org.geotoolkit.referencing.CRS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2005-2012, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* (C) 2009-2012, Geomatys
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotoolkit.referencing;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.opengis.geometry.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.*;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.*;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.*;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.geotoolkit.lang.Static;
import org.geotoolkit.util.Version;
import org.geotoolkit.util.Utilities;
import org.geotoolkit.util.ComparisonMode;
import org.geotoolkit.util.logging.Logging;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.Hints;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.Factory;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.Factories;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryFinder;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.AuthorityFactoryFinder;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryNotFoundException;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryRegistryException;
import org.geotoolkit.geometry.Envelopes;
import org.geotoolkit.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.cs.DefaultEllipsoidalCS;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.cs.DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.MathTransforms;
import org.geotoolkit.internal.referencing.CRSUtilities;
import org.geotoolkit.internal.referencing.AxisDirections;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Errors;
import static org.geotoolkit.util.ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull;
* Utility class for making use of the {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem Coordinate Reference
* System} and associated {@linkplain org.opengis.util.Factory} implementations. This utility class
* is made up of static functions working with arbitrary implementations of GeoAPI interfaces.
* The methods defined in this class can be grouped in three categories:
* - Methods working with factories, like {@link #decode(String)}.
* - Methods providing informations, like {@link #isHorizontalCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem)}.
* - Methods performing coordinate transformations, like {@link #transform(CoordinateOperation,Envelope)}
* Note that many of those methods are also defined in the {@link Envelopes} class.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @author Jody Garnett (Refractions)
* @author Andrea Aime (TOPP)
* @version 3.19
* @see IdentifiedObjects
* @see Envelopes
* @since 2.1
* @module
public final class CRS extends Static {
* The CRS factory to use for parsing WKT. Will be fetched when first needed
* are stored for avoiding indirect synchronization lock in {@link #parseWKT}.
private static volatile CRSFactory crsFactory;
* A factory for CRS creation as specified by the authority, which may have
* (latitude, longitude) axis order. Will be created
* only when first needed.
private static volatile CRSAuthorityFactory standardFactory;
* A factory for CRS creation with (longitude, latitude) axis order.
* Will be created only when first needed.
private static volatile CRSAuthorityFactory xyFactory;
* A factory for default (non-lenient) operations.
private static volatile CoordinateOperationFactory strictFactory;
* A factory for default lenient operations.
private static volatile CoordinateOperationFactory lenientFactory;
* The default value for {@link Hints#FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER},
* or {@code null} if not yet determined.
private static volatile Boolean defaultOrder;
* The default value for {@link Hints#LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT},
* or {@code null} if not yet determined.
private static volatile Boolean defaultLenient;
* Registers a listener automatically invoked when the system-wide configuration changed.
static {
Factories.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
@Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
synchronized (CRS.class) {
crsFactory = null;
standardFactory = null;
xyFactory = null;
strictFactory = null;
lenientFactory = null;
defaultOrder = null;
defaultLenient = null;
* Do not allow instantiation of this class.
private CRS() {
//// ////
//// ////
* Returns the CRS factory. This is used mostly for WKT parsing.
private static CRSFactory getCRSFactory() {
CRSFactory factory = crsFactory;
if (factory == null) {
synchronized (CRS.class) {
// Double-checked locking - was a deprecated practice before Java 5.
// Is okay since Java 5 provided that the variable is volatile.
factory = crsFactory;
if (factory == null) {
crsFactory = factory = FactoryFinder.getCRSFactory(null);
return factory;
* Returns the CRS authority factory used by the {@link #decode(String,boolean) decode} methods.
* This factory {@linkplain org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.CachingAuthorityFactory uses a cache},
* scans over {@linkplain org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.AllAuthoritiesFactory all factories} and
* uses additional factories as {@linkplain org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.FallbackAuthorityFactory
* fallbacks} if there is more than one {@linkplain AuthorityFactoryFinder#getCRSAuthorityFactories
* registered factory} for the same authority.
* This factory can be used as a kind of system-wide factory for all authorities.
* However for more determinist behavior, consider using a more specific factory (as returned
* by {@link AuthorityFactoryFinder#getCRSAuthorityFactory}) when the authority is known.
* @param longitudeFirst {@code true} if axis order should be forced to
* (longitude, latitude), {@code false} if no order should be
* forced (i.e. the standard specified by the authority is respected), or {@code null}
* for the {@linkplain Hints#getSystemDefault system default}.
* @return The CRS authority factory.
* @throws FactoryRegistryException if the factory can't be created.
* @category factory
* @since 2.3
public static CRSAuthorityFactory getAuthorityFactory(Boolean longitudeFirst)
throws FactoryRegistryException
// No need to synchronize; this is not a big deal if 'defaultOrder' is computed twice.
if (longitudeFirst == null) {
longitudeFirst = defaultOrder;
if (longitudeFirst == null) {
longitudeFirst = Boolean.TRUE.equals(Hints.getSystemDefault(Hints.FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER));
defaultOrder = longitudeFirst;
CRSAuthorityFactory factory = (longitudeFirst) ? xyFactory : standardFactory;
if (factory == null) synchronized (CRS.class) {
// Double-checked locking - was a deprecated practice before Java 5.
// Is okay since Java 5 provided that the variables are volatile.
factory = (longitudeFirst) ? xyFactory : standardFactory;
if (factory == null) try {
factory = DefaultAuthorityFactory.create(longitudeFirst);
if (longitudeFirst) {
xyFactory = factory;
} else {
standardFactory = factory;
} catch (NoSuchElementException exception) {
// No factory registered in FactoryFinder.
throw new FactoryNotFoundException(null, exception);
return factory;
* Returns the coordinate operation factory used by
* {@link #findMathTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* findMathTransform} convenience methods.
* @param lenient {@code true} if the coordinate operations should be created
* even when there is no information available for a datum shift.
* @return The coordinate operation factory used for finding math transform in this class.
* @category factory
* @since 2.4
public static CoordinateOperationFactory getCoordinateOperationFactory(final boolean lenient) {
CoordinateOperationFactory factory = (lenient) ? lenientFactory : strictFactory;
if (factory == null) synchronized (CRS.class) {
// Double-checked locking - was a deprecated practice before Java 5.
// Is okay since Java 5 provided that the variables are volatile.
factory = (lenient) ? lenientFactory : strictFactory;
if (factory == null) {
final Hints hints = new Hints(); // Get the system-width default hints.
if (lenient) {
hints.put(Hints.LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT, Boolean.TRUE);
factory = FactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationFactory(hints);
if (lenient) {
lenientFactory = factory;
} else {
strictFactory = factory;
return factory;
* Returns the version number of the specified authority database, or {@code null} if
* not available.
* @param authority The authority name (typically {@code "EPSG"}).
* @return The version number of the authority database, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @throws FactoryRegistryException if no {@link CRSAuthorityFactory} implementation
* was found for the specified authority.
* @see Hints#VERSION
* @category factory
* @since 2.4
public static Version getVersion(final String authority) throws FactoryRegistryException {
ensureNonNull("authority", authority);
Object candidate = AuthorityFactoryFinder.getCRSAuthorityFactory(authority, null);
final Set guard = new HashSet();
while (candidate instanceof Factory) {
final Factory factory = (Factory) candidate;
if (!guard.add(factory)) {
break; // Safety against never-ending recursivity.
final Map hints = factory.getImplementationHints();
final Object version = hints.get(Hints.VERSION);
if (version instanceof Version) {
return (Version) version;
candidate = hints.get(Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY);
return null;
* Gets the list of the codes that are supported by the given authority. For example
* {@code getSupportedCodes("EPSG")} may returns {@code "EPSG:2000"}, {@code "EPSG:2001"},
* {@code "EPSG:2002"}, etc. It may also returns {@code "2000"}, {@code "2001"},
* {@code "2002"}, etc. without the {@code "EPSG:"} prefix. Whatever the authority
* name is prefixed or not is factory implementation dependent.
* If there is more than one factory for the given authority, then this method merges the
* code set of all of them. If a factory fails to provide a set of supported code, then
* this particular factory is ignored. Please be aware of the following potential issues:
* - If there is more than one EPSG databases (for example an Access and a PostgreSQL ones),
* then this method will connect to all of them even if their content are identical.
* - If two factories format their codes differently (e.g. {@code "4326"} and
* {@code "EPSG:4326"}), then the returned set will contain a lot of synonymous
* codes.
* - For any code c in the returned set, there is no warranty that
{@linkplain #decode decode}(c)
will use the same authority
* factory than the one that formatted c.
* - This method doesn't report connection problems since it doesn't throw any exception.
* {@link FactoryException}s are logged as warnings and otherwise ignored.
* If a more determinist behavior is wanted, consider the code below instead.
* The following code exploit only one factory, the "preferred" one.
* {@preformat java
* factory = AuthorityFactoryFinder.getCRSAuthorityFactory(authority, null);
* Set codes = factory.getAuthorityCodes(CoordinateReferenceSystem.class);
* String code = ... // Choose a code here.
* CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = factory.createCoordinateReferenceSystem(code);
* }
* @param authority The authority name (for example {@code "EPSG"}).
* @return The set of supported codes. May be empty, but never null.
* @see AuthorityFactory#getAuthorityCodes(Class)
* @see List of authority codes
* @category factory
public static Set getSupportedCodes(final String authority) {
ensureNonNull("authority", authority);
return DefaultAuthorityFactory.getSupportedCodes(authority);
* Returns the set of the authority identifiers supported by registered authority factories.
* This method search only for {@linkplain CRSAuthorityFactory CRS authority factories}.
* @param returnAliases If {@code true}, the set will contain all identifiers for each
* authority. If {@code false}, only the first one
* @return The set of supported authorities. May be empty, but never null.
* @category factory
* @since 2.3.1
public static Set getSupportedAuthorities(final boolean returnAliases) {
return DefaultAuthorityFactory.getSupportedAuthorities(returnAliases);
* Returns a Coordinate Reference System for the specified code.
* Note that the code needs to mention the authority. Examples:
* - {@code EPSG:4326}
* - {@code AUTO:42001,9001,0,30}
* If there is more than one factory implementation for the same authority, then all additional
* factories are {@linkplain org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.FallbackAuthorityFactory fallbacks}
* to be used only when the first acceptable factory failed to create the requested CRS object.
* {@section Common codes}
* A few commonly used codes are:
* - Geographic CRS:
* - WGS 84 (2D only): EPSG:4326
* - WGS 84 with ellipsoidal height: EPSG:4979
* - Simple projected CRS:
* - Mercator: 3395
* - Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections:
* - WGS 84 (northern hemisphere): EPSG:32600 + zone
* - WGS 84 (southern hemisphere): EPSG:32700 + zone
* - WGS 72 (northern hemisphere): EPSG:32200 + zone
* - WGS 72 (southern hemisphere): EPSG:32300 + zone
* - NAD 83 (northern hemisphere): EPSG:26900 + zone (zone 1 to 23 only)
* - NAD 27 (northern hemisphere): EPSG:26700 + zone (zone 1 to 22 only)
* {@section Caching}
* CRS objects created by previous calls to this method are
* {@linkplain org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.CachingAuthorityFactory cached}
* using {@linkplain java.lang.ref.WeakReference weak references}. Subsequent calls to this
* method with the same authority code should be fast, unless the CRS object has been garbage
* collected.
* @param code The Coordinate Reference System authority code.
* @return The Coordinate Reference System for the provided code.
* @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException If the code could not be understood.
* @throws FactoryException if the CRS creation failed for an other reason.
* @see #getSupportedCodes(String)
* @see org.geotoolkit.measure.Units#valueOfEPSG(int)
* @see List of authority codes
* @category factory
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem decode(final String code)
throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException
ensureNonNull("code", code);
return getAuthorityFactory(null).createCoordinateReferenceSystem(code);
* Returns a Coordinate Reference System for the specified code, maybe forcing the axis order
* to (longitude, latitude). The {@code code} argument value is parsed
* as in {@linkplain #decode(String) decode}(code)
. The {@code longitudeFirst}
* argument is the value to be given to the {@link Hints#FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER
* Example: by default, {@code CRS.decode("EPSG:4326")} returns a Geographic CRS with
* (latitude, longitude) axis order, while {@code CRS.decode("EPSG:4326", true)}
* returns the same CRS except for axis order, which is (longitude, latitude).
* @param code The Coordinate Reference System authority code.
* @param longitudeFirst {@code true} if axis order should be forced to
* (longitude, latitude), {@code false} if no order should
* be forced (i.e. the standard specified by the authority is respected).
* @return The Coordinate Reference System for the provided code.
* @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException If the code could not be understood.
* @throws FactoryException if the CRS creation failed for an other reason.
* @see org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.epsg.LongitudeFirstEpsgFactory
* @see List of authority codes
* @category factory
* @since 2.3
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem decode(String code, final boolean longitudeFirst)
throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException
ensureNonNull("code", code);
return getAuthorityFactory(longitudeFirst).createCoordinateReferenceSystem(code);
* Parses a
* Well
* Known Text (WKT) into a CRS object. This convenience method is a
* shorthand for the following:
* {@preformat java
* FactoryFinder.getCRSFactory(null).createFromWKT(wkt);
* }
* @param wkt The WKT string to parse.
* @return The parsed coordinate reference system.
* @throws FactoryException if the given WKT can't be parsed.
* @see Envelopes#parseWKT(String)
* @see CoordinateReferenceSystem#toWKT()
* @category factory
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem parseWKT(final String wkt) throws FactoryException {
ensureNonNull("wkt", wkt);
return getCRSFactory().createFromWKT(wkt);
* Returns the domain of validity for the specified coordinate reference system,
* or {@code null} if unknown. The returned envelope is expressed in terms of the
* specified CRS.
* This method looks in two places:
* - First, it checks the {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem#getDomainOfValidity domain
* of validity} associated with the given CRS. Only {@linkplain GeographicExtent
* geographic extents} of kind {@linkplain BoundingPolygon bounding polygon} are
* taken in account.
* - If the above step does not found found any bounding polygon, then the
* {@linkplain #getGeographicBoundingBox geographic bounding boxes} are
* used as a fallback.
* Note that this method is also accessible from the {@link Envelopes} class.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The envelope in terms of the specified CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #getGeographicBoundingBox(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @see Envelopes#getDomainOfValidity(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @see GeneralEnvelope#reduceToDomain(boolean)
* @category information
* @since 2.2
public static Envelope getEnvelope(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
Envelope envelope = null;
GeneralEnvelope merged = null;
if (crs != null) {
final Extent domainOfValidity = crs.getDomainOfValidity();
if (domainOfValidity != null) {
for (final GeographicExtent extent : domainOfValidity.getGeographicElements()) {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(extent.getInclusion())) {
* If no envelope was found, uses the geographic bounding box as a fallback. We will
* need to transform it from WGS84 to the supplied CRS. This step was not required in
* the previous block because the later selected only envelopes in the right CRS.
if (envelope == null) {
final GeographicBoundingBox bounds = getGeographicBoundingBox(crs);
if (bounds != null && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(bounds.getInclusion())) {
envelope = merged = new GeneralEnvelope(
new double[] {bounds.getWestBoundLongitude(), bounds.getSouthBoundLatitude()},
new double[] {bounds.getEastBoundLongitude(), bounds.getNorthBoundLatitude()});
* We do not assign WGS84 unconditionally to the geographic bounding box, because
* it is not defined to be on a particular datum; it is only approximative bounds.
* We try to get the GeographicCRS from the user-supplied CRS and fallback on WGS
* 84 only if we found none.
final SingleCRS targetCRS = getHorizontalCRS(crs);
final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = CRSUtilities.getStandardGeographicCRS2D(targetCRS);
try {
envelope = transform(envelope, targetCRS);
} catch (TransformException exception) {
* The envelope is probably outside the range of validity for this CRS.
* It should not occurs, since the envelope is supposed to describe the
* CRS area of validity. Logs a warning and returns null, since it is a
* legal return value according this method contract.
envelope = null;
unexpectedException("getEnvelope", exception);
* If transform(...) created a new envelope, its CRS is already targetCRS so it
* doesn't matter if 'merged' is not anymore the right instance. If 'transform'
* returned the envelope unchanged, the 'merged' reference still valid and we
* want to ensure that it have the user-supplied CRS.
return envelope;
* Returns the valid geographic area for the specified coordinate reference system,
* or {@code null} if unknown.
* This method fetches the {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem#getDomainOfValidity domain
* of validity} associated with the given CRS. Only {@linkplain GeographicExtent geographic
* extents} of kind {@linkplain GeographicBoundingBox geographic bounding box} are taken in
* account.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The geographic area, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #getEnvelope(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category information
* @since 2.3
public static GeographicBoundingBox getGeographicBoundingBox(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
GeographicBoundingBox bounds = null;
DefaultGeographicBoundingBox merged = null;
if (crs != null) {
final Extent domainOfValidity = crs.getDomainOfValidity();
if (domainOfValidity != null) {
for (final GeographicExtent extent : domainOfValidity.getGeographicElements()) {
if (extent instanceof GeographicBoundingBox) {
final GeographicBoundingBox candidate = (GeographicBoundingBox) extent;
if (bounds == null) {
bounds = candidate;
} else {
if (merged == null) {
bounds = merged = new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(bounds);
return bounds;
* Returns {@code true} if the given CRS is horizontal. This method is provided because there is
* a direct way to determine if a CRS is vertical or temporal, but no direct way to determine if
* it is horizontal. So this method complements the check for spatio-temporal components as below:
* - {@code if (crs instanceof TemporalCRS)} determines if the CRS is for the temporal component.
* - {@code if (crs instanceof VerticalCRS)} determines if the CRS is for the vertical component.
* - {@code if (CRS.isHorizontalCRS(crs))} determines if the CRS is for the horizontal component.
* This method considers a CRS as horizontal if it is two-dimensional and comply
* with one of the following conditions:
* - It is an instance of {@link GeographicCRS}.
* - It is an instance of {@link ProjectedCRS} (actually this is not explicitly
* checked, since this condition is a special case of the condition below).
* - It is an instance of {@link GeneralDerivedCRS} based on a horizontal CRS
* and using a {@link GeodeticDatum}.
* The last condition ({@code GeneralDerivedCRS} based on a horizontal CRS) allows for example
* to express the coordinates of a projected CRS (which use a Cartesian coordinate system) in
* a {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.cs.PolarCS polar coordinate system} and still consider
* the result as horizontal. However this assumes that the axes of the derived CRS are coplanar
* with the axes of the base CRS. This is not always true since a derived CRS could be created
* for an inclined plane, for example a plane fitting the slope of a mountain. ISO 19111 does
* not specify how to handle this case. In the Geotk implementation, we suggest to define a new
* {@linkplain Datum datum} for inclined plane which is not a geodetic datum.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if the given CRS is non-null and comply with one of the above
* conditions, or {@code false} otherwise.
* @see #getHorizontalCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category information
* @since 3.05
public static boolean isHorizontalCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof SingleCRS) {
final int dimension = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();
if (dimension == 2) {
final Datum datum = ((SingleCRS) crs).getDatum();
if (datum instanceof GeodeticDatum) {
while (crs instanceof GeneralDerivedCRS) {
crs = ((GeneralDerivedCRS) crs).getBaseCRS();
return (crs instanceof GeographicCRS);
return false;
* Returns the first horizontal coordinate reference system found in the given CRS,
* or {@code null} if there is none. A horizontal CRS is usually a two-dimensional
* {@linkplain GeographicCRS geographic} or {@linkplain ProjectedCRS projected} CRS.
* See the {@link #isHorizontalCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem) isHorizontalCRS} method for
* a more accurate description about the conditions for a CRS to be considered horizontal.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The horizontal CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @category information
* @since 2.4
public static SingleCRS getHorizontalCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof SingleCRS) {
final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
final int dimension = cs.getDimension();
if (dimension == 2) {
* For two-dimensional CRS, returns the CRS directly if it is either a
* GeographicCRS, or any kind of derived CRS having a GeographicCRS as
* its base and a geodetic datum.
final Datum datum = ((SingleCRS) crs).getDatum();
if (datum instanceof GeodeticDatum) {
CoordinateReferenceSystem base = crs;
while (base instanceof GeneralDerivedCRS) {
base = ((GeneralDerivedCRS) base).getBaseCRS();
// No need to test for ProjectedCRS, since the code above unwrap it.
if (base instanceof GeographicCRS) {
assert isHorizontalCRS(crs) : crs;
return (SingleCRS) crs; // Really returns 'crs', not 'base'.
} else if (dimension >= 3 && crs instanceof GeographicCRS) {
* For three-dimensional Geographic CRS, extracts the axis having a direction
* like "North", "North-East", "East", etc. If we find exactly two of them,
* we can build a new GeographicCRS using them.
CoordinateSystemAxis axis0 = null, axis1 = null;
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i properties = CRSUtilities.changeDimensionInName(cs, "3D", "2D");
EllipsoidalCS horizontalCS;
try {
horizontalCS = FactoryFinder.getCSFactory(null).
createEllipsoidalCS(properties, axis0, axis1);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
Logging.recoverableException(CRS.class, "getHorizontalCRS", e);
horizontalCS = new DefaultEllipsoidalCS(properties, axis0, axis1);
properties = CRSUtilities.changeDimensionInName(crs, "3D", "2D");
GeographicCRS horizontalCRS;
try {
horizontalCRS = getCRSFactory().createGeographicCRS(properties, datum, horizontalCS);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
Logging.recoverableException(CRS.class, "getHorizontalCRS", e);
horizontalCRS = new DefaultGeographicCRS(properties, datum, horizontalCS);
assert isHorizontalCRS(horizontalCRS) : horizontalCRS;
return horizontalCRS;
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
final CompoundCRS cp = (CompoundCRS) crs;
for (final CoordinateReferenceSystem c : cp.getComponents()) {
final SingleCRS candidate = getHorizontalCRS(c);
if (candidate != null) {
assert isHorizontalCRS(candidate) : candidate;
return candidate;
return null;
* Returns the first projected coordinate reference system found in a the given CRS,
* or {@code null} if there is none.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The projected CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @category information
* @since 2.4
public static ProjectedCRS getProjectedCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof ProjectedCRS) {
return (ProjectedCRS) crs;
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
final CompoundCRS cp = (CompoundCRS) crs;
for (final CoordinateReferenceSystem c : cp.getComponents()) {
final ProjectedCRS candidate = getProjectedCRS(c);
if (candidate != null) {
return candidate;
return null;
* Returns the first vertical coordinate reference system found in a the given CRS,
* or {@code null} if there is none.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The vertical CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @category information
* @since 2.4
public static VerticalCRS getVerticalCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof VerticalCRS) {
return (VerticalCRS) crs;
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
final CompoundCRS cp = (CompoundCRS) crs;
for (final CoordinateReferenceSystem c : cp.getComponents()) {
final VerticalCRS candidate = getVerticalCRS(c);
if (candidate != null) {
return candidate;
if (crs instanceof GeographicCRS) {
final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
if (cs.getDimension() >= 3) {
assert AxisDirections.indexOf(cs, AxisDirection.UP) >= 0 : cs;
return DefaultVerticalCRS.ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT;
return null;
* Returns the first temporal coordinate reference system found in the given CRS,
* or {@code null} if there is none.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The temporal CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @category information
* @since 2.4
public static TemporalCRS getTemporalCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof TemporalCRS) {
return (TemporalCRS) crs;
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
final CompoundCRS cp = (CompoundCRS) crs;
for (final CoordinateReferenceSystem c : cp.getComponents()) {
final TemporalCRS candidate = getTemporalCRS(c);
if (candidate != null) {
return candidate;
return null;
* Returns the first compound CRS which contains only the given components, in any order.
* First, this method gets the {@link SingleCRS} components of the given compound CRS. If
* all those components are {@linkplain #equalsIgnoreMetadata equal, ignoring metadata}
* and order, to the {@code SingleCRS} components given to this method, then the given
* {@code CompoundCRS} is returned. Otherwise if the given {@code CompoundCRS} contains
* nested {@code CompoundCRS}, then those nested CRS are inspected recursively by the same
* algorithm. Otherwise, this method returns {@code null}.
* This method is useful for extracting metadata about the 3D spatial CRS part in a 4D
* spatio-temporal CRS. For example given the following CRS:
* {@preformat wkt
* COMPD_CS["Mercator + height + time",
* COMPD_CS["Mercator + height",
* PROJCS["Mercator", ...etc...]
* VERT_CS["Ellipsoidal height", ...etc...]]
* TemporalCRS["Modified Julian", ...etc...]]
* }
* Then the following code will returns the nested {@code COMPD_CS["Mercator + height"]}
* without prior knowledge of the CRS component order (the time CRS could be first, and
* the vertical CRS could be before the horizontal one):
* {@preformat java
* CompoundCRS crs = ...;
* SingleCRS horizontalCRS = getHorizontalCRS(crs);
* VerticalCRS verticalCRS = getVerticalCRS(crs);
* if (horizontalCRS != null && verticalCRS != null) {
* CompoundCRS spatialCRS = getCompoundCRS(crs, horizontalCRS, verticalCRS);
* if (spatialCRS != null) {
* // ...
* }
* }
* }
* @param crs The compound CRS to compare with the given component CRS, or {@code null}.
* @param components The CRS which must be components of the returned CRS.
* @return A CRS which contains the given components, or {@code null} if none.
* @see DefaultCompoundCRS#getSingleCRS()
* @since 3.16
public static CompoundCRS getCompoundCRS(final CompoundCRS crs, final SingleCRS... components) {
final List actualComponents = DefaultCompoundCRS.getSingleCRS(crs);
if (actualComponents.size() == components.length) {
int firstValid = 0;
final SingleCRS[] toSearch = components.clone();
compare: for (final SingleCRS component : actualComponents) {
for (int i=firstValid; i
* - If the given {@code crs} is {@code null}, then this method returns {@code null}.
* - Otherwise if {@code lower} is 0 and {@code upper} if the number of CRS dimensions,
* then this method returns the given CRS unchanged.
* - Otherwise if the given CRS is an instance of {@link CompoundCRS}, then this method
* searches for a {@linkplain CompoundCRS#getComponents() component} where:
* - The {@linkplain CoordinateSystem#getDimension() number of dimensions} is
* equals to {@code upper - lower};
* - The sum of the number of dimensions of all previous CRS is equals to
* {@code lower}.
* If such component is found, then it is returned.
* - Otherwise (i.e. no component match), this method returns {@code null}.
* This method does not attempt to build new CRS from the components.
* For example it does not attempt to create a 3D geographic CRS from a 2D one + a vertical
* component. If such functionality is desired, consider using the utility methods in
* {@link org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.ReferencingFactoryContainer} instead.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system to decompose, or {@code null}.
* @param lower The first dimension to keep, inclusive.
* @param upper The last dimension to keep, exclusive.
* @return The sub-coordinate system, or {@code null} if the given {@code crs} was {@code null}
* or can't be decomposed for dimensions in the range {@code [lower..upper]}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the given index are out of bounds.
* @see org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.ReferencingFactoryContainer#separate(CoordinateReferenceSystem, int[])
* @since 3.16
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem getSubCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, int lower, int upper) {
if (crs != null) {
int dimension = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();
if (lower < 0 || lower > upper || upper > dimension) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_$1, lower < 0 ? lower : upper));
check: while (lower != 0 || upper != dimension) {
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
final List components=((CompoundCRS) crs).getComponents();
final int size = components.size();
for (int i=0; i
* - If the given CRS is an instance of {@link SingleCRS}, then this method returns
crs.{@linkplain SingleCRS#getDatum() getDatum()}
* - Otherwise if the given CRS is an instance of {@link CompoundCRS}, then:
* - If all components have the same datum, then that datum is returned.
* - Otherwise if the CRS contains only a geodetic datum with a vertical datum
* of type ellipsoidal height (no other type accepted), then the
* geodetic datum is returned.
* - Otherwise this method returns {@code null}.
* @param crs The coordinate reference system for which to get the datum. May be {@code null}.
* @return The datum in the given CRS, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #getEllipsoid(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category information
* @since 3.16
public static Datum getDatum(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
return CRSUtilities.getDatum(crs);
* Returns the first ellipsoid found in a coordinate reference system,
* or {@code null} if there is none. More specifically:
* - If the given CRS is an instance of {@link SingleCRS} and its datum is a
* {@link GeodeticDatum}, then this method returns the datum ellipsoid.
* - Otherwise if the given CRS is an instance of {@link CompoundCRS}, then this method
* invokes itself recursively for each component until a geodetic datum is found.
* - Otherwise this method returns {@code null}.
* Note that this method does not check if there is more than one ellipsoid
* (it should never be the case).
* @param crs The coordinate reference system, or {@code null}.
* @return The ellipsoid, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #getDatum(CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category information
* @since 2.4
public static Ellipsoid getEllipsoid(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
if (crs instanceof SingleCRS) {
final Datum datum = ((SingleCRS) crs).getDatum();
if (datum instanceof GeodeticDatum) {
return ((GeodeticDatum) datum).getEllipsoid();
if (crs instanceof CompoundCRS) {
for (final CoordinateReferenceSystem c : ((CompoundCRS) crs).getComponents()) {
final Ellipsoid candidate = getEllipsoid(c);
if (candidate != null) {
return candidate;
return null;
//// ////
//// ////
* Compares the specified objects for equality, ignoring metadata. If this method returns
* {@code true}, then:
* If the two given objects are {@link MathTransform} instances, then transforming
* a set of coordinate values using one transform will produce the same results than
* transforming the same coordinates with the other transform.
* If the two given objects are {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} instances,
* then a call to {@linkplain #findMathTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem,
* CoordinateReferenceSystem) findMathTransform}(crs1, crs2)
will return
* an identity transform.
* If a more lenient comparison - allowing slight differences in numerical values - is wanted,
* then {@link #equalsApproximatively(Object, Object)} can be used instead.
* {@section Implementation note}
* This is a convenience method for the following method call:
* {@preformat java
* return Utilities.deepEquals(object1, object2, ComparisonMode.IGNORE_METADATA);
* }
* @param object1 The first object to compare (may be null).
* @param object2 The second object to compare (may be null).
* @return {@code true} if both objects are equal, ignoring metadata.
* @see Utilities#deepEquals(Object, Object, ComparisonMode)
* @see ComparisonMode#IGNORE_METADATA
* @category information
* @since 2.2
public static boolean equalsIgnoreMetadata(final Object object1, final Object object2) {
return Utilities.deepEquals(object1, object2, ComparisonMode.IGNORE_METADATA);
* Compares the specified objects for equality, ignoring metadata and slight differences
* in numerical values. If this method returns {@code true}, then:
* If the two given objects are {@link MathTransform} instances, then transforming a
* set of coordinate values using one transform will produce approximatively
* the same results than transforming the same coordinates with the other transform.
* If the two given objects are {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} instances,
* then a call to {@linkplain #findMathTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem,
* CoordinateReferenceSystem) findMathTransform}(crs1, crs2)
will return
* a transform close to the identity transform.
* {@section Implementation note}
* This is a convenience method for the following method call:
* {@preformat java
* return Utilities.deepEquals(object1, object2, ComparisonMode.APPROXIMATIVE);
* }
* @param object1 The first object to compare (may be null).
* @param object2 The second object to compare (may be null).
* @return {@code true} if both objects are approximatively equal.
* @see Utilities#deepEquals(Object, Object, ComparisonMode)
* @see ComparisonMode#APPROXIMATIVE
* @category information
* @since 3.18
public static boolean equalsApproximatively(final Object object1, final Object object2) {
return Utilities.deepEquals(object1, object2, ComparisonMode.APPROXIMATIVE);
* Grabs a transform between two Coordinate Reference Systems. This convenience method is a
* shorthand for the following:
* {@preformat java
* CoordinateOperationFactory factory = FactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationFactory(null);
* CoordinateOperation operation = factory.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
* MathTransform transform = operation.getMathTransform();
* }
* Note that some metadata like {@linkplain CoordinateOperation#getCoordinateOperationAccuracy
* coordinate operation accuracy} are lost by this method. If those metadata are wanted, use the
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperationFactory coordinate operation factory} directly.
* Sample use:
* {@preformat java
* CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:42102");
* CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326");
* MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
* }
* @param sourceCRS The source CRS.
* @param targetCRS The target CRS.
* @return The math transform from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}.
* @throws FactoryException If no math transform can be created for the specified source and
* target CRS.
* @see CoordinateOperationFactory#createOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category transform
public static MathTransform findMathTransform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
throws FactoryException
// No need to synchronize; this is not a big deal if 'defaultLenient' is computed twice.
Boolean lenient = defaultLenient;
if (lenient == null) {
defaultLenient = lenient = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
return findMathTransform(sourceCRS, targetCRS, lenient);
* Grab a transform between two Coordinate Reference Systems. This method is similar to
* {@linkplain #findMathTransform(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* findMathTransform}(sourceCRS, targetCRS)
, except that it specifies whatever this
* method should tolerate lenient datum shift. If the {@code lenient} argument
* is {@code true}, then this method will not throw a "Bursa-Wolf parameters required"
* exception during datum shifts if the Bursa-Wolf parameters are not specified.
* Instead it will assume a no datum shift.
* @param sourceCRS The source CRS.
* @param targetCRS The target CRS.
* @param lenient {@code true} if the math transform should be created even when there is
* no information available for a datum shift. if this argument is not specified,
* then the default value is determined from the {@linkplain Hints#getSystemDefault
* system default}.
* @return The math transform from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}.
* @throws FactoryException If no math transform can be created for the specified source and
* target CRS.
* @see CoordinateOperationFactory#createOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)
* @category transform
public static MathTransform findMathTransform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS,
boolean lenient)
throws FactoryException
if (equalsIgnoreMetadata(sourceCRS, targetCRS)) {
// Slight optimization in order to avoid the overhead of loading the full referencing engine.
return MathTransforms.identity(sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension());
ensureNonNull("sourceCRS", sourceCRS);
ensureNonNull("targetCRS", targetCRS);
CoordinateOperationFactory operationFactory = getCoordinateOperationFactory(lenient);
return operationFactory.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS).getMathTransform();
// Note: the above 4 transform methods simply delegate their work to the Envelopes class.
// We keep those methods mostly for historical reasons. Some Geotk code still reference
// those methods instead than Envelopes. We do that when the CRS class is used anyway so
// there is no advantage to reference one more class.
* Transforms the given envelope to the specified CRS. If any argument is null, or if the
* {@linkplain Envelope#getCoordinateReferenceSystem() envelope CRS} is null or the same
* instance than the given target CRS, then the given envelope is returned unchanged.
* Otherwise a new transformed envelope is returned.
* See {@link Envelopes#transform(Envelope, CoordinateReferenceSystem)} for more information.
* This method delegates its work to the above-cited {@code Envelopes} class and is defined
* in this {@code CRS} class only for convenience.
* @param envelope The envelope to transform (may be {@code null}).
* @param targetCRS The target CRS (may be {@code null}).
* @return A new transformed envelope, or directly {@code envelope} if no change was required.
* @throws TransformException If a transformation was required and failed.
* @category transform
* @since 2.5
// See the above comment about why some Geotk code still reference this method.
public static Envelope transform(Envelope envelope, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
throws TransformException
return Envelopes.transform(envelope, targetCRS);
* Transforms an envelope using the given {@linkplain MathTransform math transform}.
* The transformation is only approximative: the returned envelope may be bigger than
* necessary, or smaller than required if the bounding box contains a pole.
* See {@link Envelopes#transform(MathTransform, Envelope)} for more information.
* This method delegates its work to the above-cited {@code Envelopes} class and
* is defined in this {@code CRS} class only for convenience.
* @param transform The transform to use.
* @param envelope Envelope to transform, or {@code null}. This envelope will not be modified.
* @return The transformed envelope, or {@code null} if {@code envelope} was null.
* @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
* @category transform
* @since 2.4
// See the above comment about why some Geotk code still reference this method.
public static GeneralEnvelope transform(final MathTransform transform, final Envelope envelope)
throws TransformException
return Envelopes.transform(transform, envelope);
* Transforms an envelope using the given {@linkplain CoordinateOperation coordinate operation}.
* The transformation is only approximative: the returned envelope may be bigger than the
* smallest possible bounding box, but should not be smaller in most cases.
* See {@link Envelopes#transform(CoordinateOperation, Envelope)} for more information.
* This method delegates its work to the above-cited {@code Envelopes} class and is defined
* in this {@code CRS} class only for convenience.
* @param operation The operation to use.
* @param envelope Envelope to transform, or {@code null}. This envelope will not be modified.
* @return The transformed envelope, or {@code null} if {@code envelope} was null.
* @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
* @category transform
* @since 2.4
// See the above comment about why some Geotk code still reference this method.
public static GeneralEnvelope transform(final CoordinateOperation operation, Envelope envelope)
throws TransformException
return Envelopes.transform(operation, envelope);
* Transforms a rectangular envelope using the given {@linkplain MathTransform math transform}.
* The transformation is only approximative: the returned envelope may be bigger than
* necessary, or smaller than required if the bounding box contains a pole.
* See {@link Envelopes#transform(MathTransform2D, Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D)} for more
* information. This method delegates its work to the above-cited {@code Envelopes} class
* and is defined in this {@code CRS} class only for convenience.
* @param transform The transform to use. Source and target dimension must be 2.
* @param envelope The rectangle to transform (may be {@code null}).
* @param destination The destination rectangle (may be {@code envelope}).
* If {@code null}, a new rectangle will be created and returned.
* @return {@code destination}, or a new rectangle if {@code destination} was non-null
* and {@code envelope} was null.
* @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
* @category transform
* @since 2.4
// See the above comment about why some Geotk code still reference this method.
public static Rectangle2D transform(final MathTransform2D transform,
final Rectangle2D envelope,
Rectangle2D destination)
throws TransformException
return Envelopes.transform(transform, envelope, destination);
* Transforms a rectangular envelope using the given {@linkplain CoordinateOperation coordinate
* operation}. The transformation is only approximative: the returned envelope may be bigger
* than the smallest possible bounding box, but should not be smaller in most cases.
* See {@link Envelopes#transform(CoordinateOperation, Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D)} for more
* information. This method delegates its work to the above-cited {@code Envelopes} class
* and is defined in this {@code CRS} class only for convenience.
* @param operation The operation to use. Source and target dimension must be 2.
* @param envelope The rectangle to transform (may be {@code null}).
* @param destination The destination rectangle (may be {@code envelope}).
* If {@code null}, a new rectangle will be created and returned.
* @return {@code destination}, or a new rectangle if {@code destination} was non-null
* and {@code envelope} was null.
* @throws TransformException if a transform failed.
* @category transform
* @since 2.4
// See the above comment about why some Geotk code still reference this method.
public static Rectangle2D transform(final CoordinateOperation operation,
final Rectangle2D envelope,
Rectangle2D destination)
throws TransformException
return Envelopes.transform(operation, envelope, destination);
* Transforms the given relative distance using the given transform. A relative distance
* vector is transformed without applying the translation components. However it needs to
* be computed at a particular location, given by the {@code origin} parameter in units
* of the source CRS.
* @param transform The transformation to apply.
* @param origin The position where to compute the delta transform in the source CRS.
* @param vector The distance vector to be delta transformed.
* @return The result of the delta transformation.
* @throws TransformException if the transformation failed.
* @see AffineTransform#deltaTransform(Point2D, Point2D)
* @since 3.10 (derived from 2.3)
public static double[] deltaTransform(final MathTransform transform,
final DirectPosition origin, final double... vector) throws TransformException
ensureNonNull("transform", transform);
final int sourceDim = transform.getSourceDimensions();
final int targetDim = transform.getTargetDimensions();
final double[] result = new double[targetDim];
if (vector.length != sourceDim) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$3,
"vector", vector.length, sourceDim));
if (transform instanceof AffineTransform) {
((AffineTransform) transform).deltaTransform(vector, 0, result, 0, 1);
} else {
* If the optimized case in the previous "if" statement can't be used,
* use a more generic (but more costly) algorithm.
final double[] coordinates = new double[2 * Math.max(sourceDim, targetDim)];
for (int i=0; imust have a reasonable fallback (otherwise it
* should propagate the exception).
static void unexpectedException(final String methodName, final Exception exception) {
Logging.unexpectedException(CRS.class, methodName, exception);
* Resets some aspects of the referencing system. The aspects to be reset are specified by
* a space or comma delimited string, which may include any of the following elements:
* - {@code "plugins"} for {@linkplain AuthorityFactoryFinder#scanForPlugins searching
* the classpath for new plugins}.
* @param aspects The aspects to reset, or {@code "all"} for all of them.
* Unknown aspects are silently ignored.
* @since 2.5
* @deprecated This method doesn't do anything more than {@link AuthorityFactoryFinder#scanForPlugins()}.
public static synchronized void reset(final String aspects) {
ensureNonNull("aspects", aspects);
final StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(aspects, ", \t\n\r\f");
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String aspect = tokens.nextToken().trim();
final boolean all = aspect.equalsIgnoreCase("all");
if (all || aspect.equalsIgnoreCase("plugins")) {
standardFactory = null;
xyFactory = null;
strictFactory = null;
lenientFactory = null;