Download org.codehaus.redback.components JAR files with all dependencies
redback-xmlrpc-services from group org.codehaus.redback (version 1.4)
jetty-client from group org.eclipse.jetty (version 9.4.0.M0)
bcprov-debug-jdk15on from group org.bouncycastle (version 1.55)
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. This jar contains JCE provider and lightweight API for the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for Java 1.5 and later with debug enabled.
react-resizable from group org.webjars.npm (version 1.4.0)
WebJar for react-resizable
websocket-ri-bundle from group org.glassfish.tyrus.bundles (version 1.12)
jetty-util-ajax from group org.eclipse.jetty (version 9.4.0.RC1)
JSON/Ajax Utility classes for Jetty
wallride-core from group org.wallride (version 1.0.0.M8)
CMS for developers of principles
shadows-core-v17 from group org.robolectric (version 3.1.3)
An alternative Android testing framework.
cmi-rpc from group org.ow2.cmi (version 2.2.6)
Provide the CMI proxy.
util-slick-bijection_2.10 from group org.sazabi (version 0.1.5)
keycloak-jetty81-adapter from group org.keycloak (version 1.9.8.Final)
wikibrain-phrases from group org.wikibrainapi (version 0.8.0)
biojava-structure from group org.biojava (version 5.0.0-alpha3)
The protein structure modules of BioJava.
kurento-jsonrpc-server from group org.kurento (version 6.4.0)
JSON-RPC Protocol Server with transports based on http and websocket
ctakes-dictionary-lookup from group org.apache.ctakes (version 3.2.2)
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