us.ihmc.scs2.definition.visual.TriangleMesh3DFactories Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package us.ihmc.scs2.definition.visual;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.DoubleFunction;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import us.ihmc.commons.MathTools;
import us.ihmc.euclid.Axis3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.axisAngle.AxisAngle;
import us.ihmc.euclid.geometry.interfaces.ConvexPolygon2DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.geometry.interfaces.LineSegment3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.matrix.RotationMatrix;
import us.ihmc.euclid.orientation.interfaces.Orientation3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.convexPolytope.interfaces.ConvexPolytope3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.convexPolytope.interfaces.Face3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.convexPolytope.interfaces.HalfEdge3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.convexPolytope.interfaces.Vertex3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.primitives.Box3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.primitives.Ramp3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.shape.primitives.interfaces.BoxPolytope3DView;
import us.ihmc.euclid.transform.interfaces.RigidBodyTransformReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.Point2D32;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple2D.interfaces.Point2DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D32;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.UnitVector3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D32;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Point3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Vector3DBasics;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Vector3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.log.LogTools;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.ArcTorus3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Box3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Capsule3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Cone3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.ConvexPolytope3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Cylinder3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Ellipsoid3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.ExtrudedPolygon2DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.GeometryDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.HemiEllipsoid3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Polygon2DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Polygon3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.PyramidBox3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Ramp3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Sphere3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Tetrahedron3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.Torus3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.TriangleMesh3DDefinition;
import us.ihmc.scs2.definition.geometry.TruncatedCone3DDefinition;
* This class provides factories to create generic meshes, i.e. {@code TriangleMesh3DDefinition}, to
* represent a 3D shape.
* The generic mesh can be used to construct a triangle mesh in the format of the graphics engine in
* which it will be rendered.
* The construction methods assumes the following coordinate system convention: x is pointing
* forward, y pointing left, z pointing upward.
* @author Sylvain Bertrand
public class TriangleMesh3DFactories
private static final float TwoPi = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI;
private static final float HalfPi = (float) Math.PI / 2.0f;
private static final float SQRT3 = (float) Math.sqrt(3.0);
private static final float SQRT6 = (float) Math.sqrt(6.0);
private static final float HALF_SQRT3 = SQRT3 / 2.0f;
private static final float THIRD_SQRT3 = SQRT3 / 3.0f;
private static final float SIXTH_SQRT3 = SQRT3 / 6.0f;
private static final float THIRD_SQRT6 = SQRT6 / 3.0f;
private static final float FOURTH_SQRT6 = SQRT6 / 4.0f;
private static final float ONE_THIRD = 1.0f / 3.0f;
private TriangleMesh3DFactories()
// Prevent an object being generated.
* Tests the implementation of the given {@code description} and attempts to create the appropriate
* triangle mesh.
* @param description the geometry to create the mesh for.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if the given {@code description} is not
* supported.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition TriangleMesh(GeometryDefinition description)
if (description == null)
return null;
TriangleMesh3DDefinition mesh = null;
if (description instanceof TriangleMesh3DDefinition)
return (TriangleMesh3DDefinition) description;
else if (description instanceof ArcTorus3DDefinition)
mesh = ArcTorus((ArcTorus3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Box3DDefinition)
mesh = Box((Box3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Capsule3DDefinition)
mesh = Capsule((Capsule3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Cone3DDefinition)
mesh = Cone((Cone3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof ConvexPolytope3DDefinition)
mesh = ConvexPolytope((ConvexPolytope3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Cylinder3DDefinition)
mesh = Cylinder((Cylinder3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Ellipsoid3DDefinition)
mesh = Ellipsoid((Ellipsoid3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof ExtrudedPolygon2DDefinition)
mesh = ExtrudedPolygon((ExtrudedPolygon2DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof HemiEllipsoid3DDefinition)
mesh = HemiEllipsoid((HemiEllipsoid3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Polygon2DDefinition)
mesh = Polygon((Polygon2DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Polygon3DDefinition)
mesh = Polygon((Polygon3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof PyramidBox3DDefinition)
mesh = PyramidBox((PyramidBox3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Sphere3DDefinition)
mesh = Sphere((Sphere3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Tetrahedron3DDefinition)
mesh = Tetrahedron((Tetrahedron3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Torus3DDefinition)
mesh = Torus((Torus3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof TruncatedCone3DDefinition)
mesh = TruncatedCone((TruncatedCone3DDefinition) description);
else if (description instanceof Ramp3DDefinition)
mesh = Ramp((Ramp3DDefinition) description);
if (mesh == null)
LogTools.error("Unrecognized " + GeometryDefinition.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + description.getClass().getSimpleName());
return null;
if (description.getName() != null)
return mesh;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D sphere.
* The sphere is centered at the origin and is a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param description the description holding the sphere's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Sphere(Sphere3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Sphere(description.getRadius(), description.getResolution(), description.getResolution());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D sphere.
* The sphere is centered at the origin and is a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param radius the radius of the sphere. Each vertex is positioned at that distance
* from the origin.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Sphere(double radius, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
return Sphere((float) radius, latitudeResolution, longitudeResolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D sphere.
* The sphere is centered at the origin and is a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param radius the radius of the sphere. Each vertex is positioned at that distance
* from the origin.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Sphere(float radius, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
return Ellipsoid(radius, radius, radius, latitudeResolution, longitudeResolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ellipsoid.
* The ellipsoid is centered at the origin and the algorithm is similar to a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param description the description holding the ellipsoid's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ellipsoid(Ellipsoid3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Ellipsoid(description.getRadiusX(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ellipsoid.
* The ellipsoid is centered at the origin and the algorithm is similar to a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param radiusX radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ellipsoid(double radiusX, double radiusY, double radiusZ, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
return Ellipsoid((float) radiusX, (float) radiusY, (float) radiusZ, latitudeResolution, longitudeResolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ellipsoid.
* The ellipsoid is centered at the origin and the algorithm is similar to a UV sphere, see
* UV mapping.
* @param radiusX radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ellipsoid(float radiusX, float radiusY, float radiusZ, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
if (longitudeResolution % 2 == 1)
longitudeResolution += 1;
int nPointsLongitude = longitudeResolution + 1;
int nPointsLatitude = latitudeResolution + 1;
// Reminder of longitude and latitude:
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[nPointsLatitude * nPointsLongitude];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[nPointsLatitude * nPointsLongitude];
Point2D32 textPoints[] = new Point2D32[nPointsLatitude * nPointsLongitude];
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude; longitudeIndex++)
float longitudeAngle = TwoPi * ((float) longitudeIndex / (float) (nPointsLongitude - 1));
float cosLongitude = (float) Math.cos(longitudeAngle);
float sinLongitude = (float) Math.sin(longitudeAngle);
float textureX = (float) longitudeIndex / (float) (nPointsLongitude - 1);
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < nPointsLatitude - 1; latitudeIndex++)
float latitudeAngle = (float) (-HalfPi + Math.PI * ((float) latitudeIndex / (nPointsLatitude - 1.0f)));
float cosLatitude = (float) Math.cos(latitudeAngle);
float sinLatitude = (float) Math.sin(latitudeAngle);
int currentIndex = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
float normalX = cosLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalY = sinLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalZ = sinLatitude;
float vertexX = radiusX * normalX;
float vertexY = radiusY * normalY;
float vertexZ = radiusZ * normalZ;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float textureY = 0.5f * (1.0f - sinLatitude);
textPoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
textureX += 0.5f / (nPointsLongitude - 1.0f);
// South pole
int southPoleIndex = longitudeIndex;
points[southPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -radiusZ);
normals[southPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[southPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f - 1.0f / 256.0f);
// North pole
int northPoleIndex = (nPointsLatitude - 1) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
points[northPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, radiusZ);
normals[northPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[northPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f / 256.0f);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * ((nPointsLatitude - 2) * nPointsLongitude - 1);
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Mid-latitude faces
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < nPointsLatitude - 2; latitudeIndex++)
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
int nextLatitudeIndex = latitudeIndex + 1;
// Lower triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// Upper triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// South pole faces
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
triangleIndices[index++] = longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// North pole faces
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 1) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 2) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 2) * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Ellipsoid Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* @param description the description holding the polygon's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(Polygon2DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Polygon(null, description.getPolygonVertices(), description.isCounterClockwiseOrdered());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* @param convexPolygon the polygon to create a mesh from.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(ConvexPolygon2DReadOnly convexPolygon)
return Polygon(null, convexPolygon);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* @param polygonPose the 3D pose of the polygon. Can be {@code null}, in which case no transform
* is applied.
* @param convexPolygon the polygon to create a mesh from.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code convexPolygon} is {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly polygonPose, ConvexPolygon2DReadOnly convexPolygon)
if (convexPolygon == null)
return null;
return Polygon(polygonPose, convexPolygon.getPolygonVerticesView(), !convexPolygon.isClockwiseOrdered());
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and clockwise ordered.
* @param polygonPose the 3D pose of the polygon. Can be {@code null}, in which case no
* transform is applied.
* @param cwOrderedPolygonVertices the clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code cwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PolygonClockwise(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly polygonPose, List extends Point2DReadOnly> cwOrderedPolygonVertices)
return Polygon(polygonPose, cwOrderedPolygonVertices, false);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and counter-clockwise ordered.
* @param polygonPose the 3D pose of the polygon. Can be {@code null}, in which case
* no transform is applied.
* @param ccwOrderedPolygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code ccwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PolygonCounterClockwise(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly polygonPose,
List extends Point2DReadOnly> ccwOrderedPolygonVertices)
return Polygon(polygonPose, ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, true);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex.
* @param polygonPose the 3D pose of the polygon. Can be {@code null}, in which case no
* transform is applied.
* @param polygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @param counterClockwiseOrdered {@code true} to indicate that the vertices are counter-clockwise
* ordered, {@code false} for clockwise ordered.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code convexPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly polygonPose, List extends Point2DReadOnly> polygonVertices,
boolean counterClockwiseOrdered)
if (polygonVertices == null)
return null;
int numberOfVertices = polygonVertices.size();
if (numberOfVertices < 3)
return null;
Point3D32[] vertices = new Point3D32[numberOfVertices];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(Axis3D.Z);
if (polygonPose != null)
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(normals[0]);
float minX = polygonVertices.get(0).getX32();
float minY = polygonVertices.get(0).getY32();
float maxX = polygonVertices.get(0).getX32();
float maxY = polygonVertices.get(0).getY32();
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
Point2DReadOnly vertex2D;
if (counterClockwiseOrdered)
vertex2D = polygonVertices.get(i);
vertex2D = polygonVertices.get(numberOfVertices - 1 - i);
if (vertex2D.getX32() > maxX)
maxX = vertex2D.getX32();
else if (vertex2D.getX32() < minX)
minX = vertex2D.getX32();
if (vertex2D.getY32() > maxY)
maxY = vertex2D.getY32();
else if (vertex2D.getY32() < minY)
minY = vertex2D.getY32();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
Point2DReadOnly vertex2D = polygonVertices.get(i);
Point3D32 vertex3D = new Point3D32();
if (polygonPose != null)
vertices[i] = vertex3D;
float textureX = 1.0f - (vertex2D.getY32() - minY) / (maxY - minY);
float textureY = 1.0f - (vertex2D.getX32() - minX) / (maxX - minX);
texturePoints[i] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
if (!counterClockwiseOrdered)
int numberOfTriangles = numberOfVertices - 2;
// Do a naive way of splitting a polygon into triangles. Assumes convexity and ccw ordering.
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int j = 2; j < vertices.length; j++)
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = j - 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = j;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Polygon Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* @param description the description holding the polygon's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(Polygon3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Polygon(description.getPolygonVertices(), description.isCounterClockwiseOrdered());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and clockwise ordered.
* @param cwOrderedPolygonVertices the clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code cwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PolygonClockwise(List extends Point3DReadOnly> cwOrderedPolygonVertices)
return Polygon(cwOrderedPolygonVertices, false);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and counter-clockwise ordered.
* @param ccwOrderedPolygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code ccwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PolygonCounterClockwise(List extends Point3DReadOnly> ccwOrderedPolygonVertices)
return Polygon(ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, true);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex.
* @param convexPolygonVertices the vertices of the polygon.
* @param counterClockwiseOrdered {@code true} to indicate that the vertices are counter-clockwise
* ordered, {@code false} for clockwise ordered.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code convexPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Polygon(List extends Point3DReadOnly> convexPolygonVertices, boolean counterClockwiseOrdered)
if (convexPolygonVertices == null)
return null;
int numberOfVertices = convexPolygonVertices.size();
if (numberOfVertices < 3)
return null;
int numberOfTriangles = numberOfVertices - 2;
Vector3D32[] triangleNormals = new Vector3D32[numberOfTriangles];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTriangles; i++)
Vector3D32 triangleNormal = new Vector3D32();
convexPolygonVertices.get(i + 1),
convexPolygonVertices.get(i + 2),
triangleNormals[i] = triangleNormal;
boolean areAllNormalsEqual = true;
Vector3D32 polygonNormal = new Vector3D32();
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfTriangles; i++)
if (areAllNormalsEqual && !triangleNormals[i - 1].epsilonEquals(triangleNormals[i], 1.0e-7))
areAllNormalsEqual = false;
RotationMatrix polygonOrientation = new RotationMatrix();
EuclidGeometryTools.orientation3DFromZUpToVector3D(polygonNormal, polygonOrientation);
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
float minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
float minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
float maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
float maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
polygonOrientation.inverseTransform(convexPolygonVertices.get(i), point);
Point2D32 texturePoint = new Point2D32();
texturePoint.set(-point.getY(), -point.getX());
texturePoints[i] = texturePoint;
minX = Math.min(minX, texturePoint.getX32());
minY = Math.min(minY, texturePoint.getY32());
maxX = Math.max(maxX, texturePoint.getX32());
maxY = Math.max(maxY, texturePoint.getY32());
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
texturePoints[i].sub(minX, minY);
texturePoints[i].scale(1.0 / (maxX - minX), 1.0 / (maxY - minY));
Point3D32[] vertices =[]::new);
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
if (areAllNormalsEqual)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
if (i < numberOfTriangles)
normals[i] = triangleNormals[i];
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(triangleNormals[0]);
normals[0] = polygonNormal;
normals[1] = triangleNormals[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices - 2; i++)
Vector3D32 normal = new Vector3D32();
normal.interpolate(triangleNormals[i - 1], triangleNormals[i], 0.5);
normals[i] = normal;
Vector3D32 normal = new Vector3D32();
normal.interpolate(triangleNormals[numberOfTriangles - 2], triangleNormals[numberOfTriangles - 1], 0.5);
normals[numberOfVertices - 2] = triangleNormals[numberOfTriangles - 1];
normals[numberOfVertices - 1] = triangleNormals[numberOfTriangles - 1];
// Do a naive way of splitting a polygon into triangles. Assumes convexity and ccw ordering.
int index = 0;
for (int j = 2; j < numberOfVertices; j++)
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = j - 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = j;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Polygon Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon 2D and extrude it along the z-axis.
* @param description the description holding the polygon's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code convexPolygon} is {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ExtrudedPolygon(ExtrudedPolygon2DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = ExtrudedPolygon(description.getPolygonVertices(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon 2D and extrude it along the z-axis.
* @param convexPolygon the polygon to create a mesh from.
* @param extrusionHeight thickness of the extrusion. If {@code extrusionHeight < 0}, the polygon is
* extruded toward z negative.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code convexPolygon} is {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ExtrudedPolygon(ConvexPolygon2DReadOnly convexPolygon, double extrusionHeight)
if (convexPolygon == null)
return null;
return ExtrudedPolygon(convexPolygon.getPolygonVerticesView(), false, extrusionHeight, 0.0);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon 2D and extrude it along the z-axis.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and counter-clockwise ordered.
* @param ccwOrderedPolygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @param extrusionHeight thickness of the extrusion. The polygon is extruded upward along
* the z-axis.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code ccwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ExtrudedPolygon(List extends Point2DReadOnly> ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, double extrusionHeight)
return ExtrudedPolygonCounterClockwise(ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, extrusionHeight, 0.0);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon 2D and extrude it along the z-axis.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and counter-clockwise ordered.
* @param ccwOrderedPolygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @param topZ thickness of the extrusion. If {@code extrusionHeight < 0}, the
* polygon is extruded toward z negative.
* @param bottomZ offset along the z-axis that is applied on all the vertices of
* the resulting mesh.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code ccwOrderedPolygonVertices} is
* {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ExtrudedPolygonCounterClockwise(List extends Point2DReadOnly> ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, double topZ,
double bottomZ)
return ExtrudedPolygon(ccwOrderedPolygonVertices, true, topZ, bottomZ);
* Create a triangle mesh for the given polygon and extrude it along the z-axis.
* It is assumed that the polygon is convex and counter-clockwise ordered.
* @param polygonVertices the counter-clockwise-ordered vertices of the polygon.
* @param counterClockwiseOrdered {@code true} to indicate that the vertices are counter-clockwise
* ordered, {@code false} for clockwise ordered.
* @param topZ z-coordinate of the bottom face.
* @param bottomZ z-coordinate of the top face.
* @return the generic triangle mesh or {@code null} if {@code polygonVertices} is {@code null}.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ExtrudedPolygon(List extends Point2DReadOnly> polygonVertices, boolean counterClockwiseOrdered, double topZ,
double bottomZ)
if (polygonVertices == null || polygonVertices.size() < 3)
return null;
int numberOfVertices = polygonVertices.size();
Point3D32 vertices[] = new Point3D32[6 * numberOfVertices + 4];
Vector3D32 normals[] = new Vector3D32[6 * numberOfVertices + 4];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[6 * numberOfVertices + 4];
float minX = polygonVertices.get(0).getX32();
float minY = polygonVertices.get(0).getY32();
float maxX = polygonVertices.get(0).getX32();
float maxY = polygonVertices.get(0).getY32();
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
Point2DReadOnly vertex = polygonVertices.get(i);
if (vertex.getX32() > maxX)
maxX = vertex.getX32();
else if (vertex.getX32() < minX)
minX = vertex.getX32();
if (vertex.getY32() > maxY)
maxY = vertex.getY32();
else if (vertex.getY32() < minY)
minY = vertex.getY32();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
Point2DReadOnly vertex;
if (counterClockwiseOrdered)
vertex = polygonVertices.get(i);
vertex = polygonVertices.get(numberOfVertices - 1 - i);
float vertexX = vertex.getX32();
float vertexY = vertex.getY32();
// Vertices for bottom face
vertices[i] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, (float) bottomZ);
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
texturePoints[i] = new Point2D32(0.5f - 0.5f * (vertexY - minY) / (maxY - minY) + 0.5f, 0.5f - 0.5f * (vertexX - minX) / (maxX - minX));
// Vertices for top face
vertices[i + numberOfVertices] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, (float) (topZ));
normals[i + numberOfVertices] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texturePoints[i + numberOfVertices] = new Point2D32(0.5f - 0.5f * (vertexY - minY) / (maxY - minY), 0.5f - 0.5f * (vertexX - minX) / (maxX - minX));
double perimeter = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < polygonVertices.size(); i++)
Point2DReadOnly vertex = polygonVertices.get(i);
Point2DReadOnly nextVertex = polygonVertices.get((i + 1) % numberOfVertices);
perimeter += vertex.distance(nextVertex);
double distanceAlongPerimeter = 0.0;
double nextDistanceAlongPerimeter = 0.0;
int nextIndex = counterClockwiseOrdered ? 0 : numberOfVertices - 1;
Point2DReadOnly vertex;
Point2DReadOnly nextVertex = polygonVertices.get(nextIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices + 1; i++)
vertex = nextVertex;
if (counterClockwiseOrdered)
nextIndex %= numberOfVertices;
if (nextIndex < 0)
nextIndex = numberOfVertices - 1;
nextVertex = polygonVertices.get(nextIndex);
nextDistanceAlongPerimeter += nextVertex.distance(vertex);
float vertexX = vertex.getX32();
float vertexY = vertex.getY32();
Point3D32 vertexBottom = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, (float) bottomZ);
Point3D32 vertexTop = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, (float) (topZ));
Point3D32 nextVertexBottom = new Point3D32(nextVertex.getX32(), nextVertex.getY32(), (float) bottomZ);
Point3D32 nextVertexTop = new Point3D32(nextVertex.getX32(), nextVertex.getY32(), (float) (topZ));
Vector3D normal = new Vector3D();
normal.sub(nextVertexTop, vertexTop);
normal.cross(Axis3D.Z, normal);
int vertexBottomIndex = 2 * i + 2 * numberOfVertices;
int nextVertexBottomIndex = vertexBottomIndex + 1;
int vertexTopIndex = vertexBottomIndex + 2 * (numberOfVertices + 1);
int nextVertexTopIndex = vertexTopIndex + 1;
// Vertices for side faces
// Bottom
vertices[vertexBottomIndex] = vertexBottom;
normals[vertexBottomIndex] = new Vector3D32(normal);
texturePoints[vertexBottomIndex] = new Point2D32((float) (distanceAlongPerimeter / perimeter), 1.0f);
vertices[nextVertexBottomIndex] = nextVertexBottom;
normals[nextVertexBottomIndex] = new Vector3D32(normal);
texturePoints[nextVertexBottomIndex] = new Point2D32((float) (nextDistanceAlongPerimeter / perimeter), 1.0f);
// Top
vertices[vertexTopIndex] = vertexTop;
normals[vertexTopIndex] = new Vector3D32(normal);
texturePoints[vertexTopIndex] = new Point2D32((float) (distanceAlongPerimeter / perimeter), 0.5f);
vertices[nextVertexTopIndex] = nextVertexTop;
normals[nextVertexTopIndex] = new Vector3D32(normal);
texturePoints[nextVertexTopIndex] = new Point2D32((float) (nextDistanceAlongPerimeter / perimeter), 0.5f);
distanceAlongPerimeter = nextDistanceAlongPerimeter;
int numberOfTriangles = 4 * numberOfVertices;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
// Bottom face
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = i;
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
// Top face
triangleIndices[index++] = numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % numberOfVertices + numberOfVertices;
// Side faces
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices + 1; i++)
// Lower triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = 2 * i + 2 * numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = (2 * i + 1) % (2 * numberOfVertices + 2) + 2 * numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2 * i + 4 * numberOfVertices + 2;
// Upper triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = (2 * i + 1) % (2 * numberOfVertices + 2) + 2 * numberOfVertices;
triangleIndices[index++] = (2 * i + 1) % (2 * numberOfVertices + 2) + 4 * numberOfVertices + 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2 * i + 4 * numberOfVertices + 2;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("ExtrudedPolygon Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D hemi-ellipsoid, i.e. top half of an ellipsoid with the bottom
* closed by a flat cap.
* @param description the description holding the hemi-ellipsoid's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition HemiEllipsoid(HemiEllipsoid3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = HemiEllipsoid(description.getRadiusX(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D hemi-ellipsoid, i.e. top half of an ellipsoid with the bottom
* closed by a flat cap.
* @param radiusX radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition HemiEllipsoid(double radiusX, double radiusY, double radiusZ, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
return HemiEllipsoid((float) radiusX, (float) radiusY, (float) radiusZ, latitudeResolution, longitudeResolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D hemi-ellipsoid, i.e. top half of an ellipsoid with the bottom
* closed by a flat cap.
* @param radiusX radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition HemiEllipsoid(float radiusX, float radiusY, float radiusZ, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
if (longitudeResolution % 2 == 1)
longitudeResolution += 1;
int nPointsLongitude = longitudeResolution + 1;
int nPointsLatitude = latitudeResolution + 1;
// Reminder of longitude and latitude:
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[(nPointsLatitude + 1) * nPointsLongitude];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[(nPointsLatitude + 1) * nPointsLongitude];
Point2D32 textPoints[] = new Point2D32[(nPointsLatitude + 1) * nPointsLongitude];
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude; longitudeIndex++)
float longitudeAngle = TwoPi * ((float) longitudeIndex / (float) (nPointsLongitude - 1));
float cosLongitude = (float) Math.cos(longitudeAngle);
float sinLongitude = (float) Math.sin(longitudeAngle);
float textureX = (float) longitudeIndex / (float) (nPointsLongitude - 1);
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < nPointsLatitude - 1; latitudeIndex++)
float latitudeAngle = HalfPi * ((float) (latitudeIndex - 1) / (float) (nPointsLatitude - 2));
float cosLatitude = (float) Math.cos(latitudeAngle);
float sinLatitude = (float) Math.sin(latitudeAngle);
int currentIndex = (latitudeIndex + 1) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
float normalX = cosLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalY = sinLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalZ = sinLatitude;
float vertexX = radiusX * normalX;
float vertexY = radiusY * normalY;
float vertexZ = radiusZ * normalZ;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float textureY = 0.5f * (1.0f - sinLatitude);
textPoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
// Bottom side
int currentIndex = nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
float vertexX = (float) (radiusX * Math.cos(longitudeAngle));
float vertexY = (float) (radiusY * Math.sin(longitudeAngle));
float vertexZ = 0.0f;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 0.5f);
textureX += 0.5f / (nPointsLongitude - 1);
// Bottom center
int southPoleIndex = longitudeIndex;
points[southPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
normals[southPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[southPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f - 1.0f / 256.0f);
// North pole
int northPoleIndex = nPointsLatitude * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
points[northPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, radiusZ);
normals[northPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[northPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f / 256.0f);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * (nPointsLatitude - 1) * (nPointsLongitude - 1);
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Mid-latitude faces
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < nPointsLatitude - 1; latitudeIndex++)
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
int nextLatitudeIndex = latitudeIndex + 1;
// Lower triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// Upper triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// Bottom face
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
triangleIndices[index++] = longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
// North pole faces
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < nPointsLongitude - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % nPointsLongitude;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 0) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 1) * nPointsLongitude + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (nPointsLatitude - 1) * nPointsLongitude + nextLongitudeIndex;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("HemiEllipsoid Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cylinder.
* The cylinder's axis is aligned with the z-axis. When {@code centered} is true, the cylinder is
* centered at the origin, when false its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the cylinder's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cylinder(Cylinder3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Cylinder(description.getRadius(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cylinder.
* The cylinder's axis is aligned with the z-axis. When {@code centered} is true, the cylinder is
* centered at the origin, when false its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param radius the cylinder's radius.
* @param height the cylinder's height or length.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part.
* @param centered {@code true} to center the cylinder at the origin, {@code false} to center its
* bottom face at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cylinder(double radius, double height, int resolution, boolean centered)
return Cylinder((float) radius, (float) height, resolution, centered);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cylinder.
* The cylinder's axis is aligned with the z-axis. When {@code centered} is true, the cylinder is
* centered at the origin, when false its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param radius the cylinder's radius.
* @param height the cylinder's height or length.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part.
* @param centered {@code true} to center the cylinder at the origin, {@code false} to center its
* bottom face at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cylinder(float radius, float height, int resolution, boolean centered)
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[4 * resolution + 2];
Vector3D32 normals[] = new Vector3D32[4 * resolution + 2];
Point2D32 texturePoints[] = new Point2D32[4 * resolution + 2];
float zTop = centered ? 0.5f * height : height;
float zBottom = centered ? -0.5f * height : 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
double angle = i * TwoPi / (resolution - 1.0);
float cosAngle = (float) Math.cos(angle);
float sinAngle = (float) Math.sin(angle);
float vertexX = radius * cosAngle;
float vertexY = radius * sinAngle;
// Bottom vertices
points[i] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, zBottom);
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
texturePoints[i] = new Point2D32(0.25f * (1f + sinAngle) + 0.5f, 0.25f * (1f - cosAngle));
// Top vertices
points[i + resolution] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, zTop);
normals[i + resolution] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texturePoints[i + resolution] = new Point2D32(0.25f * (1f - sinAngle), 0.25f * (1f - cosAngle));
// Outer vertices
// Bottom
points[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, zBottom);
normals[i + 2 * resolution] = new Vector3D32(cosAngle, sinAngle, 0.0f);
texturePoints[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 1.0f);
// Top
points[i + 3 * resolution] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, zTop);
normals[i + 3 * resolution] = new Vector3D32(cosAngle, sinAngle, 0.0f);
texturePoints[i + 3 * resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 0.5f);
// Center of bottom cap
points[4 * resolution] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, zBottom);
normals[4 * resolution] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
texturePoints[4 * resolution] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.25f);
// Center of top cap
points[4 * resolution + 1] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, zTop);
normals[4 * resolution + 1] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texturePoints[4 * resolution + 1] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
int numberOfTriangles = 4 * resolution;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[6 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
{ // The bottom cap
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i;
triangleIndices[index++] = 4 * resolution;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
{ // The top cap
triangleIndices[index++] = 4 * resolution + 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + resolution;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
{ // The cylinder part
// Lower triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 3 * resolution;
// Upper triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 3 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 3 * resolution;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Cylinder Factory", points, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cone.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the cone's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cone(Cone3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Cone(description.getHeight(), description.getRadius(), description.getResolution());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cone.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param height the height of the cone.
* @param radius the radius of the base.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part of the cone.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cone(double height, double radius, int resolution)
return Cone((float) height, (float) radius, resolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D cone.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param height the height of the cone.
* @param radius the radius of the base.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part of the cone.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Cone(float height, float radius, int resolution)
Point3D32[] vertices = new Point3D32[3 * resolution + 1];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[3 * resolution + 1];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[3 * resolution + 1];
// This is equal to half of the opening angle of the cone at its top. Used to compute the normals.
float slopeAngle = (float) Math.atan2(radius, height);
float cosSlopeAngle = (float) Math.cos(slopeAngle);
float sinSlopeAngle = (float) Math.sin(slopeAngle);
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
double angle = i * TwoPi / (resolution - 1);
float cosAngle = (float) Math.cos(angle);
float sinAngle = (float) Math.sin(angle);
float vertexX = radius * cosAngle;
float vertexY = radius * sinAngle;
// Vertices for the bottom part.
vertices[i] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, 0.0f);
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
texturePoints[i] = new Point2D32(0.25f * (1f + sinAngle), 0.25f * (1f - cosAngle));
// Vertices for the side part.
vertices[i + resolution] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, 0.0f);
normals[i + resolution] = new Vector3D32(cosSlopeAngle * cosAngle, cosSlopeAngle * sinAngle, sinSlopeAngle);
texturePoints[i + resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 1.0f);
vertices[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, height);
normals[i + 2 * resolution] = new Vector3D32(cosSlopeAngle * cosAngle, cosSlopeAngle * sinAngle, sinSlopeAngle);
texturePoints[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 0.5f);
// The center of the bottom
int bottomCenterIndex = 3 * resolution;
vertices[bottomCenterIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
normals[bottomCenterIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
texturePoints[bottomCenterIndex] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * resolution;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
// The bottom face
triangleIndices[index++] = bottomCenterIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i;
// The side faces
triangleIndices[index++] = i + resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 2 * resolution;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Cone Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D truncated cone which base and top are ellipses.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the cone's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition TruncatedCone(TruncatedCone3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = TruncatedCone(description.getHeight(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D truncated cone which base and top are ellipses.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param height the cone's height.
* @param baseRadiusX radius around the x-axis of the base ellipse.
* @param baseRadiusY radius around the y-axis of the base ellipse.
* @param topRadiusX radius around the x-axis of the top ellipse.
* @param topRadiusY radius around the x-axis of the top ellipse.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part of the cone.
* @param centered {@code true} to center the truncated cone at the origin, {@code false} to
* center its bottom face at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition TruncatedCone(double height, double baseRadiusX, double baseRadiusY, double topRadiusX, double topRadiusY,
int resolution, boolean centered)
return TruncatedCone((float) height, (float) baseRadiusX, (float) baseRadiusY, (float) topRadiusX, (float) topRadiusY, resolution, centered);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D truncated cone which base and top are ellipses.
* The cone's axis is aligned with the z-axis and is positioned such that the center of its bottom
* face is at the origin.
* @param height the cone's height.
* @param baseRadiusX radius around the x-axis of the base ellipse.
* @param baseRadiusY radius around the y-axis of the base ellipse.
* @param topRadiusX radius around the x-axis of the top ellipse.
* @param topRadiusY radius around the x-axis of the top ellipse.
* @param resolution the resolution for the cylindrical part of the cone.
* @param centered {@code true} to center the truncated cone at the origin, {@code false} to
* center its bottom face at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition TruncatedCone(float height, float baseRadiusX, float baseRadiusY, float topRadiusX, float topRadiusY, int resolution,
boolean centered)
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[4 * resolution + 2];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[4 * resolution + 2];
Point2D32[] textPoints = new Point2D32[4 * resolution + 2];
float topZ = centered ? 0.5f * height : height;
float bottomZ = centered ? -0.5f * height : 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
double angle = i * TwoPi / (resolution - 1);
float cosAngle = (float) Math.cos(angle);
float sinAngle = (float) Math.sin(angle);
float baseX = baseRadiusX * cosAngle;
float baseY = baseRadiusY * sinAngle;
float topX = topRadiusX * cosAngle;
float topY = topRadiusY * sinAngle;
// Bottom face vertices
points[i] = new Point3D32(baseX, baseY, bottomZ);
normals[i] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[i] = new Point2D32(0.25f * (1f + sinAngle) + 0.5f, 0.25f * (1f - cosAngle));
// Top face vertices
points[i + resolution] = new Point3D32(topX, topY, topZ);
normals[i + resolution] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[i + resolution] = new Point2D32(0.25f * (1f - sinAngle), 0.25f * (1f - cosAngle));
// Cone face
float currentBaseRadius = (float) Math.sqrt(baseX * baseX + baseY * baseY);
float currentTopRadius = (float) Math.sqrt(topX * topX + topY * topY);
float openingAngle = (float) Math.atan((currentBaseRadius - currentTopRadius) / height);
float baseAngle = (float) Math.atan2(baseY, baseX);
float topAngle = (float) Math.atan2(topY, topX);
points[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point3D32(baseX, baseY, bottomZ);
normals[i + 2 * resolution] = new Vector3D32((float) (Math.cos(baseAngle) * Math.cos(openingAngle)),
(float) (Math.sin(baseAngle) * Math.cos(openingAngle)),
(float) Math.sin(openingAngle));
textPoints[i + 2 * resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 1.0f);
points[i + 3 * resolution] = new Point3D32(topX, topY, topZ);
normals[i + 3 * resolution] = new Vector3D32((float) (Math.cos(topAngle) * Math.cos(openingAngle)),
(float) (Math.sin(topAngle) * Math.cos(openingAngle)),
(float) Math.sin(openingAngle));
textPoints[i + 3 * resolution] = new Point2D32(i / (resolution - 1.0f), 0.5f);
// Bottom center
points[4 * resolution] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, bottomZ);
normals[4 * resolution] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[4 * resolution] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.25f);
// Top center
points[4 * resolution + 1] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, topZ);
normals[4 * resolution + 1] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[4 * resolution + 1] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
int numberOfTriangles = 4 * resolution;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
// Bottom face
triangleIndices[index++] = 4 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i;
// Top face
triangleIndices[index++] = 4 * resolution + 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + resolution;
//Cone face: lower triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 3 * resolution;
//Cone face: upper triangle
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 2 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (i + 1) % resolution + 3 * resolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = i + 3 * resolution;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("TruncatedCone Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the torus's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Torus(Torus3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Torus(description.getMajorRadius(), description.getMinorRadius(), description.getResolution());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param majorRadius the radius from the torus centroid to the tube center.
* @param minorRadius the radius of the tube.
* @param resolution used to define the longitudinal and radial resolutions.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Torus(double majorRadius, double minorRadius, int resolution)
return Torus((float) majorRadius, (float) minorRadius, resolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param majorRadius the radius from the torus centroid to the tube center.
* @param minorRadius the radius of the tube.
* @param resolution used to define the longitudinal and radial resolutions.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Torus(float majorRadius, float minorRadius, int resolution)
return ArcTorus(0.0f, (float) (2.0 * Math.PI), majorRadius, minorRadius, resolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for an open partial 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the torus's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ArcTorus(ArcTorus3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = ArcTorus(description.getStartAngle(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for an open partial 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param startAngle the angle at which the torus starts. The angle is in radians, it is expressed
* with respect to the x-axis, and a positive angle corresponds to a
* counter-clockwise rotation.
* @param endAngle the angle at which the torus ends. If {@code startAngle == endAngle} the torus
* will be closed. The angle is in radians, it is expressed with respect to the
* x-axis, and a positive angle corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation.
* @param majorRadius the radius from the torus centroid to the tube center.
* @param minorRadius the radius of the tube.
* @param resolution used to define the longitudinal and radial resolutions.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ArcTorus(double startAngle, double endAngle, double majorRadius, double minorRadius, int resolution)
return ArcTorus((float) startAngle, (float) endAngle, (float) majorRadius, (float) minorRadius, resolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for an open partial 3D torus.
* The torus' axis is aligned with the z-axis and its centroid at the origin.
* @param startAngle the angle at which the torus starts. The angle is in radians, it is expressed
* with respect to the x-axis, and a positive angle corresponds to a
* counter-clockwise rotation.
* @param endAngle the angle at which the torus ends. If {@code startAngle == endAngle} the torus
* will be closed. The angle is in radians, it is expressed with respect to the
* x-axis, and a positive angle corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation.
* @param majorRadius the radius from the torus centroid to the tube center.
* @param minorRadius the radius of the tube.
* @param resolution used to define the longitudinal and radial resolutions.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ArcTorus(float startAngle, float endAngle, float majorRadius, float minorRadius, int resolution)
startAngle = (float) EuclidCoreTools.shiftAngleInRange(startAngle, 0.0);
endAngle = (float) EuclidCoreTools.shiftAngleInRange(endAngle, 0.0);
if (EuclidCoreTools.epsilonEquals(endAngle, 0.0, 1.0e-6))
endAngle = TwoPi;
float torusSpanAngle = endAngle - startAngle;
boolean isClosed = MathTools.epsilonEquals(torusSpanAngle, TwoPi, 1.0e-3);
// Make things a bit clearer.
int majorN = resolution;
// Make things a bit clearer.
int minorN = resolution;
float stepAngle = (endAngle - startAngle) / (majorN - 1);
int numberOfVertices = isClosed ? majorN * minorN : majorN * minorN + 2 * (resolution + 1);
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[numberOfVertices];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
float centerX, centerY;
float pX, pY, pZ;
float textureY, textureX;
// Core part of the torus
for (int majorIndex = 0; majorIndex < majorN; majorIndex++)
float majorAngle = startAngle + majorIndex * stepAngle;
float cosMajorAngle = (float) Math.cos(majorAngle);
float sinMajorAngle = (float) Math.sin(majorAngle);
centerX = majorRadius * cosMajorAngle;
centerY = majorRadius * sinMajorAngle;
textureY = (float) majorIndex / (float) (majorN - 1);
for (int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < minorN; minorIndex++)
int currentIndex = majorIndex * minorN + minorIndex;
float minorAngle = minorIndex * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / (minorN - 1.0f);
float cosMinorAngle = (float) Math.cos(minorAngle);
float sinMinorAngle = (float) Math.sin(minorAngle);
pX = centerX + minorRadius * cosMajorAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pY = centerY + minorRadius * sinMajorAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pZ = minorRadius * sinMinorAngle;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(pX, pY, pZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(cosMajorAngle * cosMinorAngle, sinMajorAngle * cosMinorAngle, sinMinorAngle);
textureX = (float) minorIndex / (float) (minorN - 1);
if (!isClosed)
textureX *= 0.5f;
texturePoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
int lastMajorIndex = isClosed ? majorN : majorN - 1;
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * lastMajorIndex * minorN;
if (!isClosed)
numberOfTriangles += 2 * minorN;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Torus core
for (int majorIndex = 0; majorIndex < lastMajorIndex; majorIndex++)
for (int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < minorN; minorIndex++)
int nextMajorIndex = (majorIndex + 1) % majorN;
int nextMinorIndex = (minorIndex + 1) % minorN;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextMajorIndex * minorN + minorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextMajorIndex * minorN + nextMinorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = majorIndex * minorN + nextMinorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextMajorIndex * minorN + minorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = majorIndex * minorN + nextMinorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = majorIndex * minorN + minorIndex;
// Close both ends when the torus is open
if (!isClosed)
// First end
float cosStartAngle = (float) Math.cos(startAngle);
float sinStartAngle = (float) Math.sin(startAngle);
centerX = majorRadius * cosStartAngle;
centerY = majorRadius * sinStartAngle;
for (int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < minorN; minorIndex++)
int currentIndex = majorN * minorN + minorIndex;
float minorAngle = minorIndex * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / minorN;
float cosMinorAngle = (float) Math.cos(minorAngle);
float sinMinorAngle = (float) Math.sin(minorAngle);
pX = centerX + minorRadius * cosStartAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pY = centerY + minorRadius * sinStartAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pZ = minorRadius * sinMinorAngle;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(pX, pY, pZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(sinStartAngle, -cosStartAngle, 0.0f);
textureX = 0.75f + 0.25f * cosMinorAngle;
textureY = 0.25f - 0.25f * sinMinorAngle;
texturePoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
// First end center
int firstEndCenterIndex = numberOfVertices - 2;
points[firstEndCenterIndex] = new Point3D32(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
normals[firstEndCenterIndex] = new Vector3D32(sinStartAngle, -cosStartAngle, 0.0f);
texturePoints[firstEndCenterIndex] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.25f);
// Second end
float cosEndAngle = (float) Math.cos(endAngle);
float sinEndAngle = (float) Math.sin(endAngle);
centerX = majorRadius * cosEndAngle;
centerY = majorRadius * sinEndAngle;
for (int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < minorN; minorIndex++)
int currentIndex = (majorN + 1) * minorN + minorIndex;
float minorAngle = minorIndex * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / minorN;
float cosMinorAngle = (float) Math.cos(minorAngle);
float sinMinorAngle = (float) Math.sin(minorAngle);
pX = centerX + minorRadius * cosEndAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pY = centerY + minorRadius * sinEndAngle * cosMinorAngle;
pZ = minorRadius * sinMinorAngle;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(pX, pY, pZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(-sinEndAngle, cosEndAngle, 0.0f);
textureX = 0.75f - 0.25f * cosMinorAngle;
textureY = 0.75f - 0.25f * sinMinorAngle;
texturePoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
// Second end center
int secondEndCenterIndex = numberOfVertices - 1;
points[secondEndCenterIndex] = new Point3D32(centerX, centerY, 0.0f);
normals[secondEndCenterIndex] = new Vector3D32(-sinEndAngle, cosEndAngle, 0.0f);
texturePoints[secondEndCenterIndex] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.75f);
// Setting up indices
for (int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < minorN; minorIndex++)
int nextMinorIndex = (minorIndex + 1) % minorN;
triangleIndices[index++] = firstEndCenterIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = majorN * minorN + minorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = majorN * minorN + nextMinorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = secondEndCenterIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (majorN + 1) * minorN + nextMinorIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (majorN + 1) * minorN + minorIndex;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("ArcTorus Factory", points, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box of size ({@code sizeX}, {@code sizeY}, {@code sizeZ}).
* @param description the description holding the box's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Box(Box3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Box(description.getSizeX(), description.getSizeY(), description.getSizeZ(), description.isCentered());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box of size ({@code sizeX}, {@code sizeY}, {@code sizeZ}).
* @param sizeX box size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY box size along the y-axis.
* @param sizeZ box size along the z-axis.
* @param centered when {@code true} the generated mesh is centered at the origin, when
* {@code false} the bottom face of the box is centered at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Box(double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, boolean centered)
return Box((float) sizeX, (float) sizeY, (float) sizeZ, centered);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box of size ({@code sizeX}, {@code sizeY}, {@code sizeZ}).
* @param sizeX box size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY box size along the y-axis.
* @param sizeZ box size along the z-axis.
* @param centered when {@code true} the generated mesh is centered at the origin, when
* {@code false} the bottom face of the box is centered at the origin.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Box(float sizeX, float sizeY, float sizeZ, boolean centered)
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[24];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[24];
Point2D32 textPoints[] = new Point2D32[24];
float zBottom = centered ? -sizeZ / 2f : 0;
float zTop = centered ? sizeZ / 2f : sizeZ;
// Bottom vertices for bottom face
points[0] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, zBottom);
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[0] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.5f);
points[1] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, zBottom);
normals[1] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[1] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
points[2] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, zBottom);
normals[2] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[2] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
points[3] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, zBottom);
normals[3] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[3] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.25f);
// Top vertices for top face
points[4] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, zTop);
normals[4] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[4] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.5f);
points[5] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, zTop);
normals[5] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[5] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 0.5f);
points[6] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, zTop);
normals[6] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[6] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 0.25f);
points[7] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, zTop);
normals[7] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[7] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.25f);
// Left face vertices
points[8] = new Point3D32(points[2]);
normals[8] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[8] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
points[9] = new Point3D32(points[3]);
normals[9] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[9] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.25f);
points[10] = new Point3D32(points[6]);
normals[10] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[10] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.0f);
points[11] = new Point3D32(points[7]);
normals[11] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[11] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.0f);
// Right face vertices
points[12] = new Point3D32(points[0]);
normals[12] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[12] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.5f);
points[13] = new Point3D32(points[1]);
normals[13] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[13] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
points[14] = new Point3D32(points[4]);
normals[14] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[14] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.75f);
points[15] = new Point3D32(points[5]);
normals[15] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[15] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.75f);
// Front face vertices
points[16] = new Point3D32(points[0]);
normals[16] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[16] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.5f);
points[17] = new Point3D32(points[3]);
normals[17] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[17] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.25f);
points[18] = new Point3D32(points[4]);
normals[18] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[18] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.5f);
points[19] = new Point3D32(points[7]);
normals[19] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[19] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.25f);
// Back face vertices
points[20] = new Point3D32(points[1]);
normals[20] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[20] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
points[21] = new Point3D32(points[2]);
normals[21] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[21] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.25f);
points[22] = new Point3D32(points[5]);
normals[22] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[22] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 0.5f);
points[23] = new Point3D32(points[6]);
normals[23] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[23] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 0.25f);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * 6;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Bottom face (face vertices 0, 1, 2, 3)
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 3;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
// Top face (face vertices 4, 5, 6, 7)
triangleIndices[index++] = 4;
triangleIndices[index++] = 5;
triangleIndices[index++] = 6;
triangleIndices[index++] = 4;
triangleIndices[index++] = 6;
triangleIndices[index++] = 7;
// Left face (face vertices 8, 9, 10, 11)
triangleIndices[index++] = 8;
triangleIndices[index++] = 11;
triangleIndices[index++] = 10;
triangleIndices[index++] = 8;
triangleIndices[index++] = 9;
triangleIndices[index++] = 11;
// Right face (face vertices 12, 13, 14, 15)
triangleIndices[index++] = 15;
triangleIndices[index++] = 14;
triangleIndices[index++] = 13;
triangleIndices[index++] = 14;
triangleIndices[index++] = 12;
triangleIndices[index++] = 13;
// Front face (face vertices 16, 17, 18, 19)
triangleIndices[index++] = 16;
triangleIndices[index++] = 19;
triangleIndices[index++] = 17;
triangleIndices[index++] = 16;
triangleIndices[index++] = 18;
triangleIndices[index++] = 19;
// Back face (face vertices 20, 21, 22, 23)
triangleIndices[index++] = 20;
triangleIndices[index++] = 23;
triangleIndices[index++] = 22;
triangleIndices[index++] = 20;
triangleIndices[index++] = 21;
triangleIndices[index++] = 23;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Box Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a flat horizontal rectangle.
* @param sizeX the rectangle size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY the rectangle size along the y-axis.
* @param z the height of the rectangle.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition FlatRectangle(double sizeX, double sizeY, double z)
return FlatRectangle((float) sizeX, (float) sizeY, (float) z);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a flat horizontal rectangle.
* @param sizeX the rectangle size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY the rectangle size along the y-axis.
* @param z the height of the rectangle.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition FlatRectangle(float sizeX, float sizeY, float z)
return FlatRectangle(-0.5f * sizeX, -0.5f * sizeY, 0.5f * sizeX, 0.5f * sizeY, z);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a flat horizontal rectangle.
* @param minX the rectangle's lower-bound along the x-axis.
* @param maxX the rectangle's upper-bound along the x-axis.
* @param minY the rectangle's lower-bound along the y-axis.
* @param maxY the rectangle's upper-bound along the x-axis.
* @param z the height of the rectangle.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition FlatRectangle(double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY, double z)
return FlatRectangle((float) minX, (float) minY, (float) maxX, (float) maxY, (float) z);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a flat horizontal rectangle.
* @param minX the rectangle's lower-bound along the x-axis.
* @param maxX the rectangle's upper-bound along the x-axis.
* @param minY the rectangle's lower-bound along the y-axis.
* @param maxY the rectangle's upper-bound along the x-axis.
* @param z the height of the rectangle.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition FlatRectangle(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY, float z)
Point3D32[] points = new Point3D32[4];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[4];
Point2D32[] textPoints = new Point2D32[4];
points[0] = new Point3D32(minX, minY, z);
points[1] = new Point3D32(maxX, minY, z);
points[2] = new Point3D32(maxX, maxY, z);
points[3] = new Point3D32(minX, maxY, z);
textPoints[0] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[1] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[2] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[3] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 1.0f);
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
normals[1] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
normals[2] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
normals[3] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * 2];
int index = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = 3;
triangleIndices[index++] = 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 3;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("FlatRectangle Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ramp.
* The ramp is positioned such that its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the ramp's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ramp(Ramp3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Ramp(description.getSizeX(), description.getSizeY(), description.getSizeZ());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ramp.
* The ramp is positioned such that its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param sizeX ramp size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY ramp size along the y-axis.
* @param sizeZ ramp size along the z-axis.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ramp(double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ)
return Ramp((float) sizeX, (float) sizeY, (float) sizeZ);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D ramp.
* The ramp is positioned such that its bottom face is centered at the origin.
* @param sizeX ramp size along the x-axis.
* @param sizeY ramp size along the y-axis.
* @param sizeZ ramp size along the z-axis.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Ramp(float sizeX, float sizeY, float sizeZ)
Point3D32[] points = new Point3D32[18];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[18];
Point2D32[] textPoints = new Point2D32[18];
float tex0 = 0.0f;
float tex1 = 1.0f / 3.0f;
float tex2 = 2.0f / 3.0f;
float tex3 = 1.0f;
// Bottom face vertices
points[0] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, 0.0f);
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[0] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex2);
points[1] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, 0.0f);
normals[1] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[1] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex2);
points[2] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, 0.0f);
normals[2] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[2] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex1);
points[3] = new Point3D32(-sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, 0.0f);
normals[3] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[3] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex1);
// Back face vertices
points[4] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, -sizeY / 2.0f, sizeZ);
normals[4] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[4] = new Point2D32(tex0, tex2);
points[5] = new Point3D32(sizeX / 2.0f, sizeY / 2.0f, sizeZ);
normals[5] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[5] = new Point2D32(tex0, tex1);
points[6] = new Point3D32(points[2]);
normals[6] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[6] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex1);
points[7] = new Point3D32(points[1]);
normals[7] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[7] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex2);
// Top face vertices
float rampAngle = (float) Math.atan2(sizeZ, sizeX);
points[8] = new Point3D32(points[0]);
normals[8] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.sin(rampAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.cos(rampAngle));
textPoints[8] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex2);
points[9] = new Point3D32(points[4]);
normals[9] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.sin(rampAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.cos(rampAngle));
textPoints[9] = new Point2D32(tex3, tex2);
points[10] = new Point3D32(points[5]);
normals[10] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.sin(rampAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.cos(rampAngle));
textPoints[10] = new Point2D32(tex3, tex1);
points[11] = new Point3D32(points[3]);
normals[11] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.sin(rampAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.cos(rampAngle));
textPoints[11] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex1);
// Right face vertices
points[12] = new Point3D32(points[0]);
normals[12] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[12] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex2);
points[13] = new Point3D32(points[1]);
normals[13] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[13] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex2);
points[14] = new Point3D32(points[4]);
normals[14] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[14] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex3);
// Left face vertices
points[15] = new Point3D32(points[2]);
normals[15] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[15] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex1);
points[16] = new Point3D32(points[3]);
normals[16] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[16] = new Point2D32(tex2, tex1);
points[17] = new Point3D32(points[5]);
normals[17] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[17] = new Point2D32(tex1, tex0);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * 3 + 2;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Bottom face
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 3;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
// Back face
triangleIndices[index++] = 7;
triangleIndices[index++] = 5;
triangleIndices[index++] = 4;
triangleIndices[index++] = 5;
triangleIndices[index++] = 7;
triangleIndices[index++] = 6;
// Top face
triangleIndices[index++] = 8;
triangleIndices[index++] = 9;
triangleIndices[index++] = 10;
triangleIndices[index++] = 8;
triangleIndices[index++] = 10;
triangleIndices[index++] = 11;
// Right face
triangleIndices[index++] = 12;
triangleIndices[index++] = 13;
triangleIndices[index++] = 14;
// Left face
triangleIndices[index++] = 15;
triangleIndices[index++] = 16;
triangleIndices[index++] = 17;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Ramp Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box which bottom and top faces are extended with a pyramid.
* @param description the description holding the box's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PyramidBox(PyramidBox3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = PyramidBox(description.getBoxSizeX(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box which bottom and top faces are extended with a pyramid.
* @param boxSizeX box size along the x-axis.
* @param boxSizeY box size along the y-axis.
* @param boxSizeZ box size along the z-axis.
* @param pyramidHeight the height for each pyramid.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PyramidBox(double boxSizeX, double boxSizeY, double boxSizeZ, double pyramidHeight)
return PyramidBox((float) boxSizeX, (float) boxSizeY, (float) boxSizeZ, (float) pyramidHeight);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D box which bottom and top faces are extended with a pyramid.
* @param boxSizeX box size along the x-axis.
* @param boxSizeY box size along the y-axis.
* @param boxSizeZ box size along the z-axis.
* @param pyramidHeight the height for each pyramid.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition PyramidBox(float boxSizeX, float boxSizeY, float boxSizeZ, float pyramidHeight)
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[40];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[40];
Point2D32 textPoints[] = new Point2D32[40];
float totalHeight = 2.0f * pyramidHeight + boxSizeZ;
// Box front face
points[0] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[0] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[1] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[1] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[1] = new Point2D32(0.75f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[2] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[2] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[2] = new Point2D32(0.5f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[3] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[3] = new Vector3D32(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[3] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Box back face
points[4] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[4] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[4] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[5] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[5] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[5] = new Point2D32(0.0f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[6] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[6] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[6] = new Point2D32(0.25f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[7] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[7] = new Vector3D32(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[7] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Box left face
points[8] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[8] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[8] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[9] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[9] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[9] = new Point2D32(0.5f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[10] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[10] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[10] = new Point2D32(0.25f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[11] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[11] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[11] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Box right face
points[12] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[12] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[12] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[13] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[13] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[13] = new Point2D32(0.75f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[14] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[14] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[14] = new Point2D32(1.0f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[15] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[15] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
textPoints[15] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
float frontBackAngle = (float) Math.atan2(boxSizeX / 2.0, pyramidHeight);
float leftRightAngle = (float) Math.atan2(boxSizeY / 2.0, pyramidHeight);
// Top pyramid
// Front face
points[16] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ + pyramidHeight);
normals[16] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[16] = new Point2D32(0.625f, 0.0f);
points[17] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[17] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[17] = new Point2D32(0.75f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[18] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[18] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[18] = new Point2D32(0.5f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Back face
points[19] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ + pyramidHeight);
normals[19] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[19] = new Point2D32(0.125f, 0.0f);
points[20] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[20] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[20] = new Point2D32(0.0f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[21] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[21] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, (float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[21] = new Point2D32(0.25f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Left face
points[22] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ + pyramidHeight);
normals[22] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[22] = new Point2D32(0.375f, 0.0f);
points[23] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[23] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[23] = new Point2D32(0.5f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[24] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[24] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[24] = new Point2D32(0.25f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Right face
points[25] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ + pyramidHeight);
normals[25] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[25] = new Point2D32(0.875f, 0.0f);
points[26] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[26] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[26] = new Point2D32(0.75f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[27] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[27] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), (float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[27] = new Point2D32(1.0f, pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Bottom pyramid
// Front face
points[28] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -pyramidHeight - 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[28] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[28] = new Point2D32(0.625f, 1.0f);
points[29] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[29] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[29] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[30] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[30] = new Vector3D32(-(float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[30] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Back face
points[31] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -pyramidHeight - 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[31] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[31] = new Point2D32(0.125f, 1.0f);
points[32] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[32] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[32] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[33] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[33] = new Vector3D32((float) Math.cos(frontBackAngle), 0.0f, -(float) Math.sin(frontBackAngle));
textPoints[33] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Left face
points[34] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -pyramidHeight - 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[34] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[34] = new Point2D32(0.375f, 1.0f);
points[35] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[35] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[35] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[36] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[36] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, (float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[36] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
// Right face
points[37] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -pyramidHeight - 0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[37] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[37] = new Point2D32(0.875f, 1.0f);
points[38] = new Point3D32(-boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[38] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[38] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
points[39] = new Point3D32(boxSizeX / 2.0f, -boxSizeY / 2.0f, -0.5f * boxSizeZ);
normals[39] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, -(float) Math.cos(leftRightAngle), -(float) Math.sin(leftRightAngle));
textPoints[39] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 1.0f - pyramidHeight / totalHeight);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * 4 + 2 * 4;
int[] polygonIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Box front face
polygonIndices[index++] = 0;
polygonIndices[index++] = 1;
polygonIndices[index++] = 2;
polygonIndices[index++] = 0;
polygonIndices[index++] = 2;
polygonIndices[index++] = 3;
// Box back face
polygonIndices[index++] = 4;
polygonIndices[index++] = 6;
polygonIndices[index++] = 5;
polygonIndices[index++] = 4;
polygonIndices[index++] = 7;
polygonIndices[index++] = 6;
// Box left face
polygonIndices[index++] = 8;
polygonIndices[index++] = 9;
polygonIndices[index++] = 10;
polygonIndices[index++] = 8;
polygonIndices[index++] = 10;
polygonIndices[index++] = 11;
// Box right face
polygonIndices[index++] = 12;
polygonIndices[index++] = 14;
polygonIndices[index++] = 13;
polygonIndices[index++] = 12;
polygonIndices[index++] = 15;
polygonIndices[index++] = 14;
// Top pyramid front face
polygonIndices[index++] = 16;
polygonIndices[index++] = 18;
polygonIndices[index++] = 17;
// Top pyramid back face
polygonIndices[index++] = 19;
polygonIndices[index++] = 20;
polygonIndices[index++] = 21;
// Top pyramid left face
polygonIndices[index++] = 22;
polygonIndices[index++] = 24;
polygonIndices[index++] = 23;
// Top pyramid right face
polygonIndices[index++] = 25;
polygonIndices[index++] = 26;
polygonIndices[index++] = 27;
// Bottom pyramid front face
polygonIndices[index++] = 28;
polygonIndices[index++] = 29;
polygonIndices[index++] = 30;
// Bottom pyramid back face
polygonIndices[index++] = 31;
polygonIndices[index++] = 33;
polygonIndices[index++] = 32;
// Bottom pyramid left face
polygonIndices[index++] = 36;
polygonIndices[index++] = 34;
polygonIndices[index++] = 35;
// Bottom pyramid right face
polygonIndices[index++] = 37;
polygonIndices[index++] = 39;
polygonIndices[index++] = 38;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("PyramidBox Factory", points, textPoints, normals, polygonIndices);
* Create a triangle mesh for a 3D line segment.
* The line segment is implemented as an elongated 3D box.
* @param lineSegment used to define the mesh end points.
* @param width the thickness of the line.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Line(LineSegment3DReadOnly lineSegment, double width)
return Line(lineSegment.getFirstEndpoint(), lineSegment.getSecondEndpoint(), width);
* Create a triangle mesh for a 3D line segment.
* The line segment is implemented as an elongated 3D box.
* @param point0 the first endpoint of the line segment.
* @param point1 the second endpoint of the line segment.
* @param width the thickness of the line.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Line(Point3DReadOnly point0, Point3DReadOnly point1, double width)
return Line(point0.getX(), point0.getY(), point0.getZ(), point1.getX(), point1.getY(), point1.getZ(), width);
* Create a triangle mesh for a 3D line segment.
* The line segment is implemented as an elongated 3D box.
* @param x0 the x-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param y0 the y-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param z0 the z-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param z1 the z-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param width the thickness of the line.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Line(double x0, double y0, double z0, double x1, double y1, double z1, double width)
return Line((float) x0, (float) y0, (float) z0, (float) x1, (float) y1, (float) z1, (float) width);
* Create a triangle mesh for a 3D line segment.
* The line segment is implemented as an elongated 3D box.
* @param x0 the x-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param y0 the y-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param z0 the z-coordinate of the first endpoint for the line segment.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param z1 the z-coordinate of the second endpoint for the line segment.
* @param width the thickness of the line.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Line(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, float width)
Vector3D32 lineDirection = new Vector3D32(x1 - x0, y1 - y0, z1 - z0);
float lineLength = (float) lineDirection.norm();
lineDirection.scale(1.0f / lineLength);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition line = Box(width, width, lineLength, false);
line.setName("Line Factory");
Point3D32[] vertices = line.getVertices();
Vector3D32[] normals = line.getNormals();
float yaw;
float pitch;
if (Math.abs(lineDirection.getZ()) < 1.0 - 1.0e-7)
yaw = (float) Math.atan2(lineDirection.getY(), lineDirection.getX());
double xyLength = Math.sqrt(lineDirection.getX() * lineDirection.getX() + lineDirection.getY() * lineDirection.getY());
pitch = (float) Math.atan2(xyLength, lineDirection.getZ());
yaw = 0.0f;
pitch = lineDirection.getZ() >= 0.0 ? 0.0f : (float) Math.PI;
float cYaw = (float) Math.cos(yaw);
float sYaw = (float) Math.sin(yaw);
float cPitch = (float) Math.cos(pitch);
float sPitch = (float) Math.sin(pitch);
float rxx = cYaw * cPitch;
float rxy = -sYaw;
float rxz = cYaw * sPitch;
float ryx = sYaw * cPitch;
float ryy = cYaw;
float ryz = sYaw * sPitch;
float rzx = -sPitch;
float rzz = cPitch;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
Point3D32 vertex = vertices[i];
float vx = vertex.getX32();
float vy = vertex.getY32();
float vz = vertex.getZ32();
vertex.setX(x0 + rxx * vx + rxy * vy + rxz * vz);
vertex.setY(y0 + ryx * vx + ryy * vy + ryz * vz);
vertex.setZ(z0 + rzx * vx + rzz * vz);
for (int i = 0; i < normals.length; i++)
Vector3D32 normal = normals[i];
float vx = normal.getX32();
float vy = normal.getY32();
float vz = normal.getZ32();
normal.setX(rxx * vx + rxy * vy + rxz * vz);
normal.setY(ryx * vx + ryy * vy + ryz * vz);
normal.setZ(rzx * vx + rzz * vz);
return line;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D capsule with its ends being half ellipsoids.
* The capsule's axis is aligned with the z-axis and it is centered at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the capsule's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Capsule(Capsule3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Capsule(description.getLength(),
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D capsule with its ends being half ellipsoids.
* The capsule's axis is aligned with the z-axis and it is centered at the origin.
* @param height the capsule's height or length. Distance separating the center of the
* two half ellipsoids.
* @param radiusX radius of the capsule along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the capsule along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the capsule along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Capsule(double height, double radiusX, double radiusY, double radiusZ, int latitudeResolution,
int longitudeResolution)
return Capsule((float) height, (float) radiusX, (float) radiusY, (float) radiusZ, latitudeResolution, longitudeResolution);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D capsule with its ends being half ellipsoids.
* The capsule's axis is aligned with the z-axis and it is centered at the origin.
* @param height the capsule's height or length. Distance separating the center of the
* two half ellipsoids.
* @param radiusX radius of the capsule along the x-axis.
* @param radiusY radius of the capsule along the y-axis.
* @param radiusZ radius of the capsule along the z-axis.
* @param latitudeResolution the resolution along the vertical axis, i.e. z-axis.
* @param longitudeResolution the resolution around the vertical axis, i.e. the number of vertices
* per latitude.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Capsule(float height, float radiusX, float radiusY, float radiusZ, int latitudeResolution, int longitudeResolution)
if (latitudeResolution % 2 != 0)
if (longitudeResolution % 2 != 1)
// Reminder of longitude and latitude:
int numberOfVertices = latitudeResolution * longitudeResolution;
Point3D32 points[] = new Point3D32[numberOfVertices];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
Point2D32 textPoints[] = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
float texRatio = radiusZ / (2.0f * radiusZ + height);
float halfHeight = 0.5f * height;
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < longitudeResolution; longitudeIndex++)
float longitudeAngle = TwoPi * ((float) longitudeIndex / (float) (longitudeResolution - 1.0f));
float textureX = (float) longitudeIndex / (float) (longitudeResolution - 1);
// Bottom hemi-ellipsoid
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < latitudeResolution / 2; latitudeIndex++)
float latitudeAngle = (float) (-HalfPi + Math.PI * ((float) latitudeIndex / (latitudeResolution - 1.0f)));
float cosLongitude = (float) Math.cos(longitudeAngle);
float sinLongitude = (float) Math.sin(longitudeAngle);
float cosLatitude = (float) Math.cos(latitudeAngle);
float sinLatitude = (float) Math.sin(latitudeAngle);
int currentIndex = latitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
float normalX = cosLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalY = sinLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalZ = sinLatitude;
float vertexX = radiusX * normalX;
float vertexY = radiusY * normalY;
float vertexZ = radiusZ * normalZ - halfHeight;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float textureY = 1.0f - (1.0f + sinLatitude) * texRatio;
textPoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
// Top hemi-ellipsoid
for (int latitudeIndex = 0; latitudeIndex < latitudeResolution / 2 - 1; latitudeIndex++)
float latitudeAngle = (float) (Math.PI * ((float) latitudeIndex / (latitudeResolution - 1.0f)));
float cosLongitude = (float) Math.cos(longitudeAngle);
float sinLongitude = (float) Math.sin(longitudeAngle);
float cosLatitude = (float) Math.cos(latitudeAngle);
float sinLatitude = (float) Math.sin(latitudeAngle);
int currentIndex = (latitudeResolution / 2 + latitudeIndex) * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
float normalX = cosLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalY = sinLongitude * cosLatitude;
float normalZ = sinLatitude;
float vertexX = radiusX * normalX;
float vertexY = radiusY * normalY;
float vertexZ = radiusZ * normalZ + halfHeight;
points[currentIndex] = new Point3D32(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ);
normals[currentIndex] = new Vector3D32(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float textureY = (1.0f - sinLatitude) * texRatio;
textPoints[currentIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, textureY);
textureX += 0.5f / (longitudeResolution - 1.0f);
// South pole
int southPoleIndex = longitudeIndex;
points[southPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -radiusZ - halfHeight);
normals[southPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
textPoints[southPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f - 1.0f / 256.0f);
// North pole
int northPoleIndex = (latitudeResolution - 1) * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
points[northPoleIndex] = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, radiusZ + halfHeight);
normals[northPoleIndex] = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
textPoints[northPoleIndex] = new Point2D32(textureX, 1.0f / 256.0f);
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * latitudeResolution * longitudeResolution + 1 * longitudeResolution;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Top hemi-ellipsoid Mid-latitude faces
for (int latitudeIndex = 1; latitudeIndex < latitudeResolution - 1; latitudeIndex++)
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < longitudeResolution; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % longitudeResolution;
int nextLatitudeIndex = latitudeIndex + 1;
// Lower triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
// Upper triangles
triangleIndices[index++] = latitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextLatitudeIndex * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
// South pole faces
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < longitudeResolution - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % longitudeResolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = longitudeResolution + nextLongitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
// North pole faces
for (int longitudeIndex = 0; longitudeIndex < longitudeResolution - 1; longitudeIndex++)
int nextLongitudeIndex = (longitudeIndex + 1) % longitudeResolution;
triangleIndices[index++] = (latitudeResolution - 1) * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (latitudeResolution - 2) * longitudeResolution + longitudeIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = (latitudeResolution - 2) * longitudeResolution + nextLongitudeIndex;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Capsule Factory", points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D regular tetrahedron.
* Its base is centered at the origin.
* @param description the description holding the tetrahedron's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Tetrahedron(Tetrahedron3DDefinition description)
TriangleMesh3DDefinition meshDataHolder = Tetrahedron(description.getEdgeLength());
if (meshDataHolder != null)
return meshDataHolder;
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D regular tetrahedron.
* The tetrahedron is centered at the origin.
* @param edgeLength length of the tetrahedron's edges.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Tetrahedron(double edgeLength)
return Tetrahedron((float) edgeLength);
private static final float TETRAHEDRON_FACE_EDGE_FACE_ANGLE = (float) Math.acos(ONE_THIRD);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D regular tetrahedron.
* The tetrahedron is centered at the origin.
* @param edgeLength length of the tetrahedron's edges.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition Tetrahedron(float edgeLength)
* @formatter:off
* Base vertices ordering
* 0
* / \
* / \
* / \
* 2 ----- 1
* @formatter:on
float height = THIRD_SQRT6 * edgeLength;
float topHeight = FOURTH_SQRT6 * edgeLength;
float baseHeight = topHeight - height;
float halfEdgeLength = 0.5f * edgeLength;
float cosFaceEdgeFace = ONE_THIRD;
float cosEdgeVertexEdge = 0.5f;
float sinEdgeVertexEdge = HALF_SQRT3;
Point3D32 topVertex = new Point3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, topHeight);
Point3D32 baseVertex0 = new Point3D32(edgeLength * THIRD_SQRT3, 0.0f, baseHeight);
Point3D32 baseVertex1 = new Point3D32(-edgeLength * SIXTH_SQRT3, halfEdgeLength, baseHeight);
Point3D32 baseVertex2 = new Point3D32(-edgeLength * SIXTH_SQRT3, -halfEdgeLength, baseHeight);
Vector3D32 frontNormal = new Vector3D32(-sinFaceEdgeFace, 0.0f, cosFaceEdgeFace);
Vector3D32 rightNormal = new Vector3D32(sinFaceEdgeFace * sinEdgeVertexEdge, sinFaceEdgeFace * cosEdgeVertexEdge, cosFaceEdgeFace);
Vector3D32 leftNormal = new Vector3D32(sinFaceEdgeFace * sinEdgeVertexEdge, -sinFaceEdgeFace * cosEdgeVertexEdge, cosFaceEdgeFace);
Vector3D32 baseNormal = new Vector3D32(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
int numberOfVertices = 12;
Point3D32[] vertices = new Point3D32[numberOfVertices];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
// Front face
vertices[0] = new Point3D32(baseVertex2);
normals[0] = new Vector3D32(frontNormal);
texturePoints[0] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
vertices[1] = new Point3D32(baseVertex1);
normals[1] = new Vector3D32(frontNormal);
texturePoints[1] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.5f);
vertices[2] = new Point3D32(topVertex);
normals[2] = new Vector3D32(frontNormal);
texturePoints[2] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 1.0f);
// Right face
vertices[3] = new Point3D32(baseVertex1);
normals[3] = new Vector3D32(rightNormal);
texturePoints[3] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.5f);
vertices[4] = new Point3D32(baseVertex0);
normals[4] = new Vector3D32(rightNormal);
texturePoints[4] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.0f);
vertices[5] = new Point3D32(topVertex);
normals[5] = new Vector3D32(rightNormal);
texturePoints[5] = new Point2D32(1.0f, 0.0f);
// Left face
vertices[6] = new Point3D32(baseVertex0);
normals[6] = new Vector3D32(leftNormal);
texturePoints[6] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.0f);
vertices[7] = new Point3D32(baseVertex2);
normals[7] = new Vector3D32(leftNormal);
texturePoints[7] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
vertices[8] = new Point3D32(topVertex);
normals[8] = new Vector3D32(leftNormal);
texturePoints[8] = new Point2D32(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Bottom face
vertices[9] = new Point3D32(baseVertex0);
normals[9] = new Vector3D32(baseNormal);
texturePoints[9] = new Point2D32(0.5f, 0.0f);
vertices[10] = new Point3D32(baseVertex1);
normals[10] = new Vector3D32(baseNormal);
texturePoints[10] = new Point2D32(0.75f, 0.5f);
vertices[11] = new Point3D32(baseVertex2);
normals[11] = new Vector3D32(baseNormal);
texturePoints[11] = new Point2D32(0.25f, 0.5f);
int numberOfTriangles = 4;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
// Front face
triangleIndices[index++] = 0;
triangleIndices[index++] = 2;
triangleIndices[index++] = 1;
// Right face
triangleIndices[index++] = 3;
triangleIndices[index++] = 5;
triangleIndices[index++] = 4;
// Left face
triangleIndices[index++] = 6;
triangleIndices[index++] = 8;
triangleIndices[index++] = 7;
// Bottom face
triangleIndices[index++] = 9;
triangleIndices[index++] = 11;
triangleIndices[index++] = 10;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("Tetrahedron Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D convex polytope.
* The texture mapping is computed from the spherical coordinates of the vertices and may not be
* appropriate depending on the polytope.
* @param description the description holding the polytope's properties.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ConvexPolytope(ConvexPolytope3DDefinition description)
return ConvexPolytope(description.getConvexPolytope());
* Creates a triangle mesh for a 3D convex polytope.
* The texture mapping is computed from the spherical coordinates of the vertices and may not be
* appropriate depending on the polytope.
* @param convexPolytope the polytope to create the triangle mesh for. Not modified.
* @return the generic triangle mesh.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition ConvexPolytope(ConvexPolytope3DReadOnly convexPolytope)
if (convexPolytope == null)
return null;
int numberOfVertices = convexPolytope.getFaces().stream().mapToInt(Face3DReadOnly::getNumberOfEdges).sum();
Point3D32[] vertices = new Point3D32[numberOfVertices];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[numberOfVertices];
Point2D32[] texturePoints = new Point2D32[numberOfVertices];
int numberOfTriangles = numberOfVertices - 2 * convexPolytope.getNumberOfFaces();
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int vertexOffset = 0;
int triangleOffset = 0;
Vector3D direction = new Vector3D();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < convexPolytope.getNumberOfFaces(); faceIndex++)
Face3DReadOnly face = convexPolytope.getFace(faceIndex);
double minLongitude = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double[] longitudes = new double[face.getNumberOfEdges()];
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < face.getNumberOfEdges(); vertexIndex++)
Vertex3DReadOnly vertex = face.getVertex(vertexIndex);
vertices[vertexOffset + vertexIndex] = new Point3D32(vertex);
normals[vertexOffset + vertexIndex] = new Vector3D32(face.getNormal());
direction.sub(vertex, convexPolytope.getCentroid());
double longitude = Math.atan2(direction.getY(), direction.getX());
longitudes[vertexIndex] = longitude;
minLongitude = Math.min(longitude, minLongitude);
float textureY = 0.5f * (1.0f - direction.getZ32());
texturePoints[vertexOffset + vertexIndex] = new Point2D32(0.0f, textureY);
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < face.getNumberOfEdges(); vertexIndex++)
double longitude = minLongitude + EuclidCoreTools.angleDifferenceMinusPiToPi(longitudes[vertexIndex], minLongitude);
float textureX = (float) (0.5 * (longitude / Math.PI + 1.0));
texturePoints[vertexOffset + vertexIndex].setX(textureX);
for (int i = 2; i < face.getNumberOfEdges(); i++)
triangleIndices[triangleOffset++] = vertexOffset;
triangleIndices[triangleOffset++] = vertexOffset + i;
triangleIndices[triangleOffset++] = vertexOffset + i - 1;
vertexOffset += face.getNumberOfEdges();
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition("ConvexPolytope Factory", vertices, texturePoints, normals, triangleIndices);
* TODO: The following is for drawing STP shapes. Needs some cleanup.
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPBox3DMesh(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, Tuple3DReadOnly size, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
return toSTPBox3DMesh(pose, size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ(), smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPBox3DMesh(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
return combine(true, false, toSTPBox3DMeshes(pose, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] toSTPBox3DMeshes(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
Box3D stpBox3D = new Box3D(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
if (pose != null)
BoxPolytope3DView boxPolytope = stpBox3D.asConvexPolytope();
return toSTPConvexPolytope3DMeshes(boxPolytope, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPCapsule3DMesh(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double radius, double length, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
return combine(true, false, toSTPCapsule3DMeshes(pose, radius, length, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] toSTPCapsule3DMeshes(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double radius, double length, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
List faceMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
UnitVector3D axis = new UnitVector3D(Axis3D.Z);
Point3D position = new Point3D();
if (pose != null)
Point3D topCenter = new Point3D();
topCenter.scaleAdd(0.5 * length, axis, position);
Point3D bottomCenter = new Point3D();
bottomCenter.scaleAdd(-0.5 * length, axis, position);
// Side face
Vector3D axisOrthogonal = newOrthogonalVector(axis);
double sphereOffset = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, length);
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
sphereCenter.scaleAdd(-sphereOffset, axisOrthogonal, position);
UnitVector3D startDirection = new UnitVector3D();
UnitVector3D endDirection = new UnitVector3D();
startDirection.sub(bottomCenter, sphereCenter);
endDirection.sub(topCenter, sphereCenter);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arc = toArcPointsAndNormals(sphereCenter, largeRadius, startDirection, endDirection, 64);
faceMeshes.add(applyRevolution(arc, position, axis, 0.0, TwoPi, 64, false));
if (highlightLimits)
double limitPositionOnAxis = 0.5 * length * largeRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
double limitRadius = sphereOffset * smallRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition sideLimitMesh = ArcTorus(0.0, TwoPi, limitRadius, 0.001, 64);
sideLimitMesh = rotate(sideLimitMesh, EuclidGeometryTools.axisAngleFromZUpToVector3D(axis));
sideLimitMesh = translate(sideLimitMesh, position);
Arrays.asList(sideLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
Arrays.asList(sideLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(-2.0 * limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
// Cap faces
arc = toArcPointsAndNormals(topCenter, smallRadius, endDirection, startDirection, 64);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition capMesh = applyRevolution(arc, position, axis, 0.0, TwoPi, 64, false);
// Flipping the meshes around to draw the bottom cap
RotationMatrix flipRotation = new RotationMatrix();
flipRotation.setAxisAngle(axisOrthogonal.getX(), axisOrthogonal.getY(), axisOrthogonal.getZ(), Math.PI);
Arrays.asList(capMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v ->
Arrays.asList(capMesh.getNormals()).forEach(n -> flipRotation.transform(n));
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] {combine(true, false, faceMeshes)};
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPCylinder3DMesh(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double radius, double length, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
return combine(true, false, toSTPCylinder3DMeshes(pose, radius, length, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] toSTPCylinder3DMeshes(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double radius, double length, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
List faceMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
List edgeMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
UnitVector3D axis = new UnitVector3D(Axis3D.Z);
Point3D position = new Point3D();
if (pose != null)
Point3D topCenter = new Point3D();
topCenter.scaleAdd(0.5 * length, axis, position);
Point3D bottomCenter = new Point3D();
bottomCenter.scaleAdd(-0.5 * length, axis, position);
{ // Side face
Vector3D axisOrthogonal = newOrthogonalVector(axis);
double sphereOffset = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, length);
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
sphereCenter.scaleAdd(-sphereOffset + radius, axisOrthogonal, position);
UnitVector3D startDirection = new UnitVector3D();
UnitVector3D endDirection = new UnitVector3D();
startDirection.scaleAdd(radius, axisOrthogonal, bottomCenter);
endDirection.scaleAdd(radius, axisOrthogonal, topCenter);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arc = toArcPointsAndNormals(sphereCenter, largeRadius, startDirection, endDirection, 64);
faceMeshes.add(applyRevolution(arc, position, axis, 0.0, TwoPi, 64, false));
if (highlightLimits)
double limitPositionOnAxis = 0.5 * length * largeRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
double limitRadius = radius + sphereOffset * smallRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition sideLimitMesh = ArcTorus(0.0, TwoPi, limitRadius, 0.001, 64);
sideLimitMesh = rotate(sideLimitMesh, EuclidGeometryTools.axisAngleFromZUpToVector3D(axis));
sideLimitMesh = translate(sideLimitMesh, position);
Arrays.asList(sideLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
Arrays.asList(sideLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(-2.0 * limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
{ // Cap faces
double sphereOffset = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, 2.0 * radius);
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
sphereCenter.scaleAdd(-sphereOffset, axis, topCenter);
Vector3D axisOrthogonal = newOrthogonalVector(axis);
UnitVector3D boundaryDirection = new UnitVector3D();
boundaryDirection.scaleAdd(radius, axisOrthogonal, topCenter);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arc = toArcPointsAndNormals(sphereCenter, largeRadius, boundaryDirection, axis, 64);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition capMesh = applyRevolution(arc, position, axis, 0.0, TwoPi, 64, false);
// Flipping the meshes around to draw the bottom cap
RotationMatrix flipRotation = new RotationMatrix();
flipRotation.setAxisAngle(axisOrthogonal.getX(), axisOrthogonal.getY(), axisOrthogonal.getZ(), Math.PI);
Arrays.asList(capMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v ->
Arrays.asList(capMesh.getNormals()).forEach(n -> flipRotation.transform(n));
if (highlightLimits)
double limitPositionOnAxis = 0.5 * length + sphereOffset * smallRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
double limitRadius = radius * largeRadius / (largeRadius - smallRadius);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition capLimitMesh = ArcTorus(0.0, TwoPi, limitRadius, 0.001, 64);
capLimitMesh = rotate(capLimitMesh, EuclidGeometryTools.axisAngleFromZUpToVector3D(axis));
capLimitMesh = translate(capLimitMesh, position);
Arrays.asList(capLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
Arrays.asList(capLimitMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v -> v.scaleAdd(-2.0 * limitPositionOnAxis, axis, v));
{ // Edges
Vector3D axisOrthogonal = newOrthogonalVector(axis);
Point3D arcCenter = new Point3D();
arcCenter.scaleAdd(radius, axisOrthogonal, topCenter);
double capSphereOffset = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, 2.0 * radius);
Point3D capSphereCenter = new Point3D();
capSphereCenter.scaleAdd(-capSphereOffset, axis, topCenter);
double sideSphereOffset = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, length);
Point3D sideSphereCenter = new Point3D();
sideSphereCenter.scaleAdd(-sideSphereOffset + radius, axisOrthogonal, position);
UnitVector3D startDirection = new UnitVector3D();
UnitVector3D endDirection = new UnitVector3D();
startDirection.sub(arcCenter, sideSphereCenter);
endDirection.sub(arcCenter, capSphereCenter);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arc = toArcPointsAndNormals(arcCenter, smallRadius, startDirection, endDirection, 32);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition edgeMesh = applyRevolution(arc, position, axis, 0.0, TwoPi, 64, false);
RotationMatrix flipRotation = new RotationMatrix();
flipRotation.setAxisAngle(axisOrthogonal.getX(), axisOrthogonal.getY(), axisOrthogonal.getZ(), Math.PI);
Arrays.asList(edgeMesh.getVertices()).forEach(v ->
Arrays.asList(edgeMesh.getNormals()).forEach(n -> flipRotation.transform(n));
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] {combine(true, false, faceMeshes), combine(true, false, edgeMeshes)};
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPRamp3DMesh(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
return combine(true, false, toSTPRamp3DMeshes(pose, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] toSTPRamp3DMeshes(RigidBodyTransformReadOnly pose, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, double smallRadius,
double largeRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
Ramp3D stpRamp3D = new Ramp3D(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
if (pose != null)
return toSTPConvexPolytope3DMeshes(stpRamp3D.asConvexPolytope(), smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toSTPConvexPolytope3DMesh(ConvexPolytope3DReadOnly convexPolytope, double smallRadius, double largeRadius,
boolean highlightLimits)
return combine(true, false, toSTPConvexPolytope3DMeshes(convexPolytope, smallRadius, largeRadius, highlightLimits));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] toSTPConvexPolytope3DMeshes(ConvexPolytope3DReadOnly convexPolytope, double smallRadius, double largeRadius,
boolean highlightLimits)
List faceMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
List edgeMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
List vertexMeshes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < convexPolytope.getNumberOfFaces(); faceIndex++)
Face3DReadOnly face = convexPolytope.getFace(faceIndex);
// Produce faces' big sphere mesh
faceMeshes.addAll(toFaceSpheres(face, largeRadius, smallRadius, highlightLimits));
// Produce faces' inner-tori meshes (only for faces that are non-cyclic)
edgeMeshes.addAll(toFaceInnerTori(face, largeRadius, smallRadius));
Set processedHalfEdgeSet = new HashSet<>();
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < convexPolytope.getNumberOfHalfEdges(); edgeIndex++)
{ // Building the edges' torus
HalfEdge3DReadOnly halfEdge = convexPolytope.getHalfEdge(edgeIndex);
if (processedHalfEdgeSet.contains(halfEdge.getTwin()))
edgeMeshes.add(toHalfEdgeTorus(halfEdge, largeRadius, smallRadius));
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < convexPolytope.getNumberOfVertices(); vertexIndex++)
{ // Building the vertices' small sphere
Vertex3DReadOnly vertex = convexPolytope.getVertex(vertexIndex);
vertexMeshes.addAll(toVertexSphere(vertex, largeRadius, smallRadius, false));
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] {combine(true, false, faceMeshes), combine(true, false, edgeMeshes), combine(true, false, vertexMeshes)};
public static List toFaceSpheres(Face3DReadOnly face, double largeRadius, double smallRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isFaceCyclicPolygon = isFaceCyclicPolygon(face, largeRadius, smallRadius);
int startIndex = computeFaceStartIndex(face);
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = face.getVertex(startIndex);
for (int indexOffset = 1; indexOffset < face.getNumberOfEdges() - 1; indexOffset++)
Vertex3DReadOnly v1 = face.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset) % face.getNumberOfEdges());
Vertex3DReadOnly v2 = face.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset + 1) % face.getNumberOfEdges());
meshes.addAll(toFaceSubSphere(face, v0, v1, v2, largeRadius, smallRadius, highlightLimits && !isFaceCyclicPolygon));
if (highlightLimits && isFaceCyclicPolygon)
meshes.addAll(toCyclicFaceSphereLimits(face, largeRadius, smallRadius, 0.001));
return meshes;
private static int computeFaceStartIndex(Face3DReadOnly face)
int startIndex = 0;
double maxDistanceSquared = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < face.getNumberOfEdges(); i++)
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = face.getVertex(i);
for (int j = 0; j < face.getNumberOfEdges(); j++)
Vertex3DReadOnly v1 = face.getVertex(j);
double distanceSquared = v0.distanceSquared(v1);
if (distanceSquared > maxDistanceSquared)
startIndex = i;
maxDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
return startIndex;
private static boolean isFaceCyclicPolygon(Face3DReadOnly face, double largeRadius, double smallRadius)
if (face.getNumberOfEdges() <= 3)
return true;
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = face.getVertex(0);
Vertex3DReadOnly v1 = face.getVertex(1);
Vertex3DReadOnly v2 = face.getVertex(2);
double radius = largeRadius - smallRadius;
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1, v2, radius, sphereCenter);
double radiusSquared = EuclidCoreTools.square(radius);
for (int vertexIndex = 3; vertexIndex < face.getNumberOfEdges(); vertexIndex++)
double distanceSquared = face.getVertex(vertexIndex).distanceSquared(sphereCenter);
if (!EuclidCoreTools.epsilonEquals(radiusSquared, distanceSquared, 1.0e-12))
return false;
return true;
public static List toFaceSubSphere(Face3DReadOnly owner, Vertex3DReadOnly v0, Vertex3DReadOnly v1, Vertex3DReadOnly v2,
double largeRadius, double smallRadius, boolean highlightLimits)
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
Vector3D limitA = new Vector3D();
Vector3D limitB = new Vector3D();
Vector3D limitC = new Vector3D();
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1, v2, largeRadius - smallRadius, sphereCenter);
limitA.sub(v0, sphereCenter);
limitB.sub(v1, sphereCenter);
limitC.sub(v2, sphereCenter);
meshes.add(toPartialSphereMesh(sphereCenter, limitA, limitB, limitC, largeRadius, 32));
if (highlightLimits)
meshes.addAll(toFaceSubSphereLimits(owner, v0, v1, v2, largeRadius, smallRadius, 0.001));
return meshes;
public static List toCyclicFaceSphereLimits(Face3DReadOnly face, double largeRadius, double smallRadius, double lineThickness)
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D arcCenter = new Point3D();
Vector3D arcNormal = new Vector3D();
Vector3D startDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D endDirection = new Vector3D();
Point3D endpoint = new Point3D();
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = face.getVertex(0);
Vertex3DReadOnly v1 = face.getVertex(1);
Vertex3DReadOnly v2 = face.getVertex(2);
double radius = largeRadius - smallRadius;
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1, v2, radius, arcCenter);
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < face.getNumberOfEdges(); edgeIndex++)
// Creates arcs to highlight the limits of the big spheres.
HalfEdge3DReadOnly edge = face.getEdge(edgeIndex);
EuclidGeometryTools.normal3DFromThreePoint3Ds(arcCenter, edge.getFirstEndpoint(), edge.getSecondEndpoint(), arcNormal);
startDirection.sub(edge.getFirstEndpoint(), arcCenter);
endDirection.sub(edge.getSecondEndpoint(), arcCenter);
meshes.addAll(toSegmentedLine3DMesh(arcCenter, arcNormal, largeRadius, lineThickness, startDirection, startDirection.angle(endDirection), 32, 8));
endpoint.scaleAdd(largeRadius / startDirection.norm(), startDirection, arcCenter);
meshes.add(translate(Sphere(lineThickness, 8, 8), endpoint));
return meshes;
private static List toFaceSubSphereLimits(Face3DReadOnly owner, Vertex3DReadOnly v0, Vertex3DReadOnly v1, Vertex3DReadOnly v2,
double largeRadius, double smallRadius, double lineThickness)
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D arcCenter = new Point3D();
Vector3D arcNormal = new Vector3D();
Vector3D startDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D endDirection = new Vector3D();
Point3D endpoint = new Point3D();
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1, v2, largeRadius - smallRadius, arcCenter);
Vertex3DReadOnly[] vertices = {v0, v1, v2};
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < 3; vertexIndex++)
// Creates arcs to highlight the limits of the big spheres.
Vertex3DReadOnly start = vertices[vertexIndex];
Vertex3DReadOnly end = vertices[(vertexIndex + 1) % 3];
EuclidGeometryTools.normal3DFromThreePoint3Ds(arcCenter, start, end, arcNormal);
startDirection.sub(start, arcCenter);
endDirection.sub(end, arcCenter);
meshes.addAll(toSegmentedLine3DMesh(arcCenter, arcNormal, largeRadius, lineThickness, startDirection, startDirection.angle(endDirection), 32, 8));
endpoint.scaleAdd(largeRadius / startDirection.norm(), startDirection, arcCenter);
meshes.add(translate(Sphere(lineThickness, 8, 8), endpoint));
return meshes;
public static List toFaceInnerTori(Face3DReadOnly face, double largeRadius, double smallRadius)
if (isFaceCyclicPolygon(face, largeRadius, smallRadius))
return Collections.emptyList();
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D prevTriangleSphere = new Point3D();
Point3D nextTriangleSphere = new Point3D();
Vector3D prevSphereToEdge = new Vector3D();
Vector3D nextSphereToEdge = new Vector3D();
Point3D edgeCenter = new Point3D();
UnitVector3D edgeAxis = new UnitVector3D();
Vector3D startDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D endDirection = new Vector3D();
int startIndex = computeFaceStartIndex(face);
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = face.getVertex(startIndex);
for (int indexOffset = 2; indexOffset < face.getNumberOfEdges() - 1; indexOffset++)
Vertex3DReadOnly v1Prev = face.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset - 1) % face.getNumberOfEdges());
Vertex3DReadOnly v2Prev = face.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset) % face.getNumberOfEdges());
Vertex3DReadOnly v1Next = v2Prev;
Vertex3DReadOnly v2Next = face.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset + 1) % face.getNumberOfEdges());
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1Prev, v2Prev, largeRadius - smallRadius, prevTriangleSphere);
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1Next, v2Next, largeRadius - smallRadius, nextTriangleSphere);
edgeCenter.add(v0, v2Prev);
prevSphereToEdge.sub(edgeCenter, prevTriangleSphere);
nextSphereToEdge.sub(edgeCenter, nextTriangleSphere);
edgeAxis.sub(v2Prev, v0);
double endRevolutionAngle = prevSphereToEdge.angle(nextSphereToEdge);
startDirection.sub(v2Prev, nextTriangleSphere);
endDirection.sub(v0, nextTriangleSphere);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arcData = toArcPointsAndNormals(nextTriangleSphere, largeRadius, startDirection, endDirection, 32);
meshes.add(applyRevolution(arcData, edgeCenter, edgeAxis, 0.0, endRevolutionAngle, 16, false));
return meshes;
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toHalfEdgeTorus(HalfEdge3DReadOnly halfEdge, double largeRadius, double smallRadius)
Vector3D startDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D endDirection = new Vector3D();
Vector3D sphereToEdgeA = new Vector3D();
Vector3D sphereToEdgeB = new Vector3D();
Point3D neighborSphereCenterA = computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(halfEdge, largeRadius, smallRadius);
Point3D neighborSphereCenterB = computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(halfEdge.getTwin(), largeRadius, smallRadius);
sphereToEdgeA.sub(halfEdge.midpoint(), neighborSphereCenterA);
sphereToEdgeB.sub(halfEdge.midpoint(), neighborSphereCenterB);
Vector3DBasics revolutionAxis = halfEdge.getDirection(true);
double endRevolutionAngle = sphereToEdgeA.angle(sphereToEdgeB);
startDirection.sub(halfEdge.getDestination(), neighborSphereCenterA);
endDirection.sub(halfEdge.getOrigin(), neighborSphereCenterA);
TriangleMesh3DDefinition arcData = toArcPointsAndNormals(neighborSphereCenterA, largeRadius, startDirection, endDirection, 32);
return applyRevolution(arcData, halfEdge.midpoint(), revolutionAxis, 0.0, endRevolutionAngle, 16, false);
private static Point3D computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(HalfEdge3DReadOnly edge, double largeRadius, double smallRadius)
Point3D neighorSubSphereCenter = new Point3D();
Face3DReadOnly neighbor = edge.getFace();
int edgeIndex = neighbor.getEdges().indexOf(edge);
int neighborStartIndex = computeFaceStartIndex(neighbor);
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = neighbor.getVertex(neighborStartIndex);
Vertex3DReadOnly v1;
Vertex3DReadOnly v2;
if (edgeIndex == neighborStartIndex)
v1 = neighbor.getVertex((neighborStartIndex + 1) % neighbor.getNumberOfEdges());
v2 = neighbor.getVertex((neighborStartIndex + 2) % neighbor.getNumberOfEdges());
int neighborLastIndex = neighborStartIndex - 1;
if (neighborLastIndex < 0)
neighborLastIndex += neighbor.getNumberOfEdges();
if (edgeIndex == neighborLastIndex)
int neighborSecondToLastIndex = neighborStartIndex - 2;
if (neighborSecondToLastIndex < 0)
neighborSecondToLastIndex += neighbor.getNumberOfEdges();
v1 = neighbor.getVertex(neighborSecondToLastIndex);
v2 = neighbor.getVertex(neighborLastIndex);
v1 = edge.getOrigin();
v2 = edge.getDestination();
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1, v2, largeRadius - smallRadius, neighorSubSphereCenter);
return neighorSubSphereCenter;
public static List toVertexSphere(Vertex3DReadOnly vertex, double largeRadius, double smallRadius, boolean addVerticesMesh)
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < vertex.getNumberOfAssociatedEdges(); edgeIndex++)
meshes.add(toVertexPartialSphere(vertex, vertex.getAssociatedEdge(edgeIndex), largeRadius, smallRadius, addVerticesMesh));
meshes.addAll(toVertexPartialSpheres(vertex, vertex.getAssociatedEdge(edgeIndex).getFace(), largeRadius, smallRadius, addVerticesMesh));
return meshes;
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toVertexPartialSphere(Vertex3DReadOnly vertex, HalfEdge3DReadOnly associatedEdge, double largeRadius,
double smallRadius, boolean addVerticesMesh)
Vector3D limitC = new Vector3D();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < vertex.getNumberOfAssociatedEdges(); faceIndex++)
limitC.add(directionNeighborSubSphereToVertex(vertex, vertex.getAssociatedEdge(faceIndex).getFace(), largeRadius, smallRadius));
return toVertexPartialSphere(vertex,
computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(associatedEdge.getTwin(), largeRadius, smallRadius),
computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(associatedEdge, largeRadius, smallRadius),
public static List toVertexPartialSpheres(Vertex3DReadOnly vertex, Face3DReadOnly neighbor, double largeRadius, double smallRadius,
boolean addVerticesMesh)
if (isFaceCyclicPolygon(neighbor, largeRadius, smallRadius))
return Collections.emptyList();
Vector3D limitC = new Vector3D();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < vertex.getNumberOfAssociatedEdges(); faceIndex++)
limitC.add(directionNeighborSubSphereToVertex(vertex, vertex.getAssociatedEdge(faceIndex).getFace(), largeRadius, smallRadius));
List meshes = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D prevTriangleSphere = new Point3D();
Point3D nextTriangleSphere = new Point3D();
Point3D edgeCenter = new Point3D();
int startIndex = computeFaceStartIndex(neighbor);
Vertex3DReadOnly v0 = neighbor.getVertex(startIndex);
for (int indexOffset = 2; indexOffset < neighbor.getNumberOfEdges() - 1; indexOffset++)
Vertex3DReadOnly v1Prev = neighbor.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset - 1) % neighbor.getNumberOfEdges());
Vertex3DReadOnly v2Prev = neighbor.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset) % neighbor.getNumberOfEdges());
Vertex3DReadOnly v1Next = v2Prev;
Vertex3DReadOnly v2Next = neighbor.getVertex((startIndex + indexOffset + 1) % neighbor.getNumberOfEdges());
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1Prev, v2Prev, largeRadius - smallRadius, prevTriangleSphere);
EuclidGeometryTools.sphere3DPositionFromThreePoints(v0, v1Next, v2Next, largeRadius - smallRadius, nextTriangleSphere);
edgeCenter.add(v0, v2Prev);
return meshes;
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toVertexPartialSphere(Vertex3DReadOnly vertex, Vector3DReadOnly limitC, Point3DReadOnly commonEdgeCenter,
double commonEdgeLength, Point3DReadOnly sphereA, Point3DReadOnly sphereB, double largeRadius,
double smallRadius, boolean addVerticesMesh)
Vector3D sphereAToEdge = new Vector3D();
sphereAToEdge.sub(commonEdgeCenter, sphereA);
Vector3D sphereBToEdge = new Vector3D();
sphereBToEdge.sub(commonEdgeCenter, sphereB);
Vector3D testWinding = new Vector3D();
testWinding.cross(sphereAToEdge, sphereBToEdge);
boolean flip = > 0.0;
double radius = EuclidGeometryTools.triangleIsoscelesHeight(largeRadius - smallRadius, commonEdgeLength);
Vector3D sphereToEdge = new Vector3D();
Point3D sphereCenter = new Point3D();
Vector3D limitAB = new Vector3D();
DoubleFunction limitABFunction = alpha ->
if (flip)
alpha = 1.0 - alpha;
sphereToEdge.interpolate(sphereAToEdge, sphereBToEdge, alpha);
sphereToEdge.scale(radius / sphereToEdge.norm());
sphereCenter.sub(commonEdgeCenter, sphereToEdge);
limitAB.sub(vertex, sphereCenter);
return limitAB;
return toPartialSphereMesh(vertex, limitABFunction, limitC, smallRadius, 16, false);
private static Vector3DReadOnly directionNeighborSubSphereToVertex(Vertex3DReadOnly vertex, Face3DReadOnly neighbor, double largeRadius, double smallRadius)
int edgeIndex = neighbor.getVertices().indexOf(vertex);
Vector3D direction = new Vector3D();
direction.sub(vertex, computeNeighborFaceSubSphereCenter(neighbor.getEdge(edgeIndex), largeRadius, smallRadius));
return direction;
public static List toSegmentedLine3DMesh(Point3DReadOnly arcCenter, Vector3DReadOnly arcNormal, double arcRadius, double thickness,
Vector3DReadOnly startDirection, double angleSpan, int resolution, int radialResolution)
SegmentedLine3DTriangleMeshFactory generator = new SegmentedLine3DTriangleMeshFactory(resolution, radialResolution);
AxisAngle axisAngle = new AxisAngle(arcNormal, 0.0);
Vector3D direction = new Vector3D();
Point3D[] points = new Point3D[resolution];
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
axisAngle.setAngle(angleSpan * i / (resolution - 1.0));
axisAngle.transform(startDirection, direction);
Point3D point = new Point3D();
point.scaleAdd(arcRadius, direction, arcCenter);
points[i] = point;
return Arrays.asList(generator.getTriangleMesh3DDefinitions());
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toPartialSphereMesh(Point3DReadOnly sphereCenter, Tuple3DReadOnly limitA, Tuple3DReadOnly limitB,
Tuple3DReadOnly limitC, double sphereRadius, int resolution)
return toPartialSphereMesh(sphereCenter, limitA, limitB, limitC, sphereRadius, resolution, false);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toPartialSphereMesh(Point3DReadOnly sphereCenter, Tuple3DReadOnly limitA, Tuple3DReadOnly limitB,
Tuple3DReadOnly limitC, double sphereRadius, int resolution, boolean addVerticesMesh)
return toPartialSphereMesh(sphereCenter,
alpha -> interpolateVector3D(limitA, limitB, alpha),
alpha -> interpolateVector3D(limitB, limitC, alpha),
alpha -> interpolateVector3D(limitC, limitA, alpha),
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toPartialSphereMesh(Point3DReadOnly sphereCenter, DoubleFunction extends Tuple3DReadOnly> limitABFunction,
Tuple3DReadOnly limitC, double sphereRadius, int resolution, boolean addVerticesMesh)
Vector3D limitA = new Vector3D(limitABFunction.apply(0.0));
Vector3D limitB = new Vector3D(limitABFunction.apply(1.0));
return toPartialSphereMesh(sphereCenter,
alpha -> interpolateVector3D(limitB, limitC, alpha),
alpha -> interpolateVector3D(limitC, limitA, alpha),
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toPartialSphereMesh(Point3DReadOnly sphereCenter, DoubleFunction extends Tuple3DReadOnly> limitABFunction,
DoubleFunction extends Tuple3DReadOnly> limitBCFunction,
DoubleFunction extends Tuple3DReadOnly> limitCAFunction, double sphereRadius, int resolution,
boolean addVerticesMesh)
List points = new ArrayList<>();
List normals = new ArrayList<>();
List textPoints = new ArrayList<>();
Point3D limitAB = new Point3D();
for (int longitude = 0; longitude < resolution - 1; longitude++)
double longitudeAlpha = longitude / (resolution - 1.0);
int latitudeResolution = (int) Math.round(EuclidCoreTools.interpolate(resolution, 1, longitudeAlpha));
{ // latitude = 0, point is on AC limit
Vector3D32 direction = new Vector3D32();
direction.set(limitCAFunction.apply(1.0 - longitudeAlpha));
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
point.scaleAdd(sphereRadius, direction, sphereCenter);
textPoints.add(new Point2D32((float) longitudeAlpha, 0.0f));
for (int latitude = 1; latitude < latitudeResolution - 1; latitude++)
double latitudeAlpha = latitude / (latitudeResolution - 1.0);
Vector3D32 direction = new Vector3D32();
direction.interpolate(limitAB, limitCAFunction.apply(0.0), longitudeAlpha);
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
point.scaleAdd(sphereRadius, direction, sphereCenter);
textPoints.add(new Point2D32((float) longitudeAlpha, (float) latitudeAlpha));
{ // latitude = latitudeResolution - 1, point is on BC limit
Vector3D32 direction = new Vector3D32();
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
point.scaleAdd(sphereRadius, direction, sphereCenter);
textPoints.add(new Point2D32((float) longitudeAlpha, 1.0f));
{ // Last vertex lies on limitC
Vector3D32 direction = new Vector3D32();
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
point.scaleAdd(sphereRadius, direction, sphereCenter);
textPoints.add(new Point2D32(1.0f, 1.0f));
TIntArrayList triangleIndices = new TIntArrayList();
int nextLatitudeResolution = resolution;
int longitudeStartIndex = 0;
for (int longitude = 0; longitude < resolution - 1; longitude++)
int latitudeResolution = nextLatitudeResolution;
nextLatitudeResolution = (int) Math.round(EuclidCoreTools.interpolate(resolution, 1, (longitude + 1.0) / (resolution - 1.0)));
int nextLongitudeStartIndex = longitudeStartIndex + latitudeResolution;
for (int latitude = 0; latitude < latitudeResolution - 1; latitude++)
if (latitude < nextLatitudeResolution)
triangleIndices.add(longitudeStartIndex + latitude);
triangleIndices.add(nextLongitudeStartIndex + latitude);
triangleIndices.add(longitudeStartIndex + latitude + 1);
if (latitude < nextLatitudeResolution - 1)
triangleIndices.add(nextLongitudeStartIndex + latitude);
triangleIndices.add(nextLongitudeStartIndex + latitude + 1);
triangleIndices.add(longitudeStartIndex + latitude + 1);
longitudeStartIndex += latitudeResolution;
TriangleMesh3DDefinition partialSphereMesh = new TriangleMesh3DDefinition(points.toArray(new Point3D32[0]),
textPoints.toArray(new Point2D32[0]),
normals.toArray(new Vector3D32[0]),
if (!addVerticesMesh)
return partialSphereMesh;
TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] meshes = new TriangleMesh3DDefinition[1 + points.size()];
meshes[0] = partialSphereMesh;
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
meshes[i + 1] = translate(Tetrahedron(0.005), points.get(i));
return combine(true, false, meshes);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition toArcPointsAndNormals(Point3DReadOnly arcPosition, double arcRadius, Vector3DReadOnly startDirection,
Vector3DReadOnly endDirection, int resolution)
Point3D32[] points = new Point3D32[resolution];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[resolution];
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
double alpha = i / (resolution - 1.0);
Vector3D32 direction = new Vector3D32();
direction.interpolate(startDirection, endDirection, alpha);
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32();
point.scaleAdd(arcRadius, direction, arcPosition);
points[i] = point;
normals[i] = direction;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition(points, null, normals, null);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition applyRevolution(TriangleMesh3DDefinition subMesh, Point3DReadOnly rotationCenter, Vector3DReadOnly rotationAxis,
double startAngle, double endAngle, int resolution, boolean addVerticesMesh)
int subMeshSize = subMesh.getVertices().length;
Point3D32[] points = new Point3D32[resolution * subMeshSize];
Vector3D32[] normals = new Vector3D32[resolution * subMeshSize];
Point2D32[] textPoints = new Point2D32[resolution * subMeshSize];
AxisAngle rotation = new AxisAngle();
for (int revIndex = 0; revIndex < resolution; revIndex++)
double angle = EuclidCoreTools.interpolate(startAngle, endAngle, revIndex / (resolution - 1.0));
for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < subMeshSize; meshIndex++)
Point3D32 point = new Point3D32(subMesh.getVertices()[meshIndex]);
Vector3D32 normal = new Vector3D32(subMesh.getNormals()[meshIndex]);
points[revIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex] = point;
normals[revIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex] = normal;
textPoints[revIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex] = new Point2D32(revIndex / (resolution - 1.0f), meshIndex / (subMeshSize - 1.0f));
int numberOfTriangles = 2 * resolution * subMeshSize;
int[] triangleIndices = new int[3 * numberOfTriangles];
int index = 0;
for (int revIndex = 0; revIndex < resolution - 1; revIndex++)
for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < subMeshSize - 1; meshIndex++)
int nextRevIndex = revIndex + 1;
int nextMeshIndex = meshIndex + 1;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextRevIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextRevIndex * subMeshSize + nextMeshIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = revIndex * subMeshSize + nextMeshIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = nextRevIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = revIndex * subMeshSize + nextMeshIndex;
triangleIndices[index++] = revIndex * subMeshSize + meshIndex;
TriangleMesh3DDefinition partialSphereMesh = new TriangleMesh3DDefinition(points, textPoints, normals, triangleIndices);
if (!addVerticesMesh)
return partialSphereMesh;
TriangleMesh3DDefinition[] meshes = new TriangleMesh3DDefinition[1 + points.length];
meshes[0] = partialSphereMesh;
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
meshes[i + 1] = translate(Tetrahedron(0.005), points[i]);
return combine(true, false, meshes);
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition rotate(TriangleMesh3DDefinition in, Orientation3DReadOnly rotation)
for (Point3D32 vertex : in.getVertices())
for (Vector3D32 normal : in.getNormals())
return in;
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition translate(TriangleMesh3DDefinition in, Tuple3DReadOnly translation)
for (Point3D32 vertex : in.getVertices())
return in;
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition combine(boolean adjustTriangleIndices, boolean deepCopy, TriangleMesh3DDefinition... definitions)
return combine(adjustTriangleIndices, deepCopy, Arrays.asList(definitions));
public static TriangleMesh3DDefinition combine(boolean adjustTriangleIndices, boolean deepCopy, Collection definitions)
int outVertexSize = 0;
int outTextureSize = 0;
int outNormalSize = 0;
int outIndexSize = 0;
for (TriangleMesh3DDefinition definition : definitions)
outVertexSize += definition.getVertices() != null ? definition.getVertices().length : 0;
outTextureSize += definition.getTextures() != null ? definition.getTextures().length : 0;
outNormalSize += definition.getNormals() != null ? definition.getNormals().length : 0;
outIndexSize += definition.getTriangleIndices() != null ? definition.getTriangleIndices().length : 0;
Point3D32[] outVertices = new Point3D32[outVertexSize];
Point2D32[] outTextures = new Point2D32[outTextureSize];
Vector3D32[] outNormals = new Vector3D32[outNormalSize];
int[] outIndices = new int[outIndexSize];
int vertexIndex = 0;
int textureIndex = 0;
int normalIndex = 0;
int indexIndex = 0;
for (TriangleMesh3DDefinition definition : definitions)
Point3D32[] inVertices = definition.getVertices();
Point2D32[] inTextures = definition.getTextures();
Vector3D32[] inNormals = definition.getNormals();
int[] inIndices = definition.getTriangleIndices();
if (inVertices != null)
if (deepCopy)
for (Point3D32 vertex : inVertices)
outVertices[vertexIndex++] = new Point3D32(vertex);
System.arraycopy(inVertices, 0, outVertices, vertexIndex, inVertices.length);
vertexIndex += inVertices.length;
if (inTextures != null)
if (deepCopy)
for (Point2D32 texture : inTextures)
outTextures[textureIndex++] = new Point2D32(texture);
System.arraycopy(inTextures, 0, outTextures, textureIndex, inTextures.length);
textureIndex += inTextures.length;
if (inNormals != null)
if (deepCopy)
for (Vector3D32 normal : inNormals)
outNormals[normalIndex++] = new Vector3D32(normal);
System.arraycopy(inNormals, 0, outNormals, normalIndex, inNormals.length);
normalIndex += inNormals.length;
if (inIndices != null)
System.arraycopy(inIndices, 0, outIndices, indexIndex, inIndices.length);
indexIndex += inIndices.length;
if (adjustTriangleIndices && definitions.size() > 1)
Iterator iterator = definitions.iterator();
TriangleMesh3DDefinition definition =;
int shift = definition.getVertices().length;
int startIndex = definition.getTriangleIndices().length;
while (iterator.hasNext())
definition =;
int endIndex = startIndex + definition.getTriangleIndices().length;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
outIndices[i] += shift;
shift += definition.getVertices().length;
startIndex = endIndex;
return new TriangleMesh3DDefinition(outVertices, outTextures, outNormals, outIndices);
public static Vector3D newOrthogonalVector(Vector3DReadOnly referenceVector)
Vector3D orthogonal = new Vector3D();
// Purposefully picking a large tolerance to ensure sanity of the cross-product.
if (Math.abs(referenceVector.getY()) > 0.1 || Math.abs(referenceVector.getZ()) > 0.1)
orthogonal.set(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
orthogonal.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
return orthogonal;
public static Vector3D interpolateVector3D(Tuple3DReadOnly tuple0, Tuple3DReadOnly tuplef, double alpha)
Vector3D interpolated = new Vector3D();
interpolated.interpolate(tuple0, tuplef, alpha);
return interpolated;
* Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
* This method runs in linear time.
* @param array the array whose elements are to be reversed.
public static void reverse(Object[] array)
for (int i = 0, mid = array.length >> 1, j = array.length - 1; i < mid; i++, j--)
Object oldCoefficient_i = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = oldCoefficient_i;