Download org.geotoolkit JAR files with all dependencies
geotk-metadata-fra from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
French extensions to ISO metadata. Those extensions are standardized by AFNOR
(Association Française de Normalisation). All extended classes begin with the
FRA_ prefix.
geotk-metadata-sql from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
Stores metadata in a SQL database. Each metadata class is mapped to a table,
and each metadata attribute is mapped to a column in the appropriate table.
Tables and columns are created only when first needed.
geotk-logging-log4j from group org.geotoolkit (version 3.20-geoapi-3.0)
An adapter for using Log4J in Geotk. Geotk will automatically redirect
all its logging events to Log4J if this JAR is on the classpath. If there is
no need for Log4J inter-operability, we recommend to NOT include this JAR on
the classpath in order to use the default Java logging framework instead.
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