eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl3.EQTLRegression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl3;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import umcg.genetica.console.ProgressBar;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.EQTL;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.SNP;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.SNPLoader;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.TriTyperExpressionData;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.QTLTextFile;
import umcg.genetica.math.PCA;
import umcg.genetica.math.matrix.DoubleMatrixDataset;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Regression;
* @author harmjan
public class EQTLRegression {
TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset[] gg;
EQTL[] eqtlsToRegressOut;
public void regressOutEQTLEffects(ArrayList> eqtls, TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset[] gg) throws IOException {
this.gg = gg;
this.eqtlsToRegressOut = new EQTL[eqtls.size()];
for (int q = 0; q < eqtls.size(); q++) {
eqtlsToRegressOut[q] = new EQTL();
System.out.println("About to regress out: " + eqtls.size() + " QTLs from data.");
public void regressOutEQTLEffects(EQTL[] eqtls, TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset[] gg) throws IOException {
this.gg = gg;
this.eqtlsToRegressOut = eqtls;
System.out.println("About to regress out: " + eqtls.length + " QTLs from data.");
public void regressOutEQTLEffects(String regressOutEQTLEffectFileName, boolean outputfiles, TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset[] gg) throws IOException {
this.gg = gg;
System.out.println("\n\n\nRemoving eQTL effects from the following eQTL file: '" + regressOutEQTLEffectFileName);
QTLTextFile in = new QTLTextFile(regressOutEQTLEffectFileName, QTLTextFile.R);
eqtlsToRegressOut = in.read();
System.out.println("Number of eQTLs to regress out found in file:\t" + eqtlsToRegressOut.length);
if (outputfiles) {
for (int d = 0; d < gg.length; d++) {
TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset ds = gg[d];
TriTyperExpressionData dsexp = ds.getExpressionData();
double[][] matrix = dsexp.getMatrix();
String[] probes = dsexp.getProbes();
String[] individuals = dsexp.getIndividuals();
String filename = ds.getSettings().expressionLocation;
DoubleMatrixDataset dsout = new DoubleMatrixDataset(matrix, Arrays.asList(probes), Arrays.asList(individuals));
System.out.println("Saving expression file after removal of eQTL effects: " + filename + "-EQTLEffectsRemoved.txt.gz");
dsout.save(filename + "-EQTLEffectsRemoved.txt.gz");
* Removes the effect of a supplied list of eQTL from the datasets by use of
* regression
* @param regressOutEQTLEffectFileName the location of the file containing
* the eQTL to be removed
private void regressOutEQTLEffects() throws IOException {
//Inventorize whether for a particular probe there are multiple SNPs that we want to regress out:
HashMap> hashProbesCovariates = new HashMap>();
HashMap hashEQTLIds = new HashMap();
int nrProbesWithMultipleCovariates = 0;
for (int v = 0; v < eqtlsToRegressOut.length; v++) {
EQTL current = eqtlsToRegressOut[v];
hashEQTLIds.put(current, v);
String probe = current.getProbe();
if (!hashProbesCovariates.containsKey(probe)) {
ArrayList eqtls = new ArrayList();
hashProbesCovariates.put(probe, eqtls);
} else {
if (nrProbesWithMultipleCovariates > 0) {
System.out.println("There are:\t" + nrProbesWithMultipleCovariates + "\tprobes for which we want to regress out multiple SNPs. This will be conducted through multiple regression employing PCA.");
// remove the eqtl effects
System.out.println("Removing eQTLs:");
int[] nrEQTLsRegressedOut = new int[gg.length];
int[][] explainedVariancePerEQTLProbe = new int[gg.length][101];
SNPLoader[] ggSNPLoaders = new SNPLoader[gg.length];
boolean dosageInformationPresentForAllDatasets = true;
for (int d = 0; d < gg.length; d++) {
ggSNPLoaders[d] = gg[d].getGenotypeData().createSNPLoader();
if (!ggSNPLoaders[d].hasDosageInformation()) {
dosageInformationPresentForAllDatasets = false;
//Remove multiple SNPs acting on one single probe:
for (int d = 0; d < gg.length; d++) {
HashSet hashEQTLsMultipleRegressionRegressedOut = new HashSet();
HashMap snpPassesQC = new HashMap();
TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset currentDataset = gg[d];
String[] probes = gg[d].getExpressionData().getProbes();
System.out.print("Dataset:\t" + gg[d].getSettings().name);
ProgressBar pgb = new ProgressBar(probes.length);
for (int p = 0; p < probes.length; p++) {
ArrayList covariatesForThisProbe = hashProbesCovariates.get(probes[p]);
if (covariatesForThisProbe != null) {
ArrayList eventualListOfEQTLs = new ArrayList();
ArrayList snpsForProbe = new ArrayList();
ArrayList xs = new ArrayList();
ArrayList meanxs = new ArrayList();
for (EQTL e : covariatesForThisProbe) {
if (!hashEQTLsMultipleRegressionRegressedOut.contains(e)) {
Integer snpId = gg[d].getGenotypeData().getSnpToSNPId().get(e.getRsName());
if (snpId != -9 && (snpPassesQC.get(snpId) == null || snpPassesQC.get(snpId))) {
// load SNP
SNP currentSNP = currentDataset.getGenotypeData().getSNPObject(snpId);
if (ggSNPLoaders[d].hasDosageInformation()) {
if (currentSNP.passesQC()) {
int[] indWGA = currentDataset.getExpressionToGenotypeIdArray();
double[] x = currentSNP.selectGenotypes(indWGA);
double meanX = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.mean(x);
double varianceX = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.variance(x);
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] -= meanX;
if (varianceX != 0) {
snpPassesQC.put(snpId, true);
} else {
snpPassesQC.put(snpId, false);
} else {
snpPassesQC.put(snpId, false);
// regress out single effects
if (eventualListOfEQTLs.size() == 1) {
SNP currentSNP = snpsForProbe.get(0);
int[] expressionToGenotypeId = currentDataset.getExpressionToGenotypeIdArray();
double[] x = xs.get(0);
double meanX = meanxs.get(0);
//Get the expression data:
double[][] rawData = currentDataset.getExpressionData().getMatrix();
double meanY;
double varianceY;
//Check what the number of samples is with genotype data available:
int nrSamplesWGenotypeData = x.length;
double[] y = new double[nrSamplesWGenotypeData];
int totalGGSamples = currentDataset.getTotalGGSamples();
if (nrSamplesWGenotypeData == totalGGSamples) {
//All genotypes have been succesfully called, use quick approach:
meanY = currentDataset.getExpressionData().getProbeMean()[p];
varianceY = currentDataset.getExpressionData().getProbeVariance()[p];
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
y[s] = rawData[p][s] - meanY;
} else {
//Not all genotypes have been succesfully called, use slow approach:
int itr = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < rawData[p].length; s++) {
int genotypeId = expressionToGenotypeId[s];
if (genotypeId != -1) {
byte genotype = currentSNP.getGenotypes()[genotypeId];
if (genotype != -1 && currentDataset.getGenotypeData().getIsIncluded()[genotypeId]) {
double dVal = rawData[p][s];
y[itr] = dVal;
//Normalize subset of data:
meanY = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.mean(y);
varianceY = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.variance(y);
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
y[i] -= meanY;
//Get regression coefficient:
double[] rc = Regression.getLinearRegressionCoefficients(x, y);
double correlation = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, y);
double propExplainedVarianceTrait = correlation * correlation - 1.0d / (double) y.length;
if (propExplainedVarianceTrait < 0) {
propExplainedVarianceTrait = 0;
explainedVariancePerEQTLProbe[d][(int) Math.round(propExplainedVarianceTrait * 100d)]++;
//Make copy of this particular eQTL:
double[] rawDataUpdated = new double[totalGGSamples];
if (nrSamplesWGenotypeData == totalGGSamples) {
//Regress out eQTL affect in linear regression way:
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
double residual = y[s] - x[s] * rc[0];
rawDataUpdated[s] = residual;
} else {
//Correct for missing genotypes, first determine average genotype of called samples:
// int[] indWGA = currentDataset.getWGAGenotypeIDs();
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
int ind = expressionToGenotypeId[s];
if (ind != -1) {
double valX = currentSNP.getGenotypes()[ind];
if (valX == -1) {
valX = 0;
} else {
valX -= meanX;
rawDataUpdated[s] = (double) rawData[p][s] - valX * rc[0];
//Make mean and standard deviation of residual gene expression identical to what it was before:
double meanUpdated = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.mean(rawDataUpdated);
double stdDevRatio = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.standardDeviation(rawDataUpdated) / Math.sqrt(varianceY);
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
rawDataUpdated[s] -= meanUpdated;
rawDataUpdated[s] /= stdDevRatio;
rawDataUpdated[s] += meanY;
System.arraycopy(rawDataUpdated, 0, rawData[p], 0, totalGGSamples);
} else if (eventualListOfEQTLs.size() > 1 && !dosageInformationPresentForAllDatasets) {
System.err.println("Multiple linear regression is not supported for datasets that do not have dosage information.");
} else if (eventualListOfEQTLs.size() > 1 && dosageInformationPresentForAllDatasets) {
// use multiple linear regression via PCA
int nrSNPs = snpsForProbe.size();
int totalGGSamples = currentDataset.getTotalGGSamples();
// use PCA
// Multiple SNPs need to be regressed out. Get SNP genotype values, standardize mean and std dev for each of these:
double[][] dataMatrix = new double[nrSNPs][0];
for (int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.length; i++) {
dataMatrix[i] = xs.get(i);
//Calculate covariance matrix:
double[][] correlationMatrix = new double[nrSNPs][nrSNPs];
double sampleCountMinusOne = totalGGSamples - 1;
for (int f = 0; f < nrSNPs; f++) {
for (int g = f; g < nrSNPs; g++) {
double covarianceInterim = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < totalGGSamples; h++) {
covarianceInterim += dataMatrix[f][h] * dataMatrix[g][h];
double covariance = covarianceInterim / (double) (sampleCountMinusOne);
correlationMatrix[f][g] = covariance;
correlationMatrix[g][f] = covariance;
//Perform eigenvalue decomposition:
Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition eig = PCA.eigenValueDecomposition(correlationMatrix);
double[][] eigenArrayLists = new double[correlationMatrix.length][correlationMatrix.length];
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
eigenArrayLists[pca] = PCA.getEigenVector(eig, pca);
//Calculate principal component scores:
double[][] dataMatrixPCScores = new double[nrSNPs][totalGGSamples];
for (int sample = 0; sample < totalGGSamples; sample++) {
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
for (int snp = 0; snp < nrSNPs; snp++) {
double probeCoefficient = eigenArrayLists[pca][snp];
dataMatrixPCScores[pca][sample] += dataMatrix[snp][sample] * probeCoefficient;
//Orthogonal PCAs have been determined, use these to regress out the effects on gene expression levels:
TriTyperExpressionData expresionData = currentDataset.getExpressionData();
double[][] rawData = currentDataset.getExpressionData().getMatrix();
//Check what the number of samples is with genotype data available:
double[] y = new double[totalGGSamples];
//All genotypes have been succesfully called:
double meanYOriginal = expresionData.getProbeMean()[p];
double varianceYOriginal = expresionData.getProbeVariance()[p];
System.arraycopy(rawData[p], 0, y, 0, totalGGSamples);
boolean[] regressOutPCA = new boolean[nrSNPs];
double[] eigenValues = eig.getRealEigenvalues();
boolean atLeastOnePCANotRegressedOut = false;
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
regressOutPCA[pca] = true;
if (PCA.getEigenValueVar(eigenValues, pca) < 1e-10) {
regressOutPCA[pca] = false;
atLeastOnePCANotRegressedOut = true;
if (atLeastOnePCANotRegressedOut) {
//Provide information on the PCAs:
System.out.println("There is at least one PCA that has not been regressed out as it does not explain a lot of genetic variation!:");
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
double[] x = dataMatrixPCScores[pca];
double correlation = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, y);
double r2 = correlation * correlation;
int pcaNr = pca + 1;
String snpsStronglyCorrelatedWithPCA = "";
for (int snp = 0; snp < nrSNPs; snp++) {
double correlationPCASNP = Math.abs(JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, dataMatrix[snp]));
double r2PCASNP = correlationPCASNP * correlationPCASNP;
if (r2PCASNP > 0.1) {
snpsStronglyCorrelatedWithPCA += "\t" + snpsForProbe.get(snp).getName() + ", " + r2PCASNP;
System.out.println(probes[p] + "\tPCA" + pcaNr + "\tExplainedVariance:\t" + PCA.getEigenValueVar(eigenValues, pca) + "\tEigenvalue:\t" + eigenValues[eigenValues.length - 1 - pca] + "\tPCATraitR2:\t" + r2 + "\tSNPsStronglyCorrelatedWithPCA:\t" + snpsStronglyCorrelatedWithPCA);
//Process each PC, determine total amount of variation explained by the combination of PCs:
double propExplainedVarianceTrait = 0;
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
if (regressOutPCA[pca]) {
//Get PCA scores:
double[] x = dataMatrixPCScores[pca];
//Get correlation coefficient with trait:
double correlation = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, y);
propExplainedVarianceTrait += correlation * correlation - 1.0d / (double) y.length;
if (propExplainedVarianceTrait < 0) {
propExplainedVarianceTrait = 0;
explainedVariancePerEQTLProbe[d][(int) Math.round(propExplainedVarianceTrait * 100d)]++;
//Regress out PC effects on trait:
for (int pca = 0; pca < nrSNPs; pca++) {
if (regressOutPCA[pca]) {
//Get PC scores:
double[] x = dataMatrixPCScores[pca];
//Get regression coefficient:
double[] rc = Regression.getLinearRegressionCoefficients(x, y);
//Regress out eQTL affect in linear regression way:
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
y[s] = y[s] - x[s] * rc[0];
double meanYUpdated = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.mean(y);
double varianceYUpdated = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.variance(y);
//Make mean and standard deviation of residual gene expression identical to what it was before:
double stdDevRatio = Math.sqrt(varianceYUpdated) / Math.sqrt(varianceYOriginal);
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
y[s] -= meanYUpdated;
y[s] /= stdDevRatio;
y[s] += meanYOriginal;
//Replace original expression data with updated residual gene expression data:
for (int s = 0; s < totalGGSamples; s++) {
if (Double.isNaN(y[s])) {
System.out.println("Error!:\t" + probes[p] + "\t" + gg[d].getSettings().name + "\t" + s + "\t" + meanYUpdated + "\t" + stdDevRatio + "\t" + meanYOriginal);
rawData[p][s] = y[s];
for (SNP s : snpsForProbe) {
for (int ds = 0; ds < gg.length; ds++) {
ggSNPLoaders[ds] = null;
System.out.println("eQTLs regressed per dataset:");
for (int d = 0; d < gg.length; d++) {
System.out.println(gg[d].getSettings().name + "\t" + nrEQTLsRegressedOut[d]);
String output;
System.out.println("Proportion explained variance of genotypic variation on eQTLs per dataset:");
output = "r2";
for (TriTyperGeneticalGenomicsDataset gg1 : gg) {
output += "\t" + gg1.getSettings().name;
for (int e = 0; e <= 100; e++) {
double r2 = (double) e / 100;
output = String.valueOf(r2);
for (int d = 0; d < gg.length; d++) {
output += "\t" + explainedVariancePerEQTLProbe[d][e];
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