us.ihmc.simulationconstructionset.SliderJoint Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package us.ihmc.simulationconstructionset;
import us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Vector3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Tuple3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.interfaces.Vector3DReadOnly;
import us.ihmc.simulationconstructionset.physics.engine.featherstone.SliderJointPhysics;
import us.ihmc.yoVariables.registry.YoRegistry;
import us.ihmc.yoVariables.variable.YoDouble;
* Title: Simulation Construction Set
* Description: Package for Simulating Dynamic Robots and Mechanisms. A translational joint with a
* single degree of freedom. This joint allows motion up and down the specified joint axis. This is
* a fundamental joint type which is currently used in the implementation of cylinder joint.
* @author Jerry Pratt
* @version Beta 1.0
public class SliderJoint extends OneDegreeOfFreedomJoint
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1364230363983913667L;
private final YoRegistry registry;
protected YoDouble q, qd, qdd, tau;
public YoDouble tauJointLimit, tauDamping;
// private int axis;
public Vector3D vTranslate = new Vector3D();
public double q_min = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, q_max = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, k_limit, b_limit, b_damp = 0.0, f_stiction = 0.0;
* Creates a new slider joint and adds it to the specified robot. This method allows the joint axis
* to be defined by a vector, u_hat.
* @param jname name of this joint
* @param offset Vector3d defining the offset from the robot origin to the joint
* @param rob Robot to which this joint belongs
* @param axis Vector3d defining the joint axis in world coordinates
public SliderJoint(String jname, Tuple3DReadOnly offset, Robot rob, Vector3DReadOnly axis)
super(jname, offset, rob);
physics = new SliderJointPhysics(this);
registry = rob.getRobotsYoRegistry();
q = new YoDouble("q_" + jname, "Slider joint displacement", registry);
qd = new YoDouble("qd_" + jname, "Slider joint linear velocity", registry);
qdd = new YoDouble("qdd_" + jname, "Slider joint linear acceleration", registry);
tau = new YoDouble("tau_" + jname, "Slider joint torque", registry);
physics.u_i = new Vector3D(axis);
this.setSliderTransform3D(jointTransform3D, physics.u_i);
* This function updates the transform, velocity, and joint axis. If specified the graphics are also
* updated, however, this is nolonger the primary means of graphics updates.
protected void update()
this.setSliderTransform3D(jointTransform3D, physics.u_i, q.getDoubleValue()); // axis,q.val);
* Allows the definition of positional limit stops for this joint. These limits are enforced via
* torques applied based on the given spring and damping coefficients.
* @param q_min minimum position for this joint
* @param q_max maximum position for this joint
* @param k_limit spring constant used in torque calculations
* @param b_limit damping constant used in torque calculations
public void setLimitStops(double q_min, double q_max, double k_limit, double b_limit)
if (tauJointLimit == null)
tauJointLimit = new YoDouble("tau_joint_limit_" + name, "SliderJoint limit stop torque", registry);
this.q_min = q_min;
this.q_max = q_max;
this.k_limit = k_limit;
this.b_limit = b_limit;
public void setDampingParameterOnly(double b_damp) // Hack for Gazebo
this.b_damp = b_damp;
* Sets a global velocity damping constant. This will generate a damping torque at all times.
* @param b_damp new damping constant
public void setDamping(double b_damp)
if (tauDamping == null)
tauDamping = new YoDouble("tau_damp_" + name, "SliderJoint damping torque", registry);
this.b_damp = b_damp;
public void setStiction(double f_stiction)
if (tauDamping == null)
tauDamping = new YoDouble("tau_damp_" + name, "SliderJoint damping torque", registry);
this.f_stiction = f_stiction;
* Sets the initial velocity and position for this joint.
* @param q_init initial position
* @param qd_init initial velocity
public void setInitialState(double q_init, double qd_init)
public void setQ(double q)
if (Double.isNaN(q))
throw new RuntimeException("q = NaN.");
public void setQd(double qd)
if (Double.isNaN(qd))
throw new RuntimeException("qd = NaN.");
* Retrieves the current velocity and position storing those values into the provided double array.
* The position is store at index 0 while the velocity is stored at index 1.
* @param state array in which the state is to be stored
public void getState(double[] state)
state[0] = q.getDoubleValue();
state[1] = qd.getDoubleValue();
* Sets the current torque at this joint.
* @param tau torque to be applied
public void setTau(double tau)
if (Double.isNaN(tau))
throw new RuntimeException("tau = NaN.");
* Retrieves the current position of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current position
public YoDouble getQYoVariable()
return q;
* Retrieves the current position of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current position
public double getQ()
return q.getDoubleValue();
* Retrieves the current velocity of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current velocity
public YoDouble getQDYoVariable()
return qd;
* Retrieves the current velocity of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current velocity
public double getQD()
return qd.getDoubleValue();
* Retrieves the current acceleration of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current acceleration
public YoDouble getQDDYoVariable()
return qdd;
* Retrieves the current acceleration of this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the current acceleration
public double getQDD()
return qdd.getDoubleValue();
* Retrieves the torque currently applied at this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the currently applied torque
public YoDouble getTauYoVariable()
return tau;
* Retrieves the torque currently applied at this joint.
* @return YoVariable representing the currently applied torque.
public double getTau()
return tau.getDoubleValue();
* public static Transform3D sliderTransform3D(int axis) { return sliderTransform3D(axis,0.0); }
* public static Transform3D sliderTransform3D(int axis, double transVal) { Transform3D tTranslate =
* new Transform3D(); setSliderTransform3D(tTranslate,axis,transVal); return tTranslate; }
* Updates the transformation matrix based on the provided joint axis. This function assumes a joint
* translation of zero.
* @param tTranslate Transform3D in which the calculated data will be stored.
* @param u_i Vector3d representing the joint axis
protected void setSliderTransform3D(RigidBodyTransform tTranslate, Vector3D u_i) // int axis)
setSliderTransform3D(tTranslate, u_i, 0.0); // axis, u_i);//0.0);
* Updates the provided transformation matrix based on the given joint axis and joint translation.
* @param tTranslate Transform3D in which the data is to be stored
* @param u_i Vector3d representing the joint axis
* @param transVal distance translated along the joint axis
protected void setSliderTransform3D(RigidBodyTransform tTranslate, Vector3D u_i, double transVal) // int axis, double transVal)
// double x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
* if (axis == Axis.X) vTranslate.x=transVal; else if (axis == Axis.Y) vTranslate.y=transVal; else
* if (axis == Axis.Z) vTranslate.z=transVal; else return;
// Transform3D tTranslate = new Transform3D();
// vTranslate.x = x; vTranslate.y = y; vTranslate.z = z;
// return tTranslate;
public void setQdd(double qdd)
if (Double.isNaN(qdd))
throw new RuntimeException("qdd = NaN.");
public double getDamping()
return b_damp;
public double getTorqueLimit()
// Torque limit not implemented
public double getVelocityLimit()
public double getJointUpperLimit()
return q_max;
public double getJointLowerLimit()
return q_min;
public double getJointStiction()
return f_stiction;