eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl4.MetaQTL4CorrelationTask Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eqtlmappingpipeline.metaqtl4;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TObjectIntHashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.molgenis.genotype.variant.GeneticVariant;
import umcg.genetica.console.ProgressBar;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Correlation;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Descriptives;
import umcg.genetica.math.stats.ZScores;
import umcg.genetica.util.Primitives;
* @author harm-jan
public class MetaQTL4CorrelationTask implements Callable> {
private final int distributionSize;
private final long[] randomizationSeeds;
private final ArrayList availableTraits;
private final TObjectIntHashMap availableTraitsHash;
private final MetaQTL4Dataset[] datasets;
private final GeneticVariant[][] geneticVariantIndex;
private final MetaQTL4Settings m_settings;
private final MetaQTL4TraitAnnotation traitAnnotation;
private final Integer[][] traitIndex;
private final Set traitsToInclude;
private final Set variantsToInclude;
private final int threadIndex;
private final int[] realDistribution;
private final int[] permutedDistribution;
MetaQTL4CorrelationTask(int nrThreads,
int distributionSize,
long[] randomizationSeeds,
ArrayList availableTraits,
TObjectIntHashMap availableTraitsHash,
MetaQTL4Dataset[] datasets,
GeneticVariant[][] geneticVariantIndex,
MetaQTL4Settings m_settings,
MetaQTL4TraitAnnotation traitAnnotation,
Integer[][] traitIndex,
Set traitsToInclude,
Set variantsToInclude,
int threadIndex) {
this.distributionSize = distributionSize;
this.randomizationSeeds = randomizationSeeds;
this.availableTraits = availableTraits;
this.availableTraitsHash = availableTraitsHash;
this.datasets = datasets;
this.geneticVariantIndex = geneticVariantIndex;
this.m_settings = m_settings;
this.traitAnnotation = traitAnnotation;
this.traitIndex = traitIndex;
this.traitsToInclude = traitsToInclude;
this.variantsToInclude = variantsToInclude;
this.threadIndex = threadIndex;
this.realDistribution = new int[distributionSize];
this.permutedDistribution = new int[distributionSize];
private int test(int[] sampleSizes, double[][] genotypes, double[] genotypeVariances, Integer traitId, boolean[][] includeTraitSample) {
int nrDatasets = datasets.length;
double[] zscores = new double[nrDatasets];
for (int datasetId = 0; datasetId < nrDatasets; datasetId++) {
if (genotypes[datasetId] == null) {
zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
} else {
double[] x = genotypes[datasetId];
if (x == null) {
System.err.println("ERROR: genotype is null");
zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
} else {
double varianceX = genotypeVariances[datasetId];
boolean[] includeDatasetTraitSample = includeTraitSample[datasetId];
double meanY;
double varianceY;
// re-normalize the trait data when the genotypes had missing values
Integer datasetTraitId = traitIndex[datasetId][traitId];
double[] y = datasets[datasetId].getTraitData(datasetTraitId);
// if (sampleSizes[datasetId] != y.length) {
double[] newY = new double[x.length];
int itr = 0;
double sum = 0;
// recalculate mean and variance
for (int s = 0; s < y.length; s++) {
// if (includeDatasetTraitSample[s]) {
newY[itr] = y[s];
sum += newY[itr];
// }
y = newY;
meanY = sum / itr;
double varsum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
y[i] -= meanY;
varsum += y[i] * y[i];
varianceY = varsum / (y.length - 1);
// } else {
double varianceYOrig = datasets[datasetId].getTraitVariance(traitId);
// }
if (varianceY == 0) {
// trait has no variance
zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
} else {
//Calculate correlation coefficient:
double correlation = Correlation.correlateMeanCenteredData(x, y, varianceX, varianceY);
double correlation2 = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, y);
System.out.println(correlation + "\t" + correlation2 + "\t" + x.length + "\t" + varianceX + "\t" + varianceYOrig + "\t" + varianceY + "\t" + Descriptives.variance(x) + "\t" + Descriptives.variance(y));
if (correlation >= -1 && correlation <= 1) {
zscores[datasetId] = Correlation.convertCorrelationToZScore(x.length, correlation);
} else {
System.err.println("Error! correlation invalid: " + correlation);
double metaZ = ZScores.getWeightedZ(zscores, sampleSizes);
double p = ZScores.zToP(metaZ);
int bin = (int) Math.round(p * distributionSize);
if (bin == distributionSize) {
return bin;
private Pair correctGenotypesForMissingValuesAndNormalize(int[] coupledTraitInt, GeneticVariant variant, float[] genotypesTMP, boolean[] includeTraitSample) {
int xLen = genotypesTMP.length;
int nrMissing = 0;
double[] snpmeancorrectedgenotypes;
double varianceX;
double meanX;
if (variant.getCallRate() < 1d) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++) {
if (genotypesTMP[i] < 0) {
int coupledTrait = coupledTraitInt[i]; // not really sure if this is still required..
includeTraitSample[coupledTrait] = false;
} else {
sum += genotypesTMP[i];
int newXLen = xLen - nrMissing;
meanX = sum / newXLen;
snpmeancorrectedgenotypes = new double[newXLen];
int itr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < newXLen; i++) {
if (genotypesTMP[i] >= 0) {
snpmeancorrectedgenotypes[itr] = genotypesTMP[i] - meanX;
} else {
double sum = 0;
snpmeancorrectedgenotypes = new double[xLen];
for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++) {
double genotype = genotypesTMP[i];
sum += genotype;
snpmeancorrectedgenotypes[i] = genotype;
// meanX = sum / genotypesTMP.length;
varianceX = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.variance(snpmeancorrectedgenotypes);
return new Pair(snpmeancorrectedgenotypes, varianceX);
private double[] permuteGenotypes(double[] genotypes, Random rand) {
ArrayList availableGenotypes = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) {
Collections.shuffle(availableGenotypes, rand);
return Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(availableGenotypes.toArray(new Double[0]));
public Pair call() throws Exception {
try {
// normal procedure
int nrPermutations = randomizationSeeds.length;
int nrDatasets = geneticVariantIndex.length;
int nrVariants = geneticVariantIndex[nrDatasets - 1].length;
// iterate the variants
ArrayList traitsToTest = null;
boolean[] flipEffects = new boolean[nrDatasets];
int numberOfDatasetsPassingQC = 0;
double mafthreshold = m_settings.getSnpQCMAFThreshold();
double hwepthreshold = m_settings.getSnpQCHWEThreshold();
double callratethreshold = m_settings.getSnpQCHWEThreshold();
int[] maxNrSamplesPerDataset = new int[datasets.length];
boolean[][] includeTraitSample = new boolean[nrDatasets][0];
for (int d = 0; d < maxNrSamplesPerDataset.length; d++) {
int nrSamples = datasets[d].getGenotypeToTraitCouplingInt().length;
maxNrSamplesPerDataset[d] = nrSamples;
includeTraitSample[d] = new boolean[nrSamples];
ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(nrVariants, "Running calculations...");
for (int variantId = 0; variantId < nrVariants; variantId += threadIndex) {
// load the genotypes
double[][] genotypes = new double[nrDatasets][0];
double[] genotypeVariances = new double[nrDatasets];
int[] sampleSizes = new int[nrDatasets];
int startPosition = -1;
String sequence = null;
numberOfDatasetsPassingQC = 0;
for (int datasetId = 0; datasetId < nrDatasets; datasetId++) {
GeneticVariant variant = geneticVariantIndex[datasetId][variantId];
MetaQTL4Dataset dataset = datasets[datasetId];
int[] gte = dataset.getGenotypeToTraitCouplingInt();
if (variant != null) {
float[] genotypesTMP = dataset.getSampleDosages(variant);
double maf = variant.getMinorAlleleFrequency();
double hwep = variant.getHwePvalue();
double callrate = variant.getCallRate();
// TODO: best done on loading dataset with filter.
if (maf > mafthreshold && hwep > hwepthreshold && callrate > callratethreshold) {
// TODO: remove missing genotypes and rescale the genotype data
Pair genotypedata = correctGenotypesForMissingValuesAndNormalize(gte, variant, genotypesTMP, includeTraitSample[datasetId]);
genotypes[datasetId] = genotypedata.getLeft();
genotypeVariances[datasetId] = genotypedata.getRight();
sampleSizes[datasetId] = genotypes[datasetId].length;
if (sequence == null) {
startPosition = variant.getStartPos();
sequence = variant.getSequenceName();
} else {
// TODO: output to the log?
genotypes[datasetId] = null;
} else {
genotypes[datasetId] = null;
// determine which traits to test
// If this is a cis OR a trans analysis but NOT BOTH: use XOR
// else test ALL traits
if (m_settings.isCisAnalysis() ^ m_settings.isTransAnalysis()) {
// index once, use many
if (traitsToTest == null) {
traitsToTest = new ArrayList();
// possible faster with hashmap lookup
for (int i = 0; i < availableTraits.size(); i++) {
MetaQTL4MetaTrait trait = availableTraits.get(i); // a treemap may be more efficient here
boolean sameChr = trait.getChr().equals(sequence);
if (sameChr) {
int distance = Math.abs(trait.getChrMidpoint() - startPosition); // precalculate this, if possible
if (m_settings.isCisAnalysis() && distance < m_settings.getCiseQTLAnalysMaxSNPProbeMidPointDistance()) {
if (m_settings.isTransAnalysis() && distance > m_settings.getCiseQTLAnalysMaxSNPProbeMidPointDistance()) {
if (!sameChr && m_settings.isTransAnalysis()) {
if (traitsToTest != null && traitsToTest.isEmpty()) {
// do something, log perhaps
} else {
// run test
int[] dist;
for (int permutation = -1; permutation < nrPermutations; permutation++) {
if (permutation >= 0) {
dist = permutedDistribution;
long seed = randomizationSeeds[permutation];
Random rand = new Random(seed);
// reorder genotypes on the basis of the permuted sample links
for (int d = 0; d < datasets.length; d++) {
if (genotypes[d] != null) {
genotypes[d] = permuteGenotypes(genotypes[d], rand);
} else {
dist = realDistribution;
if (traitsToTest == null) {
// cistrans analysis
for (int trait = 0; trait < availableTraits.size(); trait++) {
int bin = test(sampleSizes, genotypes, genotypeVariances, trait, includeTraitSample);
} else {
for (Integer trait : traitsToTest) {
// MetaQTL4MetaTrait traitObj = availableTraits.get(trait);
// System.out.println(Strings.concat(traitObj.getPlatformIds(), Strings.comma));
int bin = test(sampleSizes, genotypes, genotypeVariances, trait, includeTraitSample);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Pair(realDistribution, permutedDistribution);
// private int test(int[] sampleSizes, double[][] genotypes, double[] genotypeVariances, Integer traitId, boolean[][] includeTraitSample) {
// int nrDatasets = datasets.length;
// double[] zscores = new double[nrDatasets];
// for (int datasetId = 0; datasetId < nrDatasets; datasetId++) {
// if (genotypes[datasetId] == null) {
// zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
// } else {
// double[] x = genotypes[datasetId];
// if (x == null) {
// System.err.println("ERROR: genotype is null");
// zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
// } else {
// double varianceX = genotypeVariances[datasetId];
// boolean[] includeDatasetTraitSample = includeTraitSample[datasetId];
// double meanY;
// double varianceY;
// // re-normalize the trait data when the genotypes had missing values
// Integer datasetTraitId = traitIndex[datasetId][traitId];
// double[] y = datasets[datasetId].getTraitData(datasetTraitId);
// if (sampleSizes[datasetId] != y.length) {
// double[] newY = new double[x.length];
// int itr = 0;
// double sum = 0;
// // recalculate mean and variance
// for (int s = 0; s < y.length; s++) {
// if (includeDatasetTraitSample[s]) {
// newY[itr] = y[s];
// sum += newY[itr];
// itr++;
// }
// }
// y = newY;
// meanY = sum / itr;
// double varsum = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
// y[i] -= meanY;
// varsum += y[i] * y[i];
// }
// varianceY = varsum / (y.length - 1);
// } else {
// varianceY = datasets[datasetId].getTraitVariance(datasetTraitId);
// }
// if (varianceY == 0) {
// // trait has no variance
// zscores[datasetId] = Double.NaN;
// } else {
// //Calculate correlation coefficient:
// double correlation = Correlation.correlate(x, y, varianceX, varianceY);
//// double correlation2 = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(x, y);
//// if (correlation != correlation2) {
//// System.err.println("ERROR: "+(correlation-correlation2));
//// double[] newY = new double[x.length];
//// int itr = 0;
//// double sum = 0;
//// // recalculate mean and variance
//// for (int s = 0; s < y.length; s++) {
//// if (includeDatasetTraitSample[s]) {
//// newY[itr] = y[s];
//// sum += newY[itr];
//// itr++;
//// }
//// }
//// meanY = sum / itr;
//// double varsum = 0;
//// for (int i = 0; i < newY.length; i++) {
//// newY[i] -= meanY;
//// varsum += newY[i] * newY[i];
//// }
//// double varianceYRecalculated = varsum / (newY.length - 1);
//// System.err.println(correlation + "\t" + correlation2 + "\t"
//// + x.length + "\t"
//// + varianceYRecalculated + "\t"
//// + varianceX + "\t"
//// + varianceY + "\t"
//// + datasets[datasetId].getTraitVariance(datasetTraitId) + "\t"
//// + Descriptives.variance(x) + "\t"
//// + Descriptives.variance(y)
//// );
////// for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
////// System.out.println(i + "\t" + y[i] + "\t" + x[i]);
////// }
////// System.exit(-1);
//// }
// if (correlation >= -1 && correlation <= 1) {
// zscores[datasetId] = Correlation.convertCorrelationToZScore(x.length, correlation);
// } else {
// System.err.println("Error! correlation invalid: " + correlation);
// System.exit(-1);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// double metaZ = ZScores.getWeightedZ(zscores, sampleSizes);
// double p = ZScores.zToP(metaZ);
// int bin = (int) Math.round(p * distributionSize);
// if (bin == distributionSize) {
// bin--;
// }
// return bin;
// }
// private Pair correctGenotypesForMissingValuesAndNormalize(int[] coupledTraitInt, GeneticVariant variant, float[] genotypesTMP, boolean[] includeTraitSample) {
// int xLen = genotypesTMP.length;
// int nrMissing = 0;
// double[] snpmeancorrectedgenotypes;
// double varianceX;
// double meanX;
// if (variant.getCallRate() < 1d) {
// double sum = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++) {
// if (genotypesTMP[i] < 0) {
// nrMissing++;
// int coupledTrait = coupledTraitInt[i]; // not really sure if this is still required..
// includeTraitSample[coupledTrait] = false;
// } else {
// sum += genotypesTMP[i];
// }
// }
// int newXLen = xLen - nrMissing;
// meanX = sum / newXLen;
// snpmeancorrectedgenotypes = new double[newXLen];
// int itr = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < newXLen; i++) {
// if (genotypesTMP[i] >= 0) {
// snpmeancorrectedgenotypes[itr] = genotypesTMP[i] - meanX;
// itr++;
// }
// }
// } else {
// double sum = 0;
// snpmeancorrectedgenotypes = new double[xLen];
// for (int i = 0; i < xLen; i++) {
// double genotype = genotypesTMP[i];
// sum += genotype;
// snpmeancorrectedgenotypes[i] = genotype;
// }
// // meanX = sum / genotypesTMP.length;
// }
// varianceX = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.variance(snpmeancorrectedgenotypes);
// return new Pair(snpmeancorrectedgenotypes, varianceX);
// }
// private double[] permuteGenotypes(double[] genotypes, Random rand) {
// ArrayList availableGenotypes = new ArrayList();
// if (genotypes == null) {
// System.err.println("ERROR: genotypes null");
// return null;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < genotypes.length; i++) {
// availableGenotypes.add(genotypes[i]);
// }
// Collections.shuffle(availableGenotypes, rand);
// return Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(availableGenotypes.toArray(new Double[0]));
// }
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