org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.AuthorityBackedFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2005-2012, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* (C) 2009-2012, Geomatys
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.metadata.Identifier;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation;
import org.opengis.metadata.quality.ConformanceResult;
import org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory;
import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.*;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.Hints;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.Factory;
import org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryRegistryException;
import org.geotoolkit.internal.referencing.Identifier3D;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.IdentifiedObjects;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrices;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.transform.EllipsoidalTransform;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.transform.ConcatenatedTransform;
import org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.NoSuchIdentifiedResource;
import org.geotoolkit.util.collection.BackingStoreException;
import org.geotoolkit.util.Utilities;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Loggings;
import org.geotoolkit.resources.Descriptions;
import static org.geotoolkit.referencing.CRS.equalsApproximatively;
import static org.geotoolkit.util.collection.XCollections.isNullOrEmpty;
import static org.geotoolkit.factory.AuthorityFactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory;
* A {@linkplain CoordinateOperationFactory coordinate operation factory} extended with the extra
* informations provided by an {@linkplain CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory authority factory}.
* Such authority factory may help to find transformation paths not available otherwise (often
* determined from empirical parameters). Authority factories can also provide additional
* informations like the
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperation#getDomainOfValidity domain of validity},
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperation#getScope scope} and
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperation#getCoordinateOperationAccuracy accuracy}.
* When {@linkplain #createOperation createOperation}(sourceCRS, targetCRS)
is invoked,
* {@code AuthorityBackedFactory} fetches the authority codes for source and target CRS and submits
* them to the {@linkplain #getAuthorityFactory underlying authority factory} through a call to its
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes
* createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes}(sourceCode, targetCode)
method. If the
* authority factory doesn't know about the specified CRS, then the default (standalone)
* process from the super-class is used as a fallback.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD, Geomatys)
* @version 3.16
* @since 2.2
* @module
public class AuthorityBackedFactory extends DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory {
* The default authority factory to use.
private static final String DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = "EPSG";
* The authority factory to use for creating new operations.
* If {@code null}, a default factory will be fetched when first needed.
private volatile CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory authorityFactory;
* Used as a guard against infinite recursivity.
private final ThreadLocal processing = new ThreadLocal();
* Creates a new factory backed by a default EPSG authority factory.
public AuthorityBackedFactory() {
* Creates a new factory backed by an authority factory fetched using the specified hints.
* This constructor recognizes the {@link Hints#CRS_FACTORY CRS}, {@link Hints#CS_FACTORY CS},
* {@code FACTORY} hints.
* @param userHints The hints, or {@code null} if none.
public AuthorityBackedFactory(Hints userHints) {
* Removes the hint processed by the super-class. This include hints like
* LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT, which usually don't apply to authority factories.
* An other way to see this is to said that this class "consumed" the hints.
* By removing them, we increase the chances to get an empty map of remaining hints,
* which in turn help to get the default CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory
* (instead of forcing a new instance).
if (userHints == null) {
userHints = EMPTY_HINTS;
userHints = userHints.clone();
if (!userHints.isEmpty()) {
authorityFactory = getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(DEFAULT_AUTHORITY, userHints);
* Makes sure that every {@code FORCE_*} hints are set to false. We do that because we want
* {@link CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes} to
* returns coordinate operations straight from the EPSG database; we don't want an instance
* like {@link org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory}. Axis swapping
* are performed by {@link #createFromDatabase} in this class after we invoked
* {@link CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes}. An
* {@code OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory} instance in this class would be in the way and cause
* an infinite recursivity.
* @see GEOT-1161
private static void noForce(final Hints userHints) {
userHints.put(Hints.FORCE_STANDARD_AXIS_UNITS, Boolean.FALSE);
* Invoked by {@link org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryRegistry} in order to set the ordering
* relative to other factories. The current implementation specifies that this factory
* should have priority over a plain (not backed by an authority)
* {@code DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory}.
* @since 3.00
protected void setOrdering(final Organizer organizer) {
super.setOrdering(organizer); // Defer to CachingCoordinateOperationFactory
organizer.before(DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory.class, false);
* Returns the underlying coordinate operation authority factory. This is the factory
* where this {@code AuthorityBackedFactory} will search for an explicitly specified
* operation before to fallback to the super-class.
* @return The underlying coordinate operation authority factory.
protected CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory getAuthorityFactory() {
* No need to synchronize. This is not a big deal if AuthorityFactoryFinder is invoked
* twice since it is already synchronized. Actually, we should not synchronize at all.
* Every methods from the super-class are thread-safe without synchronized statements,
* and we should preserve this advantage in order to reduce the risk of contention.
CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory factory = authorityFactory;
if (factory == null) {
* Factory creation at this stage will happen only if null hints were specified at
* construction time, which explain why it is correct to use {@link FactoryFinder}
* with empty hints here.
final Hints hints = EMPTY_HINTS.clone();
authorityFactory = factory = getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(DEFAULT_AUTHORITY, hints);
return factory;
* Invokes {@link #createOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)}
* with a guard against infinite recursivity. The check against recursivity is required
* because the {@code createOperation(...)} method implemented in the super-class may
* invoke {@code createFromDatabase(...)} again.
* @param source The source CRS.
* @param target The target CRS.
* @return The transform from source CRS to target CRS.
* @throws FactoryException If an error occurred while creating the math transform.
private MathTransform getMathTransform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem source,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem target)
throws FactoryException
try {
return createOperation(source, target).getMathTransform();
} finally {
* Returns an operation for conversion or transformation between two coordinate reference
* systems. The default implementation extracts the authority code from the supplied
* {@code sourceCRS} and {@code targetCRS}, and submit them to the
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory#createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes
* createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes}(sourceCode, targetCode)
* If no operation is found for those codes, then this method returns {@code null}.
* @param sourceCRS Input coordinate reference system.
* @param targetCRS Output coordinate reference system.
* @return A coordinate operation from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}, or {@code null}
* if no such operation is explicitly defined in the underlying database.
* @since 2.3
protected CoordinateOperation createFromDatabase(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
* Safety check against recursivity: returns null if this method is invoked indirectly
* by the above getMathTransform(...) method. Note: there is no need to synchronize
* since the Boolean is thread-local.
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(processing.get())) {
return null;
final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory authorityFactory = getAuthorityFactory();
CoordinateOperation operation = null;
int combine = 0;
do {
* First, try directly the provided (sourceCRS, targetCRS) pair. If it doesn't
* work, try to use different combinations of original CRS and two-dimensional
* components of those CRS.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem source, target;
source = (combine & 2) == 0 ? sourceCRS : getHorizontalCRS(sourceCRS);
target = (combine & 1) == 0 ? targetCRS : getHorizontalCRS(targetCRS);
if (source != null && target != null) try {
operation = createFromDatabase(source, target, authorityFactory);
if (operation != null) {
* Found an operation. If we had to extract the horizontal part of
* some 3D CRS, then we need to modify the coordinate operation.
if (combine != 0) {
operation = propagateVertical(operation, source != sourceCRS, target != targetCRS);
operation = complete(operation, sourceCRS, targetCRS);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
* Some kind of error more serious than NoSuchAuthorityCodeException (which was caught
* by the createFromDatabase(...) method invoked in the 'try' block). It may be serious,
* but the super-class is capable to provide a reasonable default behavior. Log as a
* warning and stop this method.
log(exception, authorityFactory);
return null;
} while (++combine != 4);
return operation;
* Implementation of {@link #createFromDatabase(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem)}
* looking only for the specified CRS. This method does not try to get the 2D components of a 3D CRS.
* @param sourceCRS Input coordinate reference system.
* @param targetCRS Output coordinate reference system.
* @param authorityFactory The factory to query for getting operation from the CRS.
* @return A coordinate operation from {@code sourceCRS} to {@code targetCRS}, or {@code null}
* if no such operation is explicitly defined in the underlying database.
* @throws FactoryException If an error occurred while creating the operation.
private CoordinateOperation createFromDatabase(
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS,
final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory authorityFactory) throws FactoryException
final Citation authority = authorityFactory.getAuthority();
final Identifier sourceID = IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifier(sourceCRS, authority);
if (sourceID == null) {
return null;
final Identifier targetID = IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifier(targetCRS, authority);
if (targetID == null) {
return null;
final String sourceCode = sourceID.getCode().trim();
final String targetCode = targetID.getCode().trim();
if (sourceCode.equals(targetCode)) {
* NOTE: This check is mandatory because this method may be invoked in some situations
* where (sourceCode == targetCode) but (sourceCRS != targetCRS). Such situation
* should be illegal (or at least the MathTransform from sourceCRS to targetCRS
* should be the identity transform), but unfortunately it still happen because
* EPSG defines axis order as (latitude,longitude) for geographic CRS while most
* softwares expect (longitude,latitude) no matter what the EPSG authority said.
* We will need to computes a transform from sourceCRS to targetCRS ignoring the
* source and target codes. The superclass can do that, providing that we prevent
* the authority database to (legitimately) claims that the transformation from
* sourceCode to targetCode is the identity transform. See GEOT-854.
return null;
final boolean inverse;
Set operations;
try {
operations = authorityFactory.createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes(sourceCode, targetCode);
inverse = isNullOrEmpty(operations);
if (inverse) {
* No operation from 'source' to 'target' available. But maybe there is an inverse
* operation. This is typically the case when the user wants to convert from a
* projected to a geographic CRS. The EPSG database usually contains transformation
* paths for geographic to projected CRS only.
operations = authorityFactory.createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes(targetCode, sourceCode);
if (operations == null) {
return null;
} catch (NoSuchAuthorityCodeException exception) {
* sourceCode or targetCode is unknown to the underlying authority factory.
* Ignores the exception and fallback on the generic algorithm provided by
* the super-class.
log(Level.FINE, exception, authorityFactory, true);
return null;
for (final Iterator it=operations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CoordinateOperation candidate;
try {
// The call to must be inside the try..catch block,
// which is why we don't use the Java 5 for loop syntax here.
candidate =;
if (candidate == null) {
if (inverse) {
candidate = inverse(candidate);
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
// The transform is non invertible. Log only at the fine level, since it
// may be a normal failure - the transform is not required to be invertible.
log(Level.FINE, exception, authorityFactory, true);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
// Other kind of error. Log a warning and try the next coordinate operation.
// Note that this exception can occur only during the call to 'inverse', not
// during the iteration.
log(exception, authorityFactory);
} catch (BackingStoreException exception) {
// Exception during the iteration. It may be a failure to instantiate
// the CoordinateOperation because of an unsupported operation method.
final Throwable cause = exception.getCause();
log(cause != null ? cause : exception, authorityFactory);
* It is possible that the Identifier in user's CRS is not quite right. For
* example the user may have created his source and target CRS from WKT using
* a different axis order than the official one and still call it "EPSG:xxxx"
* as if it were the official CRS. Checks if the source and target CRS for the
* operation just created are really the same (ignoring metadata) than the one
* specified by the user.
* A FactoryException is thrown by the getMathTransform(...) methods if we have been
* unable to create a transform from the user-provided CRS to the authority-provided
* CRS. In theory, the two above-cited CRS should been the same and the transform is
* the identity transform. In practice, it is not always the case because of axis
* swapping issue (see GEOT-854).
* If the getMathTransform(...) methods failed to create what should merely be an
* affine transform for swapping axes (if not the identity transform), then we are
* likely to fail for all other transforms. Let the FactoryException propagate in
* order to stop the loop and avoid logging the same warning many time.
candidate = complete(candidate, sourceCRS, targetCRS);
if (accept(candidate)) {
return candidate;
return null;
* Completes (if necessary) the given coordinate operation for making sure that the source CRS
* is the given one and the target CRS is the given one. In principle, the given CRS shall be
* equivalent to the operation source/target CRS. However discrepancies happen if the user CRS
* have flipped axis order, or if we looked for 2D operation while the user provided 3D CRS.
* @param operation The coordinate operation to complete.
* @param sourceCRS The source CRS requested by the user.
* @param targetCRS The target CRS requested by the user.
* @return A coordinate operation for the given source and target CRS.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation can't be constructed.
private CoordinateOperation complete(
final CoordinateOperation operation,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
throws FactoryException
CoordinateReferenceSystem source = operation.getSourceCRS();
CoordinateReferenceSystem target = operation.getTargetCRS();
final MathTransform prepend, append;
if (!equalsApproximatively(sourceCRS, source)) {
prepend = getMathTransform(sourceCRS, source);
source = sourceCRS;
} else {
prepend = null;
if (!equalsApproximatively(target, targetCRS)) {
append = getMathTransform(target, targetCRS);
target = targetCRS;
} else {
append = null;
return transform(source, prepend, operation, append, target);
* Appends or prepends the specified math transforms to the
* {@linkplain CoordinateOperation#getMathTransform math transform of the given operation}.
* The new coordinate operation (if any) will share the same metadata than the original
* operation, including the authority code.
* This method is used in order to change axis order when the user-specified CRS
* disagree with the authority-supplied CRS.
* @param sourceCRS The source CRS to give to the new operation.
* @param prepend The transform to prepend to the operation math transform.
* @param operation The operation in which to prepend the math transforms.
* @param append The transform to append to the operation math transform.
* @param targetCRS The target CRS to give to the new operation.
* @return A new operation, or {@code operation} if {@code prepend} and {@code append} were
* nulls or identity transforms.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation can't be constructed.
private CoordinateOperation transform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
final MathTransform prepend,
final CoordinateOperation operation,
final MathTransform append,
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
throws FactoryException
if ((prepend == null || prepend.isIdentity()) && (append == null || append.isIdentity())) {
return operation;
final Map properties = IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(operation);
* In the particular case of concatenated operations, we can not prepend or append a math
* transform to the operation as a whole (the math transform for a concatenated operation
* is computed automatically as the concatenation of the math transform from every single
* operations, and we need to stay consistent with that). Instead, we prepend to the first
* single operation and append to the last single operation.
if (operation instanceof ConcatenatedOperation) {
final List c = ((ConcatenatedOperation) operation).getOperations();
final CoordinateOperation[] op = c.toArray(new CoordinateOperation[c.size()]);
if (op.length != 0) {
final CoordinateOperation first = op[0];
if (op.length == 1) {
op[0] = transform(sourceCRS, prepend, first, append, targetCRS);
} else {
final CoordinateOperation last = op[op.length - 1];
op[0] = transform(sourceCRS, prepend, first, null, first.getTargetCRS());
op[op.length-1] = transform(last.getSourceCRS(), null, last, append, targetCRS);
return createConcatenatedOperation(properties, op);
* Single operation case.
MathTransform transform = operation.getMathTransform();
final MathTransformFactory mtFactory = getMathTransformFactory();
if (prepend != null) {
transform = mtFactory.createConcatenatedTransform(prepend, transform);
if (append != null) {
transform = mtFactory.createConcatenatedTransform(transform, append);
assert !transform.equals(operation.getMathTransform()) : transform;
final Class extends CoordinateOperation> type = AbstractCoordinateOperation.getType(operation);
OperationMethod method = null;
if (operation instanceof SingleOperation) {
method = ((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod();
if (method != null) {
final Integer sourceDimensions = transform.getSourceDimensions();
final Integer targetDimensions = transform.getTargetDimensions();
if (!Utilities.equals(sourceDimensions, method.getSourceDimensions()) ||
!Utilities.equals(targetDimensions, method.getTargetDimensions()))
method = new DefaultOperationMethod(method, sourceDimensions, targetDimensions);
return createFromMathTransform(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, transform, method, type);
* Returns a new coordinate operation with the ellipsoidal height added either in the source
* coordinates, in the target coordinates or both. If there is an ellipsoidal transform, then
* this method updates the transforms in order to use the ellipsoidal height (it has an impact
* on the transformed values).
* This method is not guaranteed to succeed in adding the ellipsoidal height. It works on a
* best effort basis. In any case, the {@link #complete} method should be invoked
* after this one in order to ensure that the source and target CRS are the expected ones.
* @param operation The original (typically two-dimensional) coordinate operation.
* @param source3D {@code true} for adding ellipsoidal height in source coordinates.
* @param target3D {@code true} for adding ellipsoidal height in target coordinates.
* @return A coordinate operation with the source and/or target coordinates made 3D.
* @throws FactoryException If an error occurred while creating the coordinate operation.
* @since 3.16
private CoordinateOperation propagateVertical(CoordinateOperation operation,
final boolean source3D, final boolean target3D) throws FactoryException
* Get the list of all single (non-concatenated) transformation steps.
final MathTransform[] steps;
MathTransform transform = operation.getMathTransform();
if (transform instanceof ConcatenatedTransform) {
final List list = ((ConcatenatedTransform) transform).getSteps();
steps = list.toArray(new MathTransform[list.size()]);
} else {
steps = new MathTransform[] {transform};
* Find the first and the last EllipsoidalTransform. In the case of MolodenskyTransform,
* the first and last occurences are typically the same instance. In the Geocentric datum
* shift case, they are two different instances with an affine transform between them.
EllipsoidalTransform first=null, last=null;
int indexFirst=0, indexLast=0;
for (int i=0; i srcDim)) {
srcDim = tgtDim;
} else {
srcDim = newTr.getTargetDimensions();
tgtDim = step .getTargetDimensions();
if (addVertical &= (srcDim > tgtDim)) {
tgtDim = srcDim;
Matrix matrix = Matrices.getMatrix(step);
if (matrix == null || !Matrices.isAffine(matrix)) {
continue; // Non affine step: do not update the transform steps.
matrix = Matrices.resizeAffine(matrix, srcDim, tgtDim);
step = mtFactory.createAffineTransform(matrix);
* Now update the ellipsoidal transform and the CRS. The CRS should be an
* instance of SingleCRS. However we check for safety. If it is not, then
* we can not update the transforms.
if (addVertical) {
if (!(crs instanceof SingleCRS)) {
continue; // Can't update the CRS, so don't update the transforms.
crs = factories.toGeodetic3D((SingleCRS) crs);
if (!isLast) sourceCRS = crs;
else targetCRS = crs;
steps[index] = newTr;
if (step != null) {
steps[toAdjust] = step;
updated = true;
} while ((isLast = !isLast) == true);
* If at least one step has been changed, rebuild the concatenated transform.
if (updated) {
transform = steps[0];
for (int i=1; i type = AbstractCoordinateOperation.getType(operation);
OperationMethod method = null;
if (operation instanceof SingleOperation) {
* If the original operation was a SingleOperation, make an exact copy of
* the original method except for the number of source/target dimensions.
method = ((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod();
if (!Utilities.equals(srcDim, method.getSourceDimensions()) ||
!Utilities.equals(tgtDim, method.getTargetDimensions()))
method = new DefaultOperationMethod(method, srcDim, tgtDim);
} else if (operation instanceof ConcatenatedOperation) {
* If the original operation was a ConcatenatedOperation, build a SingleOperation
* which will represent the operation as a whole. In the current implementation,
* we don't try to build a new ConcatenatedOperation because separating the steps
* is hard (because of propagation of dimension changes accross different steps).
type = SingleOperation.class;
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (final SingleOperation step : ((ConcatenatedOperation) operation).getOperations()) {
final String id = IdentifiedObjects.getIdentifier(step);
if (id != null) {
if (buffer.length() != 0) {
buffer.append(" + ");
if (step instanceof Transformation) {
type = Transformation.class;
} else if (step instanceof Conversion && type != Transformation.class) {
type = Conversion.class;
// Don't check the Projection case; it is confusing
// since users expect a well known projection name.
method = createOperationMethod(Collections.singletonMap(OperationMethod.NAME_KEY,
Descriptions.format(Descriptions.Keys.CONCATENATED_OPERATION_ADAPTED_$1, buffer)),
srcDim, tgtDim, null);
operation = createFromMathTransform(IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(operation),
sourceCRS, targetCRS, transform, method, type);
return operation;
* If a horizontal CRS can be extracted from the given CRS, returns it.
* Otherwise returns {@code null}.
* @param crs The CRS from which to extract the horizontal component.
* @return The horizontal component, or {@code null} if none or unknown.
* @since 3.16
private static SingleCRS getHorizontalCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) {
final Identifier id = crs.getName();
if (id instanceof Identifier3D) {
return ((Identifier3D) id).horizontalCRS;
return null;
* Logs a warning when an object can't be created from the specified factory.
* @param exception The exception which occurred.
* @param factory The factory used in the attempt to create an operation.
private static void log(final Throwable exception, final AuthorityFactory factory) {
log(Level.WARNING, exception, factory, exception instanceof NoSuchIdentifiedResource);
* Logs an exception at the given level.
* @param level The level to use for logging.
* @param exception The exception which occurred.
* @param factory The factory used in the attempt to create an operation.
* @param isOptional Whatever the operation we just attempted was optional.
private static void log(final Level level, final Throwable exception,
final AuthorityFactory factory, final boolean isOptional)
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(level)) {
final LogRecord record = Loggings.format(level,
if (isOptional) {
record.setMessage(Loggings.format(record) + ' ' + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
} else {
* Returns {@code true} if the specified operation is acceptable. This method is invoked
* automatically by {@linkplain #createFromDatabase createFromDatabase}(...)
* for every operation candidates found. The default implementation returns always {@code
* true}. Subclasses should override this method if they wish to filter the coordinate
* operations to be returned.
* @param operation The operation that {@code createFromDatabase} wants to return.
* @return {@code true} if the given operation is acceptable, or {@code false} if
* {@code createFromDatabase} should look for an other one.
* @since 2.3
protected boolean accept(final CoordinateOperation operation) {
return true;
* Returns whatever this factory and its underlying
* {@linkplain #getAuthorityFactory authority factory} are available for use.
* @since 3.03
public ConformanceResult availability() {
try {
final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory authorityFactory = getAuthorityFactory();
if (authorityFactory instanceof Factory) {
return ((Factory) authorityFactory).availability();
} catch (FactoryRegistryException exception) {
// Declares as not available for the given raison.
return new Availability(exception);
// Declare as available if not disposed.
return super.availability();