org.clulab.assembly.AssemblyManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.clulab.assembly
import org.clulab.assembly.representations._
import collection.Map
import collection.immutable
import org.clulab.odin._
import org.clulab.reach.mentions.{MentionOps, CorefMention}
// used to differentiate AssemblyModifications from Modifications on mentions
import org.clulab.reach.mentions
* Stores precedence information for two distinct [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @param before the [[EntityEventRepresentation] that precedes [[PrecedenceRelation.after]]
* @param after the [[EntityEventRepresentation]] that follows [[PrecedenceRelation.before]]
* @param evidence the mentions that serve as evidence for this precedence relation
* @param foundBy the name of the Sieve which found this relation
case class PrecedenceRelation(
before: EER,
after: EER,
var evidence: Set[Mention],
foundBy: String
) {
* Returns true if the input argument is a [[PrecedenceRelation]] with identical before and after [[EntityEventRepresentation]]s
* @param other Any comparison object
* @return a Boolean
// TODO: Should this be in terms of an Equiv Hash?
def strictlyEquivalent(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case pr: PrecedenceRelation => this.before == pr.before && this.after == pr.after
case _ => false
* Returns true if the input argument is a [[PrecedenceRelation]] with either the same before or after [[EntityEventRepresentation]]s
* @param other Any comparison object
* @return a Boolean
// TODO: Should this be in terms of an Equiv Hash?
def isEquivalentTo(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case pr: PrecedenceRelation => this.before == pr.before || this.after == pr.after
case _ => false
* @constructor Creates a new AssemblyManager from two LUTs: (Mention -> [[IDPointer]]) and ([[IDPointer]] -> [[EntityEventRepresentation]]).
* These LUTs are used to populate the mentionStateToID and idToEERepresentation LUTs containing the same information.
* Subsequent updates to these LUTs create new LUTs.
* The motivation for the LUTs was to allow for changes in the mapping of a Mention -...-> [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* to easily propagate in nested cases.
* For example, an update to the (Mention -> [[EntityEventRepresentation]]) mapping of a SimpleEvent Mention will propagate
* to the (Mention -> [[EntityEventRepresentation]]) mapping of any ComplexEvent Mention containing this SimpleEvent Mention.
* @param m2id a lookup table from Mention -> [[IDPointer]]. Each key (Mention) should map to a unique [[IDPointer]].
* @param id2eer a lookup table from [[IDPointer]] -> [[EntityEventRepresentation]].
* Keys ([[IDPointer]]) may point to the same value (EntityEventRepresentation)
class AssemblyManager(
m2id: Map[MentionState, IDPointer],
id2eer: Map[IDPointer, EER]
) extends Serializable {
import AssemblyManager._
// Because modifications don't feature into the hashcode,
// a mention's identify at assembly consists of both the mention and its mods (i.e., the "state" of the mention)
private var mentionStateToID: immutable.Map[MentionState, IDPointer] = m2id.toMap
private var idToEER: immutable.Map[IDPointer, EER] = id2eer.toMap
// faster lookup of equivalent events
private var ehToEERs: immutable.Map[Int, Set[EER]] = {
// group by EH
// get EERs
private var idToMentionState: immutable.Map[IDPointer, MentionState] ={ case (k, v) => (v, k)}
// PrecedenceRelations associated with a distinct EER
private var EERtoPrecedenceRelations: immutable.Map[EER, Set[PrecedenceRelation]] =
// initialize to size of LUT 2
private var nextID: IDPointer = idToEER.size
* Retrieve the set of mentions currently tracked by the manager
def getMentions: Set[Mention] =
// Handle PrecedenceRelations
* Stores a PrecedenceRelation in [[EERtoPrecedenceRelations]] connecting "before" and "after".
* Tracks "before" and "after" Mentions and produces EERs, is not already present.
* @param before an Odin Mention that causally precedes "after"
* @param after an Odin Mention that (causally) follows "before"
* @param evidence a Set of Odin Mentions serving as evidence for the precedence relation
* @param foundBy the name of the sieve or procedure that discovered this precedence relation
def storePrecedenceRelation(
before: Mention,
after: Mention,
evidence: Set[Mention] = Set.empty[Mention],
foundBy: String
): Unit = {
// ensure Mentions are being tracked
// and get their corresponding EERs
val eer1 = getOrCreateEER(before)
val eer2 = getOrCreateEER(after)
val ev: Set[Mention] = if (evidence.isEmpty) sieves.SieveUtils.createEvidenceForCPR(before, after, foundBy) else evidence
storePrecedenceRelation(before = eer1, after = eer2, ev, foundBy)
* Stores a PrecedenceRelation in [[EERtoPrecedenceRelations]] for the EERs corresponding to "before" and "after"
* @param before an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] that causally precedes "after"
* @param after an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] that (causally) follows "before"
* @param foundBy the name of the sieve or procedure that discovered this precedence relation
def storePrecedenceRelation(
before: EER,
after: EER,
evidence: Set[Mention],
foundBy: String
): Unit = {
val pr = PrecedenceRelation(
def storePrecedenceRelation(
before: EER,
after: EER,
foundBy: String
): Unit = storePrecedenceRelation(before, after, Set.empty[Mention], foundBy)
* Update entries in [[EERtoPrecedenceRelations]] for pr.before and pr.after
* @param pr a [[PrecedenceRelation]]
private def updateEERtoPrecedenceRelations(pr: PrecedenceRelation): Unit = {
// update PRs for before
val before = pr.before
val oldBefore = EERtoPrecedenceRelations.getOrElse(before, Set.empty)
EERtoPrecedenceRelations = EERtoPrecedenceRelations + (before -> (oldBefore ++ Set(pr)))
// update PRs for after
val after = pr.after
val oldAfter = EERtoPrecedenceRelations.getOrElse(after, Set.empty)
EERtoPrecedenceRelations = EERtoPrecedenceRelations + (after -> (oldAfter ++ Set(pr)))
// retrieval of PrecedenceRelations
* Retrieves the Set of PrecedenceRelations corresponding to the provided [[EntityEventRepresentation.equivalenceHash]] (eh)
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
def getPrecedenceRelationsFor(eer: EER): Set[PrecedenceRelation] = EERtoPrecedenceRelations(eer)
* Retrieves the Set of PrecedenceRelations corresponding to the provided Mention
* @param m an Odin Mention
def getPrecedenceRelationsFor(m: Mention): Set[PrecedenceRelation] = {
* Retrieves the (distinct) Set of PrecedenceRelations for all Events
def getPrecedenceRelations: Set[PrecedenceRelation] = {
for {
e <- distinctEvents
pr <- getPrecedenceRelationsFor(e)
} yield pr
* Retrieves the distinct Set of EER predecessors for the provided EER.
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @return the Set of distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally precede any EER corresponding to [[EntityEventRepresentation.equivalenceHash]]
def distinctPredecessorsOf(eer: EER): Set[EER] = {
val predecessors = predecessorsOf(eer)
* Retrieves the distinct Set of EER predecessors for the provided Mention (m).
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return the Set of distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally precede the EER corresponding to M
def distinctPredecessorsOf(m: Mention): Set[EER] = m match {
case isValid if AssemblyManager.isValidMention(m) =>
case _ => Set.empty[EER]
* Retrieves the non-distinct Set of EER predecessors for the provided EER.
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @return the Set of non-distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally precede eer
def predecessorsOf(eer: EER): Set[EER] = for {
pr <- EERtoPrecedenceRelations(eer)
if pr.before.equivalenceHash != eer.equivalenceHash
} yield pr.before
* Retrieves the non-distinct Set of EER predecessors for the provided Mention (m).
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return the Set of non-distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally precede the EER corresponding to m
def predecessorsOf(m: Mention): Set[EER] = m match {
// check if valid mention
case isValid if AssemblyManager.isValidMention(isValid) =>
case _ => Set.empty[EER]
* Retrieves the distinct Set of EER successors for the provided EER.
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @return the Set of distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally succeed any EER corresponding to eh
def distinctSuccessorsOf(eer: EER): Set[EER] = {
val successors = successorsOf(eer)
* Retrieves the distinct Set of EER successors for the provided Mention (m).
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return the Set of distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally succeed any EER corresponding to eh
def distinctSuccessorsOf(m: Mention): Set[EER] = m match {
// check if Mention is valid
case isValid if AssemblyManager.isValidMention(isValid) =>
case _ => Set.empty[EER]
* Retrieves the non-distinct Set of EER successors for the provided EER.
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @return the Set of non-distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally succeed eer
def successorsOf(eer: EER): Set[EER] = for {
pr <- getPrecedenceRelationsFor(eer)
if pr.after.equivalenceHash != eer.equivalenceHash
} yield eer
* Retrieves the non-distinct Set of EER successors for the provided Mention (m).
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return the Set of non-distinct EntityEventRepresentations known to causally succeed the EER corresponding to m
def successorsOf(m: Mention): Set[EER] = m match {
// check if Mention is valid
case isValid if AssemblyManager.isValidMention(isValid) =>
case _ => Set.empty[EER]
// Utils for processing mentions
* Creates an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] if m is a valid Mention
* See [[isValidMention]] for details on validation check
* @param m an Odin Mention
def trackMention(m: Mention): Unit = {
// do not store Sites, Activations, etc. in LUT 1
if (isValidMention(m)) getOrCreateEER(m)
* Creates an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] for each valid Mention
* See [[isValidMention]] for details on validation check
* @param mentions a sequence of Mention to store in the AssemblyManager LUTs
def trackMentions(mentions: Seq[Mention]): Unit = {
// do not store Sites, Activations, etc. in LUT 1
// get or create an EntityEventRepresentation for each mention
* Gets the polarity of a mention. Should only be relevant to ComplexEvents
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return [[AssemblyManager.positive]], [[AssemblyManager.negative]], or [[AssemblyManager.unknown]]
def getPolarityLabel(m: Mention): String = m match {
case pos if pos matches "(?i)^positive".r => AssemblyManager.positive
case neg if neg matches "(?i)^negative".r => AssemblyManager.negative
case _ => AssemblyManager.unknown
// Utils for creating IDs
* Creates a unique [[IDPointer]].
* This implementation does not rely on updates to either the [[mentionStateToID]] or [[idToEER]] LUT to determine a unique [[IDPointer]].
* @return a unique [[IDPointer]]
// use the size of LUT 2 to create a new ID
private def createID: IDPointer = {
val currentID = nextID
nextID += 1
* Attempts to retrieve an [[IDPointer]] for a Mention, and creates a new [[IDPointer]] if none is found.
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return an [[IDPointer]] unique to m
private def getOrCreateID(m: Mention): IDPointer = {
mentionStateToID.getOrElse(getMentionState(m), createID)
// Utils for modifying storage tables
* Updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param id a unique [[IDPointer]] for m
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @param eer the [[EntityEventRepresentation]] corresponding to m
private def updateLUTs(id: IDPointer, m: Mention, eer: EER): Unit = {
// update LUT #1a
updateMentionStateToIDTable(m, id)
// update LUT #1b
updateIDtoMentionStateTable(m, id)
// update LUT #2
updateIDtoEERTable(id, eer)
// update LUT #3
updateEHtoEERsTable(eer.equivalenceHash, eer)
* Updates the [[ehToEERs]] LUT
* @param eh an equivalenceHash
* @param eer an [[EER]]
private def updateEHtoEERsTable(eh: Int, eer: EER): Unit = {
val idsForEH = ehToEERs.getOrElse(eh, Set.empty[EER]) ++ Set(eer)
ehToEERs = ehToEERs + (eh -> idsForEH)
* Updates the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @param id an [[IDPointer]] unique to m
private def updateMentionStateToIDTable(m: Mention, id: IDPointer): Unit = {
mentionStateToID = mentionStateToID + (getMentionState(m) -> id)
* Updates the [[idToMentionState]] LUT
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @param id an [[IDPointer]] unique to m
private def updateIDtoMentionStateTable(m: Mention, id: IDPointer): Unit = {
idToMentionState = idToMentionState + (id -> getMentionState(m))
* Updates the [[idToEER]] LUT
* @param id a unique [[IDPointer]] pointing to eer
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] associated with the provided id
private def updateIDtoEERTable(id: IDPointer, eer: EER): Unit = {
idToEER = idToEER + (id -> eer)
// update the ehToEERs table
updateEHtoEERsTable(eer.equivalenceHash, eer)
// Utils for removing IDs
* Removes mention and corresponding [[EntityEventRepresentation]] associated with the provided id.
* If the corresponding EntityEventRepresentation is a [[SimpleEvent]], remove its output as well.
* @param id an [[IDPointer]] used to identify mentions and EntityEventRepresentations for removal
def removeEntriesContainingID(id: IDPointer): Unit = {
// get ids of EEReprs containing the given id
val ids = for {
r <- idToEER.values.toSeq
if r.containsID(id)
} yield r match {
// if an event, get event's id and ids of event's outputs
case event: SimpleEvent =>
event.outputPointers ++ Set(event.uniqueID)
case eer => Set(eer.uniqueID)
* Removes mention and corresponding EERepresentation from the AssemblyManager
* @param m
def removeEntriesContainingIDofMention(m: Mention): Unit = {
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
* Removes entries referencing the given [[EntityEventRepresentation]].
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] used to identify mentions and EntityEventRepresentations for removal
def removeEntriesContainingIDofEER(eer: EER): Unit = {
// get ids of EERepresentations containing the id of the given EERepresentation
val idsForRemoval: Seq[IDPointer] = for {
r <- idToEER.values.toSeq
if r.containsID(eer.uniqueID)
} yield r.uniqueID
* Removes entries referencing the any of the given [[IDPointer]].
* @param ids a Seq[IDPointer] used to identify mentions and EntityEventRepresentations for removal
def removeEntriesCorrespondingToIDs(ids: Seq[IDPointer]): Unit = {
// remove mentions associated with the IDs
val id2m = idToMentionState
for {
id <- ids
if id2m contains id
m = id2m(id)
} {
mentionStateToID = mentionStateToID - m
// remove EEReprs containing the given id
for {
id <- ids
} {
idToEER = idToEER - id
// Utils for handling modifications
* Builds a Set[AssemblyModfication] from the modifcations belonging to a Mention m.
* Currently, only a subset of Mention [[org.clulab.reach.mentions.Modification]] are considered relevant to assembly:
* Mutant
* Additionally, a Mention corresponding to an Entity will include an [[EntityLabel]] [[AssemblyModification]] encoding its label (ex. Family)
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return Set[AssemblyModification]
protected def mkAssemblyModifications(m: Mention): Set[AssemblyModification] = {
// we only care to represent a subset of the Modifications associated with a mention
val mods: Set[AssemblyModification] =
m.toBioMention.modifications flatMap {
// TODO: is site part of label?
case mut: mentions.Mutant => Set(MutantEntity(mut.label))
// TODO: should site be handled differently?
case ptm: mentions.PTM =>
val site: Option[String] = if ( Some( else None
Set(PTM(ptm.label, site, ptm.negated))
case _ => Nil
if (m matches "Entity") Set(EntityLabel(m.label)) ++ mods else mods
// SimpleEntity creation
* Create a [[SimpleEntity]] representation from a Mention
* and an optional set of optional modifications (useful for building output of SimpleEvent)
* Whenever modifications are provided, the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT is NOT updated, so as to avoid a conflict with the existing mapping (see the description of mods for the motivation)
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @param mods an optional set of [[AssemblyModification]].
* This is useful for building the output of a [[SimpleEvent]] (any simple event other than a Binding), which is a set of [[SimpleEvent]] where the key [[PTM]] comes from the [[SimpleEvent]]
* (i.e., the PTM cannot be recovered by simply examining m out of context)
* @return a tuple of ([[IDPointer]], [[SimpleEntity]])
protected def createSimpleEntityWithID(
m: Mention,
mods: Option[Set[AssemblyModification]]
): (SimpleEntity, IDPointer) = {
/** Used to create "new" mention whenever mods are provided **/
def createEvidence(m: Mention): Mention = m match {
case tb: TextBoundMention => tb.copy(foundBy = s"${tb.foundBy}-output-representation")
case rel: RelationMention => rel.copy(foundBy = s"${rel.foundBy}-output-representation")
case em: EventMention => em.copy(foundBy = s"${em.foundBy}-output-representation")
// check for coref
val e = getResolvedForm(m)
// mention should be an Entity or Cellular_component
require((e matches "Entity") || (e matches "Cellular_component"), "createSimpleEntity requires an 'Entity' or 'Cellular_component' Mention")
val modifications = mkAssemblyModifications(e)
// prepare id
// if mods have been provided, a new id should be created since createSimpleEvent calls this method
// and the current representation could be an output of a SimpleEvent
// for a sentence like "Ras is phosphorylated", the Mention for "Ras" should only point to the PTM-less form;
// however, when createSimpleEvent calls this method to construct an output representation,
// it gives it the PTMs to associate with this mention
// TODO: should this use m or e?
val id = if (mods.nonEmpty) createID else getOrCreateID(e)
// only use if mods are nonEmpty
// use resolved form
val newEvidence = createEvidence(e)
// prepare SimpleEntity
val eer =
new SimpleEntity(
// TODO: decide whether or not we should use a richer representation for the grounding ID
// modifications relevant to assembly
if (mods.isDefined) modifications ++ mods.get else modifications,
// source mention
// FIXME: not sure if newEvidence should be stored...
if (mods.isEmpty) Some(m) else Some(newEvidence),
// Only update table 1 if no additional mods were provided
if (mods.isEmpty) updateLUTs(id, m, eer) else updateIDtoEERTable(id, eer) // updateLUTs(id, newEvidence, repr)
// eer and id pair
(eer, id)
* Create a [[SimpleEntity]] representation from a Mention
* and an optional set of optional modifications (useful for building output of SimpleEvent)
* Whenever modifications are provided, the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT is NOT updated, so as to avoid a conflict with the existing mapping (see the description of mods for the motivation)
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @param mods an optional set of [[AssemblyModification]].
* This is useful for building the output of a [[SimpleEvent]] (any simple event other than a Binding), which is a set of [[SimpleEvent]] where the key [[PTM]] comes from the [[SimpleEvent]]
* (i.e., the PTM cannot be recovered by simply examining m out of context)
* @return a [[SimpleEntity]]
protected def createSimpleEntity(
m: Mention,
mods: Option[Set[AssemblyModification]]
): SimpleEntity = createSimpleEntityWithID(m, mods)._1
// Complex creation
* Creates a [[Complex]] from a Binding Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[Complex]], [[IDPointer]])
protected def createComplexWithID(m: Mention): (Complex, IDPointer) = {
// check for coref
val c = getResolvedForm(m)
require(c matches "Complex", "createComplex only handles Mentions with the label 'Complex'.")
// prepare id
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
// prepare Complex
// TODO: do binding events have sites?
val themes = getAllThemes(c)
val mbrs: Set[IDPointer] = => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, None)).map(_._2).toSet
val eer =
new Complex(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
(eer, id)
* Creates a [[Complex]] from a Binding Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a [[Complex]]
private def createComplex(m: Mention): Complex = createComplexWithID(m)._1
// SimpleEvent creation
* Creates a [[SimpleEvent]] from a Simple Event Mention (excludes Bindings) and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[SimpleEvent]], [[IDPointer]])
private def createSimpleEventWithID(m: Mention): (SimpleEvent, IDPointer) = {
// helper functions for label-based dispatch
* Creates a [[SimpleEvent]] from a Binding Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[SimpleEvent]], [[IDPointer]])
def handleBinding(m: Mention): (SimpleEvent, IDPointer) = {
// check for coref
val e = getResolvedForm(m)
// mention should be a Binding
require(e matches "Binding", "handleBinding only accepts Binding mentions.")
// there should not be a cause among the arguments
require(!(e.arguments contains "cause"), "Binding should not contain a cause!")
// prepare input (roles -> repr. pointers)
// construct inputs from themes
// TODO: how to handle sites?
val correctedThemes = e.arguments
val themeMap: Map[String, Seq[Mention]] = Map("theme" -> correctedThemes)
val input: Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = themeMap map {
case (role: String, mns: Seq[Mention]) =>
// prepare output
val complexMembers: Set[IDPointer] = correctedThemes
.map(m => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, None))
// prepare id for SimpleEvent
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
//prepare id for output (Complex)
// prepare id
val complexPointer = createID
// prepare Complex
val complex =
new Complex(
// update table #2
updateIDtoEERTable(complexPointer, complex)
// prepare SimpleEvent
// TODO: throw exception if arguments contains "cause"
val eer =
new SimpleEvent(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
(eer, id)
* Creates a [[SimpleEvent]] from a Translocation Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[SimpleEvent]], [[IDPointer]])
def handleTranslocation(m: Mention): (SimpleEvent, IDPointer) = {
* Create input Map for Translocation event
def createInputForTranslocation(m: Mention): Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = {
val isNegated = hasNegation(m)
// handle source Location
val src = "source"
val mods: Set[AssemblyModification] = m match {
case hasSource if hasSource.arguments contains src =>
// create a PTM for each source
for (
src <- hasSource.arguments(src).toSet[Mention]
) yield {
val gid = src.toBioMention.nsId
// no mods
case _ => Set.empty[AssemblyModification]
val correctedThemes = m.arguments
val themeMap: Map[String, Seq[Mention]] = Map("theme" -> correctedThemes)
val input: Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = themeMap map {
case ("theme", mns: Seq[Mention]) =>
("theme", => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, Some(mods))).map(_._2).toSet)
* Create output Set for addition event
def createOutputForTranslocation(m: Mention): Set[IDPointer] = {
val isNegated = hasNegation(m)
// handle dest Location
val dest = "destination"
val mods: Set[AssemblyModification] = m match {
case hasSource if hasSource.arguments contains dest =>
// create a PTM for each source
for (
d <- hasSource.arguments(dest).toSet[Mention]
) yield {
val gid = d.toBioMention.nsId
// no mods
case _ => Set.empty[AssemblyModification]
// NOTE: we need to be careful if we use something other than theme
.map(m => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, Some(mods))).map(_._2)
// check for coref
val e = getResolvedForm(m)
// only accept Translocation mention
require(e matches "Translocation", s"handleTranslocation received Mention of label '${e.label}', but method only accepts a Translocation Mention.")
// prepare input (roles -> repr. pointers)
// create input
val input = createInputForTranslocation(e)
// prepare output
val output: Set[IDPointer] = createOutputForTranslocation(e)
// prepare id
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
// prepare SimpleEvent
val eer =
new SimpleEvent(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
(eer, id)
* Creates a [[SimpleEvent]] from a SimpleEvent Mention (excluding Bindings) and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[SimpleEvent]], [[IDPointer]])
def handleNBSimpleEvent(m: Mention): (SimpleEvent, IDPointer) = {
* Create input Map for removal event
def createInputForRemovalEvent(m: Mention): Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = {
val isNegated = hasNegation(m)
// get input PTM for removal event
val ptm: String = m.label.replaceAll("^De", "").capitalize
// handle sites
val ptms: Set[AssemblyModification] = m match {
case hasSites if hasSites.arguments contains "site" =>
// create a PTM for each site
for (site <- hasSites.arguments("site").toSet[Mention]) yield representations.PTM(ptm, Some(site.text), isNegated)
// create a PTM without a site
case noSites => Set(representations.PTM(ptm, None, isNegated))
// filter out sites from input
val siteLessArgs = m.arguments - "site"
val input: Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = siteLessArgs map {
case ("theme", mns: Seq[Mention]) =>
("theme", => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, Some(ptms))).map(_._2).toSet)
case (role: String, mns: Seq[Mention]) =>
* Create input Map for addition event
def createInputForAdditionEvent(m: Mention): Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = {
// filter out sites from input
val siteLessArgs = m.arguments - "site"
val input: Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = siteLessArgs map {
case (role: String, mns: Seq[Mention]) =>
//println(s"\tprocessing mentions for '$role' role of '${e.label}'")
* Create output Set for addition event
def createOutputForRemovalEvent(m: Mention): Set[IDPointer] = {
// NOTE: we need to be careful if we use something other than theme
* Create output Set for addition event
def createOutputForAdditionEvent(m: Mention): Set[IDPointer] = {
val isNegated = hasNegation(m)
// handle sites
val ptms: Set[AssemblyModification] = m match {
case hasSites if hasSites.arguments contains "site" =>
// create a PTM for each site
for (site <- hasSites.arguments("site").toSet[Mention]) yield representations.PTM(m.label, Some(site.text), isNegated)
// create a PTM without a site
case noSites => Set(representations.PTM(m.label, None, isNegated))
// NOTE: we need to be careful if we use something other than theme
.map(m => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, Some(ptms))).map(_._2)
// check for coref
val e = getResolvedForm(m)
// mention should be a SimpleEvent, but not a Binding
require((e matches "SimpleEvent") && !(e matches "Binding"), s"handleNBSimpleEvent received Mention of label '${e.label}', but method only accepts a SimpleEvent Mention that is NOT a Binding.")
// prepare input (roles -> repr. pointers)
// create input
val input: Map[String, Set[IDPointer]] = e match {
case removalEvent if removalEvent matches "RemovalEvent" =>
case additionEvent if additionEvent matches "AdditionEvent" =>
// prepare output
val output: Set[IDPointer] = e match {
case removalEvent if removalEvent matches "RemovalEvent" =>
case additionEvent if additionEvent matches "AdditionEvent" =>
// prepare id
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
// prepare SimpleEvent
val eer =
new SimpleEvent(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
(eer, id)
// handle dispatch
val event = getResolvedForm(m.toCorefMention)
require(event matches "SimpleEvent", s"createSimpleEventWithID requires Mention with the label SimpleEvent, but received Mention with label '${event.label}'")
// there should not be a cause among the arguments
require(!(event.arguments contains "cause"), "SimpleEvent should not contain a cause!")
// SimpleEvent must have theme
require(event.arguments contains "theme", s"'${event.label}' must have a theme.")
m match {
case binding if binding matches "Binding" => handleBinding(binding)
case translocation if translocation matches "Translocation" => handleTranslocation(translocation)
case other => handleNBSimpleEvent(other)
* Creates a [[SimpleEvent]] from a Simple Event Mention (excludes Bindings) and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a [[SimpleEvent]]
private def createSimpleEvent(m: Mention): SimpleEvent = createSimpleEventWithID(m)._1
// Regulation creation
* Creates a [[Regulation]] from a Regulation Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[Regulation]], [[IDPointer]])
private def createRegulationWithID(m: Mention): (Regulation, IDPointer) = {
// check for coref
val reg = getResolvedForm(m)
// get polarity
val polarity = getPolarityLabel(reg)
// mention should be a Regulation
require(reg matches "Regulation", "createRegulation only handles Regulations")
// mention's polarity should be either positive or negative
require(polarity == AssemblyManager.positive || polarity == AssemblyManager.negative, "Polarity of Regulation must be positive or negative")
// all controlled args must be simple events
require(reg.arguments("controlled").forall(_ matches "Event"), "The 'controlled' of any Regulation must be an Event")
val controllers: Set[IDPointer] = {
.map(c => getOrCreateEERwithID(c)._2)
val controlleds: Set[IDPointer] = {
.map(c => getOrCreateEERwithID(c)._2)
// prepare id
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
// prepare Regulation
val eer =
new Regulation(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
// eer and id pair
(eer, id)
* Creates a [[Regulation]] from a Regulation Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a [[Regulation]]
private def createRegulation(m: Mention): Regulation = createRegulationWithID(m)._1
* Creates a [[Activation]] from an Activation Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a [[Activation]]
private def createActivation(m: Mention): Activation = createActivationWithID(m)._1
// Regulation creation
* Creates a [[Activation]] from an Activation Mention and updates the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[Activation]], [[IDPointer]])
private def createActivationWithID(m: Mention): (Activation, IDPointer) = {
// check for coref
val act = getResolvedForm(m)
// get polarity
val polarity = getPolarityLabel(act)
// mention should be a Activation
require(act matches "ActivationEvent", "createActivation only handles Activations")
// mention's polarity should be either positive or negative
require(polarity == AssemblyManager.positive || polarity == AssemblyManager.negative, "Polarity of ComplexEvent must be positive or negative")
val controllers: Set[IDPointer] = {
.map(c => getOrCreateEERwithID(c)._2)
val controlleds: Set[IDPointer] = {
.map(c => getOrCreateEERwithID(c)._2)
// prepare id
val id = getOrCreateID(m)
// prepare Regulation
val eer =
new Activation(
// update LUTs
// use original mention for later lookup
updateLUTs(id, m, eer)
// eer and id pair
(eer, id)
// EntityEventRepresentation creation
* Attempts to retrieve an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] for m.
* If a representation cannot be retrieved, a new one is created.
* Whenever a new representation is created,
* the [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] LUTs will be updated (see [[createEER]] for details)
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return the [[EntityEventRepresentation]] corresponding to m
private def getOrCreateEER(m: Mention): EER = {
// ensure this mention should be stored in LUT 1
require(isValidMention(m), s"mention with the label ${m.label} cannot be tracked by the AssemblyManager")
hasMention(m) match {
// if an ID already exists, retrieve the associated representation
case true =>
val id = mentionStateToID(getMentionState(m))
// create new representation
case false => createEER(m)
* Attempts to retrieve a ([[EntityEventRepresentation]], [[IDPointer]]) tuple given a Mention m.
* The tuple will be created if the Mention m is not already present in the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[EntityEventRepresentation]], [[IDPointer]])
private def getOrCreateEERwithID(m: Mention): (EER, IDPointer) = hasMention(m) match {
case true =>
val id = mentionStateToID(getMentionState(m))
val eer = getEER(id)
(eer, id)
case false =>
val eer = createEER(m)
val id = eer.uniqueID
(eer, id)
* Creates a ([[EntityEventRepresentation]], [[IDPointer]]) tuple from a Mention m.
* Assumes the Mention m is not already present in the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT
* Updates to [[mentionStateToID]] and [[idToEER]] in the relevant create* call
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a tuple of ([[EntityEventRepresentation]], [[IDPointer]])
private def createEERwithID(m: Mention): (EER, IDPointer) = {
// pass the unresolved form through according to a check against the resolved form
getResolvedForm(m) match {
case complex if complex matches "Complex" => createComplexWithID(m)
case e if e matches "Entity" => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, None)
case cc if cc matches "Cellular_component" => createSimpleEntityWithID(m, None)
case se if se matches "SimpleEvent" => createSimpleEventWithID(m)
case regulation if regulation matches "Regulation" => createRegulationWithID(m)
case activation if activation matches "ActivationEvent" => createActivationWithID(m)
case other => throw new Exception(s"createEERwithID failed for ${other.label}")
* Creates an ([[EntityEventRepresentation]], [[IDPointer]]) tuple given a Mention m.
* The tuple will be created if the Mention m is not already present in the [[mentionStateToID]] LUT
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
private def createEER(m: Mention): EER = createEERwithID(m)._1
// Utils for summarization
* A (mostly) human readable printout of the (key, value) pairs in the [[mentionStateToID]]] LUT
def mentionIndexSummary: Seq[String] = {
for {
(k, id) <- mentionStateToID.toSeq
} yield s"${mentionSummary(k._1)} => $id"
// Utilities for component retrieval
* Retrieves all tracked Mentions from [[AssemblyManager.mentionStateToID]]
* @return the Set of Odin Mentions tracked by this AssemblyManager
def trackedMentions: Set[Mention] =
* Retrieves all EntityEventRepresentations found in [[AssemblyManager.idToEER]]
* @return the Set of Odin Mentions tracked by this AssemblyManager
def EERs: Set[EER] = idToEER.values.toSet
* Retrieves ID from an [[EntityEventRepresentation.uniqueID]]
* @param eer an EntityEventRepresentation
* @return the IDPointer for the repr
def getID(eer: EER): IDPointer = eer.uniqueID
* Retrieves an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] for a Mention.
* Assumes an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] for the given Mention already exists.
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
def getEER(m: Mention): EER = {
require(isValidMention(m), s"Mention '${m.label}' is not valid")
val k1 = getMentionState(m)
// backoff: attempt to use resolved form
val k2 = getMentionState(getResolvedForm(m))
val id = mentionStateToID.getOrElse(k1, mentionStateToID(k2))
* Retrieves an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] associated with the given [[IDPointer]].
* Assumes an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] associated with the provide [[IDPointer]] already exists.
* @param id an [[IDPointer]]
* @return an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
def getEER(id: IDPointer): EER =
* Retrieves the Set of [[EntityEventRepresentation]] tracked by the manager.
* @return Set[EntityEventRepresentation]
def getEERs: Set[EER] = idToEER.values.toSet
* Returns a SimpleEntity for a Mention with the appropriate labels.
* @param m an Odin Mention. Must have the label "Entity" and not the label "Complex".
def getSimpleEntity(m: Mention): SimpleEntity = {
require(m matches "Entity", "Mention is not an Entity")
require(! (m matches "Complex"), "Mention is a Complex")
* Returns an Event for a Mention with the appropriate labels.
* @param m an Odin Mention.
// TODO: add label check?
def getEvent(m: Mention): Event = getOrCreateEER(m).asInstanceOf[Event]
* Returns a Regulation for a Mention m with the appropriate label.
* @param m an Odin Mention. Must have the label "Complex".
def getComplex(m: Mention): Complex = {
require(m matches "Complex", "Mention is not a Complex")
* Returns a SimpleEvent for a Mention m with the appropriate labels.
* @param m an Odin Mention. Must have the label "SimpleEvent".
def getSimpleEvent(m: Mention): SimpleEvent = {
require(m matches "SimpleEvent", "Mention is not a SimpleEvent")
* Returns a Regulation for a Mention m with the label "Regulation"
* @param m an Odin Mention. Must have the label "Regulation"
def getRegulation(m: Mention): Regulation = {
require(m matches "Regulation", "Mention is not a Regulation")
* Collects mentions pointing to a given [[EntityEventRepresentation]].
* @param eer an [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
* @return a sequence of Mention serving as textual evidence of the given representation
def getEvidence(eer: EER): Set[Mention] = {
val equivEERs: Set[EER] = ehToEERs.getOrElse(eer.equivalenceHash, Set.empty[EER])
// retrieve the mention by id
val evidence = for {
equivEER <- equivEERs
id = equivEER.uniqueID
// check is needed, because output of a SimpleEvent has no Mention
if idToMentionState contains id
(e, mods) = idToMentionState(id)
} yield e
// Grouping utilities
* Get non-distinct equivalent EERs matching the provided equivalenceHash (eh)
* @param eh an [[EntityEventRepresentation.equivalenceHash]]
* @return
def getEquivalentEERs(eh: Int): Set[EER] = ehToEERs.getOrElse(eh, Set.empty[EER])
def getEquivalentEERs(eer: EER): Set[EER] = ehToEERs.getOrElse(eer.equivalenceHash, Set.empty[EER])
* Returns groups of equivalent [[EntityEventRepresentation]], ignoring differences due to [[IDPointer]] references.
* Mentions may point to (essentially) the same [[EntityEventRepresentation]], which would only differ in terms of the [[IDPointer]], which link an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] to a particular Mention
def groupedEERs: Seq[Set[EER]] = ehToEERs.values.toSeq
* Gets distinct members of eers after grouping by [[EntityEventRepresentation.equivalenceHash]].
* @param eers an [[EntityEventRepresentation]] Set
* @return
def distinctEERsFromSet(eers: Set[EER]): Set[EER] = {
* Returns head of each group returned by [[groupedEERs]].
* @return a Set of [[EntityEventRepresentation]]
def distinctEERs: Set[EER] = {
* Returns Set of "distinct" [[EntityEventRepresentation]] with corresponding evidence.
def distinctEERsWithEvidence: Set[(EER, Set[Mention])] = { => (eer, getEvidence(eer)))
// Entity
* Retrieves all Entities from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct.
def getEntities: Set[Entity] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Entity]
entity = e.asInstanceOf[Entity]
} yield entity
* Returns "distinct" Set of Entities. Ignores multiple instances of the same Entity.
* @return a Set of Entity
def distinctEntities: Set[Entity] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Entity]
entity = e.asInstanceOf[Entity]
} yield entity
* Returns "distinct" Set of Entities and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each [[Entity]].
* @return Set[(Entity, Set[Mention])]
def distinctEntitiesWithEvidence: Set[(Entity, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( entity => (entity, getEvidence(entity)))
// Event
* Retrieves all Events from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Events may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
def getEvents: Set[Event] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Event]
event = e.asInstanceOf[Event]
} yield event
* Returns "distinct" Set of Events. Ignores multiple instances of the same Entity.
* @return a Set of Event
def distinctEvents: Set[Event] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Event]
event = e.asInstanceOf[Event]
} yield event
* Returns "distinct" Set of Events and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each [[Event]].
* @return Set[(SimpleEntity, Set[Mention])]
def distinctEventsWithEvidence: Set[(Event, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( event => (event, getEvidence(event)))
// SimpleEntity
* Retrieves all SimpleEntities from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct.
def getSimpleEntities: Set[SimpleEntity] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEntity]
entity = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEntity]
} yield entity
* Retrieves all SimpleEntities containing the given
* @param mod an [[AssemblyModification]]
* @return a Set of SimpleEntities sharing mod
def getSimpleEntitiesByModification[M <: AssemblyModification](mod: M): Set[SimpleEntity] = {
for {
se <- getSimpleEntities
if se.modifications contains mod
} yield se
* Returns "distinct" Set of SimpleEntity. Ignores multiple instances of the same SimpleEntity.
* @return a Set of SimpleEntity
def distinctSimpleEntities: Set[SimpleEntity] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEntity]
entity = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEntity]
} yield entity
* Returns "distinct" Set of SimpleEntities and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each [[SimpleEntity]].
* @return Set[(SimpleEntity, Set[Mention])]
def distinctSimpleEntitiesWithEvidence: Set[(SimpleEntity, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( entity => (entity, getEvidence(entity)))
// Complex
* Retrieves all Complexes from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Complexes may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
def getComplexes: Set[Complex] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Complex]
complex = e.asInstanceOf[Complex]
} yield complex
* Returns "distinct" Set of Complexes. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @return a Set of Complexes
def distinctComplexes: Set[Complex] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Complex]
complex = e.asInstanceOf[Complex]
} yield complex
* Returns "distinct" Set of Complexes and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each Complex.
* @return Set[(Complex, Set[Mention])]
def distinctComplexesWithEvidence: Set[(Complex, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( comp => (comp, getEvidence(comp)))
// SimpleEvents
* Retrieves all SimpleEvents from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct (SimpleEvents may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
def getSimpleEvents: Set[SimpleEvent] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
se = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
} yield se
* Retrieves all SimpleEvents from the manager matching the provided event label.
* Note that these are non-distinct (SimpleEvents may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
* @param label a String to match against each [[SimpleEvent.label]]
def getSimpleEvents(label: String): Set[SimpleEvent] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
se = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
if se.label == label
} yield se
* Returns "distinct" Set of SimpleEvents. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @return a Set of SimpleEvents
def distinctSimpleEvents: Set[SimpleEvent] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
se = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
} yield se
* Returns "distinct" Set of SimpleEvents matching the provided event label. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @param label a String to match against each [[SimpleEvent.label]]
* @return a Set of SimpleEvents
def distinctSimpleEvents(label: String): Set[SimpleEvent] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
se = e.asInstanceOf[SimpleEvent]
if se.label == label
} yield se
* Returns "distinct" Set of SimpleEvent matching the provided event label and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each SimpleEvent.
* @param label a String to match against each [[SimpleEvent.label]]
* @return Set[(SimpleEvent, Set[Mention])]
def distinctSimpleEventsWithEvidence(label: String): Set[(SimpleEvent, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( se => (se, getEvidence(se)))
// Regulations
* Retrieves all Regulations from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Regulations may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
def getRegulations: Set[Regulation] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Regulation]
reg = e.asInstanceOf[Regulation]
} yield reg
* Retrieves all Regulations from the manager matching the provided polarity label.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Regulations may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Regulation.polarity]]
def getRegulations(polarity: String): Set[Regulation] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Regulation]
reg = e.asInstanceOf[Regulation]
if reg.polarity == polarity
} yield reg
* Returns "distinct" Set of Regulation. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @return a Set of Regulation
def distinctRegulations: Set[Regulation] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Regulation]
reg = e.asInstanceOf[Regulation]
} yield reg
* Returns "distinct" Set of Regulations matching the provided polarity. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Regulation.polarity]]
* @return a Set of Regulations
def distinctRegulations(polarity: String): Set[Regulation] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Regulation]
reg = e.asInstanceOf[Regulation]
if reg.polarity == polarity
} yield reg
* Returns "distinct" Set of Regulations and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each Regulation.
* @return Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])]
def distinctRegulationsWithEvidence: Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( reg => (reg, getEvidence(reg)))
* Returns "distinct" Set of Regulations matching the provided polarity and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each Regulation.
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Regulation.polarity]]
* @return Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])]
def distinctRegulationsWithEvidence(polarity: String): Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( reg => (reg, getEvidence(reg)))
// Activations
* Retrieves all Activations from the manager.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Activations may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
def getActivations: Set[Activation] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Activation]
act = e.asInstanceOf[Activation]
} yield act
* Retrieves all Activations from the manager matching the provided polarity label.
* Note that these are non-distinct (Activations may differ in terms of their IDPointers).
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Activation.polarity]]
def getActivations(polarity: String): Set[Activation] = {
for {
e: EER <- getEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Activation]
act = e.asInstanceOf[Activation]
if act.polarity == polarity
} yield act
* Returns "distinct" Set of Activations. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @return a Set of Regulation
def distinctActivations: Set[Activation] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Activation]
act = e.asInstanceOf[Activation]
} yield act
* Returns "distinct" Set of Activations matching the provided polarity. Ignores differences in IDPointers.
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Activation.polarity]]
* @return a Set of Activations
def distinctActivations(polarity: String): Set[Activation] = {
for {
e: EER <- distinctEERs
if e.isInstanceOf[Activation]
act = e.asInstanceOf[Activation]
if act.polarity == polarity
} yield act
* Returns "distinct" Set of Activations and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each Activation.
* @return Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])]
def distinctActivationsWithEvidence: Set[(Regulation, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( reg => (reg, getEvidence(reg)))
* Returns "distinct" Set of Activations matching the provided polarity and all evidence (Set[Mention]) corresponding to each Activation.
* @param polarity a String to match against each [[Activation.polarity]]
* @return Set[(Activation, Set[Mention])]
def distinctActivationsWithEvidence(polarity: String): Set[(Activation, Set[Mention])] = {
.map( act => (act, getEvidence(act)))
// summary utilities
* A high-level summary of a Mention m
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a high-level String representation of m
def mentionSummary(m: Mention): String = {
val bio = m.toBioMention
val docRepr = s"DOC:${} (sent. ${m.sentence})"
s"Mention(label=${m.label}, text='${m.text}', modifications=${bio.modifications}, doc=$docRepr)"
def summarizeMentionIndex: Unit = println(mentionIndexSummary.sorted.mkString("\n"))
def summarizeEntities: Unit = println("\n"))
// LUT utils
def hasMention(m: Mention): Boolean = mentionStateToID contains getMentionState(m)
// Set diff
def EERdiff(eers1: Set[EER], eers2: Set[EER]): Set[EER] = {
eers1.filterNot(eer => eers2.exists(_.isEquivalentTo(eer)))
def EERintersection(eers1: Set[EER], eers2: Set[EER]): Set[EER] = {
eers1.filter(eer => eers2.exists(_.isEquivalentTo(eer)))
// Serialization methods
def saveTo(f: File): Unit = saveTo(f.getAbsolutePath)
def saveTo(fileName: String): Unit = {[AssemblyManager](this, fileName)
object AssemblyManager {
val positive = "Positive"
val negative = "Negative"
val unknown = "UNKNOWN"
def apply(): AssemblyManager = new AssemblyManager(Map.empty[MentionState, IDPointer], Map.empty[IDPointer, EER])
* Instantiate [[AssemblyManager]] and track the provided Mentions
* @param mns a sequence of Odin Mentions
* @return an [[AssemblyManager]]
def apply(mns: Seq[Mention]): AssemblyManager = {
val am = new AssemblyManager(Map.empty[MentionState, IDPointer], Map.empty[IDPointer, EER])
def loadFrom(f: File): AssemblyManager = loadFrom(f.getAbsolutePath)
def loadFrom(fileName: String): AssemblyManager = {
* Get antecedent if present. Otherwise return the CorefMntion as-is.
* Used to retrieve the appropriate features of a mention's antecedent.
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a [[org.clulab.reach.mentions.CorefMention]] (possibly cm)
def getResolvedForm(m: Mention): CorefMention = {
val cm = m.toCorefMention
* Checks whether a mention involves a corefence resolution
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return
def involvesCoreference(m: Mention): Boolean = getResolvedForm(m) match {
// if the resolved form differs from m, this is a case of coref
case resolved if resolved != m => true
// ... otherwise check if any arg involves coref
case checkArgs => checkArgs.arguments.values.flatten.exists(involvesCoreference)
* Checks to see if the mention can be safely handled by the AssemblyManager
* Currently Sites are not stored in the LUTs,
* though they can appear as part of a modification
* (see the [[PTM]] [[AssemblyModification]] for an example)
* @param mention an Odin Mention
* @return true if the mention can be safely handled by the manager; false otherwise
def isValidMention(mention: Mention): Boolean = {
getResolvedForm(mention) match {
// no generic event
case gen if gen matches "Generic_event" => false
// allow entities
case entity if entity matches "Entity" => true
// needed for Translocations
case cc if cc matches "Cellular_component" => true
// simple events must have a theme and should not have a cause
case se if se matches "SimpleEvent" =>
(se.arguments contains "theme") && !(se.arguments contains "cause")
// activations must have controlled and controller
case act if act matches "ActivationEvent" =>
(act.arguments contains "controller") &&
(act.arguments contains "controlled") &&
// controllers must be Entities
act.arguments("controller").forall {
case entity if entity matches "Entity" => true
case _ => false
} &&
// make sure all controlleds are valid
// regs must have controlled and controller
case reg if reg matches "Regulation" =>
(reg.arguments contains "controller") &&
(reg.arguments contains "controlled") &&
// controlled must be an Event (or Complex), but not an Activation
reg.arguments("controlled").forall {
// controlled cannot be an entity UNLESS it is a Complex
case complex if complex matches "Complex" => true
case entity if entity matches "Entity" => false
case event if event matches "Event" => isValidMention(event)
// assume invalid otherwise
case _ => false
* Retrieves all themes from a Mention
* @param m an Odin Mention
* @return a Seq[Mention] produced by a flattening of all values corresponding to theme* keys
def getAllThemes(m: Mention): Seq[Mention] = {
* Check if mention is negated
def hasNegation(m: Mention): Boolean = m.toBioMention.modifications exists {
case mentions.Negation(_) => true
case _ => false
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