eqtlmappingpipeline.binarymeta.meta.cis.CisAnalysis Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eqtlmappingpipeline.binarymeta.meta.cis;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl3.FDR;
import eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl3.graphics.EQTLDotPlot;
import eqtlmappingpipeline.binarymeta.meta.MetaAnalyze;
import eqtlmappingpipeline.binarymeta.meta.MetaSettings;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.probeannotation.ProbeTranslation;
import eqtlmappingpipeline.util.QTLFileSorter;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import umcg.genetica.console.ProgressBar;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair;
import umcg.genetica.io.Gpio;
import umcg.genetica.io.bin.BinaryFile;
import umcg.genetica.io.text.TextFile;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.bin.BinaryResultDataset;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.bin.BinaryResultProbe;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.bin.BinaryResultSNP;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.QTLTextFile;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.util.BaseAnnot;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Descriptives;
import umcg.genetica.text.Strings;
* @author harmjan
public class CisAnalysis extends MetaAnalyze {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
// determine the sets of snps and probes to analyze
// -- load snp + probe summary
// create a matrix containing all the zscores
// calculate on this matrix
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: meta settings.xml");
} else {
String config = args[0];
try {
CisAnalysis c = new CisAnalysis(config);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CisAnalysis.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public CisAnalysis(String args) throws IOException {
m_settings = new MetaSettings();
m_settings.parse(args, null, null);
probeTranslation = new ProbeTranslation();
public void run() throws IOException {
System.out.println("Starting analysis!");
String[] datasets = new String[m_settings.getDatasetnames().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < m_settings.getDatasetnames().size(); i++) {
datasets[i] = m_settings.getDatasetnames().get(i);
if (!m_settings.getOutput().endsWith("/")) {
m_settings.setOutput(m_settings.getOutput() + "/MetaAnalysis/");
if (!Gpio.exists(m_settings.getOutput())) {
String[] locations = new String[m_settings.getDatasetnames().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
locations[i] = m_settings.getDatasetlocations().get(i);
int permstart = 0;
int permstop = m_settings.getNrPermutations() + 1;
if (m_settings.getRunonlypermutation() > -1) {
permstart = m_settings.getRunonlypermutation();
permstop = m_settings.getRunonlypermutation() + m_settings.getNrPermutations();
for (int perm = permstart; perm < permstop; perm++) {
ds = new BinaryResultDataset[m_settings.getDatasetlocations().size()];
this.runCalculationRound(perm, locations, datasets, -1);
// sort the files.
Gpio.createDir(m_settings.getOutput() + "Sorted/");
for (int abs = 0; abs < 1; abs++) {
for (int perm = 0; perm < m_settings.getNrPermutations() + 1; perm++) {
QTLFileSorter sorter = new QTLFileSorter();
String suffix = "eQTLs.txt.gz";
if (perm > 0) {
suffix = "PermutedEQTLsPermutationRound" + perm + ".txt.gz";
if (abs > 0) {
suffix += "-Absolute.txt.gz";
sorter.run(m_settings.getOutput() + suffix, null);
System.out.println("Moving file.");
System.out.println("SRC: " + m_settings.getOutput() + suffix + "_sorted.txt");
System.out.println("DST: " + m_settings.getOutput() + "/Sorted/" + suffix);
Gpio.moveFile(m_settings.getOutput() + suffix + "_sorted.txt", m_settings.getOutput() + "/Sorted/" + suffix);
if (m_settings.getRunonlypermutation() == -1) {
if (m_settings.getNrPermutations() > 0) {
TextFile eQTLFile = new TextFile(m_settings.getOutput() + "/Sorted/eQTLs.txt.gz", TextFile.R);
int nrEQTLs = eQTLFile.countLines() - 1;
FDR.calculateFDR(m_settings.getOutput() + "/Sorted/", m_settings.getNrPermutations(), nrEQTLs, m_settings.getFdrthreshold(), true, null, null, FDR.FDRMethod.ALL, true);
EQTLDotPlot edp = new EQTLDotPlot();
try {
edp.draw(m_settings.getOutput() + "/eQTLsFDR" + m_settings.getFdrthreshold() + ".txt", m_settings.getOutput() + "/DotPlot-FDR" + m_settings.getFdrthreshold() + ".pdf", EQTLDotPlot.Output.PDF); // "/eQTLsFDR" + fdrCutOff + ".txt", outputReportsDir + "/eQTLsFDR" + fdrCutOff + "DotPlot.png"
} catch (DocumentException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CisAnalysis.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
edp = null;
public void runCalculationRound(int perm, String[] locations, String[] datasets, int dToUse) throws IOException {
uniqueProbes = new HashSet();
uniqueSNPs = new HashSet();
int numDatasets = ds.length;
probes = new ArrayList();
snps = new ArrayList();
snpChr = new ArrayList();
snpChrPos = new ArrayList();
nrTotalSamples = 0;
String[] probeName = probeTranslation.getProbes();
super.initdatasets(locations, perm, dToUse);
// System.gc();
// System.gc();
System.out.println("Performing the meta-analysis now: ");
System.out.println(nrTotalSamples + "\t total samples");
// load SNP annotation
// now we have loaded all essential info.. determine which snps will be tested against which probes..
// and give each combination a unique number //
int effectcounter = 0;
// set up bidirectional map
HashMap, Integer> SNPProbeToEffectMap = new HashMap, Integer>(14000000);
HashMap> EffectToSNPProbeMap = new HashMap>(14000000);
HashSet snpsForWhichThereAreEffects = new HashSet();
boolean[] probespresentarray = new boolean[probes.size()];
for (int p = 0; p < probes.size(); p++) {
boolean probeIsPresent = false;
for (int d = 0; d < ds.length; d++) {
if (probeTranslationLookupTable[d][p] != null) {
probeIsPresent = true;
probespresentarray[p] = probeIsPresent;
ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(snps.size(), "Building indexes.. please wait. ");
HashSet probesWithEffects = new HashSet();
boolean[] snpsHavingEffects = new boolean[snps.size()];
boolean[] probeActuallyTested = new boolean[probes.size()];
int metaprobenr = probes.size();
int metasnpnr = snps.size();
// determine which effects to test...
for (int snp = 0; snp < metasnpnr; snp++) {
byte chr = snpChr.get(snp);
Integer pos = snpChrPos.get(snp);
for (int probe = 0; probe < metaprobenr; probe++) {
if (probespresentarray[probe]) {
byte probeChr = probeTranslation.getProbeChr(probe);
if (probeChr == chr) {
Integer probeChrPos = probeTranslation.getProbeChrPos(probe);
if (Math.abs(pos - probeChrPos) <= m_settings.getCisdistance()) {
probeActuallyTested[probe] = true;
snpsHavingEffects[snp] = true;
Pair snpprobepair = new Pair(snp, probe);
if (SNPProbeToEffectMap.get(snpprobepair) == null) {
SNPProbeToEffectMap.put(snpprobepair, effectcounter);
EffectToSNPProbeMap.put(effectcounter, snpprobepair);
TextFile outfx = new TextFile(m_settings.getOutput() + "NumberOfEffects.txt", TextFile.W);
System.out.println(effectcounter + " effects detected..");
outfx.writeln(effectcounter + " effects detected..");
outfx.writeln(snpsForWhichThereAreEffects.size() + " snps");
System.out.println(snpsForWhichThereAreEffects.size() + " snps");
outfx.writeln(probesWithEffects.size() + " probes");
System.out.println(probesWithEffects.size() + " probes");
snpsForWhichThereAreEffects = null;
probesWithEffects = null;
System.out.println("In total, number of effects: " + effectcounter);
System.out.println("Now building zscore matrix");
Float[][] allZScores = new Float[ds.length][effectcounter];
System.out.println("Building reverse lookup table");
// this converts a dataset snp number to a meta-snp id
// build reverse SNP lookup table..
Integer[][] reverseSNPLookupTable = new Integer[ds.length][];
for (int d = 0; d < ds.length; d++) {
reverseSNPLookupTable[d] = new Integer[ds[d].getSnps().length];
for (int snp = 0; snp < snps.size(); snp++) {
BinaryResultSNP snpObj = ds[d].getStringToSNP().get(snps.get(snp));
if (snpObj != null) {
Integer id = snpObj.getId();
reverseSNPLookupTable[d][id] = snp;
// now load in the FCKING zscores...
System.out.println("Loading zscores.. ");
for (int d = 0; d < ds.length; d++) {
// open binary file
String filename = m_settings.getOutput() + m_settings.getDatasetnames().get(d) + "-eQTLs.dat";
if (perm > 0) {
filename = m_settings.getOutput() + m_settings.getDatasetnames().get(d) + "-PermutedDataPermutationRound-" + perm + ".dat";;
System.out.println("Loading file: " + filename);
BinaryFile bf = new BinaryFile(filename, BinaryFile.R);
boolean eof = false;
String datasetannotation = m_settings.getDatasetannotations().get(d);
int effectctr = 0;
int lnctr = 0;
while (!eof) {
try {
Integer snpId = bf.readInt();
Integer probeId = bf.readInt();
Float zscore = bf.readFloat();
Integer metaSNPId = reverseSNPLookupTable[d][snpId];
BinaryResultProbe probeObj = ds[d].getProbes()[probeId];
Integer metaProbeId = probeTranslation.getProbeId(datasetannotation + probeObj.getName());
if (metaSNPId != null && metaProbeId != null) {
Integer effect = SNPProbeToEffectMap.get(new Pair(metaSNPId, metaProbeId));
if (effect != null) {
allZScores[d][effect] = zscore;
if (d == 0 && snps.get(metaSNPId).equals("rs4475691")) {
System.out.println(effect + "\t" + zscore + "\t" + snps.get(metaSNPId));
} catch (EOFException e) {
eof = true;
// all zscores loaded.. now perform the meta-analysis
String outFileName = "eQTLs.txt.gz";
if (perm > 0) {
outFileName = "PermutedEQTLsPermutationRound" + perm + ".txt.gz";
System.out.println("Writing file: " + m_settings.getOutput() + outFileName);
TextFile eQTLOutput = new TextFile(m_settings.getOutput() + outFileName, TextFile.W);
TextFile eQTLOutputAbs = new TextFile(m_settings.getOutput() + outFileName + "-Absolute.txt.gz", TextFile.W);
pb = new ProgressBar(effectcounter, "Now performing meta-analysis...");
for (int effect = 0; effect < effectcounter; effect++) {
int nrDSHavingZScore = 0;
int finalNrOfSamples = 0;
double zsum = 0;
double zsumabs = 0;
Pair snpProbePair = EffectToSNPProbeMap.get(effect);
Integer snpId = snpProbePair.getLeft();
Integer probeId = snpProbePair.getRight();
BinaryResultSNP firstSNPToPassQC = null;
BinaryResultSNP[] snpsPerDataset = new BinaryResultSNP[ds.length];
// flip zscores
for (int d = 0; d < ds.length; d++) {
Float dsZScore = allZScores[d][effect];
Integer dsSNPId = snpTranslation[d][snpId];
if (dsZScore != null && dsSNPId != null) {
BinaryResultSNP dsSNPObj = ds[d].getSnps()[dsSNPId];
int nrsamples = dsSNPObj.getNumsamples();
double weight = Descriptives.getSqrt(nrsamples);
finalNrOfSamples += nrsamples;
snpsPerDataset[d] = dsSNPObj;
if (firstSNPToPassQC == null) {
firstSNPToPassQC = dsSNPObj;
} else {
Boolean flipalleles = flipalleles(firstSNPToPassQC, dsSNPObj);
if (flipalleles == null) {
System.err.println("ERROR! SNP alleles cannot be matched for snp\t" + dsSNPObj.getName() + "\tin dataset\t" + d);
System.err.println("This SNP will be excluded from further research");
} else {
if (flipalleles) {
allZScores[d][effect] = -dsZScore;
Float finalZ = allZScores[d][effect];
zsum += (finalZ * weight);
zsumabs += Math.abs(finalZ * weight);
// all zscores flipped.. run the weighted analysis..
int nrDatasetsThatShouldHaveEffect = m_settings.getSnpDatasetPresenceThreshold();
if (nrDatasetsThatShouldHaveEffect == 0) {
nrDatasetsThatShouldHaveEffect = 1;
if (nrDSHavingZScore >= nrDatasetsThatShouldHaveEffect) {
double zSumVal = zsum;
double sqrtSample = Descriptives.getSqrt(finalNrOfSamples);
double metaZScore = zSumVal / sqrtSample;
double pValueOverall = Descriptives.convertZscoreToPvalue(metaZScore);
double zSumValAbsolute = zsumabs;
double zScoreAbs = zSumValAbsolute / sqrtSample;
double pValueOverallAbs = Descriptives.convertZscoreToPvalue(zScoreAbs);
for (int abs = 0; abs < 1; abs++) {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
if (abs == 0) {
} else {
Integer probeTranslationId = probeId;
if (abs == 0) {
} else {
String[] datasetsPassingQC = new String[ds.length];
String[] datasetZScores = new String[ds.length];
String[] numSamplesPerDataset = new String[ds.length];
String[] emptyvalues = new String[ds.length];
for (int d = 0; d < ds.length; d++) {
emptyvalues[d] = "-";
if (allZScores[d][effect] == null) {
datasetZScores[d] = "-";
datasetsPassingQC[d] = "-";
numSamplesPerDataset[d] = "-";
} else {
datasetZScores[d] = "" + allZScores[d][effect];
datasetsPassingQC[d] = m_settings.getDatasetnames().get(d);
numSamplesPerDataset[d] = "" + snpsPerDataset[d].getNumsamples();
output.append(Strings.concat(datasetsPassingQC, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(datasetZScores, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(numSamplesPerDataset, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
// some empty fields
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
// hugo
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
output.append(Strings.concat(emptyvalues, Strings.comma)).append("\t");
if (abs == 0) {
} else {
System.out.println("Done. Have a nice day.");
// TODO: AT / GC SNPs??
public Boolean flipalleles(BinaryResultSNP firstSNPPassingQC, BinaryResultSNP snpObject) {
byte[] allelesfirst = firstSNPPassingQC.getAlleles();
byte allelefirstassessed = firstSNPPassingQC.getAssessedAllele();
byte[] allelessecond = snpObject.getAlleles();
byte allelesecondassessed = snpObject.getAssessedAllele();
int nridenticalalleles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allelesfirst.length; i++) {
byte allele1 = allelesfirst[i];
for (int j = 0; j < allelessecond.length; j++) {
if (allelessecond[j] == allele1) {
if (nridenticalalleles == 2) {
// alleles are identical. check if same allele was assessed...
if (allelefirstassessed == allelesecondassessed) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
// try complement
allelessecond = convertToComplementaryAlleles(allelessecond);
allelesecondassessed = BaseAnnot.getComplement(allelesecondassessed);
nridenticalalleles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allelesfirst.length; i++) {
byte allele1 = allelesfirst[i];
for (int j = 0; j < allelessecond.length; j++) {
if (allelessecond[j] == allele1) {
if (nridenticalalleles == 2) {
// alleles are identical. check if same allele was assessed...
if (allelefirstassessed == allelesecondassessed) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return null;
public byte[] convertToComplementaryAlleles(byte[] allelesToCompare) {
byte[] allelesComplementary = new byte[2];
for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
allelesComplementary[a] = BaseAnnot.getComplement(allelesToCompare[a]);
return allelesComplementary;
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