eqtlmappingpipeline.util.LDCalculator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package eqtlmappingpipeline.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair;
import umcg.genetica.containers.SortableSNP;
import umcg.genetica.containers.Triple;
import umcg.genetica.io.text.TextFile;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.SNP;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.SNPLoader;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.TriTyperGenotypeData;
import umcg.genetica.io.trityper.util.DetermineLD;
* @author harmjan
public class LDCalculator {
public static void calculatePairwiseLD(String snpfile, String dataset, String output) throws IOException {
if (snpfile == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: snp file location should be provided");
if (dataset == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: dataset location should be provided");
if (output == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: output location should be provided");
TextFile snpTextFile = new TextFile(snpfile, TextFile.R);
String[] elems = snpTextFile.readLineElems(TextFile.tab);
ArrayList> pairs = new ArrayList>();
while (elems != null) {
if (elems.length > 1) {
Pair p = new Pair(elems[0], elems[1]);
elems = snpTextFile.readLineElems(TextFile.tab);
if (pairs.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: " + snpfile + " does not contain any useable SNP pairs. Did you use tab separation?");
DetermineLD calc = new DetermineLD();
TriTyperGenotypeData ds = new TriTyperGenotypeData();
SNPLoader loader = ds.createSNPLoader();
TextFile outputfile = new TextFile(output, TextFile.W);
String header = "SNP1\tSNP1Chr\tSNP1ChrPos\tSNP1MAF\tSNP1CR\tSNP1HWEP"
+ "\tDistrance\tR2\tSNPOnSameChr";
for (Pair p : pairs) {
Integer snp1Id = ds.getSnpToSNPId().get(p.getLeft());
Integer snp2Id = ds.getSnpToSNPId().get(p.getRight());
boolean test = true;
String teststr = "";
if (snp1Id == -9) {
System.out.println(p.getLeft() + "\tnot present in dataset");
teststr = p.getLeft() + "\tnot present in dataset";
test = false;
if (snp2Id == -9) {
System.out.println(p.getRight() + "\tnot present in dataset");
if (teststr.length() > 0) {
teststr += "\t" + p.getRight() + "\tnot present in dataset";
} else {
teststr = p.getRight() + "\tnot present in dataset";
test = false;
if (!test) {
} else {
SNP snp1Obj = ds.getSNPObject(snp1Id);
SNP snp2Obj = ds.getSNPObject(snp2Id);
boolean snpOnSameChr = true;
if (snp1Obj.getChr() != snp2Obj.getChr()) {
System.out.println(p.getLeft() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getChr() + "\t" + p.getRight() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getChr() + "\tnot on same chr");
// outputfile.writeln(p.getLeft() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getChr() + "\t" + p.getRight() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getChr() + "\tnot on same chr");
snpOnSameChr = false;
// else {
double r2 = calc.getRSquared(snp1Obj, snp2Obj, ds, DetermineLD.RETURN_R_SQUARED, DetermineLD.INCLUDE_CASES_AND_CONTROLS, false);
int distance = snp2Obj.getChrPos() - snp1Obj.getChrPos();
String ln = p.getLeft() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getChr() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getChrPos() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getMAF() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getCR() + "\t" + snp1Obj.getHWEP() + "\t" + p.getRight() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getChr() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getChrPos() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getMAF() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getCR() + "\t" + snp2Obj.getHWEP() + "\t" + distance + "\t" + r2 + "\t" + snpOnSameChr;
// }
public static void proxyLookUpInReferenceDataset(String reference, String inputList, double mafThreshold, double hwepthreshold, double crthreshold, double r2threshold, String output, int maxdistance) throws IOException {
TextFile snpList = new TextFile(inputList, TextFile.R);
String[] snpsToQuery = snpList.readAsArray();
TriTyperGenotypeData refDataset = new TriTyperGenotypeData();
SNPLoader refLoader = refDataset.createSNPLoader();
TextFile outputfile = new TextFile(output, TextFile.W);
// first check which SNPs are actually already in the dataset. We don't have to look for proxies for those SNPs, considering the threshold set as arguments here.
int ctr = 0;
for (String snp : snpsToQuery) {
String outputStr = snp;
System.out.println(ctr + "/" + snpsToQuery.length);
Integer refDatasetId = refDataset.getSnpToSNPId().get(snp);
if (refDatasetId == -9) {
// this SNP is useless, we cannot find a proxy for a SNP we have no data for.
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - Not present in reference";
} else {
// possibly there is a proxy in our reference.
Triple proxy = proxyLookUpInReferenceDataAlone(refDataset, refLoader, refDatasetId, r2threshold, mafThreshold, crthreshold, hwepthreshold, maxdistance);
if (proxy == null) {
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - no SNP that meets thresholds";
} else {
outputStr += "\t" + proxy.getLeft() + "\t" + proxy.getMiddle() + "\t" + proxy.getRight();
public static void proxyLookupInReferenceThatIsAlsoIneQTLDataset(String reference, String dataset, String inputList, double mafThreshold, double hwepthreshold, double crthreshold, double r2threshold, String output, int maxdistance) throws IOException {
TextFile snpList = new TextFile(inputList, TextFile.R);
String[] snpsToQuery = snpList.readAsArray();
TriTyperGenotypeData inDataset = new TriTyperGenotypeData();
SNPLoader datasetLoader = inDataset.createSNPLoader();
TriTyperGenotypeData refDataset = new TriTyperGenotypeData();
SNPLoader refLoader = refDataset.createSNPLoader();
TextFile outputfile = new TextFile(output, TextFile.W);
// first check which SNPs are actually already in the dataset. We don't have to look for proxies for those SNPs, considering the threshold set as arguments here.
for (String snp : snpsToQuery) {
String outputStr = snp;
Integer inDatasetId = inDataset.getSnpToSNPId().get(snp);
Integer refDatasetId = refDataset.getSnpToSNPId().get(snp);
if (inDatasetId == -9 && refDatasetId == -9) {
// this SNP is useless, we cannot find a proxy for a SNP we have no data for.
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - Not present in reference and dataset";
} else if (inDatasetId == -9 && refDatasetId != -9) {
// possibly there is a proxy in our reference.
Triple proxy = findProxyThatIsAlsoInDatasetToTest(refDataset, inDataset, refLoader, datasetLoader, refDatasetId, r2threshold, mafThreshold, crthreshold, hwepthreshold, maxdistance);
if (proxy == null) {
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - no SNP that meets thresholds";
} else {
outputStr += "\t" + proxy.getLeft() + "\t" + proxy.getMiddle() + "\t" + proxy.getRight();
} else if (inDatasetId != -9 && refDatasetId != -9) {
// we might need to look for a proxy, if the SNP in the inDataset does not conform to the thresholds set.
// we need to load the data first
SNP snpInDataObj = inDataset.getSNPObject(inDatasetId);
if (snpInDataObj.getMAF() < mafThreshold || snpInDataObj.getCR() < crthreshold || snpInDataObj.getHWEP() < hwepthreshold) {
// we have to look for a proxy
Triple proxy = findProxyThatIsAlsoInDatasetToTest(refDataset, inDataset, refLoader, datasetLoader, refDatasetId, r2threshold, mafThreshold, crthreshold, hwepthreshold, maxdistance);
if (proxy == null) {
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - no SNP that meets thresholds";
} else {
outputStr += "\t" + proxy.getLeft() + "\t" + proxy.getMiddle() + "\t" + proxy.getRight();
} else {
// its perfectly fine to use this SNP.
outputStr += "\t" + snp + "\tNo proxy required";
} else if (inDatasetId != -9 && refDatasetId == -9) {
SNP snpInDataObj = inDataset.getSNPObject(inDatasetId);
if (snpInDataObj.getMAF() < mafThreshold || snpInDataObj.getCR() < crthreshold || snpInDataObj.getHWEP() < hwepthreshold) {
outputStr += "\t-\tNo proxy available - SNP not present in reference";
} else {
outputStr += "\t" + snp + "\tNo proxy required - SNP not present in reference but meets eQTL QC thresholds";
// find proxy in reference that is also in the inDataset
// so we only have to check SNPs that are also in the inDataset
private static Triple findProxyThatIsAlsoInDatasetToTest(TriTyperGenotypeData refDataset, TriTyperGenotypeData inDataset, SNPLoader refLoader, SNPLoader datasetLoader, Integer snpIdInReference, double r2threshold,
double maf, double cr, double hwep, int maxDistance) throws IOException {
String[] snpsInReference = refDataset.getSNPs();
byte chromosomeOfStartSNP = refDataset.getChr(snpIdInReference);
String query = snpsInReference[snpIdInReference];
System.out.println("Query:\t" + query);
ArrayList snpsToSort = new ArrayList();
for (int s = 0; s < snpsInReference.length; s++) {
if (refDataset.getChr(s) == chromosomeOfStartSNP && !snpIdInReference.equals(s)) {
// now check whether the SNP is actually in the in dataset.
String snpName = snpsInReference[s];
int chrPos = refDataset.getChrPos(s);
int distance = Math.abs(refDataset.getChrPos(s) - refDataset.getChrPos(snpIdInReference));
if (distance < maxDistance) {
if (inDataset.getSnpToSNPId().get(snpName) != -9) {
snpsToSort.add(new SortableSNP(snpName, s, chromosomeOfStartSNP, refDataset.getChrPos(s), SortableSNP.SORTBY.CHRPOS));
System.out.println(snpsToSort.size() + "\t SNPs within 10Mb");
if (snpsToSort.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// sort the SNPs
// now calculate the LD with the startSNP.
// we want the closest SNP, so first find the snp that we started with
SortableSNP[] sorted = snpsToSort.toArray(new SortableSNP[0]);
SNP startSNPObj = refDataset.getSNPObject(snpIdInReference);
DetermineLD ldcalc = new DetermineLD();
Integer bestproxy = null;
double maxR2 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
int dist = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < sorted.length; s++) {
int nextSNP = sorted[s].id;
SNP nextSNPObj = refDataset.getSNPObject(nextSNP);
double r2 = ldcalc.getRSquared(startSNPObj, nextSNPObj, refDataset, DetermineLD.RETURN_R_SQUARED, DetermineLD.INCLUDE_CASES_AND_CONTROLS, false);
double dp = ldcalc.getRSquared(startSNPObj, nextSNPObj, refDataset, DetermineLD.RETURN_D_PRIME, DetermineLD.INCLUDE_CASES_AND_CONTROLS, false);
int distance = nextSNPObj.getChrPos() - startSNPObj.getChrPos();
if (r2 >= r2threshold) {
// possible candidate. Now check for MAF, CR and HWEP in the real dataset.
Integer snpIdInDataset = inDataset.getSnpToSNPId().get(nextSNPObj.getName());
SNP snpInDatasetObj = inDataset.getSNPObject(snpIdInDataset);
boolean snpPassesQC = false;
if (snpInDatasetObj.getMAF() > maf && snpInDatasetObj.getHWEP() > hwep && snpInDatasetObj.getCR() > cr && r2 >= maxR2) {
// this is a hit!
bestproxy = s;
maxR2 = r2;
dist = distance;
snpPassesQC = true;
// System.out.println("Candidate proxy:\t" + nextSNPObj.getName() + "\t" + r2);
// if ((r2 > 0.1 || dp > 0.1) && snpPassesQC) {
// System.out.println("Testing LD\t" + startSNPObj.getName() + "\t" + startSNPObj.getChr() + "\t" + nextSNPObj.getName() + "\t" + nextSNPObj.getChr() + "\t" + distance + "\t" + r2 + "\t" + dp + "\t" + snpPassesQC
// + "\t" + snpInDatasetObj.getMAF() + "\t" + snpInDatasetObj.getHWEP() + "\t" + snpInDatasetObj.getCR());
// }
if (bestproxy == null) {
return null;
return new Triple(sorted[bestproxy].name, maxR2, dist); // returns null if nothing found
private static Triple proxyLookUpInReferenceDataAlone(TriTyperGenotypeData refDataset, SNPLoader refLoader, Integer refDatasetSNPId, double r2threshold, double maf, double cr, double hwep, int maxdistance) throws IOException {
String[] snpsInReference = refDataset.getSNPs();
byte chromosomeOfStartSNP = refDataset.getChr(refDatasetSNPId);
String query = snpsInReference[refDatasetSNPId];
System.out.println("Query:\t" + query);
ArrayList snpsToSort = new ArrayList();
for (int s = 0; s < snpsInReference.length; s++) {
if (refDataset.getChr(s) == chromosomeOfStartSNP && !refDatasetSNPId.equals(s)) {
// now check whether the SNP is actually in the in dataset.
String snpName = snpsInReference[s];
int chrPos = refDataset.getChrPos(s);
if (chrPos != -1) {
int distance = Math.abs(refDataset.getChrPos(s) - refDataset.getChrPos(refDatasetSNPId));
if (distance < maxdistance) {
snpsToSort.add(new SortableSNP(snpName, s, chromosomeOfStartSNP, refDataset.getChrPos(s), SortableSNP.SORTBY.CHRPOS));
System.out.println(snpsToSort.size() + "\t SNPs within 10Mb");
if (snpsToSort.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// sort the SNPs
// now calculate the LD with the startSNP.
// we want the closest SNP, so first find the snp that we started with
SortableSNP[] sorted = snpsToSort.toArray(new SortableSNP[0]);
SNP startSNPObj = refDataset.getSNPObject(refDatasetSNPId);
DetermineLD ldcalc = new DetermineLD();
Integer bestproxy = null;
double maxR2 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
int dist = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < sorted.length; s++) {
int nextSNP = sorted[s].id;
SNP nextSNPObj = refDataset.getSNPObject(nextSNP);
Pair ld = ldcalc.getLD(startSNPObj, nextSNPObj, refDataset, DetermineLD.INCLUDE_CASES_AND_CONTROLS, false);
double r2 = ld.getLeft();
double dp = ld.getRight();
int distance = nextSNPObj.getChrPos() - startSNPObj.getChrPos();
// System.out.println(startSNPObj.getName() + "\t" + nextSNPObj.getName() + "\t" + distance + "\t" + r2 + "\t" + dp);
if (r2 >= r2threshold) {
// possible candidate. Now check for MAF, CR and HWEP in the real dataset.
if (nextSNPObj.getMAF() > maf && nextSNPObj.getHWEP() > hwep && nextSNPObj.getCR() > cr && r2 >= maxR2) {
// this is a hit!
bestproxy = s;
maxR2 = r2;
dist = distance;
if (bestproxy == null) {
return null;
return new Triple(sorted[bestproxy].name, maxR2, dist); // returns null if nothing found
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