org.geotoolkit.parameter.DefaultParameterDescriptor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2004-2012, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* (C) 2009-2012, Geomatys
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* This package contains documentation from OpenGIS specifications.
* OpenGIS consortium's work is fully acknowledged here.
package org.geotoolkit.parameter;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
import org.opengis.util.CodeList;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject;
import org.geotoolkit.util.Utilities;
import org.geotoolkit.util.ComparisonMode;
import org.geotoolkit.util.converter.Classes;
import org.geotoolkit.util.collection.XCollections;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Errors;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.NamedIdentifier;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import static org.geotoolkit.util.Utilities.*;
import static org.geotoolkit.util.ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull;
import static org.geotoolkit.util.ArgumentChecks.ensureCanCast;
* The definition of a parameter used by an operation method. For
* {@linkplain Coordinate Reference Systems}
* most parameter values are numeric, but other types of parameter values are possible.
* For numeric values, the {@linkplain #getValueClass value class} is usually
* {@link Double}, {@link Integer} or some other Java wrapper class.
* This class contains numerous convenience constructors. But all of them ultimately invoke
* {@linkplain #DefaultParameterDescriptor(Map,Class,Object[],Object,Comparable,Comparable,Unit,boolean)
* a single, full-featured constructor}. All other constructors are just shortcuts.
* @param The type of elements to be returned by {@link ParameterValue#getValue}.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
* @version 3.18
* @see Parameter
* @see DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup
* @since 2.0
* @module
public class DefaultParameterDescriptor extends AbstractParameterDescriptor
implements ParameterDescriptor
* Serial number for inter-operability with different versions.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -295668622297737705L;
* Some frequently used {@link Double} values. As of Java 6, those values don't
* seem to be cached by {@link Double#valueOf} like JDK does for integers.
private static final Map CACHE = new HashMap(13);
static {
cache( 0.0);
cache( 1.0);
cache( -90.0);
cache( +90.0);
* Helper method for the construction of the {@link #CACHE} map.
private static void cache(final Double value) {
if (CACHE.put(value,value) != null) {
throw new AssertionError(value);
* If the given value is presents in the cache, returns the cached value.
private static T cached(final T value) {
final T candidate = (T) (Object) CACHE.get(value);
return (candidate != null) ? candidate : value;
* The class that describe the type of the parameter.
* This is the value class that the user specified at construction time.
private final Class valueClass;
* A immutable, finite set of valid values (usually from a {@linkplain CodeList code list})
* or {@code null} if it doesn't apply. This set is immutable.
private final Set validValues;
* The default value for the parameter, or {@code null}.
private final T defaultValue;
* The minimum parameter value, or {@code null}.
private final Comparable minimum;
* The maximum parameter value, or {@code null}.
private final Comparable maximum;
* The unit for default, minimum and maximum values, or {@code null}.
private final Unit> unit;
* Constructs a descriptor with the same values than the specified one. This copy constructor
* can be used in order to wrap an arbitrary implementation into a Geotk one.
* @param descriptor The descriptor to copy.
* @since 2.2
public DefaultParameterDescriptor(final ParameterDescriptor descriptor) {
valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
validValues = descriptor.getValidValues();
defaultValue = descriptor.getDefaultValue();
minimum = descriptor.getMinimumValue();
maximum = descriptor.getMaximumValue();
unit = descriptor.getUnit();
* Constructs a descriptor for a mandatory parameter having a set of valid values.
* The descriptor has no minimal or maximal value and no unit.
* @param name The parameter name.
* @param valueClass The class that describe the type of the parameter.
* @param validValues A finite set of valid values (usually from a {@linkplain CodeList
* code list}) or {@code null} if it doesn't apply.
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter, or {@code null} if none.
public DefaultParameterDescriptor(final String name,
final Class valueClass,
final T[] validValues,
final T defaultValue)
this(Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, name),
valueClass, validValues, defaultValue, null, null, null, true);
* Constructs a descriptor from an authority and a name.
* @param authority The authority (example: {@link Citations#OGC OGC}).
* @param name The parameter name.
* @param valueClass The class that describes the type of the parameter value.
* @param validValues A finite set of valid values (usually from a {@linkplain CodeList
* code list}) or {@code null} if it doesn't apply.
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter, or {@code null} if none.
* @param minimum The minimum parameter value (inclusive), or {@code null} if none.
* @param maximum The maximum parameter value (inclusive), or {@code null} if none.
* @param unit The unit of measurement for the default, minimum and maximum values,
* or {@code null} if none.
* @param required {@code true} if this parameter is required, or {@code false} if it is optional.
* @since 2.2
public DefaultParameterDescriptor(final Citation authority,
final String name,
final Class valueClass,
final T[] validValues,
final T defaultValue,
final Comparable minimum,
final Comparable maximum,
final Unit> unit,
final boolean required)
this(Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, new NamedIdentifier(authority, name)),
valueClass, validValues, defaultValue, minimum, maximum, unit, required);
* Constructs a descriptor from a name and a default value.
* @param name The parameter name.
* @param remarks An optional description as a {@link String} or an {@link InternationalString}.
* @param valueClass The class that describe the type of the parameter.
* @param defaultValue The default value.
* @param required {@code true} if this parameter is required, {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 2.5
public DefaultParameterDescriptor(final String name, final CharSequence remarks,
final Class valueClass, final T defaultValue, final boolean required)
this(properties(name, remarks), valueClass, codeList(valueClass),
defaultValue, null, null, null, required);
* Constructs a descriptor from a set of properties. The properties map is given unchanged to the
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#AbstractIdentifiedObject(Map) super-class constructor}.
* @param properties Set of properties. Should contains at least {@code "name"}.
* @param valueClass The class that describes the type of the parameter value.
* @param validValues A finite set of valid values (usually from a {@linkplain CodeList
* code list}) or {@code null} if it doesn't apply.
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter, or {@code null} if none.
* @param minimum The minimum parameter value (inclusive), or {@code null} if none.
* @param maximum The maximum parameter value (inclusive), or {@code null} if none.
* @param unit The unit of measurement for the default, minimum and maximum values,
* or {@code null} if none.
* @param required {@code true} if this parameter is required, or {@code false} if it is optional.
public DefaultParameterDescriptor(final Map properties,
final Class valueClass,
final T[] validValues,
final T defaultValue,
final Comparable minimum,
final Comparable maximum,
final Unit> unit,
final boolean required)
super(properties, required ? 1 : 0, 1);
this.valueClass = valueClass;
this.defaultValue = cached(defaultValue);
this.minimum = cached(minimum);
this.maximum = cached(maximum);
this.unit = unit;
ensureNonNull("valueClass", valueClass);
ensureCanCast("defaultValue", valueClass, defaultValue);
ensureCanCast("minimum", valueClass, minimum);
ensureCanCast("maximum", valueClass, maximum);
if (minimum!=null && maximum!=null) {
if (minimum.compareTo(valueClass.cast(maximum)) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_RANGE_$2, minimum, maximum));
if (validValues != null) {
final Set valids = new HashSet(Math.max(XCollections.hashMapCapacity(validValues.length), 8));
for (int i=0; i create(final String name,
final int defaultValue, final int minimum, final int maximum)
return create(Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, name),
defaultValue, minimum, maximum, true);
* Constructs a descriptor for a parameter in a range of integer values.
* @param properties The parameter properties (name, identifiers, alias...).
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter.
* @param minimum The minimum parameter value, or {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} if none.
* @param maximum The maximum parameter value, or {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} if none.
* @param required {@code true} if this parameter is required, {@code false} otherwise.
* @return The parameter descriptor for the given range of values.
* @since 2.5
public static DefaultParameterDescriptor create(final Map properties,
final int defaultValue, final int minimum, final int maximum, final boolean required)
return new DefaultParameterDescriptor(properties,
Integer.class, null, Integer.valueOf(defaultValue),
(minimum == Integer.MIN_VALUE) ? null : Integer.valueOf(minimum),
(maximum == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? null : Integer.valueOf(maximum), null, required);
* Constructs a descriptor for a mandatory parameter in a range of floating point values.
* @param name The parameter name.
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter, or {@link Double#NaN} if none.
* @param minimum The minimum parameter value, or {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} if none.
* @param maximum The maximum parameter value, or {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} if none.
* @param unit The unit for default, minimum and maximum values.
* @return The parameter descriptor for the given range of values.
* @since 2.5
public static DefaultParameterDescriptor create(final String name,
final double defaultValue, final double minimum, final double maximum, final Unit> unit)
return create(Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, name),
defaultValue, minimum, maximum, unit, true);
* Constructs a descriptor for a parameter in a range of floating point values.
* @param properties The parameter properties (name, identifiers, alias...).
* @param defaultValue The default value for the parameter, or {@link Double#NaN} if none.
* @param minimum The minimum parameter value, or {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} if none.
* @param maximum The maximum parameter value, or {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} if none.
* @param unit The unit of measurement for default, minimum and maximum values.
* @param required {@code true} if this parameter is required, {@code false} otherwise.
* @return The parameter descriptor for the given range of values.
* @since 2.5
public static DefaultParameterDescriptor create(final Map properties,
final double defaultValue, final double minimum, final double maximum,
final Unit> unit, final boolean required)
return new DefaultParameterDescriptor(properties, Double.class, null,
Double.isNaN(defaultValue) ? null : Double.valueOf(defaultValue),
minimum == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? null : Double.valueOf(minimum),
maximum == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? null : Double.valueOf(maximum), unit, required);
* Work around for RFE #4093999 in Sun's bug database
* ("Relax constraint on placement of this()/super() call in constructors").
private static T[] codeList(final Class valueClass) {
T[] codeList = null;
if (CodeList.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
try {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Type checked with reflection.
final T[] tmp = (T[]) valueClass.getMethod("values",
(Class>[]) null).invoke(null, (Object[]) null);
codeList = tmp;
} catch (Exception exception) {
// No code list defined. Not a problem; we will just
// not provide any set of code to check against.
return codeList;
* Work around for RFE #4093999 in Sun's bug database
* ("Relax constraint on placement of this()/super() call in constructors").
private static Map properties(final String name, final CharSequence remarks) {
final Map properties;
if (remarks == null ){
properties = Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, (CharSequence) name);
} else {
properties = new HashMap(4);
properties.put(NAME_KEY, name);
properties.put(REMARKS_KEY, remarks);
return properties;
* The maximum number of times that values for this parameter group or parameter can be
* included. For a {@linkplain DefaultParameterDescriptor single parameter}, the value
* is always 1.
* @return The maximum occurrence.
* @see #getMinimumOccurs
public int getMaximumOccurs() {
return 1;
* Creates a new instance of {@code ParameterValue} initialized with the
* {@linkplain #getDefaultValue default value}. The {@linkplain DefaultParameterDescriptor
* parameter descriptor} for the created parameter value will be {@code this} object.
* @return A parameter initialized to the default value.
public ParameterValue createValue() {
if (valueClass == Double.class) {
return (ParameterValue) new FloatParameter((ParameterDescriptor) this);
return new Parameter(this);
* Returns the class that describe the type of the parameter.
* @return The parameter value class.
public Class getValueClass() {
return valueClass;
* If this parameter allows only a finite set of values, returns this set. This set is
* usually a {@linkplain CodeList code list} or enumerations. This method returns
* {@code null} if this parameter doesn't limits values to a finite set.
* @return A finite set of valid values (usually from a {@linkplain CodeList code list}),
* or {@code null} if it doesn't apply.
public Set getValidValues() {
return validValues;
* Returns the default value for the parameter. The return type can be any type
* including a {@link Number} or a {@link String}. If there is no default value,
* then this method returns {@code null}.
* @return The default value, or {@code null} in none.
public T getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
* Returns the minimum parameter value. If there is no minimum value, or if minimum
* value is inappropriate for the {@linkplain #getValueClass parameter type}, then
* this method returns {@code null}.
* @return The minimum parameter value (often an instance of {@link Double}), or {@code null}.
public Comparable getMinimumValue() {
return minimum;
* Returns the maximum parameter value. If there is no maximum value, or if maximum
* value is inappropriate for the {@linkplain #getValueClass parameter type}, then
* this method returns {@code null}.
* @return The minimum parameter value (often an instance of {@link Double}), or {@code null}.
public Comparable getMaximumValue() {
return maximum;
* Returns the unit for {@linkplain #getDefaultValue default},
* {@linkplain #getMinimumValue minimum} and
* {@linkplain #getMaximumValue maximum} values.
* This attribute apply only if the values is of numeric type
* (usually an instance of {@link Double}).
* @return The unit for numeric value, or {@code null} if it doesn't apply to the value type.
public Unit> getUnit() {
return unit;
* Compares the specified object with this parameter for equality.
* @param object The object to compare to {@code this}.
* @param mode {@link ComparisonMode#STRICT STRICT} for performing a strict comparison, or
* {@link ComparisonMode#IGNORE_METADATA IGNORE_METADATA} for comparing only properties
* relevant to transformations.
* @return {@code true} if both objects are equal.
public boolean equals(final Object object, final ComparisonMode mode) {
if (object == this) {
return true;
if (super.equals(object, mode)) {
switch (mode) {
default: {
* Tests for name, since parameters with different name have
* completely different meaning. For example there is no difference
* between "semi_major" and "semi_minor" parameters except the name.
* We don't perform this comparison if the user asked for metadata
* comparison, because in such case the names have already been
* compared by the subclass.
final IdentifiedObject that = (IdentifiedObject) object;
if (!nameMatches(that. getName().getCode()) &&
!IdentifiedObjects.nameMatches(that, getName().getCode()))
return false;
// Fall through
final ParameterDescriptor> that = (ParameterDescriptor>) object;
return Utilities. equals(getValidValues(), that.getValidValues()) &&
Utilities.deepEquals(getDefaultValue(), that.getDefaultValue()) &&
Utilities. equals(getMinimumValue(), that.getMinimumValue()) &&
Utilities. equals(getMaximumValue(), that.getMaximumValue()) &&
Utilities. equals(getUnit(), that.getUnit());
case STRICT: {
final DefaultParameterDescriptor> that = (DefaultParameterDescriptor>) object;
return Utilities. equals(this.validValues, that.validValues) &&
Utilities.deepEquals(this.defaultValue, that.defaultValue) &&
Utilities. equals(this.minimum, that.minimum) &&
Utilities. equals(this.maximum, that.maximum) &&
Utilities. equals(this.unit, that.unit);
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected int computeHashCode() {
return hash(valueClass, hash(deepHashCode(defaultValue),
hash(minimum, hash(maximum, hash(unit, super.computeHashCode())))));
* Returns a string representation of this descriptor. The string returned by this
* method is for information purpose only and may change in future version.
* @since 3.17
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(Classes.getShortClassName(this))
.append("[\"").append(getName().getCode()).append("\", ")
.append(getMinimumOccurs() == 0 ? "optional" : "mandatory");
buffer.append(", class=").append(Classes.getShortName(valueClass));
if (minimum != null || maximum != null) {
buffer.append(", valid=[").append(minimum != null ? minimum : "-\u221E")
.append(" \u2026 ") .append(maximum != null ? maximum : "\u221E").append(']');
} else if (validValues != null) {
buffer.append(", valid=").append(validValues);
if (defaultValue != null) {
buffer.append(", default=").append(defaultValue);
if (unit != null) {
buffer.append(", unit=").append(unit);
return buffer.append(']').toString();