org.clulab.reach.darpa.DarpaActions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.clulab.reach.darpa
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.clulab.odin._
import org.clulab.reach._
import org.clulab.reach.mentions._
import org.clulab.struct.DirectedGraph
import scala.annotation.tailrec
class DarpaActions extends Actions with LazyLogging {
import DarpaActions._
/** Converts mentions to biomentions.
* They are returned as mentions but they are biomentions with grounding, modifications, etc
def mkBioMention(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] =
/** Unpacks RelationMentions into its arguments. A new BioTextBoundMention
* will be created for each argument with the labels of the original RelationMention.
* This is relying on Odin's behavior of assigning the same label of the RelationMention
* to its arguments captured with a pattern (not mention captures).
* This is required for RelationMentions whose arguments are used directly
* by subsequent rules.
* WARNING This method only handles RelationMentions. Other types of Mentions are deleted.
def unpackRelations(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions flatMap {
case rel: RelationMention => for {
(k, v) <- rel.arguments
m <- v
} yield m.toBioMention
case _ => Nil
val mkEntities: Action = unpackRelations
/** This action handles the creation of mentions from labels generated by the NER system.
* Rules that use this action should run in an iteration following and rules recognizing
* "custom" entities. This action will only create mentions if no other mentions overlap
* with a NER label sequence.
def mkNERMentions(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
mentions flatMap { m =>
val candidates = state.mentionsFor(m.sentence, m.tokenInterval)
// do any candidates overlap the mention?
val overlap = candidates.exists(_.tokenInterval.overlaps(m.tokenInterval))
if (overlap) None else Some(m.toBioMention)
/** This action gets RelationMentions that represents a PTM,
* and attaches the modification to the target entity in place.
* This action modifies mentions in-place. This action always returns
* Nil, it assumes that the arguments are already in the state.
def storePTM(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
mentions foreach {
case ptm: RelationMention if ptm matches "PTM" =>
// convert first relation("entity") into BioMention
val bioMention = ptm.arguments("entity").head.toBioMention
// retrieve optional first relation("site")
val site = ptm.arguments.get("site").map(_.head)
// retrieves first relation("mod")
// this is the TextBoundMention for the ModificationTrigger
val evidence = ptm.arguments("mod").head
// assigns label from mod
val label = getModificationLabel(evidence.text)
// if label is not unknown then add PTM modification to entity in-place
if (label != "UNKNOWN") bioMention.modifications += PTM(label, Some(evidence), site)
case _ => ()
// this action never returns anything
// mutates mentions in-place
// :(
/** Gets RelationMentions that represent an EventSite,
* and attaches the site to the corresponding entities in-place.
* Later, if these entities are matched as participants in an event,
* these sites will be "promoted" to that event and removed from the entity
* (see siteSniffer for details)
* This action always returns Nil and assumes that the arguments are already
* in the state.
def storeEventSite(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
mentions foreach {
case es: RelationMention if es matches "EventSite" =>
// convert each relation("entity") into BioMention
val bioMentions = es.arguments("entity").map(_.toBioMention)
// retrieves all the captured sites
val sites = es.arguments("site")
// add all sites to each entity
for {
b <- bioMentions
s <- sites
} b.modifications += EventSite(site = s)
case _ => ()
/** Gets RelationMentions that represent a Mutant,
* and attaches the mutation to the corresponding event in-place.
* This action always returns Nil and assumes that the arguments are already
* in the state.
def storeMutants(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
mentions foreach {
case m: RelationMention if m matches "Mutant" =>
val bioMention = m.arguments("entity").head.toBioMention
val mutants = m.arguments("mutant")
mutants foreach { mutant =>
bioMention.modifications += Mutant(evidence = mutant, foundBy = m.foundBy)
/** Gets a sequence of mentions that are candidates for becoming Ubiquitination
* events and filters out the ones that have ubiquitin as a theme, since
* a ubiquitin can't be ubiquitinated. Events that have ubiquitin as a cause
* are also filtered out.
def mkUbiquitination(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
val filteredMentions = mentions.filterNot { ev =>
// Only keep mentions that don't have ubiquitin as a theme
ev.arguments("theme").exists(_.text.toLowerCase == "ubiquitin") ||
// mention shouldn't have ubiquitin as a cause either, if there is a cause
ev.arguments.get("cause").exists(_.exists(_.text.toLowerCase == "ubiquitin"))
// return biomentions
* 1. Checks that the cause and theme of an "auto" event (ex. autophosphorylation) are the same
* 2. Splits valid event into BioEventMention (sans cause) and a BioRelationMention for a Regulation where
* the original cause serves as the controller.
* NOTE: we cannot call splitSimpleEvent, as it requires that the controlled and controller do not overlap
def handleAutoEvent(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions flatMap {
// only events with a theme and a cause are valid
case e: EventMention if (e.arguments contains "cause") && (e.arguments contains "theme") =>
val pairs = for {
c <- e.arguments("cause")
t <- e.arguments("theme")
// remove cause from SimpleEvent
ev = new BioEventMention(e - "cause" + ("theme" -> Seq(t)))
// use cause of SimpleEvent to create a Regulation
reg = new BioRelationMention(
Map("controller" -> Seq(c), "controlled" -> Seq(ev)), Map.empty,
e.sentence, e.document, e.keep, e.foundBy
// negations should be propagated to the newly created Positive_regulation
(negMods, otherMods) = e.toBioMention.modifications.partition(_.isInstanceOf[Negation])
} yield {
reg.modifications = negMods
ev.modifications = otherMods
Seq(reg, ev)
case _ => Nil
def mkRegulation(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = for {
mention <- mentions
// bioprocesses can't be controllers of regulations
if bioprocessValid(mention)
// controller/controlled paths shouldn't overlap.
// NOTE this needs to be done on mentions coming directly from Odin
// if !hasSynPathOverlap(mention) // do not enable this: there are legitimate cases
// switch label if needed based on negations
regulation = removeDummy(switchLabel(mention.toBioMention))
// If the Mention has both a controller and controlled, their grounding should be distinct
if hasDistinctControllerControlled(regulation)
// If the Mention has both a controller and controlled, their token spans should NOT overlap
if ! overlappingSpansControllerControlled(regulation)
_ = logger.debug(s"mkRegulation yields: ${display.summarizeMention(regulation)}")
} yield regulation
* Identical to mkRegulation, except mkActivation
* will only allow activations where no overlapping regulation is present
def mkActivation(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = for {
// Prefer Activations with Events as the controller
mention <- preferEventControllers(mentions)
// bioprocesses can't activate biochemical entities
if bioprocessValid(mention)
// controller/controlled paths shouldn't overlap.
// NOTE this needs to be done on mentions coming directly from Odin
if !hasSynPathOverlap(mention)
// switch label if needed based on negations
activation = removeDummy(switchLabel(mention.toBioMention))
// retrieve regulations that overlap this mention's controlled (Controller may be nested)
controlleds = activation.arguments("controlled")
regs = controlleds.flatMap(c => state.mentionsFor(activation.sentence, c.tokenInterval, "Regulation"))
// Don't report an Activation if an Regulation intersects with one of the activation's controlleds
// or if the Activation has no controller
// or if it's controller and controlled are not distinct
if regs.isEmpty && hasController(activation) && hasDistinctControllerControlled(activation)
} yield activation
/** For bindings that should not be split into pairs */
def mkNaryBinding(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions map {
case m: EventMention if m matches "Binding" =>
// get the binding event participants
// note that they could be called either "theme1" or "theme2"
val themes = m.arguments.getOrElse("theme1", Nil) ++ m.arguments.getOrElse("theme2", Nil)
val arguments = Map("theme" -> themes)
m.copy(arguments = arguments)
def mkBinding(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions flatMap {
case m: EventMention if m.matches("Binding") =>
// themes in a subject position
val theme1s = m.arguments.getOrElse("theme1", Nil).map(_.toBioMention)
// themes in an object position
val theme2s = m.arguments.getOrElse("theme2", Nil).map(_.toBioMention)
(theme1s, theme2s) match {
case (t1s, Nil) if t1s.length > 1 => mkBindingsFromPairs(t1s.combinations(2).toList, m)
case (Nil, t2s) if t2s.length > 1 => mkBindingsFromPairs(t2s.combinations(2).toList, m)
case (gen1, Nil) if gen1.exists(t => t matches "Generic_entity") =>
Seq(new BioEventMention(m - "theme1" - "theme2" + ("theme" -> gen1)))
case (Nil, gen2) if gen2.exists(t => t matches "Generic_entity") =>
Seq(new BioEventMention(m - "theme1" - "theme2" + ("theme" -> gen2)))
case (t1s, t2s) =>
val pairs = for {
t1 <- t1s
t2 <- t2s
} yield List(t1, t2)
mkBindingsFromPairs(pairs, m)
// bindings with 0 or 1 themes should be deleted
case _ => Nil
def mkBindingsFromPairs(pairs: Seq[Seq[BioMention]], original: EventMention): Seq[Mention] = for {
Seq(theme1, theme2) <- pairs
if !sameEntityID(theme1, theme2)
if !(theme1.tokenInterval overlaps theme2.tokenInterval)
} yield {
if (theme1.text.toLowerCase == "ubiquitin") {
val arguments = Map("theme" -> Seq(theme2))
new BioEventMention(original.copy(labels = taxonomy.hypernymsFor("Ubiquitination"), arguments = arguments))
} else if (theme2.text.toLowerCase == "ubiquitin") {
val arguments = Map("theme" -> Seq(theme1))
new BioEventMention(original.copy(labels = taxonomy.hypernymsFor("Ubiquitination"), arguments = arguments))
} else {
val arguments = Map("theme" -> Seq(theme1, theme2))
new BioEventMention(original.copy(arguments = arguments))
* Promote any Sites in the Modifications of a SimpleEvent argument to an event argument "site"
def siteSniffer(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions flatMap {
case m: BioEventMention if m matches "SimpleEvent" =>
val additionalSites: Seq[Mention] = m.arguments.values.flatten.toSeq.flatMap { case m: BioMention =>
// get EventSite Modifications
val eventSites: Seq[EventSite] = m.modifications.toSeq flatMap {
case es:EventSite => Some(es)
case _ => None
// Remove EventSite modifications
eventSites.foreach(m.modifications -= _)
// get sites from EventSites
// Gather up our sites
val allSites = additionalSites ++ m.arguments.getOrElse("site", Nil)
// Do we have any sites?
if (allSites.isEmpty) Seq(m)
else {
// Create a separate EventMention for each Site
// FIXME this splitting seems arbitrary
// why do each SimpleEvent has a single site?
// if it is the theme's site, then why are we extracting sites for all args?
for (site <- allSites.distinct) yield {
new BioEventMention(m + ("site" -> Seq(site)))
// If it isn't a SimpleEvent, assume there is nothing more to do
case m => Seq(m)
def keepIfValidArgs(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] =
mentions.filter(validArguments(_, state))
* Splits a SimpleEvent with a theme and a cause into a ComplexEvent.
* Requires that the controlled and controller do not overlap
def splitSimpleEvents(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = mentions flatMap {
case m: EventMention if (m matches "SimpleEvent") & (m.arguments.keySet contains "cause") =>
// Do we have a regulation?
val causes: Seq[Mention] = m.arguments("cause")
val themes: Seq[Mention] = m.arguments("theme")
val (negMods, otherMods) = m.toBioMention.modifications.partition(_.isInstanceOf[Negation])
val nonCauseArgs = m.arguments - "cause"
val controlledArgs = nonCauseArgs.values.flatten.toSet
val splitEvs = for {
theme <- themes
} yield {
val evArgs = m.arguments - "cause" - "theme" ++ Map("theme" -> Seq(theme))
val ev = new BioEventMention(m.copy(arguments = evArgs), direct = true)
// modifications other than negations belong to the SimpleEvent
ev.modifications = otherMods
val splitRegs = for {
ev <- splitEvs
cause <- causes
// controller shouldn't overlap with controlled arguments
if !controlledArgs.contains(cause)
} yield {
val regArgs = Map("controlled" -> Seq(ev), "controller" -> Seq(cause))
val reg = new BioRelationMention(m.copy(labels = DarpaActions.REG_LABELS, arguments = regArgs).toRelationMention)
// negations should be propagated to the newly created Positive_regulation
reg.modifications = negMods
splitEvs ++ splitRegs
case m => Seq(m.toBioMention)
/** global action for EventEngine */
def cleanupEvents(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention] = {
logger.debug("Running global action cleanupEvents...")
val r1 = siteSniffer(mentions, state)
val r2 = keepIfValidArgs(r1, state)
val r3 = NegationHandler.detectNegations(r2, state)
val r4 = HypothesisHandler.detectHypotheses(r3, state)
val r5 = splitSimpleEvents(r4, state)
object DarpaActions {
def hasNegativePolarity(m: Mention): Boolean = if (m.label.toLowerCase startsWith "negative") true else false
// These labels are given to the Regulation created when splitting a SimpleEvent with a cause
val REG_LABELS = taxonomy.hypernymsFor("Positive_regulation")
// These are used to detect semantic inversions of regulations/activations. See DarpaActions.countSemanticNegatives
val SEMANTIC_NEGATIVE_PATTERN = "attenu|block|deactiv|decreas|degrad|delet|diminish|disrupt|impair|imped|inhibit|knockdown|knockout|limit|loss|lower|negat|reduc|reliev|repress|restrict|revers|silenc|slow|starv|suppress|supress".r
val MODIFIER_LABELS = "amod".r
// patterns for "reverse" modifications
val deAcetylatPat = "(?i)de-?acetylat".r
val deFarnesylatPat = "(?i)de-?farnesylat".r
val deGlycosylatPat = "(?i)de-?glycosylat".r
val deHydrolyPat = "(?i)de-?hydroly".r
val deHydroxylatPat = "(?i)de-?hydroxylat".r
val deMethylatPat = "(?i)de-?methylat".r
val dePhosphorylatPat = "(?i)de-?phosphorylat".r
val deRibosylatPat = "(?i)de-?ribosylat".r
val deSumoylatPat = "(?i)de-?sumoylat".r
val deUbiquitinatPat = "(?i)de-?ubiquitinat".r
/** retrieves the appropriate modification label */
def getModificationLabel(text: String): String = text.toLowerCase match {
case string if deAcetylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Deacetylation"
case string if deFarnesylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Defarnesylation"
case string if deGlycosylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Deglycosylation"
case string if deHydrolyPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Dehydrolysis"
case string if deHydroxylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Dehydroxylation"
case string if deMethylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Demethylation"
case string if dePhosphorylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Dephosphorylation"
case string if deRibosylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Deribosylation"
case string if deSumoylatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Desumoylation"
case string if deUbiquitinatPat.findPrefixOf(string).isDefined => "Deubiquitination"
case string if string contains "acetylat" => "Acetylation"
case string if string contains "farnesylat" => "Farnesylation"
case string if string contains "glycosylat" => "Glycosylation"
case string if string contains "hydroly" => "Hydrolysis"
case string if string contains "hydroxylat" => "Hydroxylation"
case string if string contains "methylat" => "Methylation"
case string if string contains "phosphorylat" => "Phosphorylation"
case string if string contains "ribosylat" => "Ribosylation"
case string if string contains "sumoylat" => "Sumoylation"
case string if string contains "ubiquitinat" => "Ubiquitination"
case _ => "UNKNOWN"
/** Gets a sequence of mentions and returns only the ones that have
* Event controllers. If none is found, returns all mentions.
def preferEventControllers(mentions: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Mention] = {
// get events that have a SimpleEvent as a controller
// assuming that events can only have one controller
val eventsWithSimpleController = mentions.filter { m =>
m.arguments.contains("controller") && m.arguments("controller").head.matches("Event")
if (eventsWithSimpleController.nonEmpty) eventsWithSimpleController else mentions
/** Gets a mention. If it is an EventMention with a polarized label
* and it is negated an odd number of times, returns a new mention
* with the label flipped. Or else it returns the mention unmodified */
def switchLabel(mention: Mention): BioMention = mention.toBioMention match {
// We can only attempt to flip the polarity of ComplexEvents with a trigger
case ce: BioEventMention if ce matches "ComplexEvent" =>
val trigger = ce.trigger
val arguments = ce.arguments.values.flatten
// get token indices to exclude in the negation search
// do not exclude args as they may involve regulations
val excluded = trigger.tokenInterval.toSet
// count total number of negatives between trigger and each argument
val numNegatives = => countSemanticNegatives(trigger, arg, excluded)).sum
// does the label need to be flipped?
numNegatives % 2 != 0 match {
// odd number of negatives
case true =>
val newLabels = flipLabel(ce.label) +: ce.labels.tail
// trigger labels should match event labels
val newTrigger = ce.trigger.copy(labels = newLabels)
// return new mention with flipped label
new BioEventMention(ce.copy(labels = newLabels, trigger = newTrigger))
// return mention unmodified
case false => ce
case m => m
/** Gets a trigger, an argument and a set of tokens to be ignored.
* Returns the number of semantic negatives found in the shortest possible path
* between the trigger and the argument.
def countSemanticNegatives(trigger: Mention, arg: Mention, excluded: Set[Int]): Int = {
// it is possible for the trigger and the arg to be in different sentences because of coreference
if (trigger.sentence != arg.sentence) return 0
val deps = trigger.sentenceObj.dependencies.get
// find the shortest path between any token in the trigger and any token in the argument
var shortestPath: Seq[Int] = null
for (tok1 <- trigger.tokenInterval; tok2 <- arg.tokenInterval) {
val path = deps.shortestPath(tok1, tok2, ignoreDirection = true)
if (shortestPath == null || path.length < shortestPath.length) {
shortestPath = path
val shortestPathWithMods = addAdjectivalModifiers(shortestPath, deps)
// get all tokens considered negatives
val negatives = for {
tok <- shortestPathWithMods
if !excluded.contains(tok)
lemma = trigger.sentenceObj.lemmas.get(tok)
if SEMANTIC_NEGATIVE_PATTERN.findFirstIn(lemma).isDefined
} yield tok
// return number of negatives
* Adds adjectival modifiers to all elements in the given path
* This is necessary so we can properly inspect the semantic negatives,
* which are often not in the path, but modify tokens in it,
* "*decreased* PTPN13 expression increases phosphorylation of EphrinB1"
def addAdjectivalModifiers(tokens: Seq[Int], deps: DirectedGraph[String]): Seq[Int] = for {
t <- tokens
token <- t +: getModifiers(t, deps)
} yield token
def getModifiers(token: Int, deps: DirectedGraph[String]): Seq[Int] = for {
(tok, dep) <- deps.getOutgoingEdges(token)
if MODIFIER_LABELS.findFirstIn(dep).isDefined
} yield tok
/** gets a polarized label and returns it flipped */
def flipLabel(label: String): String =
if (label startsWith "Positive_")
"Negative_" + label.substring(9)
else if (label startsWith "Negative_")
"Positive_" + label.substring(9)
else sys.error("ERROR: Must have a polarized label here!")
/** Test whether the given mention has a controller argument. */
def hasController(mention: Mention): Boolean = mention.arguments.get("controller").isDefined
/** Test whether the mention has a bioprocess controller and, if so, if its use is legitimate */
def bioprocessValid(m: Mention): Boolean = {
(m.arguments.getOrElse("controller", Nil).map(_.label), m.arguments.getOrElse("controlled", Nil).map(_.label)) match {
case (irrelevant, _) if !irrelevant.contains("BioProcess") => true
case (procController, procControlled)
if procController.contains("BioProcess") & procControlled.contains("BioProcess") => true
case other => false // e.g. BioProcess controller but BioChemical controlled
/** Gets a mention and checks that the controller and controlled are different.
* Returns true if either the controller or the controlled is missing,
* or if they are both present and are distinct.
def hasDistinctControllerControlled(m: Mention): Boolean = {
val controlled = m.arguments.getOrElse("controlled", Nil).flatMap(_.toBioMention.grounding).toSet
val controller = m.arguments.getOrElse("controller", Nil).flatMap(_.toBioMention.grounding).toSet
* Checks if the token spans of the controlled and controller overlap.
* Returns true if they do
def overlappingSpansControllerControlled(m: Mention): Boolean = {
val controlleds = m.arguments.getOrElse("controlled", Set())
val controllers = m.arguments.getOrElse("controller", Set())
controllers.foreach(cr =>
controlleds.foreach(cd =>
return true
/** checks if a mention has a controller/controlled
* arguments with syntactic paths from the trigger
* that overlap
def hasSynPathOverlap(m: Mention): Boolean = {
val controlled = m.arguments.getOrElse("controlled", Nil)
val controller = m.arguments.getOrElse("controller", Nil)
if (m.paths.isEmpty) false
else if (controlled.isEmpty || controller.isEmpty) false
else {
// we are only concerned with the first controlled and controller
val p1 = m.getPath("controlled", controlled.head)
val p2 = m.getPath("controller", controller.head)
if (p1.nonEmpty && p2.nonEmpty) {
p1.head == p2.head
} else false
/** Returns true if both mentions are grounded to the same entity */
def sameEntityID(m1: BioMention, m2: BioMention): Boolean = {
require(m1.isGrounded, "mention must be grounded")
require(m2.isGrounded, "mention must be grounded")
m1.grounding == m2.grounding
def removeDummy(m: BioMention): BioMention = m match {
// we only need to do this for events
case em: BioEventMention => new BioEventMention(em - "dummy")
case _ => m
def validArguments(mention: Mention, state: State): Boolean = mention.toBioMention match {
// TextBoundMentions don't have arguments
case _: BioTextBoundMention => true
// RelationMentions don't have triggers, so we can't inspect the path
case _: BioRelationMention => true
// EventMentions are the only ones we can really check
case m: BioEventMention =>
// get simple chemicals in arguments
val args = m.arguments.values.flatten
val simpleChemicals = args.filter(_ matches "Simple_chemical")
// if there are no simple chemicals then we are done
if (simpleChemicals.isEmpty) true
else {
for (chem <- simpleChemicals) {
if (proteinBetween(m.trigger, chem, state)) {
return false
def proteinBetween(trigger: Mention, arg: Mention, state: State): Boolean = {
// it is possible for the trigger and the arg to be in different sentences
// because of coreference
if (trigger.sentence != arg.sentence) false
else trigger.sentenceObj.dependencies match {
// if for some reason we don't have dependencies
// then there is nothing we can do
case None => false
case Some(deps) => for {
tok1 <- trigger.tokenInterval
tok2 <- arg.tokenInterval
path = deps.shortestPath(tok1, tok2, ignoreDirection = true)
node <- path
// FIXME: Why is this Gene_or_gene_product? What about Protein, GENE, etc.?
if state.mentionsFor(trigger.sentence, node, "Gene_or_gene_product").nonEmpty
if !consecutivePreps(path, deps)
} return true
// if we reach this point then we are good
// hacky solution to the prepositional attachment problem
// that affects the proteinBetween method
def consecutivePreps(path: Seq[Int], deps: DirectedGraph[String]): Boolean = {
val pairs = for (i <- path.indices.tail) yield (path(i-1), path(i))
val edges = for ((n1, n2) <- pairs) yield {
deps.getEdges(n1, n2, ignoreDirection = true).map(_._3)
for {
i <- edges.indices.tail
if edges(i-1).exists(_.startsWith("prep"))
if edges(i).exists(_.startsWith("prep"))
} return true
/** Recursively converts an Event to an Entity with the appropriate modifications representing its state.
* SimpleEvent -> theme + PTM
* Binding -> Complex (treated as an Entity)
* ComplexEvent -> recursive call on controlled (the event's "output")
* @param asOutput value of true to generate a Mention's output (ex. theme or controlled)
final def convertEventToEntity(m: Mention, asOutput: Boolean = true, negated: Boolean = false): BioMention = m.toBioMention match {
// cases appropriate to either output (ex. theme/controlled) or other (ex. controller)
// no conversion needed
// FIXME: consider case of "activated RAS".
// We may want to add a Negation mod to this entity conditionally
// or add a PTM with the label "UNKNOWN" and negate it (depending on value of negated)
case entity if entity matches "Entity" => entity
// These are event triggers used by coref (a SimpleEvent without a theme)
// FIXME: should these be handled differently?
case generic if generic matches "Generic_event" => generic
// convert a binding into a Complex so that it is treated as an entity
case binding if binding matches "Binding" =>
new BioRelationMention(
// convert event to PTM on its theme.
// negate PTM according to current value of "negated"
// (this SimpleEvent may have been the controlled to some negative ComplexEvent)
case se: BioEventMention if se matches "SimpleEvent" =>
// get the theme of the event (assume only one theme)
val entity = se.arguments("theme").head.toBioMention
// get an optional site (assume only one site)
val siteOption = se.arguments.get("site").map(_.head)
// create new mention for the entity
val modifiedEntity = new BioTextBoundMention(entity)
// attach a modification based on the event trigger
val label = DarpaActions.getModificationLabel(se.label)
BioMention.copyAttachments(entity, modifiedEntity)
modifiedEntity.modifications += PTM(label, evidence = Some(se.trigger), site = siteOption, negated)
// cases for the generation of output
// dig into the controlled (event's "output" or the part that is altered in some way)
case posEvent if asOutput && (posEvent matches "ComplexEvent") && (!DarpaActions.hasNegativePolarity(posEvent)) =>
// get the controlled of the event (assume only one controlled)
val controlled = posEvent.arguments("controlled").head.toBioMention
convertEventToEntity(controlled, asOutput, negated)
// dig into the controlled (event's "output" or the part that is altered in some way)
// ComplexEvents with negative polarity "negate" the ptm of the contained entity
// (see
case negEvent if asOutput && (negEvent matches "ComplexEvent") && DarpaActions.hasNegativePolarity(negEvent) =>
// get the controlled of the event (assume only one controlled)
val controlled = negEvent.arguments("controlled").head.toBioMention
// negate the underlying PTM
// if received event has negative polarity (see issue #184)
convertEventToEntity(controlled, asOutput, negated=true)
// cases for the uncovering of controllers (i.e., asOutput == false)
// dig into the controller
case posEvent if (posEvent matches "ComplexEvent") && (!DarpaActions.hasNegativePolarity(posEvent)) =>
// get the controller of the event (assume only one controller)
val controller = posEvent.arguments("controller").head.toBioMention
convertEventToEntity(controller, asOutput = false, negated)
// dig into the controller
case negEvent if (negEvent matches "ComplexEvent") && DarpaActions.hasNegativePolarity(negEvent) =>
// get the controller of the event (assume only one controller)
val controller = negEvent.arguments("controller").head.toBioMention
// negate the underlying PTM
// if received event has negative polarity (see issue #184)
convertEventToEntity(controller, asOutput = false, negated=true)
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