Download org.geotoolkit JAR files with all dependencies
geotk-nature from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Miscellaneous algorithms related to natural quantities.
Most of those algorithms are determined empirically.
geotk-utility from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Miscellaneous utilities.
geotk-metadata from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Implementations of metadata derived from ISO 19115. This module provides both an implementation
of the metadata interfaces defined in GeoAPI, and a framework for handling those metadata through
Java reflection.
geotk-referencing from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Implementations of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS),
conversion and transformation services derived from ISO 19111.
geotk-jaxp-core from group org.geotoolkit (version 4.0-M3)
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: geotk-jaxp-core
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geotk-referencing3D from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Transforms coordinates from "heights above the ellipsoid" to "heights above
the geoid". This module provides the algorithms from an Earth Gravitational
Model as a MathTransform implementation. Installing the JAR on the classpath
should be sufficient for making vertical transformations available to an
application like any other transforms.
geotk-epsg from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Provides the SQL script files for creating a local EPSG database
when first needed.
geotk-logging-commons from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
An adapter for using Apache's commons-logging in Geotk. Geotk will
automatically redirect all its logging events to commons-logging if this
JAR is on the classpath. If there is no need for commons-logging inter-operability,
we recommend to NOT include this JAR on the classpath in order to use the
default Java logging framework instead.
geotk-xml-base from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Basic utilities for XML marshalling and unmarshalling. Those utilities are built on
top of the JAXB framework.
analytics from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Projects group for analytics utilities.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: analytics
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referencing from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Projects group for referencing services. This group contains the
core of referencing services (geotk-referencing) and various plugins.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: referencing
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metadata from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Group of modules related to handling metadata. The "geotk-metadata" sub-module contains the core
classes and an implementation of the ISO 19115 standard. The "geotk-metadata-sql" sub-module provides
services for metadata storage in a SQL database. The "geotk-metadata-fra" sub-module is a profile of
ISO 19115.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: metadata
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utility from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Projects group for miscellaneous utilities.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: utility
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modules from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
The modules that are components of the Geotoolkit.org library.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: modules
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geotoolkit from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Geotoolkit.org (abridged Geotk) is a free software, Java language library for developing
geospatial applications. The library can be used for desktop or server applications.
Group: org.geotoolkit Artifact: geotoolkit
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