org.clulab.reach.context.Policies.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.clulab.reach.context
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// Policy Two
class BoundedPaddingContext(
bound:Int = 3 // Default bound to extend the policy
) extends RuleBasedContextEngine{
protected def contextTypes = Seq("Species", "Organ", "CellType", "CellLine", "Cellular_component", "TissueType")
// TODO: Do something smart to resolve ties
protected def untie(entities:Seq[(String, String)]) = entities.head
protected final def padContext(prevStep:Seq[Int], remainingSteps:List[Seq[Int]], repetitions:Seq[Int], bound:Int):List[Seq[Int]] = {
def iter(prevStep:Seq[Int], remainingSteps:List[Seq[Int]], repetitions:Seq[Int], bound:Int, acc:List[Seq[Int]]):List[Seq[Int]] = {
remainingSteps match {
case head::tail =>
// Group the prev step inferred row and the current by context type, then recurse
val prevContext = prevStep map (ContextEngine.getKey(_, ContextEngine.latentVocabulary)) groupBy (_._1)
val currentContext = head map (ContextEngine.getKey(_, ContextEngine.latentVocabulary)) groupBy (_._1)
// Apply the heuristic
// Inferred context of type "x"
val newRepetitions = new Array[Int](repetitions.size)
val currentStep = contextTypes.flatMap{ // Do this for each type of context. Flat Map as there could be more than one context of a type (maybe)
contextType =>
val stepIx = this.contextTypes.indexOf(contextType)
if(repetitions(stepIx) < bound){
(prevContext.lift(contextType), currentContext.lift(contextType)) match {
// No prev, Current
case (None, Some(curr)) =>
newRepetitions(stepIx) = 1
// Prev, No current
case (Some(prev), None) =>
newRepetitions(stepIx) = repetitions(stepIx)+1
// Prev, Current
case (Some(prev), Some(curr)) =>
newRepetitions(stepIx) = 1
// No prev, No current
case (None, None) =>
newRepetitions(stepIx) = 1
newRepetitions(stepIx) = 1
currentContext.lift(contextType) match {
case Some(curr) =>
case None =>
} map (ContextEngine.getIndex(_, ContextEngine.latentVocabulary))
// Recurse
iter(currentStep, tail, newRepetitions, bound, currentStep::acc)
case Nil => acc
iter(prevStep, remainingSteps, repetitions, bound, Nil)
// Apply the policy
protected override def inferContext = padContext(Seq(), latentSparseMatrix, Seq.fill(this.contextTypes.size)(1), bound)
// Policy 1
class PaddingContext extends BoundedPaddingContext(Int.MaxValue){
// Policy 3
class FillingContext(bound:Int = 3) extends BoundedPaddingContext(bound){
// Override the infer context to fill the empty slots
protected override def inferContext = {
// Get the most common mentioned context of each type
val defaultContexts = // Get the context keys of the mentions
.filter(x => this.contextTypes.contains(x._1)).groupBy(_._1) // Keep only those we care about and group them by type
.mapValues(bucket =>, ContextEngine.featureVocabulary))) // Get their numeric value from the vocabulary
.mapValues(bucket => bucket.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)) // Count the occurences
.mapValues(bucket => Seq(bucket.maxBy(_._2)._1)) // Select the most common element
// Let the super class do its job
val paddedContext = super.inferContext
// Now for each line assign a default context if necessary
paddedContext map {
step =>
// Existing contexts for this line
val context =, ContextEngine.latentVocabulary)).groupBy(_._1)
this.contextTypes flatMap {
ctype =>
context.lift(ctype) match {
case Some(x) =>
x map (ContextEngine.getIndex(_, ContextEngine.latentVocabulary))
case None =>
// Policy 4
class BidirectionalPaddingContext(
bound:Int = 3 // Default bound to extend the policy
) extends BoundedPaddingContext{
protected override def inferContext = {
// Do the same as before
val firstPass = super.inferContext
// Reverse the sequences and use the same algorithm
val reversedContext = firstPass map { _.reverse }
val paddedContext = padContext(Seq(), reversedContext,
Seq.fill(this.contextTypes.size)(1), bound)
// Don't forget to reverse again
paddedContext map { _.reverse }
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