Download nz.co.senanque JAR files with all dependencies
madura-bundle-test2 from group nz.co.senanque (version 4.2.0)
Project that tests using madura-bundles-maven2 and madura-bundles-maven3 also using multiple sessions.
madura-utils from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.0.0)
A catch-all project for various miscellaneous features required by other Madura projects (or anyone else) but which aren't big enough to justify their own project.
madura-rules from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.0.0)
This is a plugin to Madura Objects. It provides a rules/constraint engine to assist with validation,
deriving new values from user inputs (eg total of invoices entered on this customer) an manipulating metadata
(eg because the amount is above X we make some field readonly). Note that the Java that is using the
monitored objects is quite unaware of the rules layer implemented here. That means you can change rules
without having to go back to your Java code, and it also means you don't have to wonder if everything
implemented the same rules. Anything using that Java object has the rules (unless you turn them all off).
madura-date-time from group nz.co.senanque (version 1.6.1)
Allows configuration of holiday dates and a simple API to figure out if a date is a holiday.
maduradocs from group nz.co.senanque (version 6.2.1)
MaduraDocs generates a PDF file from an XML source file. It is a maven plugin, so it can be added to a maven project and the PDF will be generated as part of the build (the package phase).
nmc-workflow from group nz.co.senanque (version 2.0.0)
simple-workflow from group nz.co.senanque (version 2.0.0)
Example of a simple workflow in a bundle. This workflow doesn't actually do anything.
madura-vaadin-touchkit from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.1.0)
Code to support using Madura with Vaadin's Touchkit
madura-bundle-test from group nz.co.senanque (version 4.2.0)
Project that tests using the first maven bundle (madura-bundle-maven)
madura-perspectives-bmi from group nz.co.senanque (version 3.1.0)
Calculate BMI using minimal inputs
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