maxCores = Cores(maxThreads), memory = memory)
/** Format tumor/normal BAM paths into one argument by joining on the default separator. Defaults to the tumor BAM path. */
private def maybeJoinTumorNormalPaths(tumorBam: PathToBam, normalBam: Option[PathToBam]): String = {
VarDictJava.validateSeparatorNotIn(tumorBam.toString, name = "Tumor BAM")
normalBam.foreach(bam => VarDictJava.validateSeparatorNotIn(bam.toString, name = "Normal BAM"))
normalBam match {
case None => tumorBam.toString
case Some(_normalBam) => Seq(tumorBam, _normalBam).mkString(VarDictJava.TumorNormalSeparator)
override def args: Seq[Any] = {
val buffer = new ListBuffer[Any]()
buffer.append("-N", tumorName)
buffer.append("-b", maybeJoinTumorNormalPaths(tumorBam, normalBam))
buffer.append("-G", ref)
if (pileupMode) buffer.append("-p")
buffer.append("-z", "1") // Set to 1 since we are using a BED as input.
buffer.append("-c", "1") // The column for the chromosome.
buffer.append("-S", "2") // The column for the region start.
buffer.append("-E", "3") // The column for the region end.
buffer.append("-g", "4") // The column for the gene name.
if (!includeNonPf) buffer.append("-F", "0x700") // Ignore non-PF reads.
buffer.append("-f", minimumAf) // The minimum allele frequency threshold.
minimumAltReads.foreach(buffer.append("-r", _)) // Minimum # of reads supporting an alternate allele.
minimumQuality.foreach(buffer.append("-q", _)) // The minimum base quality for a "good call".
maximumMismatches.foreach(buffer.append("-m", _)) // Maximum number of mismatches for reads to be included, otherwise they will be filtered.
if (countNsInTotalDepth) buffer.append("-K") // Count Ns in the total depth ("DP" field).
buffer.append("-th", resources.cores.toInt) // The number of threads.
/** Converts tumour/normal VarDictJava tabular output to valid VCF output. */
private class Var2VcfPaired(tumorName: String,
normalName: String,
prefixContigsWithChr: Boolean = true,
includeNonPfVariants: Boolean = false,
outputOnlyCandidateSomatic: Boolean = false,
allVariants: Boolean = true,
maximumDistanceToRemoveHighQualitySnvPairs: Option[Int] = None,
maximumNonMonomerMsi: Option[Int] = None,
maximumMeanMismatches: Option[Double] = None,
maximumPValue: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMeanBaseQuality: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMappingQuality: Option[Double] = None,
minimumDepth: Option[Int] = None,
minimumHighQualityAltDepth: Option[Int] = None,
minimumAf: Double = VarDictJava.MinimumAf,
minimumSignalToNoiseRatio: Option[Double] = None,
minimumHomozygousAlleleFreq: Option[Double] = None
) extends ProcessTask with PipeWithNoResources[Text, Vcf] {
/** Format the two sample names into one argument by joining on the default separator. */
private def sampleNames: String = {
VarDictJava.validateSeparatorNotIn(tumorName, name = "Tumor name")
VarDictJava.validateSeparatorNotIn(normalName, name = "Normal name")
Seq(tumorName, normalName).mkString(VarDictJava.TumorNormalSeparator)
override def args: Seq[Any] = {
val buffer = new ListBuffer[Any]()
buffer.append("-N", sampleNames)
if (!prefixContigsWithChr) buffer.append("-C")
if (!includeNonPfVariants) buffer.append("-S") // If set, variants that did not pass filters will not be present.
if (outputOnlyCandidateSomatic) buffer.append("-M") // If set, output only candidate somatic variant calls.
if (allVariants) buffer.append("-A") // Output all variants at the same position, default outputs only the highest AF variant.
maximumDistanceToRemoveHighQualitySnvPairs.foreach(buffer.append("-c", _)) // If two seemingly high quality SNV variants are within {int}bp, they're both filtered.
maximumNonMonomerMsi.foreach(buffer.append("-I", _)) // The maximum non-monomer MSI allowed for a HT variant with AF < 0.5.
maximumMeanMismatches.foreach(buffer.append("-m", _)) // Maximum mean mismatches per read allowed, does not include indels.
maximumPValue.foreach(buffer.append("-P", _)) // The maximum p-value.
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads.foreach(buffer.append("-p", _)) // The minimum mean position of variants in the read.
minimumMeanBaseQuality.foreach(buffer.append("-q", _)) // The minimum mean base quality.
minimumMappingQuality.foreach(buffer.append("-Q", _)) // The minimum mapping quality.
minimumDepth.foreach(buffer.append("-d", _)) // The minimum total read depth.
minimumHighQualityAltDepth.foreach(buffer.append("-v", _)) // The minimum high quality variant depth.
buffer.append("-f", minimumAf) // The minimum allele frequency.
minimumSignalToNoiseRatio.foreach(buffer.append("-o", _)) // The minimum signal to noise, or the ratio of hi/(lo+0.5).
minimumHomozygousAlleleFreq.foreach(buffer.append("-F", _)) // The minimum allele frequency to consider a variant as homozygous.
/** Converts tumour-only VarDictJava tabular output to valid VCF output. */
private class Var2VcfValid(sampleName: String,
includeNonPfVariants: Boolean = false,
allVariants: Boolean = true,
maximumDistanceToRemoveHighQualitySnvPairs: Option[Int] = None,
maximumNonMonomerMsi: Option[Int] = None,
maximumMeanMismatches: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMeanBaseQuality: Option[Double] = None,
minimumMappingQuality: Option[Double] = None,
minimumDepth: Option[Int] = None,
minimumHighQualityAltDepth: Option[Int] = None,
minimumAf: Double = VarDictJava.MinimumAf,
minimumSignalToNoiseRatio: Option[Double] = None,
minimumHomozygousAlleleFreq: Option[Double] = None,
printEndTag: Boolean = false,
minimumSplitReadsForSv: Option[Int] = None
) extends ProcessTask with PipeWithNoResources[Text, Vcf] {
override def args: Seq[Any] = {
val buffer = new ListBuffer[Any]()
buffer.append("-N", sampleName)
if (!includeNonPfVariants) buffer.append("-S") // If set, variants that did not pass filters will not be present.
if (allVariants) buffer.append("-A") // Output all variants at the same position, default outputs only the highest AF variant.
maximumDistanceToRemoveHighQualitySnvPairs.foreach(buffer.append("-c", _)) // If two seemingly high quality SNV variants are within {int}bp, they're both filtered.
maximumNonMonomerMsi.foreach(buffer.append("-I", _)) // The maximum non-monomer MSI allowed for a HT variant with AF < 0.5.
maximumMeanMismatches.foreach(buffer.append("-m", _)) // Maximum mean mismatches per read allowed, does not include indels.
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads.foreach(buffer.append("-p", _)) // The minimum mean position of variants in the read.
minimumMeanBaseQuality.foreach(buffer.append("-q", _)) // The minimum mean base quality.
minimumMappingQuality.foreach(buffer.append("-Q", _)) // The minimum mapping quality.
minimumDepth.foreach(buffer.append("-d", _)) // The minimum total read depth.
minimumHighQualityAltDepth.foreach(buffer.append("-v", _)) // The minimum high quality variant depth.
buffer.append("-f", minimumAf) // The minimum allele frequency.
minimumSignalToNoiseRatio.foreach(buffer.append("-o", _)) // The minimum signal to noise, or the ratio of hi/(lo+0.5).
minimumHomozygousAlleleFreq.foreach(buffer.append("-F", _)) // The minimum allele frequency to consider a variant as homozygous.
if (!printEndTag) buffer.append("-E") // If set, do not print END tag.
minimumSplitReadsForSv.foreach(buffer.append("-T", _)) // The minimum number of split reads for an SV call.
/** Pipeline to call variants using VarDictJava, supporting tumor-only and tumor-normal mode. */
description =
|Call variants using `VarDictJava` in tumor-only or tumor-normal mode.
|`VarDictJava` is a variant discovery program written in Java. It is a sensitive variant caller for both single
|and paired sample variant calling from BAM files. VarDictJava implements several novel features such as amplicon
|bias aware variant calling from targeted sequencing experiments, rescue of long indels by realigning bwa
|soft-clipped reads, and better scalability than many other Java-based variant callers.
|`VarDictJava` performance scales linearly to sequencing depth, making it suitable for high coverage calling.
|See the `VarDictJava` documentation for more information:
| - https://github.com/AstraZeneca-NGS/VarDictJava
|## Sample Names
|The output sample names will be inferred from the first read group in the corresponding input BAM if not provided.
group = classOf[Pipelines]
class VarDictJavaEndToEnd
(@arg(flag='i', doc="The input tumor BAM file.") tumorBam: PathToBam,
@arg(flag='I', doc="The input normal BAM file") normalBam: Option[PathToBam] = None,
@arg(flag='l', doc="The intervals over which to call variants.") bed: FilePath,
@arg(flag='r', doc="Path to the reference FASTA file.") ref: PathToFasta,
@arg(flag='o', doc="The output VCF.") out: PathToVcf,
@arg(flag='n', doc="The tumor sample name, otherwise taken from the first read group in the tumor BAM.") tumorName: Option[String] = None,
@arg(flag='B', doc="The normal sample name, otherwise taken from the first read group in the normal BAM.") normalName: Option[String] = None,
@arg(flag='f', doc="The minimum allele frequency.") minimumAf: Double = VarDictJava.MinimumAf,
@arg(flag='p', doc="Include non-pf reads.") includeNonPf: Boolean = false,
@arg(flag='S', doc="Include non-pf calls.") includeNonPfVariants: Boolean = true,
@arg(flag='m', doc="The minimum base quality for a read to support a call.") minimumQuality: Option[Int] = None,
@arg(flag='M', doc="The maximum # of mismatches a read may have to support a call (not indels).") maximumMismatches: Option[Int] = None,
@arg(flag='s', doc="The maximum mean # of mismatches per read for a call (not indels).") maximumMeanMismatches: Option[Double] = None,
@arg(flag='R', doc="The minimum # of reads with alternate bases.") minimumAltReads: Option[Int] = None,
@arg(flag='x', doc="The minimum mean position in reads for a call.") minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads: Option[Double] = None,
@arg(flag='q', doc="The minimum mean base quality for a call.") minimumMeanBaseQuality: Option[Double] = None,
@arg(flag='d', doc="The minimum total read depth for a call.") minimumDepth: Option[Int] = None,
@arg(flag='v', doc="The minimum # of high quality alternate alleles for a call.") minimumHighQualityAltDepth: Option[Int] = None,
@arg(flag='P', doc="Use the pileup mode (emit all sites with an alternate).") pileupMode: Boolean = false,
@arg(flag='t', doc="The minimum # of threads with which to run.") minThreads: Int = VarDictJava.MinimumThreads,
@arg(flag='T', doc="The maximum # of threads with which to run.") maxThreads: Int = VarDictJava.MaximumThreads,
@arg(flag='a', doc="Output all sites, including reference calls.") allSites: Boolean = false,
@arg(flag='A', doc="Output all variants at the same genomic site.") allVariants: Boolean = false,
@arg(flag='N', doc="Count No-calls (Ns) in the total depth tag (DP)") countNsInTotalDepth: Boolean = false) extends Pipeline {
if (allSites) require(pileupMode, "pileup-mode is required when all-sites is used.")
require(!(normalBam.isEmpty && normalName.nonEmpty), "Normal name cannot be given without a normal BAM file.")
private val dict = PathUtil.replaceExtension(ref, ".dict")
def build(): Unit = {
Io.assertReadable(Seq(tumorBam, ref, dict))
val _tumorName = tumorName.getOrElse(VarDictJava.extractSampleName(bam = tumorBam))
def f(ext: String): Path = Io.makeTempFile("vardict.", ext, dir = if (out == Io.StdOut) None else Some(out.getParent))
val tmpVcf = f(".vcf")
val vardict = new VarDictJava(
tumorBam = tumorBam,
normalBam = normalBam,
bed = bed,
ref = ref,
tumorName = _tumorName,
minimumAf = minimumAf,
includeNonPf = includeNonPf,
minimumQuality = minimumQuality,
maximumMismatches = maximumMismatches,
minimumAltReads = minimumAltReads,
pileupMode = pileupMode,
countNsInTotalDepth = countNsInTotalDepth,
minThreads = minThreads,
maxThreads = maxThreads
val removeRefEqAltRows = if (allSites) Pipes.empty[Text] else new ShellCommand("awk", "{if ($6 != $7) print}") with PipeWithNoResources[Text, Text]
val testAndStreamToVcf = normalBam match {
case None =>
val bias = new ShellCommand(VarDictJava.TestStrandBias.toString) with PipeWithNoResources[Text, Text]
val var2VcfValid = new Var2VcfValid(
sampleName = _tumorName,
includeNonPfVariants = includeNonPfVariants,
allVariants = allVariants,
maximumMeanMismatches = maximumMeanMismatches,
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads = minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads,
minimumMeanBaseQuality = minimumMeanBaseQuality,
minimumDepth = minimumDepth,
minimumHighQualityAltDepth = minimumHighQualityAltDepth,
minimumAf = minimumAf,
printEndTag = false
(bias | var2VcfValid)
case Some(_normalBam) =>
val _normalName = normalName.getOrElse(VarDictJava.extractSampleName(bam = _normalBam))
val somatic = new ShellCommand(VarDictJava.TestSomatic.toString) with PipeWithNoResources[Text, Text]
val var2VcfPaired = new Var2VcfPaired(
tumorName = _tumorName,
normalName = _normalName,
includeNonPfVariants = includeNonPfVariants,
allVariants = allVariants,
maximumMeanMismatches = maximumMeanMismatches,
minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads = minimumMeanVariantPositionInReads,
minimumMeanBaseQuality = minimumMeanBaseQuality,
minimumDepth = minimumDepth,
minimumHighQualityAltDepth = minimumHighQualityAltDepth,
minimumAf = minimumAf
(somatic | var2VcfPaired)
val sortVcf = new SortVcf(in = tmpVcf, out = out, dict = Some(dict))
root ==> (vardict | removeRefEqAltRows | testAndStreamToVcf > tmpVcf).withName("VarDictJavaPipeChain") ==> sortVcf ==> new DeleteFiles(tmpVcf)