Download nz.co.senanque JAR files with all dependencies
weblogic-jndi-startup from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.3.1)
Used to set custom JNDI names and objects in WebLogic startup
schema-builder from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.5.1)
This extracts definitions from a database using JDBC and makes an XSD file with HyperJAXB3 annotations.
weblogic-jndi-startup from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.3.0)
Used to set custom JNDI names and objects in WebLogic startup
schema-translator-maven-plugin from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.0.0)
Maven plugin that extracts an SQL script from JPA annotated classes using Hibernate4. The core of the code here was scourced from Alexey Zvolinskiy (http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/01/hibernate-ddl-schema-generation.html) and this is mostly a repackaging into a maven plugin.
madura-vaadin-tableeditor from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.4.0)
Extended table editor that uses popup editor windows and an extended jpacontainer that supports @Transactional
Group: nz.co.senanque Artifact: madura-vaadin-tableeditor
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madura-oauth2-login from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.4.0)
Group: nz.co.senanque Artifact: madura-oauth2-login
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madura-configuration from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.6.0)
Connects Apache Commons Configuration with Spring Beans. Useful for injecting configuration information into Spring Beans from an external configuration file.
madura-resource-loader from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.1.2)
Automates loading of resource bundles
madura-bundle-maven3 from group nz.co.senanque (version 4.2.0)
third test bundle for maven: uses a configuration class rather than xml
madura-login from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.1.0)
Filter based login intercepter
madura-workflow from group nz.co.senanque (version 2.0.0)
Workflow engine that integrates Madura.
madura-vaadinsupport from group nz.co.senanque (version 2.6.0)
Integrates Madura Objects with Vaadin applications including support for dynamic metadata changes (available choices, read/write status of fields etc).
madura-objects from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.0.0)
This is essentially a JAXB/XJC plugin that adds automatic validation to the generated Java classes.
You define business objects in an XSD file, pass it through XJC and the plugin will add the validation code.
It uses information in the XSD to pick up validation, and you can specify extensions to that in the XSD. The resulting
Java classes check for validity when the setter is called and they reject attempts to set invalid values (this is a difference from other validation frameworks). The Java classes also expose a metadata interface to make it easy for UIs to generate, say, lists of options for a select box.
The validation framework handles single field validation but you can inject a rule engine (or several) to handle cross field validation.
But to any Java code the objects still look like ordinary Java beans. The surrounding application is unaware that they are anything different until they throw an exception. This makes it easy to use with frameworks that expect Java beans, and most of them do.
madura-perspectives-library from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.1.0)
madura-bundle-maven2 from group nz.co.senanque (version 4.2.0)
second test bundle for maven: uses a configuration class rather than xml
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