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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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import org.apache.marmotta.commons.sesame.hashing.URIFunnel;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.FN;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* A dialect provides the SQL statements necessary to access the different types of database systems. Each
* method should return a PreparedStatement that can be executed on the respective JDBC connection
* Author: Sebastian Schaffert
public abstract class KiWiDialect {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KiWiDialect.class);
private final static int VERSION = 2;
protected BloomFilter supportedFunctions;
private Properties statements;
protected KiWiDialect() throws DriverNotFoundException {
statements = new Properties();
// load all files that can be located in the same package (from different modules in different jar files)
try {
Enumeration urls = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResources(this.getClass().getPackage().getName().replace('.','/')+"/");
while(urls.hasMoreElements()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("could not load statement definitions (",e);
supportedFunctions = BloomFilter.create(URIFunnel.getInstance(), 1000);
public int getVersion() {
return VERSION;
* Return the name of the driver class (used for properly initialising JDBC connections)
* @return
public abstract String getDriverClass();
* Return true if batched commits are supported by this dialect.
* @return
public abstract boolean isBatchSupported();
* Return the contents of the SQL create script used for initialising an empty database
* @return
public String getCreateScript(String scriptName) {
return getScript("create_"+scriptName+"_tables.sql");
* Return the contents of the SQL drop script used for cleaning up all traces of the KiWi triple store
* @return
public String getDropScript(String scriptName) {
return getScript("drop_"+scriptName+"_tables.sql");
* Return the contents of the SQL script with the given file name (relative to the current class)
* @return
protected String getScript(String scriptName) {
try {
return IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(scriptName));
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* Return the contents of the SQL scripts used for migrating from the version given as argument to the
* current version. In case the update covers several version steps, this method should concatenate the
* migration scripts in proper order.
* @param oldVersion the version to migrate the database from
* @param name name of the script to create; the method will look for scripts with name upgrade_name_oldv_newv.sql
* @return the migration script from the old version to the current version of the database schema, or null
* if the database is already the current version
public String getMigrationScript(int oldVersion, String name) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = oldVersion+1; i <= VERSION; i++ ) {
try {
String script = String.format("upgrade_"+name+"_%03d_%03d.sql",i-1,i);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("upgrade script {} -> {} not found or not readable!", i-1, i);
return builder.toString();
* Return the SQL statement with the given identifier, or null if such a statement does not exist. The
* statement identifiers are usually the keys in the file for the respective database.
* @param identifier property key of the statement in
* @return the SQL statement, or null if it does not exist
public String getStatement(String identifier) {
return statements.getProperty(identifier);
* Return true if a statement with the given identifier exists
* @param identifier key of the statement to check
* @return true if a statement with the given identifier exists
public boolean hasStatement(String identifier) {
return statements.getProperty(identifier) != null;
* Return all available statement identifiers. The statement identifiers are usually the keys in the
* file for the respective database.
* @return a set of all statement identifiers
public Set getStatementIdentifiers() {
return statements.stringPropertyNames();
* Return the names of all sequences that have been configured in the system, i.e. all statements starting with "seq."
* @return
public Set listSequences(String scriptName) {
// quick hack for current modules, fix later!
if("base".equals(scriptName)) {
return ImmutableSet.of("seq.nodes", "seq.triples", "seq.namespaces");
} else if("reasoner".equals(scriptName)) {
return ImmutableSet.of("seq.rules", "seq.justifications", "seq.programs");
} else if("versioning".equals(scriptName)) {
return ImmutableSet.of("seq.versions");
} else if("ldcache".equals(scriptName)) {
return ImmutableSet.of("seq.ldcache");
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set names = new HashSet();
Enumeration e = statements.propertyNames();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String[] keys = e.nextElement().toString().split("\\.");
if(keys[0].equals("seq")) {
names.add(keys[0] + "." + keys[1]);
return names;
* Return the database specific operator for matching a text against a regular expression.
* @param text
* @param pattern
* @param flags
* @return
public abstract String getRegexp(String text, String pattern, String flags);
* Return true in case the SPARQL RE flags contained in the given string are supported.
* @param flags
* @return
public abstract boolean isRegexpSupported(String flags);
* Return the database specific case insensitive like comparison, e.g. ILIKE in Postgres.
* @param text
* @param pattern
* @return
public abstract String getILike(String text, String pattern);
* Get the database specific string concatenation function for the (variable number of) arguments.
* @param args
* @deprecated use {@link #getFunction(URI, String...)} instead
* @return
public String getConcat(String... args) {
return getFunction(FN.CONCAT, args);
* Get the query string that can be used for validating that a JDBC connection to this database is still valid.
* Typically, this should be an inexpensive operation like "SELECT 1",
* @return
public abstract String getValidationQuery();
* Return an SQL string for evaluating the function with the given URI on the arguments. All arguments are already
* properly substituted SQL expressions (e.g. field names or constants).
* Dialects should at least implement support for all functions defined in the SPARQL specification (
* @param fnUri
* @param args
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException in case the function with the given URI is not supported
* @return
public abstract String getFunction(URI fnUri, String... args);
* Return true in case the database dialect offers direct support for the function with the URI given as argument.
* This method is used to determine whether a SPARQL query containing a function can be optimized or needs to be
* evaluated in-memory.
* @param fnUri
* @return
public boolean isFunctionSupported(URI fnUri) {
return supportedFunctions.mightContain(fnUri);
* Return true in case the database system supports using cursors for queries over large data tables.
* @return
public boolean isCursorSupported() {
return false;