eu.stratosphere.api.scala.operators.DataSourceMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by the Stratosphere project (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package eu.stratosphere.api.scala.operators
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import eu.stratosphere.configuration.Configuration;
import eu.stratosphere.types.Record
import eu.stratosphere.types.Value
import eu.stratosphere.types.DoubleValue
import eu.stratosphere.types.IntValue
import eu.stratosphere.types.LongValue
import eu.stratosphere.types.StringValue
import eu.stratosphere.types.parser.DecimalTextDoubleParser
import eu.stratosphere.types.parser.DecimalTextIntParser
import eu.stratosphere.types.parser.DecimalTextLongParser
import eu.stratosphere.types.parser.FieldParser
import eu.stratosphere.types.parser.VarLengthStringParser
import eu.stratosphere.api.scala.ScalaInputFormat
import eu.stratosphere.api.scala.analysis.{UDTSerializer, OutputField, UDF0, UDT}
import{InputFormat => JavaInputFormat}
import{BinaryInputFormat => JavaBinaryInputFormat}
import{SerializedInputFormat => JavaSerializedInputFormat}
import{DelimitedInputFormat => JavaDelimitedInputFormat}
import{FixedLengthInputFormat => JavaFixedLengthInputFormat}
import{CsvInputFormat => JavaCsvInputFormat}
import{TextInputFormat => JavaTextInputFormat}
import eu.stratosphere.api.scala.codegen.MacroContextHolder
trait ScalaInputFormatBase[Out] extends ScalaInputFormat[Out] { this: JavaInputFormat[_, _] =>
protected val udt: UDT[Out]
@transient private var udf: UDF0[Out] = _
def getUDF: UDF0[Out] = {
if (udf == null) {
udf = new UDF0(udt)
@transient protected var serializer: UDTSerializer[Out] = _
@transient protected var outputLength: Int = _
abstract override def configure(config: Configuration) {
this.outputLength = getUDF.getOutputLength
this.serializer = getUDF.getOutputSerializer
private def readObject(s: = {
this.udf = new UDF0(udt)
object BinaryInputFormat {
// We need to do the "optional parameters" manually here (and in all other formats) because scala macros
// do (not yet?) support optional parameters in macros.
def apply[Out](readFunction: DataInput => Out): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithoutBlocksize[Out]
def apply[Out](readFunction: DataInput => Out, blockSize: Long): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithBlocksize[Out]
def implWithoutBlocksize[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(readFunction: c.Expr[DataInput => Out]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(readFunction, reify { None })
def implWithBlocksize[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(readFunction: c.Expr[DataInput => Out], blockSize: c.Expr[Long]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(readFunction, reify { Some(blockSize.splice) })
def impl[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(readFunction: c.Expr[DataInput => Out], blockSize: c.Expr[Option[Long]]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val slave = MacroContextHolder.newMacroHelper(c)
val (udtOut, createUdtOut) = slave.mkUdtClass[Out]
val pact4sFormat = reify {
new JavaBinaryInputFormat[Record] with ScalaInputFormatBase[Out] {
override val udt = c.Expr(createUdtOut).splice
override def persistConfiguration(config: Configuration) {
blockSize.splice map { config.setLong(JavaBinaryInputFormat.BLOCK_SIZE_PARAMETER_KEY, _) }
override def deserialize(record: Record, source: DataInput) = {
val output = readFunction.splice.apply(source)
serializer.serialize(output, record)
val result = c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]](Block(List(udtOut), pact4sFormat.tree))
//, s"GENERATED Pact4s DataSource Format: ${show(result)}", true)
return result
object BinarySerializedInputFormat {
def apply[Out](): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithoutBlocksize[Out]
def apply[Out](blockSize: Long): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithBlocksize[Out]
def implWithoutBlocksize[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)() : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(reify { None })
def implWithBlocksize[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(blockSize: c.Expr[Long]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(reify { Some(blockSize.splice) })
def impl[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(blockSize: c.Expr[Option[Long]]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val slave = MacroContextHolder.newMacroHelper(c)
val (udtOut, createUdtOut) = slave.mkUdtClass[Out]
val pact4sFormat = reify {
new JavaSerializedInputFormat[Record] with ScalaInputFormat[Out] {
override def persistConfiguration(config: Configuration) {
blockSize.splice map { config.setLong(JavaBinaryInputFormat.BLOCK_SIZE_PARAMETER_KEY, _) }
val udt: UDT[Out] = c.Expr[UDT[Out]](createUdtOut).splice
val udf: UDF0[Out] = new UDF0(udt)
override def getUDF = udf
val result = c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]](Block(List(udtOut), pact4sFormat.tree))
//, s"GENERATED Pact4s DataSource Format: ${show(result)}", true)
return result
object DelimitedInputFormat {
def asReadFunction[Out](parseFunction: String => Out) = {
(source: Array[Byte], offset: Int, numBytes: Int) => {
parseFunction(new String(source, offset, numBytes))
def apply[Out](readFunction: (Array[Byte], Int, Int) => Out, delim: Option[String]): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro impl[Out]
def apply[Out](parseFunction: String => Out): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro parseFunctionImplWithoutDelim[Out]
def apply[Out](parseFunction: String => Out, delim: String): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro parseFunctionImplWithDelim[Out]
def parseFunctionImplWithoutDelim[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(parseFunction: c.Expr[String => Out]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val readFun = reify {
impl(c)(readFun, reify { None })
def parseFunctionImplWithDelim[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(parseFunction: c.Expr[String => Out], delim: c.Expr[String]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val readFun = reify {
impl(c)(readFun, reify { Some(delim.splice) })
def impl[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(readFunction: c.Expr[(Array[Byte], Int, Int) => Out], delim: c.Expr[Option[String]]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val slave = MacroContextHolder.newMacroHelper(c)
val (udtOut, createUdtOut) = slave.mkUdtClass[Out]
val pact4sFormat = reify {
new JavaDelimitedInputFormat with ScalaInputFormatBase[Out]{
override val udt = c.Expr(createUdtOut).splice
override def readRecord(record: Record, source: Array[Byte], offset: Int, numBytes: Int): Record = {
val output = readFunction.splice.apply(source, offset, numBytes)
if (output != null) {
serializer.serialize(output, record)
} else {
val result = c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]](Block(List(udtOut), pact4sFormat.tree))
//, s"GENERATED Pact4s DataSource Format: ${show(result)}", true)
return result
object CsvInputFormat {
def apply[Out](): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithoutAll[Out]
def apply[Out](recordDelim: String): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithRD[Out]
def apply[Out](recordDelim: String, fieldDelim: Char): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithRDandFD[Out]
def apply[Out](fieldIndices: Seq[Int]): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithoutAllWithIndices[Out]
def apply[Out](fieldIndices: Seq[Int], recordDelim: String): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithRDWithIndices[Out]
def apply[Out](fieldIndices: Seq[Int], recordDelim: String, fieldDelim: Char): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro implWithRDandFDWithIndices[Out]
def implWithoutAll[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)() : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(reify { Seq[Int]() }, reify { None }, reify { None })
def implWithRD[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(recordDelim: c.Expr[String]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(reify { Seq[Int]() },reify { Some(recordDelim.splice) }, reify { None })
def implWithRDandFD[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(recordDelim: c.Expr[String], fieldDelim: c.Expr[Char]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(reify { Seq[Int]() },reify { Some(recordDelim.splice) }, reify { Some(fieldDelim.splice) })
def implWithoutAllWithIndices[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(fieldIndices: c.Expr[Seq[Int]]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(fieldIndices, reify { None }, reify { None })
def implWithRDWithIndices[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(fieldIndices: c.Expr[Seq[Int]], recordDelim: c.Expr[String]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(fieldIndices,reify { Some(recordDelim.splice) }, reify { None })
def implWithRDandFDWithIndices[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(fieldIndices: c.Expr[Seq[Int]], recordDelim: c.Expr[String], fieldDelim: c.Expr[Char]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
impl(c)(fieldIndices,reify { Some(recordDelim.splice) }, reify { Some(fieldDelim.splice) })
def impl[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
(fieldIndices: c.Expr[Seq[Int]], recordDelim: c.Expr[Option[String]], fieldDelim: c.Expr[Option[Char]]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val slave = MacroContextHolder.newMacroHelper(c)
val (udtOut, createUdtOut) = slave.mkUdtClass[Out]
val pact4sFormat = reify {
new JavaCsvInputFormat with ScalaInputFormat[Out] {
val udt: UDT[Out] = c.Expr[UDT[Out]](createUdtOut).splice
val udf: UDF0[Out] = new UDF0(udt)
override def getUDF = udf
// there is a problem with the reification of Class[_ <: Value], so we work with Class[_] and convert it
// in a function outside the reify block
// setFieldTypesArray(asValueClassArray(getUDF.outputFields.filter(_.isUsed).map(x => getUDF.outputUDT.fieldTypes(x.localPos))))
// is this maybe more correct? Note that null entries in the types array denote fields skipped by the CSV parser
val indices = fieldIndices.splice
val fieldTypes = asValueClassArrayFromOption( {
case x if x.isUsed => Some(getUDF.outputUDT.fieldTypes(x.localPos))
case _ => None
if (indices.isEmpty) {
} else {
setFields(indices.toArray, fieldTypes)
val result = c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]](Block(List(udtOut), pact4sFormat.tree))
//, s"GENERATED Pact4s DataSource Format: ${show(result)}", true)
return result
// we need to do this conversion outside the reify block
def asValueClassArray(types: Seq[Class[_]]) : Array[Class[_ <: Value]] = {
val typed = types.foldRight(List[Class[_ <: Value]]())((x,y) => {
val t : Class[_ <: Value] = x.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Value]]
t :: y
Array[Class[_ <: Value]]() ++ typed
// we need to do this conversion outside the reify block
def asValueClassArrayFromOption(types: Seq[Option[Class[_]]]) : Array[Class[_ <: Value]] = {
val typed = types.foldRight(List[Class[_ <: Value]]())((x,y) => {
val t : Class[_ <: Value] = x match {
case None => null
case Some(x) => x.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Value]]
t :: y
Array[Class[_ <: Value]]() ++ typed
object TextInputFormat {
def apply(charSetName: Option[String] = None): ScalaInputFormat[String] = {
new JavaTextInputFormat with ScalaInputFormat[String] {
override def persistConfiguration(config: Configuration) {
charSetName map { config.setString(JavaTextInputFormat.CHARSET_NAME, _) }
config.setInteger(JavaTextInputFormat.FIELD_POS, getUDF.outputFields(0).localPos)
// override val udt: UDT[String] = UDT.StringUDT
val udf: UDF0[String] = new UDF0(UDT.StringUDT)
override def getUDF = udf
object FixedLengthInputFormat {
def apply[Out](readFunction: (Array[Byte], Int) => Out, recordLength: Int): ScalaInputFormat[Out] = macro impl[Out]
def impl[Out: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(readFunction: c.Expr[(Array[Byte], Int) => Out], recordLength: c.Expr[Int]) : c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]] = {
import c.universe._
val slave = MacroContextHolder.newMacroHelper(c)
val (udtOut, createUdtOut) = slave.mkUdtClass[Out]
val pact4sFormat = reify {
new JavaFixedLengthInputFormat with ScalaInputFormatBase[Out] {
override val udt = c.Expr(createUdtOut).splice
override def persistConfiguration(config: Configuration) {
config.setInteger(JavaFixedLengthInputFormat.RECORDLENGTH_PARAMETER_KEY, (recordLength.splice))
override def readBytes(record: Record, source: Array[Byte], startPos: Int): Boolean = {
val output = readFunction.splice.apply(source, startPos)
if (output != null) {
serializer.serialize(output, record)
return output != null
val result = c.Expr[ScalaInputFormat[Out]](Block(List(udtOut), pact4sFormat.tree))
//, s"GENERATED Pact4s DataSource Format: ${show(result)}", true)
return result
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