eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl4.MetaQTL4 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl4;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TObjectIntHashMap;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.molgenis.genotype.RandomAccessGenotypeData;
import org.molgenis.genotype.variant.GeneticVariant;
import umcg.genetica.console.ProgressBar;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Triple;
import umcg.genetica.io.Gpio;
import umcg.genetica.io.text.TextFile;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.util.ChrAnnotation;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Correlation;
* MetaQTL4 - Experimental Skunkworx edition
* @author harmjan
public class MetaQTL4 {
private Set traitsToInclude = null;
private Set variantsToInclude = null;
private Set> genotypeTraitCombinations = null;
private final MetaQTL4Settings m_settings;
private MetaQTL4TraitAnnotation traitAnnotation;
private MetaQTL4Dataset[] datasets;
private Integer[][] traitIndex;
private ArrayList availableTraits;
private TObjectIntHashMap availableTraitsHash; //int as value
private GeneticVariant[][] geneticVariantIndex;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MetaQTL4.class);
public MetaQTL4(MetaQTL4Settings settings) throws IOException, Exception {
LOG.info("WARNING: MetaQTL4 is experimental code!");
m_settings = settings;
public MetaQTL4(String settings, String replaceText, String testToReplaceWith) throws IOException, Exception {
LOG.warn("WARNING: MetaQTL4 is experimental code!");
m_settings = new MetaQTL4Settings(settings, replaceText, testToReplaceWith);
public final void initialize() throws IOException {
// load the probe annotation (only for the platforms that are loaded)..
HashSet platforms = new HashSet();
for (int d = 0; d < m_settings.getNrDatasets(); d++) {
traitAnnotation = new MetaQTL4TraitAnnotation(m_settings.getProbeAnnotationFile(), platforms);
if (m_settings.getConfineProbeFile() != null) {
if (!Gpio.existsAndReadable(m_settings.getConfineProbeFile())) {
throw new IOException("Failed to read file with probes to include: " + m_settings.getConfineProbeFile().getAbsolutePath());
traitsToInclude = loadMetaTraitList(m_settings.getConfineProbeFile());
if (m_settings.getConfineSNPFile() != null) {
if (!Gpio.existsAndReadable(m_settings.getConfineSNPFile())) {
throw new IOException("Failed to read file with SNPs to include: " + m_settings.getConfineSNPFile().getAbsolutePath());
TextFile tf = new TextFile(m_settings.getConfineSNPFile(), TextFile.R);
variantsToInclude = tf.readAsSet(0, TextFile.tab);
// load list of specific SNP-trait combinations
if (m_settings.getSNPProbeConfineFile() != null) {
if (!Gpio.existsAndReadable(m_settings.getSNPProbeConfineFile())) {
throw new IOException("Failed to read file with SNP Probe combinations to include: " + m_settings.getSNPProbeConfineFile().getAbsolutePath());
Triple, HashSet, HashSet>> combinations = loadgenotypeMarkerCombinations(m_settings.getSNPProbeConfineFile());
variantsToInclude = combinations.getLeft();
traitsToInclude = combinations.getMiddle();
genotypeTraitCombinations = combinations.getRight();
// TODO: there is one exception for the probe filter,
// which is when all the datasets are on the same platform.
// will implement this at a later stage, or not at all.
LOG.info("Running probe filter");
// load the datasets..
datasets = new MetaQTL4Dataset[m_settings.getNrDatasets()];
if (datasets.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error: no dataset information provided.");
for (int d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {
HashSet platformSpecificProbesToInclude = null;
if (traitsToInclude != null) {
String platform = m_settings.getDatasetSettings().get(d).getTraitPlatform();
Integer platformId = traitAnnotation.getPlatformId(platform);
platformSpecificProbesToInclude = new HashSet();
for (MetaQTL4MetaTrait metaprobe : traitsToInclude) {
String platformProbe = metaprobe.getPlatformIds()[platformId];
if (platformProbe != null) {
datasets[d] = new MetaQTL4Dataset(m_settings.getDatasetSettings().get(d), platformSpecificProbesToInclude);
if (m_settings.isPerformParametricAnalysis()) {
// create probe index
LOG.info("Creating trait index");
// create SNP index
LOG.info("Create SNP index");
// create lookup table for ZScores
// TODO: put this in a nice test encapsulation thing
int nrSamples = 0;
for (MetaQTL4Dataset dataset : datasets) {
nrSamples += dataset.getGenotypeToTraitCouplingInt().length;
LOG.info("Meta-analysis will have " + nrSamples + " samples");
public final void run() {
// create threadpool
LOG.info("Running software!");
int nrPermutations = m_settings.getNrPermutationsFDR();
// initialize random seed array
long[] randomizationSeeds = new long[nrPermutations];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int permutation = 0; permutation < nrPermutations; permutation++) {
randomizationSeeds[permutation] = rand.nextLong();
// create result thread
ExecutorService resultPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
CompletionService resultPoolService = new ExecutorCompletionService(resultPool);
// run threads
int bufferSize = 100;
int nrThreads = m_settings.getNrThreads();
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nrThreads);
CompletionService pool = new ExecutorCompletionService(threadPool);
int start = 0;
int stop = geneticVariantIndex.length;
MetaQTL4ExecutionTask task = new MetaQTL4ExecutionTask(nrThreads, randomizationSeeds, availableTraits, availableTraitsHash, datasets, geneticVariantIndex, m_settings, traitAnnotation, traitIndex, traitsToInclude, variantsToInclude, start, stop, bufferSize, resultPoolService);
// MetaQTL4CorrelationTask task = new MetaQTL4CorrelationTask(nrThreads, distributionSize, randomizationSeeds, availableTraits, availableTraitsHash, datasets, geneticVariantIndex, m_settings, traitAnnotation, traitIndex, traitsToInclude, variantsToInclude, 1);
int returned = 0;
while (returned < nrThreads) {
try {
Boolean result = pool.take().get();
if (result != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// close threadpool
// perform FDR estimation
// shutdown
private Set loadMetaTraitList(File location) throws IOException {
TextFile tf = new TextFile(location, TextFile.R);
Set list = tf.readAsSet(0, TextFile.tab);
Set traits = new HashSet();
for (String s : list) {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait t = traitAnnotation.getMetaTraitNameToObj().get(s);
if (t != null) {
return traits;
private Triple, HashSet, HashSet>> loadgenotypeMarkerCombinations(File file) throws IOException {
HashSet> pairs = new HashSet>();
HashSet snps = new HashSet();
HashSet probes = new HashSet();
TextFile tf = new TextFile(file, TextFile.R);
String[] elems = tf.readLineElems(TextFile.tab);
while (elems != null) {
String snp = elems[0];
String probe = elems[1];
MetaQTL4MetaTrait t = traitAnnotation.getMetaTraitNameToObj().get(probe);
if (t != null) {
Pair p = new Pair(snp, t);
elems = tf.readLineElems(TextFile.tab);
return new Triple, HashSet, HashSet>>(snps, probes, pairs);
private void runProbeFilter() {
// TODO: improve this code..
// if we confine to a single chromosome, throw out all the other probes...
if (m_settings.getConfineToProbesThatMapToChromosome() != null) {
HashSet finalTraitList = new HashSet();
if (traitsToInclude != null) {
for (MetaQTL4MetaTrait metaprobe : traitsToInclude) {
String chr = metaprobe.getChr();
String chrToInclude = "" + m_settings.getConfineToProbesThatMapToChromosome();
if (chr.equals(chrToInclude) && (!m_settings.isExpressionDataLoadOnlyProbesThatMapToChromosome() || (m_settings.isExpressionDataLoadOnlyProbesThatMapToChromosome() && MetaQTL4MetaTrait.mapsToChromosome()))) {
} else {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait[] metaProbes = traitAnnotation.getMetatraits().toArray(new MetaQTL4MetaTrait[0]);
for (MetaQTL4MetaTrait metaprobe : metaProbes) {
String chr = metaprobe.getChr();
String chrToInclude = "" + m_settings.getConfineToProbesThatMapToChromosome();
if (chr.equals(chrToInclude) && (!m_settings.isExpressionDataLoadOnlyProbesThatMapToChromosome() || (m_settings.isExpressionDataLoadOnlyProbesThatMapToChromosome() && MetaQTL4MetaTrait.mapsToChromosome()))) {
traitsToInclude = finalTraitList;
if (genotypeTraitCombinations != null) {
// find out whether there are some snp-trait combo's that we cannot test now..
HashSet> finalgenotypetraitpairs = new HashSet>();
for (Pair p : genotypeTraitCombinations) {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait probe = p.getRight();
if (traitsToInclude.contains(probe)) {
genotypeTraitCombinations = finalgenotypetraitpairs;
if (traitsToInclude != null && traitsToInclude.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No traits remain after filtering.");
if (genotypeTraitCombinations != null && genotypeTraitCombinations.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No snp-trait combinations remain after filtering.");
// create a map from metaProbeId to dataset probes
private void createTraitIndex() {
// link them together in an index
HashSet tmpAvailableTraits = new HashSet();
for (int d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {
String platform = m_settings.getDatasetSettings().get(d).getTraitPlatform();
Integer platformId = traitAnnotation.getPlatformId(platform);
String[] availableTraitsInDataset = datasets[d].getTraits();
LOG.info(m_settings.getDatasetSettings().get(d).getName() + " has " + availableTraitsInDataset.length + " traits on platform " + platform + " (" + platformId + ")");
for (String trait : availableTraitsInDataset) {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait metatrait = traitAnnotation.getTraitForPlatformId(platformId, trait);
if (metatrait != null) {
String chr = metatrait.getChr();
if (m_settings.isCisAnalysis() && m_settings.isTransAnalysis()) {
// include all traits when performing a cis+trans analysis
} else {
// otherwise, only include probes with a proper annotation.
// should we include ChrY traits?
byte chrByte = ChrAnnotation.parseChr(chr);
if (chr.equals("X") || (chrByte < 23 && chrByte > 0)) {
availableTraits = new ArrayList(tmpAvailableTraits);
availableTraitsHash = new TObjectIntHashMap();
traitIndex = new Integer[datasets.length][availableTraits.size()];
for (int ds = 0; ds < datasets.length; ds++) {
Integer platformId = traitAnnotation.getPlatformId(m_settings.getDatasetSettings().get(ds).getTraitPlatform());
for (int i = 0; i < availableTraits.size(); i++) {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait trait = availableTraits.get(i);
availableTraitsHash.put(trait, i);
String probeName = trait.getPlatformIds()[platformId];
if (probeName != null) {
traitIndex[ds][i] = datasets[ds].getTraitId(probeName);
LOG.info(availableTraits.size() + " traits available to test.");
private void createSNPIndex() {
if (traitIndex == null) {
// if this is a cis-eQTL analysis, get all the unique variants within the probes vicinity
LOG.info("Indexing SNPs");
int distance = m_settings.getCiseQTLAnalysMaxSNPProbeMidPointDistance();
Set> uniquePositions = new HashSet>();
// at a later stage, we may want to include gene-begin and gene-end as well..
if (m_settings.isCisAnalysis() && !m_settings.isTransAnalysis()) {
LOG.info("Performing cis-eQTL analysis, so keeping only SNPs within " + m_settings.getCiseQTLAnalysMaxSNPProbeMidPointDistance());
int tctr = 0;
HashMap, Integer> allPositions = new HashMap, Integer>();
for (int d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {
RandomAccessGenotypeData data = datasets[d].getGenotypeData();
ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(availableTraits.size(), "Dataset " + d);
for (MetaQTL4MetaTrait t : availableTraits) {
String chr = t.getChr();
int midpoint = t.getChrMidpoint();
Iterable variants = data.getVariantsByRange(chr, midpoint - distance, midpoint + distance);
for (GeneticVariant variant : variants) {
String primaryId = variant.getPrimaryVariantId();
if (variantsToInclude == null || variantsToInclude.contains(primaryId)) {
// we don't need to check the variant chromosome.. This was done already when creating the trait index
Pair position = new Pair(variant.getSequenceName(), variant.getStartPos());
Integer ctr = allPositions.get(position);
if (ctr == null) {
ctr = 1;
} else {
allPositions.put(position, ctr);
LOG.info(allPositions.size() + " variants amongst all datasets.");
if (m_settings.getConfineSNPsToSNPsPresentInAllDatasets() != null && m_settings.getConfineSNPsToSNPsPresentInAllDatasets()) {
Set> tmpPositions = new HashSet>();
for (Pair pair : allPositions.keySet()) {
Integer ctr = allPositions.get(pair);
if (ctr == datasets.length) {
// include snp
uniquePositions = tmpPositions;
} else {
uniquePositions = allPositions.keySet();
allPositions = null;
} else { // if cistrans or trans.. include all the SNPs..
// per chromosome.. (for huge datasets, this saves alot of Integer objects)
for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
String chr = "" + i;
if (i == 23) {
chr = "X";
// get all the unique positions for this chromosome.
HashMap allPositions = new HashMap();
for (int d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {
RandomAccessGenotypeData data = datasets[d].getGenotypeData();
Iterable variants = data.getSequenceGeneticVariants(chr);
for (GeneticVariant variant : variants) {
String primaryId = variant.getPrimaryVariantId();
if (variantsToInclude == null || variantsToInclude.contains(primaryId)) {
// this time we do need to check the chromosome, etc
String variantSequence = variant.getSequenceName();
if (variantSequence.equals(chr)) {
Integer position = variant.getStartPos();
if (position > 0) {
Integer ctr = allPositions.get(position);
if (ctr == null) {
ctr = 1;
} else {
allPositions.put(position, ctr);
for (Integer position : allPositions.keySet()) {
Integer ctr = allPositions.get(position);
if (m_settings.getConfineSNPsToSNPsPresentInAllDatasets() != null
&& (m_settings.getConfineSNPsToSNPsPresentInAllDatasets() && ctr == datasets.length) || (!m_settings.getConfineSNPsToSNPsPresentInAllDatasets())) {
uniquePositions.add(new Pair(chr, position));
// ready to index
int numberFinalPositions = uniquePositions.size();
if (numberFinalPositions == 0) {
System.err.println("Error: no SNPs found to test");
LOG.info("Creating final index");
geneticVariantIndex = new GeneticVariant[datasets.length][numberFinalPositions];
ProgressBar pb2 = new ProgressBar(datasets.length * numberFinalPositions);
for (int dataset = 0; dataset < datasets.length; dataset++) {
int ctr = 0;
RandomAccessGenotypeData data = datasets[dataset].getGenotypeData();
for (Pair pair : uniquePositions) {
geneticVariantIndex[dataset][ctr] = data.getSnpVariantByPos(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight());
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