org.clulab.reach.utils.BratUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.clulab.reach.utils
import org.clulab.odin.{EventMention, Mention, TextBoundMention}
import org.clulab.processors.Document
import org.clulab.reach.brat.{Annotation, Brat, Event, TextBound}
import org.clulab.struct.Interval
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.collection.mutable
* Utility functions for converting Brat Annotations to Odin Mentions
object BratUtils {
type TokenInterval = Interval
type CharInterval = Interval
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
// returns a sequence of tuples
// (SentenceIndex, CharacterInterval)
def getTokenCharOffsets(doc: Document): Seq[(Int, CharInterval)] = {
val tokenIntervals = for (i <- doc.sentences.indices) yield {
val sentence = doc.sentences(i)
sentence.startOffsets zip sentence.endOffsets map {
case (start, end) => (i, Interval(start, end))
// collapses several intervals into a single one
// that contains them all
def totalSpan(intervals: Seq[Interval]): Interval =
// turn a sequence of (SentenceIndex, CharacterInterval)
// into a Map[SentenceIndex, Seq[CharacterInterval]]
def getTokenCharOffsetsMap(
tkIntervals: Seq[(Int, CharInterval)]
): Map[Int, Seq[CharInterval]] = {
tkIntervals.groupBy(_._1).transform((k, v) =>
* Translates Brat-style annotations to Odin-style Mentions.
* @param doc a processors-style Document
* @param annotations sequence of brat annotations
* @return A sequence of Mention
def getMentionsfromAnnotations(doc: Document, annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Mention] = {
val tokenOffsetsMap = getTokenCharOffsetsMap(getTokenCharOffsets(doc))
val sentenceOffsets = { case (i, ints) => (i, totalSpan(ints)) }
// Should be exactly one annotation for an ID
val annotationLUT: Map[String, Annotation] =
annotations.groupBy(,v) => v.head)
val mentionLUT = new mutable.HashMap[Annotation, Option[Mention]]
// returns the sentence that contains the interval
def getSentence(int: CharInterval): Int = {
for ((i, m) <- sentenceOffsets if m.start <= int.start && m.end >= int.end) return i
sys.error(s"sentence not found for $int")
def lookupMention(name: String): Option[Mention] = getMention(annotationLUT(name))
def characterToTokenInterval(
sentenceIndex: Int,
charInterval: CharInterval
): Option[TokenInterval] = {
// get start and end tokens
val tokens = for {
(int, i) <- tokenOffsetsMap(sentenceIndex).zipWithIndex
if int overlaps charInterval
} yield i
try {
val start = tokens.head
val end = tokens.last
Some(Interval(start, end + 1))
} catch {
case e: Throwable => {
logger.debug("sentence offsets:\n")
def getMention(annotation: Annotation): Option[Mention] = mentionLUT.get(annotation) match {
case Some(result) => result
case None =>
val result = annotation match {
case tb: TextBound =>
val parentSentence = getSentence(tb.spans.head)
// Convert character Interval to token Interval...
val tokInt = characterToTokenInterval(parentSentence, tb.spans.head)
tokInt map { interval =>
new TextBoundMention(
label = tb.label,
tokenInterval = interval,
sentence = parentSentence,
document = doc,
keep = true,
foundBy =
case event: Event =>
// use trigger for sentence
val triggerId = event.trigger
val triggerAnnotation = annotationLUT(triggerId).asInstanceOf[TextBound]
val triggerMention = lookupMention(triggerId).get
val parentSentence = getSentence(triggerAnnotation.spans.head)
// get event arguments
val eventArgs: Map[String, Seq[Mention]] = event.arguments.transform {
(name, anns) => anns.flatMap(lookupMention)
Some(new EventMention(
label = event.label,
trigger = triggerMention.asInstanceOf[TextBoundMention],
arguments = eventArgs,
sentence = parentSentence,
document = doc,
keep = true,
foundBy =
// ignore any other annotation type
case _ => None
mentionLUT += (annotation -> result)
// convert all annotations to mentions
* Reads Brat standoff and output Odin-style Mentions.
* @param doc a processors-style Document
* @param standoff a String of Brat standoff
* @return A sequence of Odin-style Mentions
def getMentionsFromStandoff(doc: Document, standoff: String): Seq[Mention] =
getMentionsfromAnnotations(doc, Brat.readStandOff(standoff))
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