org.clulab.reach.brat.Brat.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.clulab.reach.brat
import{File, InputStream}
import org.clulab.reach.utils.BratUtils
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import org.clulab.struct.Interval
import org.clulab.processors.{Document, Sentence}
import org.clulab.odin._
object Brat {
def readStandOff(input: String): Seq[Annotation] =
input.lines.toSeq flatMap parseAnnotation
def readStandOff(input: InputStream): Seq[Annotation] =
io.Source.fromInputStream(input).getLines.toSeq flatMap parseAnnotation
def readStandOff(input: File): Seq[Annotation] =
io.Source.fromFile(input).getLines.toSeq flatMap parseAnnotation
def parseAnnotation(line: String): Option[Annotation] = {
val chunks = line.trim.split("\t")
val elems = chunks(1).split(" ")
def arguments(elems: Seq[String]): Map[String, Seq[String]] =
elems map (_.split(":")) groupBy (_(0)) mapValues (
chunks.head match {
// text bound annotation
case id if id.startsWith("T") =>
try {
val Array(label, offsets) = chunks(1).split(" ", 2)
val spans = offsets.split(";") map (_.split(" ").map(_.toInt)) map (t => Interval(t(0), t(1)))
Some(TextBound(id, label, spans, chunks(2)))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
// relation
case id if id.startsWith("R") =>
val label = elems.head
val args = arguments(elems.tail)
Some(Relation(id, label, args))
// event
case id if id.startsWith("E") =>
val Array(label, trigger) = elems.head.split(":")
val args = arguments(elems.tail)
Some(Event(id, label, trigger, args))
// equivalence
case id if id.startsWith("*") =>
Some(Equivalence(id, elems.head, elems.tail))
// attribute
case id if id.startsWith("A") || id.startsWith("M") =>
if (elems.size == 2) {
Some(BinaryAttribute(id, elems(0), elems(1)))
} else if (elems.size == 3) {
Some(MultiValueAttribute(id, elems(0), elems(1), elems(2)))
} else {
sys.error("unrecognized attribute type")
case id if id.startsWith("N") =>
val Array(resource, entry) = elems(2).split(":")
Some(Normalization(id, elems(0), elems(1), resource, entry, chunks(2)))
// ignore everything else
case _ => None
def alignLabels(document: Document, annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
val textBound = annotations flatMap (_ match {
case annotation: TextBound => Some(annotation)
case _ => None
document.sentences map (alignSentenceLabels(_, textBound))
def updateDocumentLabels(document: Document, annotations: Seq[Annotation]) = {
val neLabels = Brat.alignLabels(document, annotations)
// relabel sentences
neLabels.zipWithIndex foreach {
case (labels, i) => document.sentences(i).entities = Some(labels.toArray)
def alignTokenLabel(sentence: Sentence, token: Interval, annotations: Seq[TextBound]): String = {
var label = "O"
for (a <- annotations; span <- a.spans) {
if (token overlaps span) {
if (token.start <= span.start) {
label = s"B-${a.label}"
} else {
label = s"I-${a.label}"
def alignSentenceLabels(sentence: Sentence, annotations: Seq[TextBound]): Seq[String] = {
sentence.startOffsets zip sentence.endOffsets map {
case (start, end) => alignTokenLabel(sentence, Interval(start, end), annotations)
def dumpStandoff(mentions: Seq[Mention], doc: Document): String =
dumpStandoff(mentions, doc, Nil)
def dumpStandoff(mentions: Seq[Mention], doc: Document, annotations: Seq[Annotation]): String = {
val idTracker = IdTracker(doc, annotations)
val mentionRepresentations = mentions.flatMap(m => m match {
case event:EventMention => Seq(dumpStandoff(event.trigger, doc, idTracker), dumpStandoff(event, doc, idTracker))
case mention => Seq(dumpStandoff(mention, doc, idTracker))
.distinct // just to be safe...
.groupBy(_.head.toString) // first character
val ruleNames = => displayRuleName(m, doc, idTracker))
// returns the num. value of the entity name
def getNum(text:String):Int = if (text.isEmpty) -1 else text.split("\\s+").head.tail.toInt
// sort mention representations
(mentionRepresentations.getOrElse("T", Seq.empty).sortBy(getNum) ++
mentionRepresentations.getOrElse("R", Seq.empty).sortBy(getNum) ++
mentionRepresentations.getOrElse("E", Seq.empty).sortBy(getNum) ++
def displayRuleName(m: Mention, doc: Document, tracker: IdTracker): String = {
//#10 FoundByRule E4 Rulename1
s"${tracker.getUniqueId(m, doc)}\tFoundByRule ${getId(m, doc, tracker)}\t${m.foundBy}"
def getId(m: Mention, doc: Document, tracker: IdTracker): String = m match {
case t: TextBoundMention => tracker.getId(t, doc)
case e: EventMention => tracker.getId(e, doc)
case r: RelationMention => tracker.getId(r, doc)
def dumpStandoff(mention: Mention, doc: Document, tracker: IdTracker): String = {
val sentence = doc.sentences(mention.sentence)
mention match {
case m: TextBoundMention =>
val offsets = s"${sentence.startOffsets(m.start)} ${sentence.endOffsets(m.end - 1)}"
val str = if (doc.text.isDefined) m.text else sentence.words.slice(m.start, m.end).mkString(" ")
s"${getId(m, doc, tracker)}\t${m.label} $offsets\t$str"
case m: EventMention =>
val trigger = getId(m.trigger, doc, tracker)
val arguments = m.arguments.flatMap{ case (name, vals) => vals map (v => s"${name.capitalize}:${getId(v, doc, tracker)}") }.mkString(" ")
s"${getId(m, doc, tracker)}\t${m.label}:$trigger $arguments"
case m: RelationMention =>
val arguments = m.arguments.flatMap{ case (name, vals) => vals map (v => s"${name.capitalize}:${getId(v, doc, tracker)}") }.mkString(" ")
s"${getId(m, doc, tracker)}\t${m.label} $arguments"
def syntaxStandoff(doc: Document): String = {
val idTracker = IdTracker()
val tags = (doc.sentences.zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (s, i) => s.tags.get.zipWithIndex map {
case (tag, j) => (i, j) -> new TextBoundMention(tag, Interval(j), i, doc, true, "syntax")
val tbIds = tags map { case (k, v) => k -> idTracker.getId(v, doc)}
var id = 0
val rels = doc.sentences.zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (s, i) =>
val outgoing = s.dependencies.get.outgoingEdges
outgoing.indices flatMap {
j => outgoing(j) map {
case (k, dep) =>
id += 1
s"R$id\t$dep governor:${tbIds((i, j))} dependent:${tbIds((i, k))}"
( => dumpStandoff(m, doc, idTracker)) ++ rels).mkString("\n")
class IdTracker(val textBoundLUT: HashMap[TextBoundMention, String]) {
val eventLUT = new HashMap[EventMention, String]
val relationLUT = new HashMap[RelationMention, String]
val uniqueLUT = new HashMap[Mention, String]
def getId(mention: TextBoundMention, doc: Document): String =
textBoundLUT.getOrElseUpdate(mention, s"T${textBoundLUT.size + 1}")
def getId(mention: EventMention, doc: Document): String =
eventLUT.getOrElseUpdate(mention, s"E${eventLUT.size + 1}")
def getId(mention: RelationMention, doc: Document): String =
relationLUT.getOrElseUpdate(mention, s"R${relationLUT.size + 1}")
def getUniqueId(mention: Mention, doc: Document): String =
uniqueLUT.getOrElseUpdate(mention, s"#${uniqueLUT.size + 1}")
def charInterval(mention: Mention, document: Document): Interval =
charInterval(mention, document.sentences(mention.sentence))
def charInterval(mention: Mention, sentence: Sentence): Interval = {
val charStart = sentence.startOffsets(mention.start)
val charEnd = sentence.endOffsets(mention.end - 1)
Interval(charStart, charEnd)
object IdTracker {
// Start with nothing
def apply() = new IdTracker(HashMap.empty)
// For BioNLP tasks:
//Start with any Entities (TextBoundMentions) that are compatible with our tokenization
def apply(doc: Document, annotations: Seq[Annotation]): IdTracker = {
val tbs =
BratUtils.getMentionsfromAnnotations(doc, annotations)
.sortBy(m => (m.sentence, m.tokenInterval.start))
val tbLUT: HashMap[TextBoundMention, String] = HashMap.empty
case (t:TextBoundMention, i: Int) => tbLUT += (t -> s"T$i")
new IdTracker(tbLUT)
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