org.geotoolkit.parameter.Parameters Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2004-2012, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* (C) 2009-2012, Geomatys
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotoolkit.parameter;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterValue;
import org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterNotFoundException;
import org.opengis.metadata.quality.ConformanceResult;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.geotoolkit.lang.Static;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Errors;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Vocabulary;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Descriptions;
import org.geotoolkit.util.logging.Logging;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.quality.DefaultConformanceResult;
import org.geotoolkit.naming.DefaultNameSpace;
* Helper methods for working with the parameter API from {@link org.opengis.parameter} package.
* This class provides methods for {@linkplain #search searching}, {@linkplain #ensureSet setting
* a value}, etc. from a parameter name.
* Names in simple {@code String} form are preferred over the full {@code ParameterDescriptor}
* object because:
* The parameter descriptor may not be always available. For example a user may looks for
* the {@code "semi_major"} axis length (because it is documented in OGC specification under
* that name) but doesn't know and doesn't care about who is providing the implementation. In
* such case, he doesn't have the parameter's descriptor. He only have the parameter's name,
* and creating a descriptor from that name (a descriptor independent of any implementation)
* is tedious.
* Parameter descriptors are implementation-dependent. For example if a user searches for
* the above-cited {@code "semi_major"} axis length using the {@linkplain
* org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.provider.MapProjection#SEMI_MAJOR Geotk's descriptor}
* for that parameter, we will fail to find this parameter in any alternative
* {@link ParameterValueGroup} implementations. This is against GeoAPI's inter-operability goal.
* When a method in this class expects a full {@code ParameterDescriptor} object in argument
* (for example {@link #value(ParameterDescriptor, ParameterValueGroup)}), the
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getName descriptor name} and alias are used for the search - this
* class does not look for strictly equal {@code ParameterDescriptor} objects.
* @author Jody Garnett (Refractions)
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 3.20
* @since 2.1
* @module
public final class Parameters extends Static {
* Small number for floating point comparisons.
private static final double EPS = 1E-8;
* The explanation for conformance results.
private static final InternationalString EXPLAIN =
* An empty parameter group. This group contains no parameters.
public static final ParameterDescriptorGroup EMPTY_GROUP =
new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup(Vocabulary.format(Vocabulary.Keys.EMPTY));
* Do not allows instantiation of this utility class.
private Parameters() {
* Casts the given parameter descriptor to the given type. An exception is thrown
* immediately if the parameter does not have the expected value class. This
* is a helper method for type safety when using Java 5 parameterized types.
* @param The expected value class.
* @param descriptor The descriptor to cast, or {@code null}.
* @param type The expected value class.
* @return The descriptor casted to the given type, or {@code null} if the given descriptor was null.
* @throws ClassCastException if the given descriptor doesn't have the expected value class.
* @category verification
* @since 2.5
public static ParameterDescriptor cast(final ParameterDescriptor> descriptor, final Class type)
throws ClassCastException
if (descriptor != null) {
final Class> actual = descriptor.getValueClass();
// We require a strict equality - not type.isAssignableFrom(actual) - because in
// the later case we could have (to be strict) to return a extends T> type.
if (!type.equals(actual)) {
throw new ClassCastException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_TYPE_$2,
descriptor.getName().getCode(), actual));
return (ParameterDescriptor) descriptor;
* Casts the given parameter value to the given type. An exception is thrown
* immediately if the parameter does not have the expected value class. This
* is a helper method for type safety when using Java 5 parameterized types.
* @param The expected value class.
* @param value The value to cast, or {@code null}.
* @param type The expected value class.
* @return The value casted to the given type, or {@code null} if the given value was null.
* @throws ClassCastException if the given value doesn't have the expected value class.
* @category verification
* @since 2.5
public static ParameterValue cast(final ParameterValue> value, final Class type)
throws ClassCastException
if (value != null) {
final ParameterDescriptor> descriptor = value.getDescriptor();
final Class> actual = descriptor.getValueClass();
if (!type.equals(actual)) { // Same comment than cast(ParameterDescriptor)...
throw new ClassCastException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_TYPE_$2,
descriptor.getName().getCode(), actual));
return (ParameterValue) value;
* Checks a parameter value against its {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor parameter descriptor}.
* This method compares the {@linkplain ParameterValue#getValue() value} against the expected
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValueClass value class}, the
* [{@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMinimumValue minimum} …
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMaximumValue maximum}] range and the set of
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValidValues valid values}.
* This is a convenience method for testing a single parameter value assuming that its
* descriptor is correct. It returns a {@code boolean} because in case of failure, the
* faulty parameter is known: it is the one given in argument to this method. For a more
* generic test which can work on group of parameters and provide more details about which
* parameter failed and why, use the
* {@link #isValid(GeneralParameterValue, GeneralParameterDescriptor)} method instead.
* @param value The parameter to test.
* @return {@code true} if the given parameter is valid.
* @category verification
public static boolean isValid(final ParameterValue> value) {
return isValidValue(value.getDescriptor(), value.getValue(), false) == null;
* Checks a parameter value against its descriptor, and returns an error message if it is
* not conformant. This method is similar to {@link AbstractParameter#ensureValidValue}.
* If one implementation is modified, the other one should be updated accordingly.
* @param The expected type of value.
* @param parameter The parameter to test.
* @param localized {@code true} if a fully localized message is wanted in case of failure,
* or {@code false} for a sentinel value (not useful for reporting to the user).
* @param descriptor The descriptor to use for fetching the conditions.
* @return {@code null} if the given parameter is valid, or an error message otherwise.
private static InternationalString isValidValue(final ParameterDescriptor descriptor,
final Object value, final boolean localized)
* Accept null values only if explicitly authorized.
if (value == null) {
if (descriptor.getMinimumOccurs() == 0) {
return null; // Test pass.
return localized ? Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.NO_PARAMETER_$1,
AbstractParameter.getName(descriptor)) : EXPLAIN;
* Check the type.
final Class> type = value.getClass();
final Class expected = descriptor.getValueClass();
if (!expected.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return localized ? Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_CLASS_$2,
type, expected) : EXPLAIN;
final T typedValue = expected.cast(value);
* Check the range (if any).
final Comparable minimum = descriptor.getMinimumValue();
final Comparable maximum = descriptor.getMaximumValue();
if ((minimum != null && minimum.compareTo(typedValue) > 0) ||
(maximum != null && maximum.compareTo(typedValue) < 0))
return localized ? Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_$3,
value, minimum, maximum) : EXPLAIN;
* Check the enumeration (if any).
final Set validValues = descriptor.getValidValues();
if (validValues!=null && !validValues.contains(value)) {
return localized ? Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2,
AbstractParameter.getName(descriptor), value) : EXPLAIN;
return null; // Test pass.
* Checks a parameter value against the conditions specified by the given descriptor.
* If the given parameter is an instance of {@link ParameterValue}, then this method
* compares the {@linkplain ParameterValue#getValue() value} against the expected
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValueClass value class}, the
* [{@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMinimumValue minimum} …
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMaximumValue maximum}] range and the set of
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getValidValues valid values}.
* If this method is an instance of {@link ParameterValueGroup}, then the check
* is applied recursively for every parameter in this group.
* @param value The parameter to test.
* @param descriptor The descriptor to use for fetching the conditions.
* @return A conformance result having the attribute {@linkplain ConformanceResult#pass()
* pass}=true
if the parameter is valid. If the parameter is not valid, then
* the result {@linkplain ConformanceResult#getExplanation() explanation} gives the
* raison.
* @since 3.05
* @category verification
public static ConformanceResult isValid(final GeneralParameterValue value,
final GeneralParameterDescriptor descriptor)
* Create a conformance result initialized to a successful check.
final DefaultConformanceResult result = new DefaultConformanceResult(
descriptor.getName().getAuthority(), EXPLAIN, true);
final GeneralParameterValue failure = isValid(value, descriptor, result);
* If the validity test failed, update the conformance result accordingly.
if (failure != null) {
final Identifier name = failure.getDescriptor().getName();
Descriptions.Keys.NON_CONFORM_PARAMETER_$2, name, result.getExplanation()));
return result;
* Checks a parameter value against the conditions specified by the given descriptor.
* In case of failure, the explanation message of the given {@code result} is updated
* with the cause, and this method returns the descriptor of the parameter that failed
* the check.
* @param value The parameter to test.
* @param descriptor The descriptor to use for fetching the conditions.
* @param result The conformance result to update in case of failure.
* @return {@code null} in case of success, or the faulty parameter in case of failure.
private static GeneralParameterValue isValid(final GeneralParameterValue value,
final GeneralParameterDescriptor descriptor, final DefaultConformanceResult result)
if (descriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptor>) {
* For a single parameter (the most common case), the value shall be an instance
* of ParameterValue. If it is not, then the error message will be formatted at
* the end of this method.
if (value instanceof ParameterValue>) {
final InternationalString failure = isValidValue((ParameterDescriptor>) descriptor,
((ParameterValue>) value).getValue(), true);
if (failure != null) {
return value;
return null; // The test pass.
} else if (descriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptorGroup) {
* For a group, the value shall be an instance of ParameterValueGroup. If it
* is not, then the error message will be formatted at the end of this method.
if (value instanceof ParameterValueGroup) {
final Map count = new HashMap();
final ParameterDescriptorGroup group = (ParameterDescriptorGroup) descriptor;
for (final GeneralParameterValue element : ((ParameterValueGroup) value).values()) {
final String name = getName(element.getDescriptor(), group);
final GeneralParameterDescriptor desc;
try {
desc = group.descriptor(name);
} catch (ParameterNotFoundException e) {
Errors.Keys.UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER_$1, name));
return value;
final GeneralParameterValue failure = isValid(element, desc, result);
if (failure != null) {
return failure;
// Count the occurrence of parameters.
Integer old = count.put(desc, 1);
if (old != null) {
count.put(desc, old + 1);
* All parameters pass their individual test.
* Now check their cardinality.
for (final GeneralParameterDescriptor desc : group.descriptors()) {
final Integer nw = count.get(desc);
final int n = (nw != null) ? nw : 0;
final int min = desc.getMinimumOccurs();
final int max = desc.getMaximumOccurs();
if (n < min || n > max) {
final String name = desc.getName().getCode();
final int key;
final Object[] param;
if (n == 0) {
key = Errors.Keys.NO_PARAMETER_$1;
param = new Object[] {name};
} else {
param = new Object[] {name, nw, min, max};
result.setExplanation(Errors.formatInternational(key, param));
return value;
return null; // The test pass.
* If we reach this point, the type of the parameter value is not consistent
* with the type of the descriptor. Format the error message.
final Class extends GeneralParameterValue> type;
if (value instanceof ParameterValue>) {
type = ParameterValue.class;
} else if (value instanceof ParameterValueGroup) {
type = ParameterValueGroup.class;
} else {
type = GeneralParameterValue.class;
result.setExplanation(Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.ILLEGAL_OPERATION_FOR_VALUE_CLASS_$1, type));
return value;
* Returns the name of the given parameter, using the authority code space expected by
* the given group if possible.
* @param parameter The parameter for which the name is wanted.
* @param group The group to use for determining the authority code space.
* @return The name of the given parameter.
* @since 3.05
private static String getName(final GeneralParameterDescriptor parameter, final ParameterDescriptorGroup group) {
String name = IdentifiedObjects.getName(parameter, group.getName().getAuthority());
if (name == null) {
name = parameter.getName().getCode();
return name;
* Returns the parameter value for the specified operation parameter.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is not found.
private static ParameterValue> getParameter(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter,
final ParameterValueGroup group) throws ParameterNotFoundException
* Searches for an identifier matching the group's authority, if any.
* This is needed if the parameter values group was created from an
* EPSG database for example: we need to use the EPSG names instead
* of the OGC ones.
final String name = getName(parameter, group.getDescriptor());
if (parameter.getMinimumOccurs() != 0) {
return group.parameter(name);
* The parameter is optional. We don't want to invokes 'parameter(name)', because we don't
* want to create a new parameter if the user didn't supplied one. Search the parameter
* ourself (so we don't create any), and returns null if we don't find any.
* TODO: A simpler solution would be to add a 'isDefined' method in GeoAPI,
* or something similar.
final GeneralParameterDescriptor search;
search = group.getDescriptor().descriptor(name);
if (search instanceof ParameterDescriptor>) {
for (final GeneralParameterValue candidate : group.values()) {
if (search.equals(candidate.getDescriptor())) {
return (ParameterValue>) candidate;
return null;
* Returns the value of the given parameter in the given group if defined, or create a
* default parameter otherwise. This method is equivalent to:
* {@preformat java
* return cast(group.parameter(parameter.getName().getCode()));
* }
* except that this method tries to use an identifier of the same authority than the
* given {@code group} if possible.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter object.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is not valid for the given group.
* @see ParameterValueGroup#parameter(String)
* @since 3.18
* @category query
public static ParameterValue> getOrCreate(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter,
final ParameterValueGroup group) throws ParameterNotFoundException
return cast(group.parameter(getName(parameter, group.getDescriptor())), parameter.getValueClass());
* Returns the parameter value as an object for the given descriptor.
* The method uses the {@link ParameterValue#getValue()} method for fetching the value.
* @param The type of the parameter value.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @since 3.00
* @category query
public static T value(final ParameterDescriptor parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value != null) ? parameter.getValueClass().cast(value.getValue()) : null;
* Returns the parameter value as a string for the given descriptor.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#stringValue()} method for fetching the value.
* Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method if the
* {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs string conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.00
public static String stringValue(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value != null) ? value.stringValue() : null;
* Returns the parameter value as a boolean for the given descriptor.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#booleanValue()} method for fetching the value.
* Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method if the
* {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs numeric conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.18
public static Boolean booleanValue(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value != null) ? value.booleanValue() : null;
* Returns the parameter value as an integer for the given descriptor.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#intValue()} method for fetching the value.
* Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method if the
* {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs numeric conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.00
public static Integer integerValue(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value != null) ? value.intValue() : null;
* Returns the parameter value as a list of integers for the given descriptor.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#intValueList()} method for fetching the values.
* Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method if the
* {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs numeric conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.18
public static int[] integerValueList(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value != null) ? value.intValueList() : null;
* Returns the parameter value as a floating point number for the given descriptor.
* Values are automatically converted into the standard units specified by the
* supplied {@code param} argument.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#doubleValue(Unit)} method for fetching the value.
* Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method if the
* {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs numeric conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code NaN} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.00
public static double doubleValue(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final Unit> unit = parameter.getUnit();
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value == null) ? Double.NaN :
(unit != null) ? value.doubleValue(unit) : value.doubleValue();
* Returns the parameter value as a list of floating point numbers for the given descriptor.
* Values are automatically converted into the standard units specified by the
* supplied {@code param} argument.
* This method uses the {@link ParameterValue#doubleValueList(Unit)} method for fetching the
* values. Note that the result may be different than the above {@link #value value} method
* if the {@code ParameterValue} implementation performs numeric conversions.
* @param parameter The parameter to look for.
* @param group The parameter value group to search into.
* @return The requested parameter value, or {@code null} if the parameter
* is optional and the user didn't provided any value.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is mandatory and not found in the group.
* @category query
* @since 3.18
public static double[] doubleValueList(final ParameterDescriptor> parameter, final ParameterValueGroup group)
throws ParameterNotFoundException
final Unit> unit = parameter.getUnit();
final ParameterValue> value = getParameter(parameter, group);
return (value == null) ? null :
(unit != null) ? value.doubleValueList(unit) : value.doubleValueList();
* Searches all parameters with the specified name. The given {@code name} is
* compared against parameter {@linkplain GeneralParameterDescriptor#getName name} and
* {@linkplain GeneralParameterDescriptor#getAlias alias}. This method search recursively
* in subgroups up to the specified depth:
* - If {@code maxDepth} is equal to 0, then this method returns {@code param}
* if and only if it matches the specified name.
* - If {@code maxDepth} is equal to 1 and {@code param} is an instance of
* {@link ParameterDescriptorGroup}, then this method checks all elements
* in this group but not in subgroups.
* - ...
* - If {@code maxDepth} is a high number (e.g. 100), then this method checks all elements
* in all subgroups up to the specified depth, which is likely to be never reached. In
* this case, {@code maxDepth} can be seen as a safeguard against never ending loops, for
* example if parameters graph contains cyclic entries.
* @param parameter The parameter to inspect.
* @param name The name of the parameter to search for. See the
* class javadoc for a rational about the usage
* of name as a key instead of {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor descriptor}.
* @param maxDepth The maximal depth while descending down the parameter tree.
* @return The set (possibly empty) of parameters with the given name.
* @category query
public static List search(final GeneralParameterValue parameter,
final String name, int maxDepth)
final List list = new ArrayList();
search(parameter, name, maxDepth, list);
return list;
* Implementation of the search algorithm. The result is stored in the supplied set.
private static void search(final GeneralParameterValue parameter, final String name,
final int maxDepth, final Collection list)
if (maxDepth >= 0) {
if (IdentifiedObjects.nameMatches(parameter.getDescriptor(), name)) {
if ((maxDepth != 0) && (parameter instanceof ParameterValueGroup)) {
for (final GeneralParameterValue value : ((ParameterValueGroup) parameter).values()) {
search(value, name, maxDepth-1, list);
* Gets the
* {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getName name}-{@linkplain ParameterValue#getValue value}
* pairs. This method copies all parameter values into the supplied {@code destination} map.
* Keys are parameter names as {@link String} objects, and values are parameter values as
* arbitrary objects.
* If the given parameters is a group having sub-groups, then all subgroups are extracted
* recursively with their keys prefixed by the sub-groups name followed by the
* {@linkplain DefaultNameSpace#DEFAULT_SEPARATOR default namespace separator}.
* This map provides a convenient way to copy the content of a {@link ParameterValueGroup}
* to a {@link java.util.Properties} instance.
* @param parameters The parameters to extract values from.
* @param destination The destination map.
* @category query
* @since 3.18
public static void copy(final GeneralParameterValue parameters, final Map super String, Object> destination) {
copy(parameters, destination, null, 0, true);
* Implementation of the public {@link #copy(GeneralParameterValue, Map)} method
* for recursive invocations.
* @param parameters The parameters to extract values from.
* @param destination The destination map.
* @param buffer A buffer which contains the prefix of every keys, or {@code null}.
* @param base The number of valid characters in the buffer.
* @param isRoot {@code true} if the group to be added is the root, or {@code false}
* on recursive invocations.
* @return The buffer, which may have been created by some recursive invocation.
* @category query
private static StringBuilder copy(final GeneralParameterValue parameters,
final Map super String, Object> destination,
StringBuilder buffer, int base, final boolean isRoot)
final String name = parameters.getDescriptor().getName().getCode();
if (parameters instanceof ParameterValue>) {
final Object value = ((ParameterValue>) parameters).getValue();
String key = name;
if (base > 0) {
key = buffer.append(name).toString();
final Object old = destination.put(key, value);
if (old != null && !old.equals(value)) {
// This code will fails to detect if a null value was explicitly supplied
// previously. We assume that such case is uncommon and not a big deal.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.INCONSISTENT_VALUE));
if (parameters instanceof ParameterValueGroup) {
if (!isRoot) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
base = buffer.append(name).append(DefaultNameSpace.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR).length();
for (final GeneralParameterValue value : ((ParameterValueGroup) parameters).values()) {
buffer = copy(value, destination, buffer, base, false);
return buffer;
* Copies all parameter values from {@code source} to {@code target}. A typical usage of
* this method is for transferring values from an arbitrary implementation to some specific
* implementation (e.g. a parameter group implementation backed by a
* {@link java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock} for image processing operations).
* @param source The parameters to copy.
* @param target Where to copy the source parameters.
* @category update
* @since 2.2
public static void copy(final ParameterValueGroup source, final ParameterValueGroup target) {
for (final GeneralParameterValue param : source.values()) {
final String name = param.getDescriptor().getName().getCode();
if (param instanceof ParameterValueGroup) {
copy((ParameterValueGroup) param, target.addGroup(name));
} else {
target.parameter(name).setValue(((ParameterValue>) param).getValue());
* Ensures that a value is set for the parameter of the specified name. This method returns
* {@code true} if the parameter value has been or should be changed (depending
* on the {@code force} argument value), or {@code false} otherwise.
* More specifically this method performs the following steps:
* - If the parameter for the given name has no value, unconditionally assign the given
* value to that parameter and returns {@code true}.
* - Otherwise, compare the current parameter value with the specified value.
* If the values are approximatively equal, do nothing and return {@code false}.
* - Otherwise there is a choice:
* - If the {@code force} argument is {@code true}, overwrite the current parameter
* value with the given value.
* - Otherwise left the parameter value unchanged but log a warning.
* Then return {@code true}.
* This method can used when the same parameter value may be specified more than once
* (for example from different sources of information), and we want to ensure that all
* those values are consistent, without treating mismatches as fatal errors.
* @param parameters The set of projection parameters.
* @param name The parameter name to set.
* @param value The value to set, or to expect if the parameter is already set.
* @param unit The value unit.
* @param force {@code true} for forcing the parameter to the specified {@code value}
* is case of mismatch.
* @return {@code true} if the were a mismatch (in which case the value has been updated if
* the {@code force} argument is {@code true}), or {@code false} if the parameter
* has been left unchanged.
* @throws ParameterNotFoundException If no parameter of the given name has been found.
* @category update
public static boolean ensureSet(final ParameterValueGroup parameters, final String name,
final double value, final Unit> unit, boolean force) throws ParameterNotFoundException
final ParameterValue> parameter = parameters.parameter(name);
try {
final double current = parameter.doubleValue(unit);
if (Math.abs(current / value - 1) <= EPS) {
return false;
if (Double.isNaN(current)) {
force = true;
} catch (IllegalStateException exception) {
// No value was set for this parameter, and there is no default value.
force = true;
// A value was set, but is different than the expected value.
if (force) {
parameter.setValue(value, unit);
} else {
Logging.log(Parameters.class, "ensureSet", new LogRecord(Level.FINE,
Errors.format(Errors.Keys.VALUE_ALREADY_DEFINED_$1, name)));
return true;