eu.fbk.knowledgestore.Operation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eu.fbk.knowledgestore;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.Outcome.Status;
import eu.fbk.knowledgestore.vocabulary.KS;
// best effort basis: will interrupt thread, then it is up to the implementation to
// decide what to do
// for read operations, HTTP connection can be interrupted; for create / merge
// operations, no more data should be sent; delete / update will make the connection
// fail
// properties for which there is no criteria are not modified
public abstract class Operation {
private final Map inheritedNamespaces;
Map namespaces;
Long timeout;
Operation(@Nullable final Map inheritedNamespaces) {
this.inheritedNamespaces = inheritedNamespaces != null ? inheritedNamespaces
: ImmutableMap.of();
this.namespaces = this.inheritedNamespaces;
this.timeout = null;
* Sets the optional timeout for this operation in milliseconds. Passing null or a
* non-positive value will remove any timeout previously set.
* @param timeout
* the timeout; null or non-positive to reset
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public synchronized Operation timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout == null || timeout > 0 ? timeout : null;
return this;
* Sets the optional namespaces for this operation. Supplied namespaces overrides the
* namespaces inherited from the {@code Session}. Passing null will remove any namespace map
* previously set on the operation.
* @param namespaces
* the namespace map overriding session namespaces; null to reset
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public synchronized Operation namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
this.namespaces = namespaces == null ? this.inheritedNamespaces : Data.newNamespaceMap(
namespaces, this.inheritedNamespaces);
return this;
static URI checkType(final URI type) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "No type specified");
if (!type.equals(KS.RESOURCE) && !type.equals(KS.MENTION) && !type.equals(KS.ENTITY)
&& !type.equals(KS.AXIOM)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type: " + type);
return type;
static XPath conditionFor(final URI property, final Object... allowedValues) {
final String namespace = property.getNamespace();
final String prefix = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(//
Data.namespaceToPrefix(namespace, Data.getNamespaceMap()), "ns");
return XPath.parse(
String.format("with %s: <%s> : %s:%s = {}", prefix, namespace, prefix,
property.getLocalName()), allowedValues);
static Handler handlerFor(@Nullable final Collection super T> collection) {
if (collection == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new Handler() {
public void handle(final T element) {
if (element != null) {
static XPath merge(final Iterable conditions) {
return conditions == null || Iterables.isEmpty(conditions) ? null : XPath.compose("and",
(Object[]) Iterables.toArray(conditions, XPath.class));
static List add(@Nullable final List list, final T element) {
if (list == null) {
return ImmutableList.of(element);
} else {
final List tmp = Lists.newArrayList(list);
return ImmutableList.copyOf(tmp);
static Set add(@Nullable final Set set, final T element) {
if (set == null) {
return ImmutableSet.of(element);
} else {
final List tmp = Lists.newArrayList(set);
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(tmp);
* Download operation.
* This operation attempts at fetching the representation associated to a resource with the ID
* specified. The operation is controlled by two optional parameters:
* {@link #caching(boolean)} enables or disables the use of intermediate caches, if available,
* while {@link #accept(String...)} / {@link #accept(Iterable)} require the returned
* representation to have a certain MIME type (if it is not the case, the invocation fails).
public abstract static class Download extends Operation {
private final URI resourceID;
private Set mimeTypes;
private boolean caching;
* Creates a new {@code Download} operation instance.
* @param inheritedNamespaces
* an immutable map of inherited namespaces, possibly null
* @param resourceID
* the ID of the resource whose representation should be retrieved
protected Download(@Nullable final Map inheritedNamespaces,
final URI resourceID) {
this.resourceID = Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourceID, "Null resource ID");
this.mimeTypes = null;
this.caching = true;
public Download timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Download) super.timeout(timeout);
public Download namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Download) super.namespaces(namespaces);
* Sets the acceptable MIME type (default: accept everything). Supplied values override
* previously configured MIME types; passing null will drop the constraint.
* @param mimeTypes
* the acceptable MIME types; null (default) to drop any constraint
* @return this operation object, for call chaining
public final synchronized Download accept(@Nullable final String... mimeTypes) {
return accept(mimeTypes == null ? null : Arrays.asList(mimeTypes));
* Sets the acceptable MIME types (default: accept everything). Supplied values override
* previously configured MIME types; passing null will drop the constraint.
* @param mimeTypes
* the acceptable MIME types; null (default) to drop any constraint
* @return this operation object, for call chaining
public final synchronized Download accept(
@Nullable final Iterable extends String> mimeTypes) {
this.mimeTypes = mimeTypes == null ? null : Sets.newLinkedHashSet(mimeTypes);
return this;
* Sets whether the representation can be retrieved from caches (default true).
* @param caching
* true, if the representation can be retrieved from caches
* @return this operation object, for call chaining
public final synchronized Download caching(final boolean caching) {
this.caching = caching;
return this;
* Executes the operation, returning the requested representation or null, if it does not
* exist. Note that returned representations MUST be closed after use.
* @return the requested representation, or null if it does not exist
* @throws OperationException
* in case of failure (see possible outcome status codes)
public final synchronized Representation exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.resourceID, this.mimeTypes, this.caching);
* Implementation method responsible of executing the download operation.
* @param timeout
* the optional timeout for the operation; null if there is no timeout
* @param resourceID
* the ID of the resource whose representation must be returned
* @param mimeTypes
* the acceptable MIME types; null if there is no constraint
* @param caching
* true, if the representation can be retrieved from a cache
* @return the resource representation, if exists, otherwise null
* @throws OperationException
* in case of failure (see possible outcome status codes)
protected abstract Representation doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI resourceID,
@Nullable Set mimeTypes, boolean caching) throws OperationException;
* Upload operation.
* The operation outcome may assume one among the following {@code Status} codes:
* Status
* Explanation
* Reported as
* {@link Status#OK_CREATED}
* the file was successfully uploaded without replacing an existing file for the same
* resource
* {@code exec()} return value
* {@link Status#OK_MODIFIED}
* the file was successfully uploaded and replaced an existing file bound to the same
* resource
* {@code exec()} return value
* {@link Status#OK_DELETED}
* the file was successfully deleted
* {@code exec()} return value
* {@link Status#ERROR_INVALID_INPUT}
* in case the supplied URI is not valid or a problem is detected in the uploaded file
* {@code OperationException}
* the file cannot be deleted because it does not exist (the associated resource may or
* may not exist)
* {@code OperationException}
* supplied file cannot be stored because the referenced resource does not exist
* {@code OperationException}
* {@link Status#ERROR_UNEXPECTED}
* an unexpected error occurred preventing the successful execution of the operation
* {@code OperationException}
* {@link Status#ERROR_UNKNOWN}
* a connectivity problem caused the interruption of the operation whose outcome is
* unknown
* {@code OperationException}
public abstract static class Upload extends Operation {
private final URI resourceID;
private Representation representation;
protected Upload(final Map inheritedNamespaces, final URI id) {
this.resourceID = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "Null resource ID");
this.representation = null;
public Upload timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Upload) super.timeout(timeout);
public Upload namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Upload) super.namespaces(namespaces);
* Sets the representation to upload, if any. Setting null will cause any previously
* stored representation to be dropped.
* @param representation
* the representation to upload, if any
* @return this operation object, for call chaining
public final synchronized Upload representation(
@Nullable final Representation representation) {
this.representation = representation;
return this;
* Executes the operation, returning its outcome.
* @return the outcome of the operation
* @throws OperationException
* in case of failure (see possible outcome status codes)
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.resourceID, this.representation);
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI resourceID,
@Nullable Representation representation) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Count extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private List conditions;
private Set ids;
protected Count(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.conditions = null;
this.ids = null;
public Count timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Count) super.timeout(timeout);
public Count namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Count) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Count conditions(@Nullable final XPath... conditions) {
return conditions(conditions == null ? null : Arrays.asList(conditions));
public final synchronized Count conditions(
@Nullable final Iterable extends XPath> conditions) {
this.conditions = conditions == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(conditions);
return this;
public final synchronized Count condition(final String condition,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions,
XPath.parse(this.namespaces, condition, arguments));
return this;
public final synchronized Count condition(final URI property,
final Object... allowedValues) {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions, conditionFor(property, allowedValues));
return this;
public final synchronized Count ids(@Nullable final URI... ids) {
return ids(ids == null ? null : Arrays.asList(ids));
public final synchronized Count ids(@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> ids) {
this.ids = ids == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ids);
return this;
public final synchronized long exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids);
protected abstract long doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI type,
@Nullable XPath condition, @Nullable Set ids) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Retrieve extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private List conditions;
private Set ids;
private Set properties;
private Long offset;
private Long limit;
protected Retrieve(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.conditions = null;
this.ids = null; = null;
this.offset = null;
this.limit = null;
public Retrieve timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Retrieve) super.timeout(timeout);
public Retrieve namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Retrieve) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Retrieve conditions(@Nullable final XPath... conditions) {
return conditions(conditions == null ? null : Arrays.asList(conditions));
public final synchronized Retrieve conditions(
@Nullable final Iterable extends XPath> conditions) {
this.conditions = conditions == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(conditions);
return this;
public final synchronized Retrieve condition(final String condition,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions,
XPath.parse(this.namespaces, condition, arguments));
return this;
public final synchronized Retrieve condition(final URI property,
final Object... allowedValues) {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions, conditionFor(property, allowedValues));
return this;
public final synchronized Retrieve ids(@Nullable final URI... ids) {
return ids(ids == null ? null : Arrays.asList(ids));
public final synchronized Retrieve ids(@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> ids) {
this.ids = ids == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ids);
return this;
// no call or empty = all properties
public final synchronized Retrieve properties(@Nullable final URI... properties) {
return properties(properties == null ? null : Arrays.asList(properties));
public final synchronized Retrieve properties(
@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> properties) { = properties == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(properties);
return this;
public final synchronized Retrieve offset(@Nullable final Long offset) {
this.offset = offset == null || offset <= 0 ? null : offset;
return this;
public final synchronized Retrieve limit(@Nullable final Long limit) {
this.limit = limit == null || limit <= 0 ? null : limit;
return this;
public final synchronized Stream exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids,, this.offset, this.limit);
protected abstract Stream doExec(@Nullable final Long timeout, final URI type,
@Nullable final XPath condition, @Nullable final Set ids,
@Nullable final Set properties, @Nullable Long offset, @Nullable Long limit)
throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Create extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private Stream extends Record> records;
protected Create(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.records = null;
public Create timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Create) super.timeout(timeout);
public Create namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Create) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Create records(@Nullable final Record... records) {
this.records = records == null ? null : Stream.create(records);
return this;
public final synchronized Create records(//
@Nullable final Iterable extends Record> records) {
this.records = records == null ? null : Stream.create(records);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, null);
// TODO: errors from the handlers are logged and cause the invocation to be interrupted
// eventually; still, the handler will be notified of all the outcomes until the
// invocation ends
public final synchronized Outcome exec(@Nullable final Handler super Outcome> handler)
throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, handler);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(
@Nullable final Collection super Outcome> collection) throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, handlerFor(collection));
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, final URI type,
@Nullable final Stream extends Record> records,
@Nullable final Handler super Outcome> handler) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Merge extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private Stream extends Record> records;
private Criteria criteria;
protected Merge(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.records = null;
this.criteria = null;
public Merge timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Merge) super.timeout(timeout);
public Merge namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Merge) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Merge records(@Nullable final Record... records) {
this.records = records == null ? null : Stream.create(records);
return this;
public final synchronized Merge records(//
@Nullable final Iterable extends Record> records) {
this.records = records == null ? null : Stream.create(records);
return this;
public final synchronized Merge criteria(@Nullable final Criteria... criteria) {
return criteria(criteria == null ? null : Arrays.asList(criteria));
public final synchronized Merge criteria(
@Nullable final Iterable extends Criteria> criteria) {
this.criteria = criteria == null || Iterables.isEmpty(criteria) ? null : Criteria
.compose(Iterables.toArray(criteria, Criteria.class));
return this;
public final synchronized Merge criteria(@Nullable final String criteria)
throws ParseException {
this.criteria = criteria == null ? null : Criteria.parse(criteria, this.namespaces);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, this.criteria, null);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(@Nullable final Handler super Outcome> handler)
throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, this.criteria, handler);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(
@Nullable final Collection super Outcome> collection) throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, this.records, this.criteria,
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI type,
@Nullable Stream extends Record> stream, @Nullable Criteria criteria,
@Nullable Handler super Outcome> handler) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Update extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private List conditions;
private Set ids;
private Record record;
private Criteria criteria;
protected Update(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.conditions = null;
this.ids = null;
this.record = null;
this.criteria = null;
public Update timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Update) super.timeout(timeout);
public Update namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Update) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Update conditions(@Nullable final XPath... conditions) {
return conditions(conditions == null ? null : Arrays.asList(conditions));
public final synchronized Update conditions(
@Nullable final Iterable extends XPath> conditions) {
this.conditions = conditions == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(conditions);
return this;
public final synchronized Update condition(final String condition,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions,
XPath.parse(this.namespaces, condition, arguments));
return this;
public final synchronized Update condition(final URI property,
final Object... allowedValues) {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions, conditionFor(property, allowedValues));
return this;
public final synchronized Update ids(@Nullable final URI... ids) {
return ids(ids == null ? null : Arrays.asList(ids));
public final synchronized Update ids(@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> ids) {
this.ids = ids == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ids);
return this;
public final synchronized Update record(@Nullable final Record record) {
this.record = record;
return this;
public final synchronized Update criteria(@Nullable final Criteria... criteria) {
return criteria(criteria == null ? null : Arrays.asList(criteria));
public final synchronized Update criteria(
@Nullable final Iterable extends Criteria> criteria) {
this.criteria = criteria == null || Iterables.isEmpty(criteria) ? null : Criteria
.compose(Iterables.toArray(criteria, Criteria.class));
return this;
public final synchronized Update criteria(@Nullable final String criteria)
throws ParseException {
this.criteria = criteria == null ? null : Criteria.parse(criteria, this.namespaces);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids, this.record,
this.criteria, null);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(@Nullable final Handler super Outcome> handler)
throws OperationException {
final Record record = this.record != null ? this.record : Record.create();
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids, record,
this.criteria, handler);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(
@Nullable final Collection super Outcome> collection) throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids, this.record,
this.criteria, handlerFor(collection));
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI type,
@Nullable XPath condition, @Nullable Set ids, @Nullable Record record,
@Nullable Criteria criteria, @Nullable Handler super Outcome> handler)
throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Delete extends Operation {
private final URI type;
private List conditions;
private Set ids;
protected Delete(final Map namespaces, final URI type) {
this.type = checkType(type);
this.conditions = null;
this.ids = null;
public Delete timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Delete) super.timeout(timeout);
public Delete namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Delete) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Delete conditions(@Nullable final XPath... conditions) {
return conditions(conditions == null ? null : Arrays.asList(conditions));
public final synchronized Delete conditions(
@Nullable final Iterable extends XPath> conditions) {
this.conditions = conditions == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(conditions);
return this;
public final synchronized Delete condition(final String condition,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions,
XPath.parse(this.namespaces, condition, arguments));
return this;
public final synchronized Delete condition(final URI property,
final Object... allowedValues) {
this.conditions = add(this.conditions, conditionFor(property, allowedValues));
return this;
public final synchronized Delete ids(@Nullable final URI... ids) {
return ids(ids == null ? null : Arrays.asList(ids));
public final synchronized Delete ids(@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> ids) {
this.ids = ids == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ids);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids, null);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(@Nullable final Handler super Outcome> handler)
throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids, handler);
public final synchronized Outcome exec(
@Nullable final Collection super Outcome> collection) throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.type, merge(this.conditions), this.ids,
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout, URI type,
@Nullable XPath condition, @Nullable Set ids,
@Nullable Handler super Outcome> handler) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class Match extends Operation {
private static final Map COMPONENT_NORMALIZATION_MAP = //
ImmutableMap.builder().put(KS.RESOURCE, KS.RESOURCE)
private final Map> conditions;
private final Map> ids;
private final Map> properties;
protected Match(final Map namespaces) {
this.conditions = Maps.newHashMap();
this.ids = Maps.newHashMap(); = Maps.newHashMap();
public Match timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Match) super.timeout(timeout);
public Match namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Match) super.namespaces(namespaces);
public final synchronized Match conditions(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final XPath... conditions) {
return conditions(component, conditions == null ? null : Arrays.asList(conditions));
public final synchronized Match conditions(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final Iterable extends XPath> conditions) {
if (component == null) {
} else {
this.conditions.put(checkComponent(component), conditions == null ? null
: ImmutableSet.copyOf(conditions));
return this;
public final synchronized Match condition(final URI component, final String condition,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
final URI comp = checkComponent(component);
final XPath cond = XPath.parse(this.namespaces, condition, arguments);
this.conditions.put(comp, add(this.conditions.get(comp), cond));
return this;
public final synchronized Match condition(final URI component, final URI property,
final Object... allowedValues) {
final URI comp = checkComponent(component);
final XPath cond = conditionFor(property, allowedValues);
this.conditions.put(comp, add(this.conditions.get(comp), cond));
return this;
public final synchronized Match ids(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final URI... ids) {
return ids(component, ids == null ? null : Arrays.asList(ids));
public final synchronized Match ids(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> ids) {
if (component == null) {
} else {
ids == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ids));
return this;
// no call = exclude class; empty = all properties
public final synchronized Match properties(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final URI... properties) {
return properties(component, properties == null ? null : Arrays.asList(properties));
public final synchronized Match properties(@Nullable final URI component,
@Nullable final Iterable extends URI> properties) {
if (component == null) {;
} else {, properties == null ? null
: ImmutableSet.copyOf(properties));
return this;
public final synchronized Stream exec() throws OperationException {
final Map conditions = Maps.newHashMap();
for (final URI component : this.conditions.keySet()) {
conditions.put(component, merge(this.conditions.get(component)));
return doExec(this.timeout, conditions, this.ids,;
protected abstract Stream doExec(@Nullable final Long timeout,
final Map conditions, final Map> ids,
final Map> properties) throws OperationException;
private URI checkComponent(final URI component) {
final URI uri = COMPONENT_NORMALIZATION_MAP.get(component);
Preconditions.checkArgument(uri != null, "Invalid match component %s", component);
return uri;
// TODO: add missing namespaces based on available namespaces
public abstract static class SparqlUpdate extends Operation {
private Stream extends Statement> statements;
protected SparqlUpdate(final Map namespaces) throws ParseException {
public final synchronized SparqlUpdate statements(@Nullable final Statement... statements) {
this.statements = statements == null ? null : Stream.create(statements);
return this;
public final synchronized SparqlUpdate statements(//
@Nullable final Iterable extends Statement> statements) {
this.statements = statements == null ? null : Stream.create(statements);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.statements);
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout,
@Nullable final Stream extends Statement> statements) throws OperationException;
public abstract static class SparqlDelete extends Operation {
private Stream extends Statement> statements;
protected SparqlDelete(final Map namespaces) throws ParseException {
public final synchronized SparqlDelete statements(@Nullable final Statement... statements) {
this.statements = statements == null ? null : Stream.create(statements);
return this;
public final synchronized SparqlDelete statements(//
@Nullable final Iterable extends Statement> statements) {
this.statements = statements == null ? null : Stream.create(statements);
return this;
public final synchronized Outcome exec() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, this.statements);
protected abstract Outcome doExec(@Nullable Long timeout,
@Nullable final Stream extends Statement> statements) throws OperationException;
* SPARQL query operation.
* This operation evaluates a SPARQL query on the KnowledgeStore SPARQL endpoint. All SPARQL
* query forms are supported:
* - SELECT queries return a {@code Stream} of {@code BindingSet}s (call
* {@link Sparql#execTuples()});
* - CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries return a {@code Stream} of {@link Statement}s (call
* {@link Sparql#execTriples()});
* - ASK queries return a boolean result (call {@link Sparql#execBoolean()}).
* The operation can be configured, as usual, by specifying a timeout and supplying optional
* namespace bindings to be used for parsing the SPARQL expression. In addition,
* {@link Sparql#defaultGraphs(Iterable) default} and {@link Sparql#namedGraphs(Iterable)
* named} graphs can be specified at the operation level, overriding the corresponding
* declarations in the {@code FROM} and {@code FROM NAMED} clauses of the SPARQL query
* expression.
public abstract static class Sparql extends Operation {
private static final Pattern PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = Pattern
private final String expression;
private Set defaultGraphs;
private Set namedGraphs;
* Creates a new {@code Sparql} operation instance (to be used in {@code Session}
* implementations).
* @param namespaces
* an immutable map of inherited namespaces, possibly null
* @param expression
* the SPARQL query expression, not null and possibly containing {@code $$}
* placeholders
* @param arguments
* the values to assign to {@code $$} placeholders
* @throws ParseException
* in case the query expression is not valid
protected Sparql(final Map namespaces, final String expression,
final Object... arguments) throws ParseException {
this.expression = expand(expression, arguments);
this.defaultGraphs = null;
this.namedGraphs = null;
public Sparql timeout(@Nullable final Long timeout) {
return (Sparql) super.timeout(timeout);
public Sparql namespaces(@Nullable final Map namespaces) {
return (Sparql) super.namespaces(namespaces);
* Sets the optional default graphs for the query, overriding the default graphs specified
* in the FROM clause. Passing null will remove any default graph previously set.
* @param defaultGraphs
* a vararg array with the non-null URIs of the default graphs, possibly empty;
* pass null to remove any default graph previously set
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public final synchronized Sparql defaultGraphs(@Nullable final URI... defaultGraphs) {
return defaultGraphs(defaultGraphs == null ? null : Arrays.asList(defaultGraphs));
* Sets the optional default graphs for the query, overriding default graphs specified in
* the FROM clause. Passing null will remove any default graph previously set.
* @param defaultGraphs
* an {@code Iterable} with the non-null URIs of the default graphs, possibly
* empty; pass null to remove any default graph previously set
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public final synchronized Sparql defaultGraphs(//
@Nullable final Iterable defaultGraphs) {
this.defaultGraphs = defaultGraphs == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(defaultGraphs);
return this;
* Sets the optional named graphs for the query, overriding named graphs specified in the
* FROM NAMED clause. Passing null will remove any named graph previously set.
* @param namedGraphs
* a vararg array with the non-null URIs of the named graphs, possibly empty;
* pass null to remove any named graph previously set
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public final synchronized Sparql namedGraphs(@Nullable final URI... namedGraphs) {
return namedGraphs(namedGraphs == null ? null : Arrays.asList(namedGraphs));
* Sets the optional named graphs for the query, overriding named graphs specified in the
* FROM NAMED clause. Passing null will remove any named graph previously set.
* @param namedGraphs
* an {@code Iterable} with the non-null URIs of the named graphs, possibly
* empty; pass null to remove any named graph previously set
* @return this operation object for call chaining
public final synchronized Sparql namedGraphs(@Nullable final Iterable namedGraphs) {
this.namedGraphs = namedGraphs == null ? null : ImmutableSet.copyOf(namedGraphs);
return this;
* Evaluates the query, returning its boolean result; applicable to ASK queries.
* @return the boolean result of the query
* @throws OperationException
* on failure (see possible outcome status codes)
public final synchronized boolean execBoolean() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, Boolean.class, this.expression, this.defaultGraphs,
* Evaluates the query, returning a {@code Stream} with the resulting {@code Statement}s;
* applicable to CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries.
* @return the resulting {@code Stream} of {@code Statement}s
* @throws OperationException
* on failure (see possible outcome status codes)
public final synchronized Stream execTriples() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, Statement.class, this.expression, this.defaultGraphs,
* Evaluates the query, returning a {@code Stream} with the resulting {@code BindingSet}s;
* applicable to SELECT queries. After access to the returned {@code Stream}, a
* {@code List} with output variables can be obtained by querying the
* {@code Stream} metadata attribute {@code variables}.
* @return the resulting {@code Stream} of {@code BindingSet}s
* @throws OperationException
* on failure (see possible outcome status codes)
public final synchronized Stream execTuples() throws OperationException {
return doExec(this.timeout, BindingSet.class, this.expression, this.defaultGraphs,
* Implementation method responsible of executing the SPARQL operation.
* @param timeout
* the optional timeout for the operation; null if there is no timeout
* @param type
* the expected type of elements for the resulting {@code Stream}; either
* {@link Statement}, {@link BindingSet} or {@link Boolean}
* @param expression
* the SPARQL query expression
* @param defaultGraphs
* the optional set of default graphs overriding the ones possibly specified in
* the {@code FROM} query clause; if null, no override should take place
* @param namedGraphs
* the optional set of named graphs overriding the ones possibly specified in
* the {@code FROM NAMED} query clause; if null, no override should take place
* @param
* the type of result elements
* @return a {@code Stream} with the result of the query
* @throws OperationException
* in case of failure (see possible outcome status codes)
protected abstract Stream doExec(@Nullable final Long timeout, final Class type,
final String expression, @Nullable final Set defaultGraphs,
@Nullable final Set namedGraphs) throws OperationException;
private String expand(final String expression, final Object... arguments)
throws ParseException {
int expansions = 0;
String result = expression;
final Matcher matcher = PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
try {
if (matcher.find()) {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int last = 0;
do {
Object arg = arguments[expansions++];
builder.append(expression.substring(last, matcher.start(1)));
builder.append(arg instanceof Number ? arg : Data.toString(arg, null,
last = matcher.end(1);
} while (matcher.find());
builder.append(expression.substring(last, expression.length()));
result = builder.toString();
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ParseException(expression, "No argument supplied for placeholder #"
+ expansions);
if (expansions != arguments.length) {
throw new ParseException(expression, "Expression string contains " + expansions
+ " placholders, but " + arguments.length + " arguments where supplied");
return result;