us.ihmc.pubsub.Domain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package us.ihmc.pubsub;
import com.eprosima.xmlschemas.fastrtps_profiles.ReliabilityQosKindPolicyType;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.attributes.ParticipantProfile;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.attributes.PublisherAttributes;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.attributes.SubscriberAttributes;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.common.LogLevel;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.common.Time;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.participant.Participant;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.participant.ParticipantListener;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.publisher.Publisher;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.publisher.PublisherListener;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.subscriber.Subscriber;
import us.ihmc.pubsub.subscriber.SubscriberListener;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Class Domain, use to interact with the Publisher Subscriber API of the IHMC Java RTPS API.
* @author Jesper Smith
public interface Domain {
* Set the log level of the underlying implementation.
* The log is implementation specific.
* @param level LogLevel to log at
public void setLogLevel(LogLevel level);
* Create a Participant.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param att Participant Attributes.
* @param participantListener Listener for newly discovered participants. Can be null
* @return Participant handle
* @throws IOException If no participant can be made
public Participant createParticipant(ParticipantProfile att, ParticipantListener participantListener) throws IOException;
* Create a Participant without a listener.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param att Participant Attributes.
* @return Participant handle
* @throws IOException If no participant can be made
default Participant createParticipant(ParticipantProfile att) throws IOException {
return createParticipant(att, null);
* Create a Publisher in a Participant.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant where you want to create the publisher
* @param publisherAttributes Publisher attributes.
* @param listener Listener for publisher status. Can be null
* @return Publisher handle
* @throws IOException If the publisher cannot be made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attributes are invalid for this publisher
public Publisher createPublisherImpl(Participant participant, PublisherAttributes publisherAttributes, PublisherListener listener) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Create a Publisher in a Participant.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant where you want to create the publisher
* @param publisherAttributes Publisher attributes.
* @param listener Listener for publisher status. Can be null
* @return Publisher handle
* @throws IOException If the publisher cannot be made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attributes are invalid for this publisher
* Furthermore, if topicDataType has not been registered with the participant then it will be registered.
default Publisher createPublisher(Participant participant, PublisherAttributes publisherAttributes, PublisherListener listener)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
TopicDataType> registeredType = getRegisteredType(participant, publisherAttributes.getTopicDataType().getName());
if (registeredType == null) {
registerType(participant, publisherAttributes.getTopicDataType());
return createPublisherImpl(participant, publisherAttributes, listener);
* Create a Publisher in a Participant without a listener.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant where you want to create the publisher
* @param publisherAttributes Publisher attributes
* @return Publisher handle
* @throws IOException If the publisher cannot be made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attributes are invalid for this publisher
default Publisher createPublisher(Participant participant, PublisherAttributes publisherAttributes) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
return createPublisher(participant, publisherAttributes, null);
public Subscriber createSubscriberImpl(Participant participant, SubscriberAttributes subscriberAttributes, SubscriberListener listener)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Create a Subscriber in a Participant.
* @param participant the participant where you want to create the Publisher.
* @param subscriberAttributes Subscriber attributes
* @param listener Listener for subscriber status and messages. Can be null
* @return Subscriber handle
* @throws IOException If the subscriber cannot be made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attributes are invalid for this subscriber
* Furthermore, if topicDataType has not been registered with the participant then it will be registered.
default Subscriber createSubscriber(Participant participant, SubscriberAttributes subscriberAttributes, SubscriberListener listener)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
TopicDataType> registeredType = getRegisteredType(participant, subscriberAttributes.getTopicDataType().getName());
if (registeredType == null) {
registerType(participant, subscriberAttributes.getTopicDataType());
return createSubscriberImpl(participant, subscriberAttributes, listener);
* Create a Subscriber in a Participant without a listener.
* @param participant the participant where you want to create the Publisher.
* @param subscriberAttributes Subscriber attributes
* @return Subscriber handle
* @throws IOException If the subscriber cannot be made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attributes are invalid for this subscriber
default Subscriber createSubscriber(Participant participant, SubscriberAttributes subscriberAttributes) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
return createSubscriberImpl(participant, subscriberAttributes, null);
* Remove a Participant and all associated publishers and subscribers.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant to remove
* @return true if participant is found and removed
public boolean removeParticipant(Participant participant);
* Remove a Publisher.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param publisher
* @return true if publisher is found and removed
public boolean removePublisher(Publisher publisher);
* Remove a Subscriber.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param subscriber
* @return true if subscriber is found and removed
public boolean removeSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber);
* Return a registered type.
* This method does not allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant
* @param typeName
* @return Registered type or null if not found
public TopicDataType> getRegisteredType(Participant participant, String typeName);
* Register a type in a participant.
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant
* @param topicDataType
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public void registerType(Participant participant, TopicDataType> topicDataType) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Unregister a type in a participant
* This method may allocate memory and is thread-safe
* @param participant
* @param typeName
* @throws IOException
public void unregisterType(Participant participant, String typeName) throws IOException;
public void stopAll();
* Create ParticipantAttributes with the following options set
* - DomainId: domainId
* - LeaseDuration: Time.Infinite
* - Name: name
* @param domainId desired domainId for these attributes
* @param name desired name for these attributes
* @return ParticipantAttributes with reasonable defaults
default ParticipantProfile createParticipantAttributes(int domainId, String name)
ParticipantProfile attrs = ParticipantProfile.create().domainId(domainId).discoveryLeaseDuration(Time.Infinite).name(name);
return attrs;
* Create an implementation specific version of SubscriberAttributes with the following options set
* Topic.TopicKind: WITH_KEY if topicDataType.isGetKeyDefined() is true, NO_KEY otherwise
* Topic.TopicDataType: topicDataType.getName();
* Topic.TopicName: topicName
* Topic.QoS.ReliabilityKind: reliablityKind
* Topic.QoS.partitions: partitions
* Furthermore, if topicDataType has not been registered with the participant then it will be registered.
* @param participant Participant to register the topicDataType with.
* @param topicDataType Topic data type.
* @param topicName Topic name.
* @param reliabilityKind the default for subscribers is BEST_EFFORT
* @param partitions [Optional] partitions this topic subscribes on. If none are given, no partitions will be set.
* @return Implementation specific version of SubscriberAttributes with reasonable defaults.
default SubscriberAttributes createSubscriberAttributes(Participant participant, TopicDataType> topicDataType, String topicName, ReliabilityQosKindPolicyType reliabilityKind, String... partitions)
TopicDataType> registeredType = getRegisteredType(participant, topicDataType.getName());
if(registeredType == null)
registerType(participant, topicDataType);
SubscriberAttributes subscriberAttributes = SubscriberAttributes.create()
if(partitions != null)
return subscriberAttributes;
* Create an implementation specific version of PublisherAttributes with the following options set
* Topic.TopicKind: WITH_KEY if topicDataType.isGetKeyDefined() is true, NO_KEY otherwise
* Topic.TopicDataType: topicDataType.getName();
* Topic.TopicName: topicName
* Topic.QoS.partitions: partitions
* Topic.QoS.ReliabilityKind: reliablityKind
* Furthermore, if topicDataType has not been registered with the participant then it will be registered.
* @param participant Participant to register the topicDataType with.
* @param topicDataType Topic data type.
* @param topicName Topic name.
* @param reliabilityKind the default for publishers is RELIABLE
* @param partitions [Optional] partitions this topic publishes on. If none are given, no partitions will be set.
* @return Implementation specific version of PublisherAttributes with reasonable defaults.
default PublisherAttributes createPublisherAttributes(Participant participant, TopicDataType> topicDataType, String topicName, ReliabilityQosKindPolicyType reliabilityKind, String... partitions)
TopicDataType> registeredType = getRegisteredType(participant, topicDataType.getName());
if(registeredType == null)
registerType(participant, topicDataType);
PublisherAttributes publisherAttributes =
if(partitions != null)
return publisherAttributes;
/** This list is meant for external access. The user may synchronize over the returned list for thread safety. */
public List getAllParticipantsForStatistics();