org.clulab.reach.utils.DependencyUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.clulab.reach.utils
import org.clulab.processors.Sentence
import org.clulab.struct.{DirectedGraph, Interval}
* Utility functions for use with directed (dependency) graphs
* User: danebell
* Date: 2/23/15
object DependencyUtils {
val defaultPolicy: (Seq[Int]) => Int = _.last
* Given an Interval, finds the minimal span covering all of the Interval's nodes' children (recursively).
* @param span Interval of nodes
* @param sent the sentence over which the interval applies
* @return the minimal Interval that contains all the nodes that are children of span's nodes
def subgraph(span: Interval, sent: Sentence): Option[Interval] = {
val graph = sent.dependencies.getOrElse(return None)
val heads = if (span.size < 2) Seq(span.start) else findHeadsStrict(span, sent)
def followTrail(remaining: Seq[Int], results: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = remaining match {
case Nil => results
case first +: rest if results contains first => followTrail(rest, results)
case first +: rest =>
val children: Seq[Int] = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
followTrail(children ++ rest, first +: results)
val outgoing = (for (h <- heads) yield followTrail(Seq(h), Nil)).flatten.distinct
// outgoing may only have a single index
if (outgoing.isEmpty) Some(span) // no head found, so no expansion is possible
else if (outgoing.length == 1) Some(Interval(outgoing.head, outgoing.head + 1))
else Some(Interval(outgoing.min, outgoing.max+1))
* Finds the highest node (i.e. closest to a root) in an Interval of a directed graph. If there are multiple nodes of
* the same rank, chooseWhich adjudicates which single node is returned.
* @param span an Interval of nodes
* @param graph a directed graph containing the nodes in span
* @param chooseWhich a function deciding which of multiple heads is returned; the rightmost head selected by default
* @return the single node which is closest to the root among those in span
def findHead(span: Interval, graph: DirectedGraph[String], chooseWhich:(Seq[Int]) => Int = defaultPolicy): Int = {
chooseWhich(findHeads(span, graph))
* Finds the highest node (i.e. closest to a root) in an Interval of a directed graph. If there are multiple nodes of
* the same rank, all are returned.
* @param span an Interval of nodes
* @param graph a directed graph containing the nodes in span
* @return the single node which is closest to the root among those in span
def findHeads(span: Interval, graph: DirectedGraph[String]): Seq[Int] = {
def getIncoming(i: Int) = graph.incomingEdges.lift(i).getOrElse(Array.empty).map(_._1)
def followTrail (i: Int, heads:Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
// dependents
val incoming = getIncoming(i)
incoming match {
case valid if valid.isEmpty | valid.contains(i) => Seq(i)
case found if found.min < span.start | found.max > (span.end - 1) => followTrailOut(found.head, heads ++ Seq(i), i)
case _ => followTrail(incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i))
def followTrailOut (i: Int, heads:Seq[Int], highest: Int): Seq[Int] = {
val incoming = getIncoming(i)
incoming match {
case valid if valid.isEmpty | valid.contains(i) => Seq(highest)
case outgoing if outgoing.min < span.start | outgoing.max > (span.end - 1) => followTrailOut (incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i), highest)
case _ => followTrail (incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i))
val heads = for (i <- span.start until span.end) yield followTrail(i, Nil)
* Find the single highest node in an interval of a dependency graph, ignoring punctuation, coordinations, and
* prepositions.
* @param span the interval within which to search
* @param sent the Sentence within which to look
* @param chooseWhich the function to adjudicate which is highest when there's a tie
* @return Option containing the highest node index, or None if no such node is found
def findHeadStrict(span: Interval, sent: Sentence, chooseWhich:(Seq[Int]) => Int = defaultPolicy): Option[Int] = {
val hds = findHeadsStrict(span, sent)
hds match{
case valid if valid.nonEmpty => Some(chooseWhich(valid))
case _ => None
* Find the highest nodes in an interval of a dependency graph, ignoring puncutation, coordinations, and prepositions.
* Allows multiple node indices to be "highest" in the case of a tie.
* @param span the interval within which to search
* @param sent the Sentence within which to look
* @return Option containing a sequence of highest node indices, or None if no such node is found
def findHeadsStrict(span: Interval, sent: Sentence): Seq[Int] = {
if (sent.dependencies.isEmpty) return Nil
val stopTags = "(.|,|\\(|\\)|:|''|``|#|$|CC|TO|IN)"
def getIncoming(i: Int) = sent.dependencies.get.incomingEdges.lift(i).getOrElse(Array.empty).map(_._1)
def followTrail (i: Int, heads:Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
// dependents
val incoming = getIncoming(i)
incoming match {
case valid if valid.isEmpty | valid.contains(i) => Seq(i)
case found if found.min < span.start | found.max > (span.end - 1) => followTrailOut(found.head, heads ++ Seq(i), i)
case _ => followTrail(incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i))
def followTrailOut (i: Int, heads:Seq[Int], highest: Int): Seq[Int] = {
val incoming = getIncoming(i)
incoming match {
case valid if valid.isEmpty | valid.contains(i) => Seq(highest)
case outgoing if outgoing.min < span.start | outgoing.max > (span.end - 1) => followTrailOut (incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i), highest)
case _ => followTrail (incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i))
val heads = for (i <- span.start until span.end) yield followTrail(i, Nil)
val filtered = heads.flatten.distinct.filter(x => !(sent.tags.get(x) matches stopTags)).sorted
* Finds the highest node (i.e. closest to a root) in an Interval of a directed graph, ignoring the graph outside the
* Interval. If there are multiple nodes of the same rank, chooseWhich adjudicates which single node is returned.
* Crucially, any node that has an incoming edge from outside the Interval is considered a head. This is efficient if
* you know your span has a single head that is also within the span.
* @param span an Interval of nodes
* @param graph a directed graph containing the nodes in span
* @param chooseWhich a function deciding which of multiple heads is returned; the rightmost head selected by default
* @return the single node which is closest to the root among those in span
def findHeadLocal(span: Interval, graph: DirectedGraph[String], chooseWhich:(Seq[Int]) => Int = defaultPolicy): Int = {
chooseWhich(findHeadsLocal(span, graph))
* Finds the highest node (i.e. closest to a root) in an Interval of a directed graph. If there are multiple nodes of
* the same rank, all are returned.
* Crucially, any node that has an incoming edge from outside the Interval is considered a head. This is efficient if
* you know your span has a single head that is also within the span.
* @param span an Interval of nodes
* @param graph a directed graph containing the nodes in span
* @return the single node which is closest to the root among those in span
def findHeadsLocal(span: Interval, graph: DirectedGraph[String]): Seq[Int] = {
def followTrail (i: Int, heads:Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
// dependents
val incoming = graph.getIncomingEdges(i).map(_._1)
incoming match {
case valid if valid.isEmpty | valid.contains(i) => Seq(i)
case found if heads.contains(i) | found.min < span.start | found.max > (span.end - 1) => Seq(i)
case _ => followTrail(incoming.head, heads ++ Seq(i))
val heads = for (i <- span.start until span.end) yield followTrail(i, Nil)
* @param a Interval in Sentence sentA
* @param b Interval in Sentence sentB
* @param sentA Sentence containing a
* @param sentB Sentence containing b
* @return returns true if Interval a contains Interval b or vice versa
def nested(a: Interval, b: Interval, sentA: Sentence, sentB: Sentence): Boolean = {
if (sentA != sentB) return false
val graph = sentA.dependencies.getOrElse(return false)
val aSubgraph = subgraph(a, sentA)
val bSubgraph = subgraph(b, sentB)
if((aSubgraph.isDefined && aSubgraph.get.contains(b)) ||
(bSubgraph.isDefined && bSubgraph.get.contains(a))) true
else false